Maya Modeling :: Can't Turn On Numbers When Creating UV Maps
Mar 5, 2013I can not turn on the numbers when creating the UV maps as showing in the image I have attached with this question to make sure they are aligned properly.
View 2 RepliesI can not turn on the numbers when creating the UV maps as showing in the image I have attached with this question to make sure they are aligned properly.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to scale faces individually inward. I extruded the faces and went to scale them but they are still scaling together even though my keep faces together option is unchecked. I tried extruding with faces together and then unchecking it but that didn't work. I also tried deleting my preferences folder and that didn't work
View 2 Replies View RelatedMaya 2014 SP4 OSX.I have just spent the morning creating a new model, and I needed to check the normals for a few faces that I had to delete and recreate,the normals are now showing all the time and I cannot switch them off, I have check preferences and they are deselected there, but what ever I do they do not go away!
Also there is no tick to say that they are on or off? Should there be, I am sure on the system at work we have a tick?
I know that you can spin edges (that are visible). And I know that you can view "face triangles" (to view otherwise "invisible" edges.)But I cannot seem to select these "face triangle edges" or manipulate them. I can create a physical edge, yes, and place it where I want, but if I remove the edge, then maya seems to revert to its own random placement for the "invisible face edge." So, I feel like I have no control over the bend of non-planer quads.
In max, when you are working with edges, there is a tool called "turn." When selected, it reveals all hidden edges, and allows you to spin them to the angle you want. Turn off the tool and the selected edge position remains.Can this be done in Maya? And even if you cannot do this, is there any way to control the position of "invisible edges" in maya? Something like a "spin quad?"
How to turn polygon face with selection handle visible on (every small dot that appearing in the middle of each face). I'm a Maya starter.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to select either vertices on a polygon or points on a curve and create an object at those points?
The snapping of objects to curve points isn't very accurate, so if possible, the above would greatly speed up my workflow.
I was following a tut on how to create text and all was working well then I decided to delete my text from the viewing panel and start again and now I cannot create any text because I get this message - / Error: bevelPlus3 (Bevel Plus): Group 2 curve 2 is not inside the previous curve. Group these curves appropriately in Adobe (R) Illustrator (R)
What does this mean?? Im not even using illustrator! If I delete the word and write another one it seems to be ok but if I want to create my original word I get the same message again? Also the text doesn't look very good, some of the letters are sort of squashed or rubbing on others or the hollow parts missing etc.
I am in the process of modeling a new character and have to ask this question. What is the best way to create an Afro. Right now, I am thinking about just modeling the base shape of how everything will look, and then applying Maya fur to the necessary faces. I also wanted to note that this will be an animated character as well.
I have attached an image of the style haircut I am going for .
how to create custom shapes, polygons in Maya 2013. Attached you will see a image of something I want to duplicate.
View 2 Replies View Relatedcreate a face on my existing object. Is there a way to select the edges and have them merge together, thus creating a face?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to working with Maya and I am a bit confused.
I am having issues creating NURMBS primitive spheres. Whenever I create them, only half of it shows up. All of the other objects show up fine.
My Inputs tab dont show up when I create a polygon, so i can't edit subdivs? Happens when i try to add subdivs to a newly made polygon primitive.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a simple polyplane in the side view in Maya. When I try to do this nothing happens and the software suggests I start on the grid but you cannot see the grid in the side view.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a way to create a group of vertices, edges or faces and somehow create a reference point or attach them to some kind of locator so they can be referenced at a later point. I want to be able to select a group of edges, model them and then move on to another task within Maya and have some kind of reference point so I can go back to the original group and not have to select them individually every time I want to work on that group of edges, faces or vertices, is this possible? I will post a picture shortly to this post so you can see an example of a specific group of edges that I would like to set a reference point or locater for.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know what went wrong with that View. I can create polygon planes properly in all views but top view.What can I do to make it function again when I set up the Project.this problem occurs everytime when I set up Image Planes for the top, side and front view. URL...
View 2 Replies View Relatedunable to select objects after creating them in view port ..i am not able to select them in view port i can only select them either by SELECT ALL or from outliner or Hierarcy
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to know how I can get exact distances on my UV maps.
I unwrapped my 3D DSLR camera model and I want to manage that the texts and signs on the texture have exactly the same distance like in reality. So how can I get those exact distances?
Im having a bit of an issue combining normal maps. Basically I am taking 3 normal maps that were rendered from a normal bake from three separate portions of the model... Using Photoshop i duplicate the layers over into a single file to avoid any overlapping or offsetting the maps, when previewing it inside MAX it does something crazy instead.
The maps display completely wrong even through the resolution and ratios are exactly the same. I have lined them up int the UV editor to verify. Do alpha maps in fact play a role im properly displaying combined maps (separating them from each other in a single file)? If this is the case, then how to i properly copy the alphas over into a single file using Photoshop?
I am trying to create a normal map from a model..when i goto "Render to Texture" and press render, i get an image with red color..In projection mapping, when i click on pick , i don't find anything to pick...create a normal map..
View 2 Replies View RelatedDisk based shadow maps seem to be broken in Maya 2012. When selecting "Add Light Name" the output file name inserts the symbol "|" between the light name and the file name making the name invalid in windows. So the shadow map never gets written.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo in the transfer maps box dialog when choosing what maps to output, the AO and Custom map option has disappeared from the list. All the other options are still there, normal, displace, etc. I defragmented my disk drive a while back ago but that can't be it, can it?
Running Maya 2013 on Win 7 64-bit.
ok so i have a face, that is looking eyes, left, and i need to make a morph for it with its eyes right, i cant just rotate the eyes becuase the geometry is all attached,...
in my thinking i came up with a solution that i swore would work, i just put a symmetry modifier on my mesh, and then detached the oppoite side, so that now i have two meshes.. one with eyes left, and the one derived from the symetry modifer eyes right,.. i collapsed them both so that they would be edit polies, and then applied eyes right as a morph target....
it does not work,... the symetrey modifire seems to reorder the vertex numbers or something like that.. becuase when i try to putt the morph to 100 the face implodes and reverses... so my question is.. is there a way to just make the mesh turn from eyes left to eyes right without having to use the symmetry modifier????
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter just reading all 146 messages in the topic, "No more ImageReady in CS3 - VERY FRUSTRATING", I am seriously bummed, but left with unanswered questions.
Specifically, has anyone found a cheap, practical alternative for creating simple image maps with polygonal click regions? I want to create an actual map, where you click on a city name and go to a web page on that city. Rectangles do not work, as the real world regions are not shaped that way -- it has to be polygons. Nor do I want the map to be physically sliced apart and reassembled with table elements. I just want to use the HTML map
and area tags.
Photoshop 7 (my last version) could do this simple, useful task. My Photoshop CS3 "upgrade" cannot.
creates simple map & area image maps -- or perhaps an add-in or standalone? Something other than a $300 piece of otherwise useless (for my purposes) bloatware.
Basically I want to create a heightmap from a colormap (a game texture). Heightmaps are used by my shader to add additional detail to surfaces (see herefor a such a surface). This technique is called Relief Bump Mapping and produces pretty cool result if the shader gets a decent heightmap.
My problem is that I only have colormaps and want to create the heightmaps in Paint.Net. So far I simply played around with the contrast and and brightness of the picture, but the results are not perfect...
I uploaded some scaled down pictures which illustrate my problem a bit better:
This is my colormap texture:
If I am using my technique (changing contrasts and brightness) I don't get good results.
The red parts show the most problematic zones of the heightmaps. Since black means no height and white means height, these regions don't contain any height informations...I already thought about using a edgre filter, but the built in one doesn't seem to be very good.
Ideally I would like to use the nVidia normal map filter plugin - it's for Photoshop, and although, apparently, you can use some photoshop plugins, this one does not seem to work.
First question - is there a way to use the nVidia plugin?
Next - is there a Corel way?
I have created my own greyscale heightmap images and I can export red channel for alpha. Then I flood fill the red channel black and the blue channel white and export the RGB as the colour part. Creating a dds image gives me a pseudo bumpmap
Whenever I use this kind of bumpmap I get the effect I want on the aircraft models, but for some reason, "my" bumpmaps seem to remove the polygon smoothing of the 3D models so that when I "fly" the aircraft, I actually see the polygons instead of the smotthed mdl surface.This photbucket link shows what I mean.
The left hand image shows the original bumpmap on the original model. The next image shows modified artwork on the same model. Then I have change to a "D-i-Y" bumpmap and the last two show that although the desired bumps are there, I now have the wireframe polygons visible.
My current goal is to specify the rotation and translation of an object using a text file full of numbers. I have been told that I should import a "move" file. However, I can't seem to find any kind of reference about the move file format or how to use it. I see in the import dialog box that there is a file type called "move" but I don't know how to format the data that I put into the "move" file.
Also, I tried to export a "move" file so I could take a look at what Maya generates, but I keep getting the error "// Error: Could not save file "C:/My Documents/maya/projects/body_in_ocean/scenes/".
I created a group with my object in one file, referenced it in my working file, moved the group around and set some keys in the working file, but I can't seem to export any move data. How to get this to work?
I would like to know if I can import my AutoCAD 3d file into 3DS MAX, with the lighting maps and material maps intact. This is because I am doing my thesis on AutoCAD 2011 but I would like to use 3DS Max to do a walk through video.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have some architectural scenes that i'm bringing into max from Softimage. I'm using FBX. When I export, the instances come across as dummy objects, so it appears that instances are not support with FBX.
When i'm in Max, is there any way for me to tell Max that these dummies should be instances of another object?
Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit
Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave
I'm looking for any way to set the startup state of the viewport windows so that two sided lighting is turned off whenever i start Maya. I work in game assets creation a lot so having it turned off allows me to make sure my normals are facing the right way. I usually just turn it off manually but every now and then i forget and it comes back to bite me.
In maya 2011 I used the script found here [URL]
which is as follows :
Append the lines below to file "initHUDScripts.mel", preferably in a local copy to your maya scripts directory. Path is, in Windows: C:Users\Documentsmaya\scripts
// Set Two-sided lighting to off in default 4 views.
modelEditor -e -twoSidedLighting false modelPanel1;
but I can't seem to find the "initHUDScripts.mel" in the 2013 file structure. Alternate script I can implement or know where I should append this existing script in the 2013 files? the script still works in 2013, I just dont know where to put it to load at startup
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
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