Photoshop :: How To Select Foreground Subject In PSCS
Apr 12, 2005
I have a number of pictures where background is dull or boring while subjects in foreground are lively. So I want to switch the background with lets say a plane color with some gradient to give it a studio appearence.
The first problem I have is to select the foreground subject sharply, much difficut because of hairline etc.
So how can I select my subject in the most easy way so that outlines are sharp & none of the details are missing.
I am not able to find the command select foreground (in italian language is "isola primo pano"). This command in the version 11 was the last command of the image column.
My Windows 7 system is using the latest graphics drivers for Intel 965 Express Chipset.
** When i select an object Maya tends to ignore the foreground object you'd intuitively think it should select and instead selects the bottom-most / farthest back object (eg. instead of selecting the foreground sphere it selects the flat plane the sphere sits on top of).
I've updated my graphics driver to the latest available and yet still the nuisance occurs. I am able to select any desired object however i must rotate the view so that the object has no other items behind it (eg. the viewport is tilted towards the empty sky).
Is this some useless setting in Maya that happened to activate? I've already used Preferences to reset to defaults but no good.
Recently upgraded to GIMP 2.8.6 and trying to select foreground item to use on different layer. Not working as I expected. Viewed demo on YouTube which indicated the last step or two would create a new layer and paste selected foreground on it.
When I attempt use the lasso tool, go over foreground with big brush and hit Enter, the foreground is selected but there is no new layer. I tried with no Alpha channel and tried making one before starting Foreground Selection Tool. Neither way seems to work. Am I wrong in understanding how the tool works, or am I leaving something out? Do I need to download a third-party Foreground Selection Tool? The video on YouTube is two years old but it seems to be talking about a "new" feature in GIMP.
I seem to be getting only partial transparency when using Foreground Select Tool (as compared to Full Transparency when using Rectangular Select Tool)
I am pretty sure this was not the case the other day. I have tried resetting all Tool Options and looking through preferences for anything I may have changed but can't spot anything.
OS: Windows 7..I click on the PSCS5 button to start the program. The Photoshop.exe file briefly appears in Task Manager, then disappears. Nothing else happens. No error messages, no warnings, no nothing. I've uninstalled PS and reinstalled it. Trying to get the 12.0.4 patch installed, but since you're supposed to do it from inside the program, I can't run it.I just tried executing with Ctrl+Alt+Shift and it still doesn't want to come out and play.
My problem lies in trying to load a Fred Miranda action in Photoshop.
When I follow these directions that came with the download...
Open Photoshop, go to the actions palette, on the top right of the palette, click on the little triangle (delta) and from the menu choose “load action”. Find where you downloaded the “HR v1.3.atn” file and click on load.
and try to open the folder I've downloaded the file into, there is nothing there. When I back out of Photoshop and go to this same folder (located in My Docs), the action is there along with all my other downloaded plugins.
I start up the program (Photoshop CS) the hand tool is selected. No matter what I try I can not select any other tools at all. I've been trying to self teach myself this program for about 6 months and I've never chosen to use the hand tool at all, so I never intentionally set anything to make it default or anything like that.
I've been using Photoshop CS for a while now, but today I open it up and no matter what I try the only filters that work are some Blur, Noise, Sharpen, Stylize and Other. I've made sure my files are on RGB and it's 16bit...the layers arn't locked or anything. I don't know whats happened?
I do a lot of montage work in PSCS and have recently been using my Wacom tablet and boy do I love it, but have a question for those of you who use tablets.
When I'm doing a montage I use very soft brushes to merge the edges. With my Intuos pen, even though I use a large soft brush setting (same as the one I use with a mouse) I get very pen like lines, so I always end up switching to the mouse. Do I need to do something with either the pen settings or the way I use it, or should I be getting an "airbrush" for this kind of work.
i have a G5 dual and 3 Gig of RAM. why is my tablet making PS so sluggish? when i paint/erase (even a small area) it takes several seconds after i lift the pen before i can do my next edit. it's the only program running and the file only has three layers.
I have been having an ongoing problem with Photoshop CS & CS2 on my HP laptop which runs XP Home.
Whenever I'm in Photoshop I can click "Copy" with no problem, however, the instant I click "Paste" - my laptop powers off instantly.
It does not happen in any other program (Excel, Word, Illustrator, etc) - only Photoshop.
The problem originally started when I had CS (yes,it was a legitimate version!). After buying CS2, I uninstalled CS and loaded the brand new legitimate copy of CS2,
I have photoshop CS installed on a G5. Photoshop was working fine, but now some of the default keyboard shortcuts are missing. The one I miss the most is (command, option ~) which should load a luminosity selection. But for some reason no longer works. I've tried reinstalling photoshop. I've tried reloading the keyboard shortcut defaults again. Maybe there is something wrong with my default shortcuts file? but I haven't been able to locate a source where I can download another. In any case i would have thought that the reinstalling the CS creative suite would have resolved the issue if the file was bad.
How do I check my keyboard driver? where is it? wher do i get another?
I have a weird problem with Photoshop CS. When I double-click on a tiff, jpeg, or Photoshop file it launches the program, but it won't open the image. In order to do that I must go to file and choose open. This is much more trouble. I can't figure out why. My photoshop guru friend couldn't figure out why. Any ideas?
Also, and this may or may not be related. When I open the program I get the following message: For Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click General, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller.
The weird thing is, when I did what message suggested, I discovered that there was no "text smoothing" option to turn off under Preference (under General) in Photoshop. There is no General in the computer's System Preferences, so I'm assuming the message refers to Photoshop Preferences.
I trying to add subject from different pictures into one picture (as shown in the picture attached). the problem that I have is: when I drag one subject to another picture, the subject come bigger than the subject in the new picture.
How can I resize the subject picture so it would have the same height as the other subject (as shown in the picture attached).
I want to give the person in my photo a nice little tan, i added a new layer and filled it with a nice brown, that gave her the tan i was looking for but it also made everything else tan.
Way back I did this but now cannot duplicate it. I'm using PS 5.0. I changed a photo to B&W and then I think I used the eraser to change my granddaughter back to the 'colored' version. It's like what is done in a TV commercial.
I have about 100 images similar to the example below where the background is a neutral grey, darker at the edges then becoming lighter as it reaches the image subject. I'm looking for a way to lighten the grey background without have to mask the item in the center.
I am by no means very professiant in photoshop, but do know a thing or two. I took several pictures of my daughter (who wears glasses) and there is a black spot over one eye. I am assuming that it has something to do with glare from the flash on the glasses. I have photoshop elements 7.
I am involved in a major project where i need to imprint the subject's name on the photo. They will be posted on the city web site and on poster collage. Is this something I can do in Elements 9? There will be aaproximately 2000 photos.
What tool what method can I use to reclaim this darkened subject? I attempted to use the lasso tool to snag the subject then used the 'shadow/highlight' tool to adjust. Though the details are intact within the subject the results were less than acceptable.
I have a picture of a baseball player with grandstands and spectators in the background. To focus attention on the subject, I want to blur and slightly darken everything but the player (subject). Â So I duplicated the background layer and created a mask over the player. Then I selected the background layer, added lens blur, and darkened it. Â The problem is that this step blurs the image of the subject in the background, causing it to extend out beyond the masked image of the subject on the foreground layer, creating a ghostly "halo" effect. Â I've tried creating an inverted mask on the background layer, but that doesn't work. Â Photoshop PS6, Windows 7
I want to edit a photo of a car so that the car remains in colour and the background changes to black and white (or should I say mono?). I have seen this several times and wanted to have a go myself. I understand that it can be done in Elements using layers?
hi. why is there a significant difference in color temp from working in raw/pscs and viewing the finished pictures in ex. windows diasshow. The temp. seems to be much warmer in windows. The raw converting im doing makes me unsure when viewing afterwards in windows.wich one can i rely on when going to my local printingshop.
When extracting a subject from one image to another using the Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge: Â 1. When is it better to make a selection of the background, make a layer mask of it, invert it, load the mask and use Refine Edge VS. just making a selection of the subject and using Refine Edge?
I am a brand new user of Paint.Net.......Using Windows Vista home edition.
Here is my thing. I have 2 jpg images. The first image is of a badger walking in some grass, the second image is of the front of my friend's house. What I want to do is "cut out" the badger from the first image, then "superimpose" this on the second image so it looks like the badger is walking past my friend's house. By cut out the badger I mean I just want the badger in the final image, not with all the grass around him that's in the original image.