3ds Max Animation :: Inserting Clip Within Set Of Clips In Motion Mixer

May 31, 2012

I have animated a biped with 10 bip clips in a Transition Track. I need to insert another clip inside of the set of clips. Nothing worked in trying different things in MM, and I couldn't find any tutorials that are comprehensive. Is there a way to insert a clip inside of a mix rather than only at the end?

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3ds Max Animation :: Mixer To Have Characters Walk Curve Without Having Clip Of Curved Walk?

Aug 6, 2013

I am animating with mocap and biped in Max. A character that is walking, the mocap I have is a straight line. Is there a way in the mixer to have the characters walk curve without having a clip of a curved walk?

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Maya Animation :: Select Clips In Trax Editor To Turn Them Into Single Clip

Nov 2, 2011

I've used Trax to create a number of animation clips for a character in a video game. I can create more complex animations by arranging several of these in the Trax editor and setting blends.

What I would like to know is: can I select several scheduled clips in the Trax editor and turn those into a single clip? Like if I had two walk cycles that blend into a jump, could I select those and create a single walk-then-jump clip which would appear in the visor, and which I could then drag into the Trax editor as a single unit?

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Premiere Pro :: Using Control Surface With The Clip Mixer

Jan 22, 2014

I'm contemplating purchasing a Mackie MCU to automate some of the volume edits I have to make using 5 tracks in the Audio Clip Mixer over 80 hours of video.  I've tried to contact Adobe support, but they are about as cluless as a bag of hammers.  When I asked if the clip mixer works with a control surface (after 4 calls and 4 different agents) I was told no.  Which is total BS as there is toggle in the clip mixer called "Toggle Control Surface Clip Mixer Mode". They read from scripts and have no clue what they are talking about.   I guess I should not be surprised as its an outsourced call center staffed with drones who have never even used the software, much less in production!  Adobe you should be ashamed of your support, it's appauling! (BTW I own an online Magazine in the 3d industry and will be writting an article about your appauling support soon) 
Anyway, onto my specific questions:
1) The Mackie MCU has overlay cards for button mappings for many different apps, but PP is not one of them.  What functionaliy is mapped to the control surface specially from PP and the clipmixer?
2) Is there a way to group channels so that keyframes can be written to multiple clips at the same time by using one fader?
3) In the clip mixer there is a keyframe toggle, does such a toggle translate to the control surface?
4) Sometimes I want to manually keyframe, rather thanan make adjustments while the playhead is moving, so I will simply click the fader slider to write a keyframe, manually move the playhead and then adjust the fader to write the subsequent keyframes.  As faders on a control surface can not be pushed like a button, is there a way to generate a keyframe from the control surface?
5) Are there any known limitations using the control surface vs the software for both the clip and track mixers?

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Softimage :: Animation Mixer Tracks To Timeline Again?

Feb 19, 2013

I've created animation mixer clips for edit animations that have a bug of time and I want to extended and the time line was cleared and now I wants to put the animations again in the time line to export, how do that?

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3ds Max Animation :: Motion Capture - Hands Closed On Biped Animation

Nov 18, 2013

I have a list of motion capture, those mocap didn't track the fingers so the hands are always opened. In some of these mocap I need the biped hand to be closed. I've been looking for a solution for about a day now. I think I'm in the good way which is to create a biped layer animation where the hands are closed and link the hands of that layer to the original layer. so I would be able to save that layer and apply it to every mocap animation that need to be readjusted. The only problem is that I'm not sure if it's the better way and I don't know the procedure.

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Maya Animation :: Blendshape Animation From Motion Capture?

Mar 6, 2012

translate facial motion capturing data (basically 2d point clouds) to blendshape weights. I finished rigging my character and wanted to drive my blendshapes by the relative position of my tracking data, e.g. distance between corners of the mouth drive the "wide" blendshape and so on...

Hope YOU know a solution for this, I believe blendshapes are THE way to create realism in tracked animation but I was not able to find ANY reference to something like that. I'd like it to be customizable and not to expensive, so the imagemetrics faceware service won't do for me

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Maya Animation :: How To Get Random Motion In Camera Animation

Nov 29, 2010

Was wondering if there is a way of getting random camera movements? For example, i am doing a fly through of an earthquake scene and as the camera animates along the street it randomly shakes with the earthquake shocks.

I know I could animate it by hand but I wondered if there was a way (perhaps an expression) to make it more simple?

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VideoStudio :: X2 Motion Menu (don't Use First Clip)

Jul 3, 2011

Within a DVD menu I created a motion menu. However I don't want to have the first clip as introductory video for the motion menu. I unmarked the checkbox named "use first clip as introductory video and added, in the first page of the Share - DVD, the clip that must be played in the motion menu (moved the clip most left).

In the menu itself its now fine when nothing is selected, though when selecting the total video to play, the selected video file of the motion menu starts to play where the first video file (clip) must be played. I know that in the main menu I can select the first clip to play as well but that's exactly what I want to avoid..

I removed all chapters since I don't like to have a sub-menu. Just one overall main menu to play the total video, and in the DVD menu in the motion menu only, I want to see (and not select) the chosen clip.

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Photoshop :: How To Access Speed Slider - Slow Motion In Video Clips

Dec 31, 2012

i an having trouble accessing this function.  I have CS6 (windows) and i can't access the 'speed/duration sliders' to slow down my clip to look like its in slow motion.  I know this can be done

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VideoStudio :: Retaining Audio While Inserting Video Clips

Sep 22, 2011

I am using VideoStudio v11. I have a long section of video which is of someone making a speech. I want to insert some cut-aways into the sequence, whilst obviously retaining the audio running sequence.

I have split the audio from the video track, but I can't seem to figure out how to remove a section of the video and replace it exactly with a cut-away section of video. I need to keep the video and audio in sync. Maybe I am going about it wrong and don't need to split the audio off - but then how would I insert just a clip of video without disturbing the audio.

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VideoStudio :: Getting File Mismatch Message While Inserting Movie Clips

Aug 10, 2011

I have VideoStudio Pro X3 and when I try to insert movie clips I get a "File Mismatch" message. My clips are created from a smart phone - Samsung Fascinate - and are of .MP4 format.

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Premiere Pro :: Moving Clips With Snap To - Why Clip Edges Ignored

Dec 14, 2013

The playhead is 2 frames away from the end of a clip. With "snap to" enabled, the clip can be moved to Snap to the edge of the playhead. OR other nearby clip edges. OR go way past the playhead and drop overtop of the clip I am trying to make it Snap to. It's like PPro has a blind spot near the playhead. Feels like trying to teach someone to drive, but they can only use the pedals by mashing them to the ground or not at all.
I do not understand why it wouldn't just keep snapping from playhead to the next available clip edge.Vegas Pro does this intelligently. It even watches the markers for snap-to edges.But with Prem Pro, I have to move the clip back or to the wrong place +undo, then move the playhead, then do the move all over again.
REALLY annoying on an active timeline with 3 or 4 tracks that is only a couple of minutes long. INCREDIBLY annoying on a busy timeline of 8-20 tracks in a project 20-30 minutes long or longer.
It really bugs me that the program does actually do a better job overall, but the usability is so rough in PPro. Weird that programs like Vegas, which have a feel (and reliability) like cheap plastic toys compared to PPro also happen to have so much more intuitive UI.
I got started back with Vegas Pro 8 and PPro CS6 feels outdated by comparison just with the general navigation, ease of use and not having to fiddle with settings to make them useful.

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Premiere Pro :: Inserting Audio Clip Into Sequence (CS5)?

Mar 14, 2014

I'm running Premiere Pro CS5 on Win7 x64.  I have an MP3 audio clip that I've selected a sub-clip from, as you can see here:

When I click on the insert button, everything to the right of the insertion point on the timeline is pushed to the right, as if the clip were inserted, but the clip doesn't show up anywhere (I've scrolled up and down through both the audio and video tracks), as you can see here:

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3ds Max Animation :: Fading In / Out Animation Clips

May 23, 2012

Best method of linking several AVI clips by fading in/out. I have an animation where I want to show the first 30 seconds of a process then miss the next 30 seconds and come back in showing the third 30 seconds (several times).

E.g 0-30 seconds fades out and runs into 60-90 seconds fading in. 60-90 fades out and runs into 120-150 etc.

Do I render these off from Max and compile as separate animations in RAM Player, then use something like Video post or some other method to compile the animations into one?

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Inserting Title Overlays Latter Video Clip?

Jul 20, 2012

I've been unable to resolve a problem encountered when I insert a "title" to overlay on the first 30 seconds of a corresponding video clip.

When played back, the subsequent portion of the remaining video clip past 30 seconds goes missing. However, on this "missing portion" the audio portion of the video clip is present while the video portion becomes solid black to the end of the clip. The same result happens when I burn it.

In the "PROJECT" playback mode both the title and the video play fine, as do both the video and title in the "CLIP" mode.

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Maya Animation :: Blendshapes Causes New Motion

Sep 29, 2010

I have two models that are identical other than the faces. However, when I apply a blendshape, in addition to morphing between the two faces, motion is created in the legs of the target. These are FBX files exported from MB 2011 into Maya 2011.

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3ds Max Animation :: Motion Capture On Object

Sep 19, 2011

If I have "dummies" 1 - 3 positions animated, is there a controller I could add to the curved object to rotate and position it in respect to the dummies? I guess the dummies are acting like motion capture points.

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Maya Animation :: GUI Motion Capture?

Oct 29, 2012

If I create a facial GUI in maya , is there a way to add motion capture to that? What's the best way to do something like this?

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3ds Max Animation :: Label Animation As A Clip

Mar 23, 2011

i have one 3d object with some animation. i have to export this as MD2 format. statically the object is working but the animation is not working, for that i want to set the name for animation as a clip and i am going to access this object by using this name.

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3ds Max Animation :: Inverting Camera And Object Motion?

Mar 2, 2012

I am tracking points on a moving object, it doesn’t deform, it tracks nice. Using Matchmover. Back in Max, it sees it as a static object, and the camera is moving around it.

Any way to invert the animation between a camera and an object so the other one is the one that moves, but they retain the same relational animation? Did that make sense? Right now the object (represented by a Group of 3D tracked points) is still but the camera moves, I want this opposite, the camera is still but the tracked points move, and it looks the same through the camera.

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Maya Animation :: How To Curve With Motion Path

Jan 9, 2013

I've got a Locator attached to a Curve with a Motion Path - the Motion Path is animated so the Locator moves nicely along the Curve. I now want to swap the original Curve with a new one and have the Locator follow it instead.

Is there a way to simply switch curves and tell the Motion Path to use a new Curve while keeping the animated keys in the Motion Path node?

I've tried playing around with the connection editor but cant manage to connect the new Curve to the Motion Path nodes "geometryPath"

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Maya Animation :: Motion Path - Best Way To Animate?

Sep 9, 2013

I'm currently working on a advertisement for a client and I need to creat a kind of ribbon to wrap around like a present. I thought what would be best would be making the ribbon and then using a motion path add it on but also I would add a gravity field to the ribbon so to moved more like a ribbon.

Also with the motion path I have made them and connected my ribbon and for some reason it doesn't move until the last frame and just snaps to that position?

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3ds Max :: How To Render A Super Slow Motion Animation

Jan 30, 2012

I have an animation of a wine glass breaking. I simulated it using mass FX and particle flow. I will import it to After Effects, add finishing touches and render out a super slow mo clip like you would see on Discovery HD or Time Warp. In essence, I want it to look like it was shot on a high speed camera.

I tried a test render out of max at 960 fps and importing into AE at 25fps but the results aren't quite white I want.

My question is, what frame rate do I render the animation out inside 3ds max and what frame rate do I import/interpret it in After Effects?

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3ds Max Animation :: Biped / Motion Keys Scaling?

Feb 28, 2014

I'd like scale my biped animation. I have 200 frame mocap animation, all frame has keys. I want scale it to 72 frame. I found how can I scale the keys, is ok, but after scaling the bip01 bone jump there and back.

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3ds Max Animation :: Motion Capture Using Xbox Gamepad

Jul 22, 2013

I'm testing a puppet rig i've made in 3dsmax of a bird and i've hooked up the bones to the motion capture utility in max 2014.
Would be cool to get FULL support for the dual analogue sticks of the windows Xbox controller as i'm struggling to map the controls to how i want.
here's my first test, recorded live from the viewport.



3dsmax subscription
other s/ware:- modo 701 - blender 2.68 - combustion - lightwave - vue - zbrush - tvpaint - toonboom
system spec:- 8gig ram nvidia 8500 512ram winvista 64 intel quadcore 2.4ghz

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Maya Animation :: How To Create Motion Path Correctly

Jan 29, 2011

To create an animation similar to the one shown in the page 225, in the tutorial, I created a curve but I am not too sure that was the correct way to create it.

1. Selected the Surfaces Menu.

2. In the font view, using the CV Curve Tool, created the first half.

3. Using Duplicate in the Edit Menu, I created the other half.

4. In the Edit Curves Menu, selected Attach Curves and connected two curves.

5. I, then selected the Animation Menu and created an object to be used as an aircraft and followed the same steps shown in the tutorial and it worked nicely.

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Maya Animation :: How To Attach Object To Motion Path

May 13, 2009

I am trying to attach an object to a motion path but when i do the object goes to the beginning of the path but when i move the time slider nothing happens and when i move the object it isn't attached to the path.

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Maya Animation :: No Motion On Objects In Setting Keys?

Apr 20, 2012

There is no motion in my meshes when using set key or auto key.

So lets say I have a cube and set a keyframe at 1 and move it a little to the right and set a keyframe at 13, between 1 and 13 there's no motion from 1 to 13, just it jumping straight to 13. I hope that makes sense, I've tired going to Animate setkey options and checked current manipulator handle, didn't worked.

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Maya Animation :: Motion Trail Won't Properly Delete?

Feb 13, 2010

Trying to find the closest thing to 3dsmax trajectory, I'm using a motion trail. Once deleted the specific controller it was used for becomes very very slugish, with over 20 sec to respond.

I tried deleteing all the connections in hypershade and using the delete command but nothing works.

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Photoshop :: Correctly Export And Animation As Layers From CS 5.1 To Apple's Motion?

Jun 14, 2012

I've made an animation in photoshop CS 5.1 with three layers that I want to export to Apple's application Motion in order to work on each layer individually. I can easily make a quicktime file, but I can't work on each layer this way. When I import the photoshop file I get the prompt "All Layers," which I choose, but there is no movement when I hit play on the timeline. Only one frame is displayed when there are a number of different frames, and animations.

I'm using an IMac with 8 gigs of ram and 3 external hard drives with a terabyte internal drive.

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