I am doing lighting now. Everything is fine except a scene.When I open the scene,it's blank in the preview window but everything is here,just like the first picture.When I open again(didn't close the maya window),it's better but still blank in the default quality rendering,like the second picture.Until I switch to the high quality rendering mode,it just display something like the third picture.
why this would happen when I render my video out. sections of the screen simply don't render - as if they are masked. It only happens when rendering. Not while previewing in After Effects.
However, rendering seems to be hit or miss with me. Sometimes autocad will render objects and then, all of a sudden, rendering produces a blank black screen.
I've worked on AutoCad for many years but only just upgraded to Architecture 2012, so have tried my first 3D! I am struggling with my render quality, i am rendering in Presentation quality yet the finished render is still a little blurry and quiet small i have sellected -640x480.
I've recently updated to cs6 and was looking forward to the video editing aspect. Very familiar with iMovie, and don't like the somewhat limited adjustments. Unfortunately, when I rendered my first video in CS6, the quality was horrible.
I'm working on a video to propose to my girlfriend with next month, and I have all the edits done and the project is complete (including the DVD menu), but every time I render it it loses quality, and then when I burn a disk it loses even more quality. I'm just burning it onto a standard DVD so I know it won't stay fully HD, but it's pixelated in several parts which really is annoying.
Some details:
Original file properties (.mts): File Format: NTSC HDMV Video Type: H.264 Video, Upper Field First Attributes: 24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 16:9 Frame Rate: 29.970 frames/sec Data Rate: Variable bit rate (Max. 20899 kbps)
I don't know what camera they were shot on, a friend did the shots for me and I didn't think I'd need to know the camera specs.
I've tried rendering using several of the default options in the Share tab (MPEG Optimizer, DVD, MP4). So far, MP4 has worked the best.
When I burn it to a disk, though, it gets really bad. I tried burning straight from the project and burning from the rendered video file. Burning from the rendered file was less pixelated, but still not as clean as I want it to be.
I am getting very poor rendering quality for HD files. If the clip is “untouched” by VS it will render fine. However any changes to the clip either by adding transition, modifying brightness, color, adding title overlay etc. causes significant lost of quality and creates very flickery output with jerky movements.
Original clip
Same clip but rendered by VS X4
Here are the steps to do the test:
1.Download files from provided links:
a)Original clip : [URL]
b)Project file : [URL]
c)Project screen shot: [URL]
2.Create folder in your C dirve called “Test” and place downloaded files in it.
3.Open provided project file in VS X4. This should have the original clip placed on the time line twice. The first one is not modified clip and the second one has modified brightness just to force the rendering)
4.Render it to the file using MPG Optimizer. (i.e. Share -> File -> MPG Optimizer -> Accept -> Save) This should produce AVCHD 1920 x1080 60i file. See the project screen shot “Test.jpg” as a reference.
5.Play both source and rendered files in Windows Media player or TV and compare the smoothness of movements. R
I´m quite frustrated after discovering that some of my images look quite poor displayed by the slideshow module. My situation ist as follows:
LR 5.2 running on Mac OS X 10.8.5, 1:1 previews are rendered, preview quality is set to high, and I´m using a sample image showing a dark cloudy sky with some fine gradients; my slideshow preset doesn´t use any borders as I read this often causes quality issues.
When I´m in the Develop module, there is no problem at all, even in fullscreen display mode on my 1920x1200 display the gradients are perfectly rendered.
In Library module, when displaying fullscreen, quality is okay, but I can see some slight difference compared to the Develop module - which I understand after reading that in Develop the output is based on the actual raw data, and in all the other modules on rendered previews.
Now, when in Slideshow module, the image quality is significantly lower than in Library and I see some quite obvious banding in the gradients. I don´t have problems with blocking artifacts but the banding/posterization is considerably worse compared to a JPEG export with a quality setting of, for example, 75.
I can´t imagine LR´s slideshow tool would be working with a lower color depth than the 8 bit as in standard JPEGs, right? Did I miss any of LR´s parameters that influence the image quality of Lightroom slideshows or of the previews used therefore? Otherwise do you have some other explanations or hints for me in order to get this fixed? We do everything to capture our images in the best possible quality so we should also be able to present them properly after all...
I just transferred my Maya software over to a new Mac, It works normally except that the channel box shows nothing when an object is selected. If I click in the blank fields the values show up, but I cannot see the descriptions of what those values are for. I have tried the following: Dumping the prefs, reinstalling, contacting support (since it is a student license the y do not provide support, but did suggest the prefs idea), followed by deleting all Maya files and folders, library prefs and reinstalling from scratch. the result is the same. I am running Mac Snow leopard, which is new to me.
I am confronted with a considerably quality loss when I edited and rendered the material from my Sony HDR-CX130 camcorder. It shoots *.m2ts 1920x1080 at 50i (this is in fact 25 fps, I assume).
The loss is visible when there are moving objects or when the camera moves: very not-fluent and not-smooth movement-representation, while the original footage playbacks fine and smoothly in any mediaplayer (Sony PMB or Windows Mediaplayer).
As if the rendered material has a framerate of 12 fps! Which isn't the case, in fact.
I did some experiments: render to other formats like MPEG, tried it on the laptop of a friend who also has CVS X4 installed (W7 SP1, i5 2,3GHz, 4GB RAM),I used properties of first videoclip (which actually doesn't happen), set camcorder at 50p; all without better results.
Project properties I use in CVS X4:
PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI-files 8 bit, 1920 x 1080, 25 fps Frame-based Microsoft Video 1
This I was told here to use in order to get stills that are also 1920 x 1080 in size.[URL]
Is the un-fluent playback of edited AVCHD normal, will it be better in version X6?This is visible when playing back the rendered footage in Sony PMB and WMplayer as well.
I am having problems with my rendering, yesterday everything was working fine but today every time i set rendering quality higher than draft, Revit either fails to render (rendering area goes black) or the pc crashes and i get bluescreen.
When I open a fresh scene, load MR and go to Render Settings my Quality, Indirect Lighting and Options tabs are not working. Quality is minimised to the top left and the others are blank.
Attached are what I see in each of the problem tabs and below is all output from the script editor as I open Maya, load mental ray and then click on each tab in turn.
file -f -new; // Warning: file: D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/startup/rememberViewportSettings.mel line 43: Active stereo does not work with Aero enabled. Active stereo has been disabled. // // untitled // commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault; // AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.5.0 (built Aug 6 2013 14:15:56) // mental ray for Maya 2014 // Mental ray for Maya: using startup file D:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014//maya.rayrc.
How do I get X5 to open with a new blank page as default?
If I enable the welcome screen it asks me what I want to open but if I disable it all I get is a grey area and I have to go to the drop down file menu ans select 'new page'.
Whenever I attempt to marquee select (click-hold and drag a box) in Viewport 2.0, the viewport becomes a blank white screen and instead of drawing a box my mouse draws a single thick line. When I release the mouse, the viewport will not return to normal until I move the camera. It actually does perform the selection that I would expect. However, not being able to see what I'm doing is a bit of a pain sometimes.
The irony is that it actually works fine in default and high quality modes, but I'm not able to use those because the transparency sorting is really wonky and doesn't let me see what I'm trying to work on from the angles that I need. Only Viewport 2.0 solves that problem.
I've noticed that every time I save an image in GIMP as JPG the qualityslider bar defaults to 85. Even though I keep changing it to 75. If thisnumeric value is a Photoshop equivalent like other GIMP features, then 85is probably a wasted effort. The research* I'm aware of* (note emphasis)says that the quality in JPG images saved at a level above 75 is"theoretical." In other words, the increased quality is there in technicalterms, but imperceptible to the human eye.
When you render an shot, is there a way to get the frame number to be included in the rendered image? So that when they are put together into a movie a viewer can pause to see what frame it's on so that accurate critiques can be made.
Everything is working great in Maya 2014 except the following two issues.
PROBLEM #1: Create geometry (eg., polygon cube) in Maya 2014 and save scene file. Start Maya 2013 and open the file created in Maya 2014. The file won't open and prints "// File read in 0 seconds. Warning: line 0: swatches file depend node not found, icon discarded: defaultRenderLayer //
Is it not possible to open a scene file created in Maya 2014 with earlier versions of Maya?
PROBLEM #2: Cannot create wireframe rendering of geometry with surface Shader + mib_ambient_occlusion as in earlier versions of Maya.
Basically at some point or another, maya swaps back to the default hotkey layout. Im not quite sure how or why. Sometimes it takes an hour before the problem arrives, other times minutes. Its not permanent tho, restarting the app will fix it.
I've tried deleting second language, installing keyboard software, searching for alternative pref. files etc., and no, capsLock is not on ^^.
I'm looking for any way to set the startup state of the viewport windows so that two sided lighting is turned off whenever i start Maya. I work in game assets creation a lot so having it turned off allows me to make sure my normals are facing the right way. I usually just turn it off manually but every now and then i forget and it comes back to bite me.
In maya 2011 I used the script found here [URL]
which is as follows :
Append the lines below to file "initHUDScripts.mel", preferably in a local copy to your maya scripts directory. Path is, in Windows: C:Users\Documentsmaya\scripts
// CUSTOM SETTINGS BELOW // Set Two-sided lighting to off in default 4 views. modelEditor -e -twoSidedLighting false modelPanel1;
but I can't seem to find the "initHUDScripts.mel" in the 2013 file structure. Alternate script I can implement or know where I should append this existing script in the 2013 files? the script still works in 2013, I just dont know where to put it to load at startup
I have been having this problem for a while now that whenever I extrude or create something thats not totally smooth the edges by default are hardened. For example if I create a 12 faced cylinder it will hard edge everything including the verticle edges. Back when I first started using Maya i dont remember having to select specific edges to soften which can get very tedious and take up time.
I feel like there should be some sort of way to harden horizontal edges and soften verticle edges but I cant find the solution anywhere. Is there any way to change the default soften/harden edges?
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
I'm pretty new to photoshop, and I've started on a personal project. I want to basically take a video still from a music video and turn it into a poster. Sadly i can not find a good quality version of the video as it is older and not super famous, (kyuss-one inch man). So i found an online video that is better then youtube but not great, and i captured it through the vista snipping tool (screen capture).
Basically I want to take this low quality picture, and turn it into a good quality poster (not huge). What techniques and things must I do? I'll probably have to find a printer near here and require a specific dpi as well.
I am trying to import photos from my computer to Photoshop elements 11. It has imported most but wont import some as "file quality is too high". How do I get around this? Do I have to downgrade the quality of my photos? To do editing wouldn't you want the best quality photos to start off with?
I have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.
I'm sure it's something basic but whenever I close a PS file, I end up with an empty frame. Tools and menu bars are there. When I close the file, I want to see my desktop, not a blank PS window. How do you get rid of that blank frame?