Maya Animation :: Select Clips In Trax Editor To Turn Them Into Single Clip
Nov 2, 2011
I've used Trax to create a number of animation clips for a character in a video game. I can create more complex animations by arranging several of these in the Trax editor and setting blends.
What I would like to know is: can I select several scheduled clips in the Trax editor and turn those into a single clip? Like if I had two walk cycles that blend into a jump, could I select those and create a single walk-then-jump clip which would appear in the visor, and which I could then drag into the Trax editor as a single unit?
Previously in 2013, you were able to identify you clip ghost joint set and your master controller separately. HOWEVER, in maya 2014 there is only one option and that is "Set Ghost Clip Root". This works on HIK IF and only if you select the root FK controler, yet I've not been able to get it to work if I'm using a custom rig as the joint is driven by a transform (i.e. a nurbs curve). , using a reference character seems out of the question with anything related to trax and clip sequencing if you want to use the ghosting options.
Is there any way to export the entire trax layer with multiple clips as an MA file? I need to swap out a character rig with a new one currently I am able to do this with single clips, but if i have a bunch of clips sequenced on the time line id like to do them all at once if possible?
I have animated a biped with 10 bip clips in a Transition Track. I need to insert another clip inside of the set of clips. Nothing worked in trying different things in MM, and I couldn't find any tutorials that are comprehensive. Is there a way to insert a clip inside of a mix rather than only at the end?
I'm having a lot of problems trying to load a model I animated using Trax.
First I modeled and rigged a character in Maya and saved it as model.mb.
Next I created an empty file and referenced my model file into in. In the new file I created a character set based on all the rig handles. Next I spent a few hours animating some simple walk cycles and jumps, putting each animation into a separate Trax track. I also created a few character poses.
Last night, everything was working fine. I could select poses and apply them. I could enable single Trax tracks and play them and everything went smoothly. I saved and closed my file.
Today when I opened the file and tried to continue, none of the Trax animations I saved were working. When I try to assume a pose, the rigging moves seemingly random directions. When I enable a Trax clip and play it, the animation is all messed up.
I experimented today with a simple test file. I created a new empty file, referenced in my model, created a character set and a few character poses. Everything was working fine. I could select the bind poses in the visor and assume whatever pose I wanted without error. Then I saved the file and closed it. When I reopened the file and tried to assume the same poses, my character's limbs shot off in all sorts of weird directions.
What's going on? Have I lost my work? How am I supposed to use Trax is if this happens if I simply save, close and reopen Maya?
(The rigging was all nurbs curves with a little bit of Set Driven Keys for the fingers and feet. I also hid and locked attributes of the nurbs I wasn't using. The rigging mostly done using constraints, although I also used straight parenting for some IK handles.)
I am using HumanIK with Graph Editor to animate my character. First I create pose to pose and then I go to the Graph Editor to set the timing of the animation. In the Graph Editor I drag select multiple keys to get the timing correct. Then I go to the timeSlider and copy/paste keys to make some tweaking. And here we have the problem! When I copy key/keys all are good, but when I am going to paste key/keys Maya give me a fatal error!
Make a default skeleton from the Character Controls menu and then make a Control Rig. Select HipsEffector set keys on frame 1, 12 and 24. Then in the Character Controls menu go to the Controls tap and left mouse click in the empty space next to the Character image to select all. Now open up the Graph Editor and select all the keys on frame 12 and with the Move Tool shift middle drag the keys to the right.
If you at this point go to the timeSlider and copy key frame 12 and paste it somewhere in the timeSlider Maya gets a fatal error pop up.
If the action shift middle drag with the Move Tool hasn't been used then Maya haven't popped up with the fatal error!
I've got a problem with the graph editor in 2012 changing the values of my curves when I retime the curves. Basically, when I select all the controlers in my character rig, the go to move each set of keys over 2-3 frames, the curve values change. So the walk cycle essentially breaks, and my feet end up further in front, and the y trans value flattens out.
I've just installed hot fix 2, and that hasn't changed it. This has worked fine in every version of Maya i've used since version 3. Is it an 'new option' that i need to turn off I don't know about?
I'm doing a walk cycle. and I have 2 feet. I have to manually switch in the numbers that result in a graph that is basically identical but with a horizontal and vertical flip.
instead of manually typing in the numbers I'd like to copy one set of keys and paste it onto the second foot. I know I can get a vertical flip by doing *=-1 but is there a way to get a horizontal flip also?
I have a object divided to multiple parts, nearly 150, and when animating the rotation or any attribute I want some spacing between the keyframes, so that the second part starts moving after the first one by 5 frames, and it's about 150 objects, and i don' t want do it all manually, Is there any script or technique that could speed up my workflow.
Say I have a series of keys, and I want to add exactly 1 or 2 spaces in between each key. is there a way to do that? rather than selecting chunks at a time and spacing them apart... like +=2 will move all the selected keys over 2 spaces all together. maybe theres a code that moves them with an offset?
My Animation Graph Editor is only showing one animation curve (for one attribute) at a time after I have set multiple keyframes for the character set and various attributes. I select multiple attributes, and hit View-Frame All, and it only shows the top attribute of the selected attributes as one curve.
in C4D i can move the bezier to make the animation softer but in maya i can only move the point i click, try do middle mouse the bezier to move and i cant i know.
I'm having a problem with being able to select inputs in the Chanel box / layer editor ! I am using maya 2012 on a MacBook pro , for instance if I create a cylinder ,when it's created I bring up the Chanel box , I have : pCylinder1 then the boxes for adjusting the xyz axis etc , then shapes / pCylinderShape1 , and that's it ! I have no inputs tab to adjust sub-divisions etc ?? Have I not got something selected
I have a hard time copying/pasting graph editor curves from a scene to another, since it`s only a specific part of the timeline, is there some basic rules that are to be observed for things to work properly? Yes after a thousand tries i`m going to have to edit every darn ecking curves accordingly to those i wanted to copy.
This is a pretty basic function in the Graph Editor.
All I want to do is copy some keyframes at one point to farther down the timeline IN the graph editor. Basically, select some keys, move to a new time and paste those same values. When I paste, all it does is add keys to the existing curve. I haven't used maya in awhile (2008 version), but I'm PRETTY sure this function was available. Why doesn't it work in 2011?
I've searched online, I've tried copying, moving to new time, create some keys, select them and then paste over them, but still doesn't work. And yeah, I know about the middle mouse button time slide trick, which is a workaround but doesn't work if you're copying multiple keys over time. I want to be able to do this BASIC function. What's the deal? On a Mac.
When animating, I have to manually key all the bones on frame 1, and then manually key all the bones on frame "whatever". If I don't key every bone myself, then bones I missed on frame one will become the same as the ones on frame "whatever". I was wondering if there a way to select and key all the bones at the same time? I tried, just slecting all the bones in one 'left-click', and that only seems to key the root bones.
I am actually a 3D modeler from a different program trying to learn Maya. I have spent the past 5 days just watching youtube tutorials, but for some reason they do not seem to have the problem I am having.
Ex : if we have 10 joints in the scene i want to select the whole hierarchy with script Or if i select 1st joint, then i want select remaining child joints with the script(listRelatives Or listConnecttion).
I'm still animating the ball rolling all over the place and I wonder if theres a shortcut or a script that will let me to select all the keyframes in the current frame, in a graph editor.So I can move them simultaneously! =D Click drag selection becomes a pain after several hours..
Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.
How do you select Multiple clips in a long sequence with many clips? I am cutting a short documentary and I need to move around a large quantity of clips. How do I quickly select a bunch of clips?
In attempting to follow a YouTube tutorial, working on a cone shape in vertex mode, when I select a single or row of vertexes, all vertexes get selected. When this happens, I note the coloring ranges from yellow at the selection point(s) graduating to black furthest away.
From this, I assume I have some other parameter/ mode invoked which I am unaware of.
The playhead is 2 frames away from the end of a clip. With "snap to" enabled, the clip can be moved to Snap to the edge of the playhead. OR other nearby clip edges. OR go way past the playhead and drop overtop of the clip I am trying to make it Snap to. It's like PPro has a blind spot near the playhead. Feels like trying to teach someone to drive, but they can only use the pedals by mashing them to the ground or not at all.
I do not understand why it wouldn't just keep snapping from playhead to the next available clip edge.Vegas Pro does this intelligently. It even watches the markers for snap-to edges.But with Prem Pro, I have to move the clip back or to the wrong place +undo, then move the playhead, then do the move all over again.
REALLY annoying on an active timeline with 3 or 4 tracks that is only a couple of minutes long. INCREDIBLY annoying on a busy timeline of 8-20 tracks in a project 20-30 minutes long or longer.
It really bugs me that the program does actually do a better job overall, but the usability is so rough in PPro. Weird that programs like Vegas, which have a feel (and reliability) like cheap plastic toys compared to PPro also happen to have so much more intuitive UI.
I got started back with Vegas Pro 8 and PPro CS6 feels outdated by comparison just with the general navigation, ease of use and not having to fiddle with settings to make them useful.
master im new in autocad 2014....i have a problem now when i select line or object it highlight or make a broken line....but when i select the other object or line my previous selected back to normal..i mean i can select only one line if i use single to select all object or line with single select continuously, except using hold left click...