Photoshop :: CC Not Saving When Close File Without Warning?
Oct 9, 2013
with saving on Photoshop CC? Quite often it has happened to me that I will hit Command+S, but I won't see the saving bar at the bottom of the document, and if I then close the document it won't prompt me to save, but if I close the file it won't be saved.
If before I close the file I go to the File menu, the "Save" option is grayed out (as if I had just saved), but the file is not saved. If I close the file, I loose all my work
We modeled parts in inches. We save as copy to an .STL file to get SLA prototypes made. The parts came back 2.54 times bigger than needed. Reason is the default setting for saving as .STL files is Centimeters.... Not sure why Autodesk did this....but yes I understand it's not their fault, we should have checked under options and changed it to inches.....we just assumed that you model in inches, it would save as in inches....See what happens when you assume....
I am using Inventor 2012 and C#. I would like that, when I close my Form, Inventor and all files that are open will be closed with displaying the message about saving the files .Some of my opened file are stored in Lists.
This code das not work Inventor still asking me about saving the files.
private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { if (InventorOpen._started) { oDrawDoc.Close(false); foreach (Inventor.AssemblyDocument openAssemDocument in openAssemDocumentsList) { openAssemDocument.Activate();
I have a mass print script and I have it save then close the drawing after it's done printing each one. The problem is the script updates the mass properties and some times drawings just update when opened. So when it saves different "warnings" can pop up, which pause the script until the pop up is taken care of. The warnings are typically for saving other files like the ipt linked to a drawing or if the drawing was saved in an old version. Is there a way to just accept those while running a script so it does puase?
I opened a document and it popped up a messages asking if I want to revert to the saved version YES or NO. This is weird because I didn't try to open the document twice. I suspect it is a macro that was causing this problem but I have many so it could take a while to locate the culprit. I also suspect a windows 7 update may have caused an interference with the macro.
I have lists of Documents I am altering and saving automatically in a loop, The problem is that if the file needs to be migrated you get a dialog box in your face for every file in the list. How can I temporarally turn the dialog off?
Image (Line drawing). Save for Web (*gif). Receive following warning: "Some names of the files being saved will be truncated to 31 characters for compatibility with Macintosh browsers. To change your filename compatibility options, click the Optimize pop-up menu, choose Output Settings, and select Saving Files."
I could not find the Optimize pop-up menu. Therefore, I did not do this step.After save, I simply went to the appropriate folder and changed the file name to what I originally wanted (i.e., essentially correcting the truncation).
When I enter a Run File Name in the "Create Tube & Pipe Run dialog box I get the message "The path is too long. Try a shorter name." The name I entered is "Kappa 55 Suction Line", I also tried the Run File Name of "1" as a test and get the same warning message "The path is too long. Try a shorter name."
I am copying objects to a new database and and cloning as an Entity type succesfully for all objects.When I save the database to a new file I get the attached error
'Warning: An error occurred during save....'
I have isolated this to Polylines and have tried to Process as Type PolyLine but still get the error.Here is the code I use for the polyline.(My entity processing code is identical except for object type).
Dim MyPolyLine As DatabaseServices.Polyline MyPolyLine = CType(myObjID.GetObject(DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead), _ Database Services.Polyline)Dim NewEntity As DatabaseServices.Polyline = CType(MyPolyLine.Clone, _ DatabaseServices.Polyline)NewEntity. Set Database Defaults(NewDB) NewBTR.AppendEntity(NewEntity)NewTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(NewEntity, True)NewEntity.Layer = MyPolyLine.Layer NewEntity.Linetype = "ByLayer"NewEntity.Material = "ByLayer"
For the past couple of months we have noticed we are loosing files on the save command with no warning or notice. When the drawing is saved and then closed we discover that occasionally the file did not save and the original version of the file is lost. Sometimes the original version gets saved as a bak file but not always. No warning message shows up to inform that the command was not completed correctly, it looks like the save took place.
Recently we switched to Windows 7, 64 bit machines. All three machines this has occured on match and are saving back to 2010 version. One of the machines is running a trial version of Architecture 2011, the other two are running network licenses of Architecture 2012 with Service Pack 1. The files being lost are all located on a server in the same folder structure, not in the same folder. That server is new and has some sort of mirroring set up to image files to multiple locations? This phenomenon has only been noticed to occur on saving a file from Architecture. We do save other file types to the same folders and have not noticed any going missing. To my knowlege the files never show back up (one of our IT staff suggested the mirroring might be causing a delay in the file showing up in the folder.)
Anytime open a file, Any file and then close Photoshop, Photoshop crashes before it has completely closed, I'm using Photoshop CS6 extended v13.01 x32 on Windows 7
I use my photoshop daily and have about 50000 images on my computer so very much need the bridge to be able to view them all and select the ones I want. for the past few days I have been getting "photoshop has encountered an error and needs to close" every time I try to open a file through bridge, quite often I also get the same error message on the bridge as well a few seconds later.
I have tried reinstalling photoshop, I even tried deleting all the presets which I have added over the years and trying it straight from the reinstall, it still does the same,
I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?
I have problem with layer comps' names. Always, when I close my ps file, names of layer comps in this files are changing. I see that after opening this file. I use photoshop CS5 Extended.
I open a jpeg in Organizer and then move to edit. BUt then I can't figure out how to save it or close it or whatever you are supposed to do. I just got through with one by exporting it so I could use it in a Publisher project, but it's still in Organizer (PSE9) with the infamous red band. I can't get into the editor because it's busy and I have to finish editing. It's like an endless loop.
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
how to create a Shortcut key "Alt + c" for "File - close" command? I like the same seeting as my Inventor seeting, and the Inventor is so easy to setup my Shortcut keys use "Tools-Customise-Keyboard".
I have an iLogic that runs to create parts and assemblies. These parts and sub-assemblies are for a range of library components which are either part(s) or assemblies or and assemblies composed of parts) and sub-assemblies as well. This iLogic is mostly done despite I have limited knowledge in this area. At the beginning it opens a text file (.txt) by the command line:
ThisDoc.Launch("L:\_Nov 02Info and Input GuideLines.txt")that offers guidelines and instructions.
I would like to how can I close (exit) this text file at a point within or end of the current iLogic because, it opens a several files of the same every time I run the iLogic otherwise.
why I get an exclamation point error message upon closing an AutoCAD file? And it can be two or three of the same error. That is, I close one error message and another follows it.
I had Inventor 2013 and it worked well for a long time, I didn't use it for a while, then yesterday I tried to use it again and it wouldn't work. It starts up fine, and gets to the menu where you can choose from recent files, new files, tutorials, etc. After I select anything to open, whether its a new or old file, the program will load open the file then immediately stop working. No error message is displayed besides Windows telling me "this program has stopped working". I updated to 2014 yesterday, and the exact same problem persists.
Using Photoshop CS5 -- I saved a Photoshop file I created as a .pdf file but some of the areas on the .pdf file (specifically, sections of text) do not have any of the color/fill information, they are just white (blank areas). I've seen this before when converting other Photoshop files and could not find a work around. I tried saving with various compression levels (max, high, med) and it makes no difference.
I have a major problem with PhotoPaint X5 after SP2. I have an image of a movie poster from internet. Let's say about 1000x1500 pixels. I make the width 300 px. (height will be 440 or more) Than I make a new document of 300x430 pixels. Copy and paste the first file into the second. Move it up and/or down with the arrow keys to have a good composition. Than I combine the image with the background (shift/control/arrow down) and save it to rest.jpg. When I want to close the original image in CorelPaint I get the Corel A.R.M. window. I tried a few times without combining the image to the background and than I CAN close the file without crashing PP. I'm glad I found a workaround since I do these actions quit a lot for my movie and music database. But it took a lot a time to figure out where it went wrong. So according to my tests it must have something to do with combining the image to the background. Sometime when nudging the image a couple of times up and down crashses PP too when I then combine the image and background. At that point i don't come a far as exporting.