Paint.NET :: Controlling For Different Lighting In Two Medical Images Of Same Subject

Feb 23, 2012

How to use existing PainNet program or plugin features to solve the following problem? Sometimes in publishing of medical research, we need to show the changes in a patient's appearance over time. Inevitably, the two photos will be in different lighting. For example, the current photo may be in the flourescent light of a hospital while the older photo may be in the incandescent light of a patient's home.

I have tried a method to identify the darkest pixel in a feature common to both pictures (for example, eyebrows) with the following results:

New photo: R:48 G:34 B:30

Old photo: R:45 G:43 B:40

So, how should I adjust the old photo? Simply add either the relative or absolute difference between the channels above to the entire photo? Is there a plugin that supports this? I looked at ColorMatch and ScriptLab, but did not see a solution.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Controlling Lighting Direction For Shaded Views

Oct 27, 2011

I've been running into issues in IV 2010 with the shading where I need to show a part in a perspective view on my IDWs and depending on the angle I rotate to the majority of the part is shown in shadow. It's frustrating because I need to show a feature in that particular orientation, but the whole part looks dark.

Especially when I am showing left and right mirrored parts. One side always seems to end up dark. FYI I almost never show the material as a texture map in my part drawings so I use white as the color default because I am simply trying to get across the shape of the part in a shaded 3D view. These don't really serve as renderings to me per say. Is there any way to control the light source direction for custom views in terms of shading? Could I make it more of an ambient light or similar to the Global Light Style in Inventor Studio.

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Paint.NET :: Cut Subject Out Of Image?

Feb 26, 2012

I am a brand new user of Paint.Net.......Using Windows Vista home edition.

Here is my thing. I have 2 jpg images. The first image is of a badger walking in some grass, the second image is of the front of my friend's house. What I want to do is "cut out" the badger from the first image, then "superimpose" this on the second image so it looks like the badger is walking past my friend's house. By cut out the badger I mean I just want the badger in the final image, not with all the grass around him that's in the original image.

Does Paint.Net have the functionality to do this?

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Photoshop :: Matching Lighting From Two Different Images?

Oct 4, 2013

I want to use Refine Edge to move a person from one image to another. That part I can do, however, once the person is placed into the new environment, I want to adjust the person so he looks like he actualy belongs in that image. I want to adjust the lighting, shadows, etc. Is the Levels Tool the best tool for matching lighting?

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Photoshop :: Matching Lighting Of 2 Different Images

Jun 16, 2006

How would I go about matching these images, i would like the two on the left to look similar to the two on the right (so I can cut out the images on the left and place them in the photo on the right).

I have had a tinker around with the lighting effects but the pictures still look quite different.

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Paint.NET :: Add Lighting Effects To Image

Apr 21, 2012

Is it possible to add an effect to this image which looks light stage lighting as used in concert with the image appearing behind the lighting?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add More Image Based Lighting Images Besides The One Come Installed

Feb 19, 2013

Can I add more Image based lighting images besides the one come installed such as (old warehouse, dry salt bed)?

If yes how could i do it

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Place Subject Onto Different Background?

Oct 8, 2013

I am using Photoshop CS6. I would like to place the dog onto the daisy field background so that it appears like he is sitting natrually in the field.

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Photoshop :: Resizing Subject From A Different Picture

May 28, 2013

I trying to add subject from different pictures into one picture (as shown in the picture attached). the problem that I have is: when I drag one subject to another picture, the subject come bigger than the subject in the new picture.

How can I resize the subject picture so it would have the same height as the other subject (as shown in the picture attached).

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Photoshop :: Making Subject Darker

Jul 16, 2006

I want to give the person in my photo a nice little tan, i added a new layer and filled it with a nice brown, that gave her the tan i was looking for but it also made everything else tan.

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Photoshop :: How To Put Text Behind A Subject In A Photo

Oct 13, 2005

how to put text behind a subject in a photo so that it looks like the person is standing in front of the text.

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Photoshop :: Making Pic B&W, Then Recolor Subject

Jan 1, 2004

Way back I did this but now cannot duplicate it. I'm using PS 5.0. I changed a photo to B&W and then I think I used the eraser to change my granddaughter back to the 'colored' version. It's like what is done in a TV commercial.

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Photoshop :: Create Mask Around Subject?

May 11, 2006

I have a picture of my Dog that I took in front of out old house. It has cars and other junk in the background.

Is there any way I can create a mask around my Dog so that I can cut out that portion and paste it onto a better background ?

Coming from a background in Micrografx Picture Publisher (which is no longer made) in that program all I had to do was:

1)define a basic mask

2)click on the edit mask tool

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After Effects :: How To Apply Effect To Just Subject In CS6

Jun 20, 2013

I would like to add an effect to just a person in front of a green screen.  I've created an adjustment layer that produces the effect and placed it above the footage layer. How can I have the effect just apply to the actor and not carry over and fill the rest of the screen?
After Effects CS6
Premiere Pro CS6

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After Effects :: How To Keep A Subject From Being Affected By A Mask

Mar 9, 2014

i have a shot in an office where i have a subject walking in front of some really bright windows.  i added an adjustment layer and made 6 mask squares over the windows and brought down the brightness a bit.  of course when the subject walks in front of those windows you can see the shaded mask on him.
im not sure what you call it but what do i do to him to keep the mask from showing on him? 
not sure if i should make another thread but ill ask this as well in the same shot because of the bright windows originally the rest of the scene inside the office is dark.  how do i brighten the rest of the scene without affecting the windows?  i tried duplicating the adjustment layer with the 6 masks and inverting them so i can brighten everything but windows but no matter what i did i couldnt get it to work. 

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Photoshop :: Lighten A Background Without Masking Subject?

Oct 2, 2012

I have about 100 images similar to the example below where the background is a neutral grey, darker at the edges then becoming lighter as it reaches the image subject. I'm looking for a way to lighten the grey background without have to mask the item in the center.

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Photoshop :: How To Convert A Picture To Just Outline Of Subject

Apr 28, 2013

how to take a regular picture and turn it into just an outline, using PS 9?

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Photoshop :: Black Spot In Over Subject With Glasses Eye

Sep 18, 2011

I am by no means very professiant in photoshop, but do know a thing or two. I took several pictures of my daughter (who wears glasses) and there is a black spot over one eye. I am assuming that it has something to do with glare from the flash on the glasses. I have photoshop elements 7.

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Photoshop :: How To Select Foreground Subject In PSCS

Apr 12, 2005

I have a number of pictures where background is dull or boring while subjects in foreground are lively. So I want to switch the background with lets say a plane color with some gradient to give it a studio appearence.

The first problem I have is to select the foreground subject sharply, much difficut because of hairline etc.
So how can I select my subject in the most easy way so that outlines are sharp & none of the details are missing.

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Illustrator :: Any File New Or Existing Is Subject To Freeze

Dec 11, 2013

Since installing Maverick I have encountered a problem with Illustrator CS6. Any file new or existing is subject to freezing. It usually occurs when I try to drag an object from one place to another within the file while working on a project. It can happen at anytime and I'm unable to save the work. I have to Force quit Illustrator and in most cases restart the computer ( 12 month imac).

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Imprint Subject Name On Photo

Oct 3, 2012

I am involved in a major project where i need to imprint the subject's name on the photo. They will be posted on the city web site and on poster collage. Is this something I can do in Elements 9? There will be aaproximately 2000 photos.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Photos By Subject Rather Than By Date

Sep 5, 2013

Lightroom imports my photos into folders by date. I want to import photos into folders by subject. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: What Tool / Method To Reclaim The Darkened Subject

Feb 21, 2013

What tool what method can I use to reclaim this darkened subject? I attempted to use the lasso tool to snag the subject then used the 'shadow/highlight' tool to adjust. Though the details are intact within the subject the results were less than acceptable.

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GIMP :: Replicating Part Of Subject / Object In Image?

May 2, 2012

I have been using GIMp to do some basic things but have recent got a but stuck on how to best replicate part of a subject/object in an image. for example

I have an image of a corner of a building with the wall on the left and right, and sky at the top of the image. I would like to extend one of the walls out to extend the width of the image and also replicate the sky.

The walls are on a slight angle so I can not simply do a retangle block and copy/paste, also when I do this on the sky, the gradients of the paste dont match up nicely.

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GIMP :: Change Colour Of Selected Subject Not The Background

Apr 8, 2013

If I have a red flower on a multi-coloured background, and I want to make the background black. I select the flower using the magic scissors (tried selecting by colour but nothing happened), invert, then whichever method I follow to achieve the black background, it's always the flower that changes colour, not the background. I've tried not inverting it, it gives the same result. I can only change the colour of the selected subject, not the background. I have followed all the steps in different tutorials, always with the same result. GIMP 2.8.4.

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Background So That Only Subject Remains?

Apr 15, 2013

In Elements 11, how do I remoeve the background so that only a subject remains?

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Paint.NET :: How To Add Transparent Images To Other Images

Apr 24, 2011

I’ve been looking for over 2 hours now how to do this and I’m still no better off, however I have learnt a few tips here and there,so I’m totally new to gfx stuff but i know how to make an image transparent.

i want the logo on the image but i dont understand how too?? ( with out getting all the grey and white boxes (around the logo on the greenhouse pic which goes white once i save it) i want the image background to still be there.

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Photoshop :: Blur Background Layer Without Creating (halo) Around Subject?

Aug 7, 2012

I have a picture of a baseball player with grandstands and spectators in the background. To focus attention on the subject, I want to blur and slightly darken everything but the player (subject).
So I duplicated the background layer and created a mask over the player. Then I selected the background layer, added lens blur, and darkened it.
The problem is that this step blurs the image of the subject in the background, causing it to extend out beyond the masked image of the subject on the foreground layer, creating a ghostly "halo" effect.
I've tried creating an inverted mask on the background layer, but that doesn't work.
Photoshop PS6, Windows 7

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GIMP :: How To Create A Mask That Leaves Detail Of The Hair Of Subject

Mar 15, 2011

Ive been looking through various tutorials on how to create a mask that leaves the detail of the hair of the subject in

It seems all the tutorials I have looked at choose a subject with jet black hair, invert it, and hey presto, job done

Unfortunately, all my kids have got fair hair, and no matter what I try, find it almost indistinguishable from the background

How to do this, cos im losing my mind trying to paint strands of hair in and having the result look like Ive cut the image out of a magazine with a pair of left handed scissors (im right handed!)

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GIMP :: Make Background Vibrant WHITE That Surrounds The Subject?

Jun 18, 2013

Wondering how you can get those beautiful portraits with a black background that kind of washes over the subject as well? Sort of fading into the darkness.


How to make your background that vibrant WHITE that surrounds the subject?

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Photoshop Elements :: Converting Background To B&W Leaving Subject In Colour

Dec 15, 2013

I want to edit a photo of a car so that the car remains in colour and the background changes to black and white (or should I say mono?). I have seen this several times and wanted to have a go myself. I understand that it can be done in Elements using layers?

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