I printed (2) 7x5 Prints using template browser. The top print is getting clipped about a quarter inch.
In the top left-hand corner both horizontal boxes are stating that the size is 7x5. I have double checked all the settings. Using a Epson 4900 printer sent to US letter, the only thing that is checked is zoon to fit, rotate to fit and show guides. am I doing something wrong or is this a program error that needs to be addressed?
I am desperate and cannot think what else to try? I used Lr 3.6 to create custom (4 identical) photos to print on Kodak 210x297 mm (A4) glossy paper, using an HP 309a Photo-smart Premium inkjet printer. The size on the computer screen looks correct, in that the 4 pictures take up the whole A4 sheet. However, when I print, only one quarter of the photo paper is used, -ie., the 4 prints are all in one corner, and each print is like a tiny thumbnail. I have tried to vary the way I set this up by using different templates but nothing I do works at all, and I'm just wasting more and more paper.
I watched Matt Kloszowki's LR killer tip on borderless printing and followed his instructions but my 4x6 print only fills about a 40% of the paper and I'm not getting the full image. I added a border to outline the edge of the =print whic I scanned. What do I need to do to print the full image?
I'm having trouble printing an image that's longer than 11 inches. I have a Canon i560 printer, and use either PS 7 or PS CS.
I want to print an image that's 6 x 16 inches, using 13x19" paper that I've cut in half the long way. I specified Custom (for size), and got approximately the correct width, but it stops printing after 11 inches. I also tried printing a JPG version of the image using WindowsXP print utility, and it allowed me to specify a custom size, but it also stops printing after 11 inches in length.
CS3 / XP Home. I am trying to print a 7 by 10 in image using my old Canon BJ200 printer. On Page Setup the right margin always default to 2.5 in,despite repeatly input to defferent numbers. I've lowered the image to 300dpi with no effect on print setting.What can I do?
I have created a pressure network using 8-inch diameter pipes. How would I change the 8-inch pipes to 6-inch pipes without having to recreate the network.
Someone would like a small 1 inch by 1 inch logo for invoices at 600 DPI. However I understand that illustrator doesnt work in DPI or PPI since it's vector. Would I have to transfer the small image over to photoshop. I did try and save a 1 inch by 1 inch logo at 600 PPI, however when I saved the image it was no longer 1 inch by 1 inch. It had increased significantly in size regardless of what file format I saved the image as.
My prints are getting clipped no matter what I try to do. I am losing approximately 1/8" from all sides of the finished print. From what I can tell, the picture is actually printing larger than the specified size.
This is my process:
In the Develop module I am cropping to the desired aspect ratio using LR presets, then going straight to the print module. My printer is an HP Photosmart C4780. In the Print module I set my margins to 0 and cell size to 4in x 6in. The picture on the screeen looks exactly how I want it to print. I go to Page Setup, select my printer, paper size (borderless 4x6) and orientation, click OK. Then to Print Settings, select the HP paper I am using, click borderless, click save. If I click "scale to fit paper size", I still lose approximately 1/16" on each side. Under Image Settings, I deselect zoom to fill. I have tried selecting it but still experience clipping. I have tried moving the margins in by fractions of an inch and I seem to recover some of the image, but its a long trial and error process that I feel I shouldn't have to do.
A 4x6 test print on regular 8.5x11 paper measures 4-1/8" x 6-1/8". The print layout in LR clearly says 4x6.
If I try to draw a square box in any size, illustator does not make it square.
For example, if I select the Rectangle Tool, click in the art space and set the rectangle to one inch by one inch, I get a box that is 1.0003 by 1.0003
Here is a screen shot of what I am getting.
This is also happening to any rectangle and circle.
Even if I hold down shift to keep the preportions lock, it still happens.
I have check and nothing is snapping or set to snap.
This is a major issue for me as I use illustator for creating dielines and those dielines need to be very accurate.
I have clipped the start and end locations on some videos. I then export them with the Vidoe setting of "Original". This is suppost to only maintain the original aspect ratio and FPS.
When I view the exported video it is the same as the original, with the clipped start and end points..If I export to a different format then the edits are included.
I would like to display actual document sizes (real inches as in 5" X 7") in the print module in Lightroom. I can calibrate pixels per inch for my monitor in Photoshop but can't figure out how to do it in Lightroom - i.e. on my 24" monitor 94 pixels per inch will display my print size document in it's real size on my screen.
I want to get a quarter of a circle. I have drawn a coloured circle but cannot see how to crop it to have exactly a 90º angle (a quarter of the circle) with no edge.
Just upgraded to CS4, and everytime I use the erasor, the outline appears as a quarter circle. It still erases in the circle pattern, but makes it hard to work like this. Any ideas on how to fix this?
I have PaintShop Pro X3 and pretty much all the other programs. I scanned lots of photos (6*4) at a 300 dpi which works out at about 11 meg each photo (i think this was overkill!). However, when i created a slideshow these photos are shown as about one quarter sized. Is there any way i can correct this ? Should i for the future scan at a different dpi ? I want to view the images as a slideshow and am not interested in printing them.
I wanted to create an A4 borderless print in my canon mg6150 from within the print module. I can do a borderless print using the canon easyprint.
I go into page setup and the properties of my printer and set the page layout to borderless and click OK.
However, I am unable to set the margins to zero. When I go back into my page setup and check the page layout, it has reverted to normal so it has ignored my setting.
I have just bought and installed Lightroom 5 and need to set my print size to A3 and in the future even bigger. I do not have the facility at home and need to have them sized correctly for the print shop so they do not have to waste time resizing them. I am at a loss how to do this. I cant find any settings for this size print. A3 is roughly 42 x 29.7 cm.
.mov seem to have some clipping happening on import or export from after effects.
i'm getting proresHq clip out of premiere to blur a face, and then i export for the grading in resolve in proresHQ. In Premiere CC, i see those overbright (above 100ire), they are not clip. But this doesn't seem to pass on in after effetcs. I try with the original .MXF, no chance. I mess a lot with Color management. And same thing in CS6. So far, i put my projet in 32bits and then drop my output white to retain a maximum of signal for the colorist. But this is not a viable solution.
I always thought i could import a .mov in after effects, then render in the same codec and obtain the same signal.How can AE, when in 32bits, sees those value but can not write them back on export, in the same codec?
I cannot seem to reset the print template screen while in the " Print " module. It has adopted the smallest pic size with three times the normal border. I wish to reset to full screen in print module
How to ADD (almost) white Border around photo(s) to print in print module (not for creating a JPEG) WITHOUT TRIMMING the photo?
I dont understand why I'm so stupid not to be able to acheeve this simple task with Lightroom WITHOUT TRIMMING the image (altering it's proportion and cutting away photo-content)
(on light-gray backgrownd for instance, to use as cutting indications. I know how to use cutting-indications for images i print without a border)
(i do not whant to use workarounds, the kind of preparing "identity plates", a new one each for infinite variations of proportions to use as fullblown-up backgrounds..)
I am new to Corel VideoPro X4 and I am bringing in a fairly big video (3.6gb) with an overall time of 1 minute and 34 seconds. When I import this into X4 it clips the end off at approx 1 minute 30 seconds.
I am designing vector art that is much larger than the default 8.5 x 11. I change the page size to accommodate the art I am creating. When I export the art to EPS, all I get is this 2MB file that contains an image that is 8.5 x 11. What can I do about this?
Epson 3880. Lightroom 4. Moutain Lion. All current.
I am trying to print on 5x7 paper. I set the page setup to 5x7. I have the margins set to .2" on each side. The layout image inside Lr looks exactly how I want it to.Then I print. I end up with a .125" margin on the left and top, and a .625" margin on the right and bottom.
It seems that, no matter how many times i save and update the profile, all the print setting (image size, sharpening, bit depth, color management, ...) are store within the preset, all but the Epson Driver settings, which have to be selected every single time.
I really can't remember if this bug was present in 4.0 or not (I'm currently running 4.1 RC), but I'm quite sure it was working OK under 3.x. Here's the thing.
I configure the printing settings and create. a profile: Profile1.I change all the settings and create a second profile: Profile2. The "Print Settings" settings are different, same printer, one for Color (Profile1), one for Advanced B&W (Profile2).I click on Profile1 (which was created with color Print Settings). Clicking on "Print Settings" or "Print", the printer settings selected under the epson driver is the ABW one (the one that belongs to Profile2).I reselect the correct setting from "Print Settings..." (Color).Click "Save" again.Righ-t click on Profile1 -> Update with current Settings. Setting seems to be saved.I then click on Profile2 and bam! The "Print Settings..." seems to be rverted to color instead of ABW.Update the correct settings, back to point #3
Can you reproduce this? This behavior is vanishig the power of the "Print One" button, unless you constantly print with tha same Driver settings.
Lightroom version: 4.1 RC [820174] Version: 10.7 [3] Application architecture: x64 Physical processor count: 4 Processor speed: 2,4 GHz Built-in memory: 8192,0 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 8192,0 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 2388,3 MB (29,1%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 4759,6 MB Memory cache size: 866,7 MB Displays: 1) 2560x1440, 2) 1680x1050
How do I batch print several exposures at one time that differ in orientation (Landscape, Portrait) or print size (4X6 - 8 X10) or both orientation and print size? I currently have Lightroom 2.3 installed on a XP SP3 machine.
I have been unable to find any documentation on this subject.