GIMP :: Make Background Vibrant WHITE That Surrounds The Subject?
Jun 18, 2013
Wondering how you can get those beautiful portraits with a black background that kind of washes over the subject as well? Sort of fading into the darkness.
How to make your background that vibrant WHITE that surrounds the subject?
I have a black and white png image. I want to make the white background transparent. I can select the white background by color, but then how do I make it transparent?
I am taking photo's of jewellery on a white background which shows as anything on a color scale from light blue through to grey. How can I make all my background colors the same shade of white.
If I have a red flower on a multi-coloured background, and I want to make the background black. I select the flower using the magic scissors (tried selecting by colour but nothing happened), invert, then whichever method I follow to achieve the black background, it's always the flower that changes colour, not the background. I've tried not inverting it, it gives the same result. I can only change the colour of the selected subject, not the background. I have followed all the steps in different tutorials, always with the same result. GIMP 2.8.4.
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
How do I make this background white (I think that's what needs to be done). When I post on a webiste the background is black or dark and you can't see the image.
I have a .jpg file of a band logo with white text (bordered by sketchy black outlines) on a white background. I'd like to keep the text and border effects the same but make the background transparent and then save it as a transparent .png or .gif so that just the white text (with the black text borders still included) appears the same on my website no matter what the background color of the page is. Here's the image: URL....
I want to keep all the black sketchy outlines intact and I want the white text itself to remain white and not transparent, I just want the white background surrounding it to be transparent. I've tried selecting just the text with all the little lines and such of the text borders included so that I can make it into a new layer and then paste it onto a transparent background but I've been having trouble successfully selecting it...the way the text is written, I haven't had much luck using the magic wand or quick selection tools to properly select it.
Another (less desirable) option would be to fill in the white background with the background color of the page I'm going to be posting it on (hex color #1d1d1d) but filling it in with the paint bucket in Photoshop CS5 fills in the majority of the white text as well so that hasn't really worked either.
So i have been desperately hunting around the internet for a place where I could find some Photoshop experts and here i am.My request is if you could make the background white of the picture attached
I know you can do it in photo shop but I want to know simply can you do this is illustrator, I'm a new author working on my children's novel and I'm trying to get my prints or images on to backgrounds but I need the white behind my images to disappear. Can I do that in illustrator or do I have to have photo shop for that?
Im working in Illustrator CS5 and I've designed a logo for a client and want to send a version that is in color, a version that's black, and a version that's white. The color and black are fine since they already stand out on the default white/transparent background. But i want to put the white design on a background that will make it visible. Is there a way to set up the document so that the background is a color so that you can see the white design, but when it's place into another document it's just the design and dosen't include the backgound?
Created test image on a white background. Saved it as a png file. I go to Layer...Transparency....Add Alpha Channel.
I then click fuzzy select tool and click in the white area of the image then hit delete to remove the white background. When I re-save the image, I get the image on a checkered background.
Got the instructions from here: [URL] ........
Seems to work with downloaded/created by someone else images but not with images I create myself.
I have about 100 images similar to the example below where the background is a neutral grey, darker at the edges then becoming lighter as it reaches the image subject. I'm looking for a way to lighten the grey background without have to mask the item in the center.
I'm looking to use these images as forum sigs, how to remove the white background / make the background transparent? I would like to keep the text on the images if possible. If that makes it too much work, though, the text can be removed.
I was wondering how to outline a shape in a picture and then make the rest of the picture white.
I've included 2 pictures: This one is an example of what I want to do:
This one is the picture that I want to edit (Outline the shoes in the picture and then make the rest of the picture white): It seems like this can't be too hard but I'm really bad at Photoshop.
I'm sure there must be a way of doing this but I've been fiddling with it for hours. How can I remove, or make a background transparent so that I don't get the white box when I use this on a coloured background.
I use to be able to click on the outer box of text and give it a white fill to clarity when placing text over compex flow diagrams in CS3. I don't seen to be able to do this is CS6?
So I'm trying to mak a .gif, however, whenever I paste something into a white background, the white background disappears which makes it really hard to position the object I want to paste correctly. It just started doing this, it wasn't like this before.
I am trying to whiten my photo background .I used the levels tool but now i want to adjust the tone on my photograph to make the picture brighter .I am using the instructions on this link URL.... but i am lost on the instructions to fix the tone.
how to make my image brighter. i am trying to change the background on .