Paint.NET :: Unable To Find Octagonal / Quad Reshape Plugin
Apr 14, 2013
I have searched and I can't seem to find the plugin for the Glass Vase Tutorial. The plugin that I did find apparently doesn't have the Octagonal reshape part in it anymore. Is there a way I can get this plugin as the tutorial requires it?
For some strange reason i can't find a plugin that does inline/inner selection.
the inverse of Outline selection plugin. Were i can find it or how can i implement it without a plugin.
i have a workaround for simple and not complex selections, using resize selections etc.. but it takes long time to implement, and it does not work for complex selection shapes.
I downloaded and installed the Shaped Gradient Plugin from here:
Installed in the Effects folder as per usual.
When I restarted PDN (several times) and I just can't seem to find where the plugin is. I have been through the Effects and submenus with a fine tooth comb each time but it's not there....
Using Paint.NET v3.5.10 (Final Release build 3.510.4297.28964)
I try to put the Ferrari image in the square, but the square is "crooked". How I can put the ferrari image occupying the entire space of square?. I have tried to rotate it, but it is wrong, I have to stretch the ends.
I'm after a plugin similar to Evans effects but one that will allow me to fit a shape to an area on the image. I've tried Evan's quad plugin but you get a separate window so trying to fit the perspective is almost impossible and everytime I try I end up getting curves in the picture. What I want is to modify the perspective on the actual image and not have to deal with the image producing curves. As an example here's what I'm after (it was done for me in photoshop by a friend for a cabinet I'm working on), which I presume has an effect to do this easily:
Does any one know where I can Find the Photoshop CC ScriptingListener Plugin? I have CS6 but I need CC . It's a new Version and I feel its probably not a good Idea to use the old version(CS6).
I checked exchange in PS CC and could not find either the russell brown watercolor or oil-paint plugins... I watched the youtube video and it showed them there when he was doing a tutorial, but when I went to look all I found of his was paper textures.
Also, I went to his "Dr. Brown" web site and I found them there, and I downloaed them to my mac, but the installer does not install them.
So I got the new visual studio 2012 ultimate but cannot find the Autocad plugin template when making new projects even when switching to .NET 4.0..I do have the latest ObjectARX and the API Wizard and the plugin works find on VS 2010 too.
I am trying to draw an octagonal luminaire arm with a slight taper for a light pole by sweeping along a polyline profile. Sometimes it lets me do it, most of the time it doesn't. I can do a scaled sweep along a straight path and an unscaled sweep along a curved path, but I cannot do a scaled sweep along a curved path.
i have a photoshop cs6 and im trying to find a plugin that creates Kaleidoscopes. I have been looking at Kaleidoscope 2.1 version however its only made for windows and not for cs6!
find a plugin that i can download, or knows anywhere that helds them.. i dont mind paying for it
I'm running a trial version of Photoshop CS6 Extended and can't find the WYSIWYG plug-in for my Matrox device which I think I should be able to access via File>Export.
I've reinstalled the drivers for my device so it shouldn't be that.Could it be that this feature isn't supported in trial versions?
I added a new tag to a large batch of photos which then needed to be re-upoaded. It was taking a very long time and about halfway through, I got an error. I started the Publish funtion again and all was fine, but then again with a handful of photos left, I got the error. This time the Publish function didn't move anything and I just got the error. Even after removing the new tag from the remaining photos, I am unable to use the plugin to upload any new photos to my flickr account. I use the flickr library within LR as part of my organization strategy and really don't want to use any other uploader.
The error message in question: Flickr API returned an error message (function, message Bad URL found)
I'm trying to update my Smugmug Publish Plugin from version to the current I keep getting the message "Unable to perform Plugin Update. Failed to move the old plugin out of the way."
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 and my operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm trying to put together a film, including some sequences which have been filmed on an IPad (I think) for which the aspect ratio is a thin vertical rectangle. I would like to change the shape to a horizontal rectangle by removing segments at the top and bottom.
i have a video footage of an item that was dented, and we would like to make it straight, is that possible? is there a way to reshape an item in smoke?
If I type text along the edge of a circle, how do I make the text "stick" to the circle and move with it when I resize that circle? The same would go for any shape.
I have downloaded and extracted dpy's pack in order to use the perspective tool to correct converging verticals. When I click on Effects > Distort there is a 20+ list but none for perspective. I am a Newbie and have successfully downloaded and used Madjic's pack to create a grid. What have I done or not done?
Now is there anyway to select all those edges and reshape all at the same time to get to that shape drawn in the article (The first photo I have posted) ?
Second problem:
I don't understand this: [URL]
What does the article mean by "Nodes Tool"? It's written there that I should draw a triangle using the polygon tool and then using Nodes tool > Make selected nodes symmetric I will get that shape in the photo above, But I cannot find neither the Nodes tool nor the symmetric nodes option I'm using Adobe Illustrator CC
I'm completely new to this program, so honestly i don't understand almost nothing: i've bought a model of a human person in .Max format, which showed in the description ans screenshots that was rigged, but i'm completely unable to find the rig in the model or the tool to show it, and being in a hurry doesn'twork.
whenever I try to run Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 with Gamebryo, and I use 'attach to process' debugging with Visual Studio, I get the error message "unable to find any plug-ins at: C:Gamebryo..." in 3ds Max.
Then, when 3ds Max opens up and I click on an icon such as Gamebryo Export, Gamebryo Preview, etc, I get the error message " syntax error: at /, expected <factor> in line: "Gamebryo/NiMaxOptions.h"// " in Maxscript. For example, for the Gamebryo-AutoPreview.mcr file, that message shows up on the line
[code] DoGamebryoView(-1)[/code]
If I then include NiMaxOptions.h in the Gamebryo-Export.mcr file, like below, I get the error message: "syntax error at /, expected <factor> In line: include "Gamebryo/NiMaxOptions.h"//
Is there a plugin that can take an image and kind of break it down if you will? Like when you see a "Dirty" font, it's like a regular font that has cracks and holes in it that gives it a broken down, grungy type of feel, is there a plugin or an effect for that, or even just a simple way of doing it?
I am currently texturing for a game called Morrowind, for my own personal use, but i noticed some of the texture which i need to acess are saved in a file called .DDS and I saw one plugin for it but I couldnt figure out how to install it.
OK, my friend has an iPhone and he has a photo program that let's you select a color (such as red) and take a photo. When it comes out, everything that is normally red will be red, but anything else will be gray (b&w)
Is there a plugin that will allow you to do a post-processing to a photo like this?
I've tried to download the Photoshop CS6 Extended trial, but it was missing from the download assistant, so I just downloaded the version that was available, the 3D feature was missing, which is one of the only reasons I decided to get the trail for Extended, it's not grayed out, it's just simply not there.
My PC's specs are: Windows 8 Professional 64bit, CPU is an AMD FX-4100 Quad Core, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550ti,