Mudbox :: (save Warning) Truly A Retarded Feature

May 30, 2012

i hadn't used mudbox in a while and get busy right away sculpting and painting, save my file, keep on working, and after some time forget to save again... here comes a little red blinking "button" (so i assumed) telling me to save, not just a single time, but several times. I see that i roll over and click it as each time i do it stops blinking... assuming that it does indeed SAVE the freaking thing. Not too much of a crazy assumption i believe since it's 2012 and after decades of dealing with crashes and corrupt files or lost work, every single piece of software i use in production do have at least an auto-save system.

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Mudbox :: Transfer Detail Warning

Sep 11, 2012

I'm transferring from a high poly source model (5million polys) onto a target model that has 3 levels, no layers. At level 3 its pretty much the same polcount.

Whenever I transfer it come sup with a Transfer Detail warning saying that the target model appears to have more detail than the source and do I want to continue or swap. Surely the source model will have more detail, and I shouldn't get the warning ? I get this warning even I transfer from the source to lvl1 (much lower etc)

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Photoshop :: File Name Truncation Warning On Save For Web

Apr 5, 2012

Image (Line drawing). Save for Web (*gif). Receive following warning: "Some names of the files being saved will be truncated to 31 characters for compatibility with Macintosh browsers. To change your filename compatibility options, click the Optimize pop-up menu, choose Output Settings, and select Saving Files."
I could not find the Optimize pop-up menu. Therefore, I did not do this step.After save, I simply went to the appropriate folder and changed the file name to what I originally wanted (i.e., essentially correcting the truncation).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Warning / An Error Occurred During Save

Nov 16, 2012

Every time I export a C3D drawing to ACAD (command: _AecExportToAutoCAD20xx), I get this "error message"

There does not seem to be a real problem because I can open the exported drawing in vanilla AutoCAD OK, (although I do still get a proxy notice..?).

A few other older threads about this reveal no solution or confirmation that this dialog is a bug.


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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Save New Files Over Old Ones - Turn Off Warning Message

Mar 28, 2011

I am doing a lot of saving new files over old ones. I am sick of the warning message that pops up having a default answer of 'NO' when I go to replace the files. Is there a way to change the default to 'YES' , or get rid of the message altogether?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2011 / 2012 - Warning - An Error Occurred During Save

May 3, 2012

why I'd get this error when doing an Export to AutoCAD 2010/2007/2004...?  It seems to be innocuous, and irrelevant, but it's disturbing none-the-less.  I haven't been able to identify any reason why it appears, and all drawings seem to work normally, with no problems.  AUDITs turn up no errors.  So I've just been ignoring this message, but it's distracting.  And it doesn't always appear...  although I haven't been able yet to identify what causes it to appear in some drawings, and not others.  I think it only ever happens when there's an XREF, but not sure...  (Maybe when an XREF is in an older version of C3D/LDD/AutoCAD...?)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Copy PolyLine To New File - Warning / An Error Occurred During Save

Nov 21, 2011

I am copying objects to a new database and and cloning as an Entity type succesfully for all objects.When I save the database to a new file I get the attached error

'Warning: An error occurred during save....'

I have isolated this to Polylines and have tried to Process as Type PolyLine but still get the error.Here is the code I use for the polyline.(My entity processing code is identical except for object type).

Dim MyPolyLine As DatabaseServices.Polyline MyPolyLine = CType(myObjID.GetObject(DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead), _ Database Services.Polyline)Dim NewEntity As DatabaseServices.Polyline = CType(MyPolyLine.Clone, _ DatabaseServices.Polyline)NewEntity. Set Database Defaults(NewDB) NewBTR.AppendEntity(NewEntity)NewTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(NewEntity, True)NewEntity.Layer = MyPolyLine.Layer NewEntity.Linetype = "ByLayer"NewEntity.Material = "ByLayer"

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Files Do Not Save And Lose Existing File With No Warning

Oct 11, 2011

For the past couple of months we have noticed we are loosing files on the save command with no warning or notice.  When the drawing is saved and then closed we discover that occasionally the file did not save and the original version of the file is lost.  Sometimes the original version gets saved as a bak file but not always.  No warning message shows up to inform that the command was not completed correctly, it looks like the save took place.

Recently we switched to Windows 7, 64 bit machines.  All three machines this has occured on match and are saving back to 2010 version.  One of the machines is running a trial version of Architecture 2011, the other two are running network licenses of Architecture 2012 with Service Pack 1.  The files being lost are all located on a server in the same folder structure, not in the same folder.  That server is new and has some sort of mirroring set up to image files to multiple locations? This phenomenon has only been noticed to occur on saving a file from Architecture.  We do save other file types to the same folders and have not noticed any going missing.  To my knowlege the files never show back up (one of our IT staff suggested the mirroring might be causing a delay in the file showing up in the folder.)

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Feature

Jul 13, 2007

Using photoshop CS and for some reason i'm unable to use the save for web option. It's there, I just cant select it. Do you know why this might be?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Auto Save Feature

Jun 13, 2012

when using the autosave feature or having it enabled. When I work a lot of times I have a main file that I use as a template to create other pages from. So I will open template and update things on it and then save as and name that as a new file. My question is if I open this template file and make a few changes will it autosave those which will basically overwrite my template. I have the autosave feature turned off right now because I wasn't sure if it would do that.

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Photoshop :: Dissecting Save For Web Feature

Sep 6, 2007

I have 5000 images in a large tree structure, and I need to reduce all of them to both 131x131 pixels and then 80x80 pixels whilst using the Save for Web feature. Save for web will make these images about 2kb to 4kb in size as opposed to Save As... which, on the lowest quality will save the image at about 20kb.

Now, due to this large tree structure, it would make sense to run an action on the entire folder and subfolders, right? The problem arises when recording an action and incorporating the Save for Web feature. One must specify which folder to save the optimized image into - one simply cannot just override the original file in the original folder.

I need to figure out exactly what the Save for Web feature does to the image to make it so small. I have found that one needs to change the colour profile from RGB to sRGB, but this does not let me Save As... to a 2kb file.

with doing a Manual "save for web" and outline each and every step needed to be done?

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Photoshop :: Color Fading When Using Save For The Web Feature

May 10, 2004

I've been using PS7 on my Mac OX 10.2.8 for some time now and it's worked well. The images I work on in PS7 look bright and true but now, all of a sudden, when I choose the "save for the web" feature, the image appears washed out. And continues to look washed out when I place in my pbase gallery. This is a new event.

The only thing I've done recently was tweak with some Adjustment levels using Scott Kelby's "The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers." Everything looks great on my screen until I now use that one feature (which never affected the color saturation before.) I would think that doing any number tweaking would affect the image all the way throughout PS, not just when I use this one feature.

Can someone offer some places and numbers to look for that might be affecting how my images appear on line? Maybe I should go back to all the defaults?

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Photoshop :: Feature Request - Save In Background In Full Screen

Nov 30, 2012

I work in full screen with Menu Bars 98% of the time.  I also enjoy the new save in background feature. The problem is that when in full screen I can't tell when it's saving and the status of the save.  This is particularly frustrating when I'm trying to close a file.  I think there needs to be an option to have it save in background but pop up a status window, or some way to see the status of the save while in full screen.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Data - Feature Was Not Saved In The Target Feature Source

Jun 16, 2011

I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Feature Labeling - Obscure Feature Symbols

Jul 24, 2012

I am running Autodesk Map3D 2012 and I need to label my feature points no matter if they overlap or not.The Map3D documention refers to a check box that will allow what I believe I need- but I cannot find the checkbox in the style editor. Here's a clip from the Autocad documentation:
To allow labels to obscure points on the selected layer..In the Display Manager , select the point layer. Click the Style button.In the Style Editor, click Allow Other Labels To Obscure Feature Symbols On This Layer.

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Photoshop :: Use The Sharpen Feature And The Unsharp Mask Feature?

Nov 24, 2003

I like to use the sharpen feature and the unsharp mask feature but haven't gotten very good at it. Mostly I'm wondering if there is a way to calibrate the sharpen function so that it doesn't sharpen quite so much each time I click it.

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VideoStudio :: GPU Warning Message In X5?

Dec 4, 2012

I have VSx5, and I've gotten an error message or two,telling me that my GPU unit is not up the task. This happens when I'm running a few of the more demanding things, it came up when I was using the Vitascene filter and also in Boris Graffiti. Does this mean I should get a better graphics card? I have an ASUS i5 laptop, and as far as I can tell my GPU card is the Intel HD graphics 3000.

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Photoshop :: Why Do I Get Out Of Gamut Warning When...

Jan 29, 2009

1. I'm using CS1 and have installed my printer profile. I assume this will show me what the colors will look like when I convert the photo to the printer's color space (to do this I usually choose IMAGE - MODE -CONVERT TO PROFILE
Why then when I turn on the Gamut Warning, does it show that there are colors out of gamut?

2.When I load a photo with an embedded profile and I choose the option of USE THE EMBEDDED PROFILE INSTEAD OF THE WORKING SPACE do I still need to go to PROOF SETUP and choose the printer profile to see the colors as they will look when printed? Or is this doubling-up on the conversion process.
I would have thought that choosing the printer profile to proof a photo that has already been converted to the printer color space should not show any difference. Unfortunately it does, so I'm not sure which is the accurate one.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashing Constantly Without Warning?

Dec 1, 2012

I was creating a digital scrapbook page this morning, and as I went to save, CS6 crashed without warning (as it does 50% of the time for me when I have a project I am working on).  Usually, I go to save, or open a new file to work with and the whole program just shuts off on me without a word.  It is simply there one second and gone the next.  If I am lucky, it has recovered something of what I have done in the past 10 minutes.  HOWEVER today, it crashed, and when I opened it back up, it recovered half of what I had done and immediately crashed again, giving me this error message:
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    Photoshop.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    5022da9d
  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.17725
  Fault Module Timestamp:    4ec4aa8e
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    0000000000027b11
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    9e05
  Additional Information 2:    9e057b49cc84a2b32beb0976b9fa1666
  Additional Information 3:    9357
  Additional Information 4:    9357da59a0d0124ba1ff6db7da3265ac
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This is the first time I have had this happen with an error message.  Usually it just closes up altogether and I have to reopen and redo my projects from wherever the last save point was.  I have my recovery set to 10 minutes because I seem to lose my files so often when trying to save.  This is getting a bit ridiculous and I did NOT have this problem even one time with the CS6 Beta. 

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Photoshop :: Warning When Trying To Use Lasso Tool

Jun 1, 2004

I'm fairly new to Photoshop and I keep getting a warning box after I try to lasso a section of my picture off. The Warning says "No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visable"

What does that mean and how do I fix it?

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Photoshop :: What's The Secret To The Gamut Warning?

Apr 27, 2004

I just want to know the secret to the gamut warning. I am in a Photoshop class and we are currently doing color correction. My color corrected image looks good, but my image still has a gamut warning. I know that every image is different, but what are some of the basic things ya'll do to get rid of the gamut warning? Is there any type of conversion that you can do that'll get rid of it?

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AutoCAD VB :: Disable The Warning For No VBA Installed

May 6, 2013

How do we get rid of the warning message that pops up telling us that VBA is no longer installed. Since most us now are running 64 bit machines and have changed to .net programming.  We do still use many Autolisp routines that work fine but give us that warning message anyway.

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3ds Max :: MassFX Warning With Scenes Using PhysX

May 8, 2012

I get a warning when I open another max scene on another machine here at work, it says:

"The MassFX authored in this file was created with a newer version of the plugins. Forward compatibility is not supported so things might not behave properly."

I am currently using PhysX for Max version: and PhysX System Software 9.11.0621.

Third party plugins installed for Max being used in the scene are: Rayfire 1.57.10; Orbaz Particle Flow Box #2 ver. 1.07 and #3 ver. 1.53. I've gotten this warning in scenes saved from another PC, opened in another, and not even using any PhysX or PhysX capable plugins.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Disable AEC Warning Message

Dec 18, 2013

We are trying to run an automated process on incoming AutoCAD drawings.  However, the process stops if a drawing has AEC object references, because the warning dialog opens (and the program does not deal with it).  Is there a programmatic way to disable the AEC warning dialog for opening?  Similar to turning off the Proxy warning?  Perhaps a Registry setting? 

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Photoshop :: CC Not Saving When Close File Without Warning?

Oct 9, 2013

with saving on Photoshop CC? Quite often it has happened to me that I will hit Command+S, but I won't see the saving bar at the bottom of the document, and if I then close the document it won't prompt me to save, but if I close the file it won't be saved.

If before I close the file I go to the File menu, the "Save" option is grayed out (as if I had just saved), but the file is not saved. If I close the file, I loose all my work

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Photoshop :: Getting Pixel Aspect Ratio Warning

May 3, 2013

I recently opened a video in PS CS4. Ever since then I get 'pixel aspect ratio' warning and some of the images I create in PS are distorted on screen or when I tile the window and move a layer form one to the other. I can't figure out how to disable or keep this from happening.

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Photoshop :: Text Randomly Disappears Without Warning?

Aug 25, 2013

Whenever I edit any text - be it editing an existing text layer, or with a new one, whatever text is there just randomly and without warning disappears.  Doesn't matter wether I'm changing the color, font, font size or any other type settings.  Sometimes I just move the mouse while in editing mode and the text just vanishes.
Made a video of the bug in action.  Virtual keyboard on screen so you can see that I'm not hitting any keys to make the text disappears. Latest version of Photoshop, CC, OS X etc.


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Photoshop :: Warning Messages For 7 And 2 TB Hard Drive?

Sep 28, 2012

I just installed a 2 TB hard drive and now my Photoshop 7 will not open. A warning comes up that the scratch disks are full .

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Paint Shop Pro :: Compression Factor Changes Without Warning

Jan 13, 2013

In PSP X5 I usually keep my JPEG Compression Factor set to 2. Just occasionally, I find it reverts to the default of 20 without warning. I suspect it is when I use a a Ctrl+F12 Save Copy As or when I change Image Type (JPG/TIF/PSP).

I nearly ruined some photos of my new grand-daughter.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Disable 10 Image Warning

Jul 31, 2013

how to disable the "You have selected more than 10 files" warning in PSP X5. It's not listed in the warning preferences and as I work with more than 10 images every day it's a total pain.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Disable Warning Notices

Dec 12, 2011

I want to know how to disable some of these pointless warning notifications.  For example if I move something to a layer that is 'off' I get a notice that I am moving to a layer that is off and I then have to drag my mouse up and click 'ok'.  I have been drafting for over 20 years and I know this and do not need or want this dialog  Also, in the layer manager same issue, 95% of the time when I turn the active layer off I WANT to turn it off  I do NOT need to waste my time telling the program, yes I want to turn it off or no I do not.

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