Lightroom :: Remove Volumes From Import -> Select A Source List
Jul 18, 2012
First, I'm using the new Lightroom v4.1 on a Windows 7 x64 system.
I'm trying (without success) to remove volumes from the list that's shown when a user clicks on the 'Import' button (lower left of screen) and 'Select a source' which, naturally, shows all the drives in my system.
There are five volumes; four internal and one external.
There are only two drives which contain photos that I'm interestered in importing/editing.
The other drives contain files that I have no interest in editing or organizing.
For example, several hundred (scanned and collected) very old family photos that I wish to keep pristine, with no editing of any kind. As for placing them in collections, I already have them in dated, carefully named folders.
So, as this is a shared computer, I want to remove the volumes (drives) so that the aforementioned photos can't be inadvertantly imported.
I'm in the process of evaluating several video editing programs. So far I've used AVS Video Editor, Cyberlink Power Director and Adobe Premiere.With each program I've spent 30 minutes making a quick demo video to see how intuitive it is and how well it performs. Today I downloaded Corel Visual Studio and decided to give it a go.
I've run into a problem straight away.I've tried to import raw avi files.So I'm using the "Select Import Source Folders" screen.When I navigate to the folder containing the files the OK button is greyed out and won't work.It's greyed out all of the time.
I am running out of hard drive space which is the source for importing my images into Lightroom 4.3. I have these images backed up on an external drive. I now want to use the external drive as my source of import. How do I do that. And then how to do I find the missing files in Lightroom?
When I try to import from a card, using either the slots in the computer or a card reader, I can select the source, but within 15 seconds or so the Source disappears and the middle window tells me to "Select a Source". I can do this over and over, source keeps disappearing. This is happening with different cards (so probably not a card issue), different card reader (so probably not a problem with the reader). Using Lightroom 4 on a Windows 7 operating system. Just started having this problem recently and have had LR4 for several months.
I have lightroom version 4.2 running on Windows 7.
When I import images, if I spend too long slecting the images I want to import from my memory card, the Import source is lost and all my selections are lost. It is driving me roudn the bend! Is there something I am missing?
I run 2 hard drives in my PC. One drive is for programs only. The second and larger is for photos/music. When I go to import the source pane ont he left will not recognize the B: drive, Only the C: drive and it will even recognize my M: drive with is my external. Im not sure what to do at this point to add the B: drive to the souce.
When I try to select photos in the Library section from the keyword list all goes well until I get to the "R***" words and below - all the way to the "Z***" words.. From "R" words on LR will not allow me to select any keyword.When I ust the Filter, I can select any of the words below the "R****" words. Is it possible that there is a limit to the number of keywords allowed in the keyword list?
I have been using LR 4 for a couple days now and when I went to the "Keyword List" I could access some of the keywords. When I got to "S's" I could not access them. One other thing I did, was to use the "Filter Keywords" and when I put the "S's" in, then I could. Seems maybe there is a limit to how many keywords can be listed?
We use lightroom to edit our pictures (about 25.000 pictures a week).We have a deep archiving system which uses a thesaurus (controlled vocabulary list if you like)That deep archiving system picks up the embeded metadata we enter in lightroom.
For the keywords however, we need lightroom to be able to import an .xml file provided by that professional deep archiving system on a regular basis (weekly ?)
There is a plugin available here URL.... but it does not seem to work .I tried contacting the author but I got no response.
I want to create a lightroom catalog of more recent photos but I want to use the keyword list from a prior catalog. Is it possible to "import" the prior list into the new catalog?
Is it possible to have Lightroom rename the source images according to my custom naming convention?
I just imported 278 photos and they are all correctly renamed within Lightroom however the source files retained the original Canon generated names. I want to rename them for backup/in case I ever decide to stop using Lightroom/etc.
I have a user with autocad LT 2004, don't know why evertime she print out, there will be a line of text printed out together, how can I remove this text?
So far the only way I have discovered is to laboriously click the checkbox on each image I want to import. It seems that one should be able to select a range with one click (e.g. holding down Shift and then clicking the last image in the range) or by using a context (right-click) menu. No dice.
i select a folder of files to import but i cant import t hem, the button isnt active.
it says i already have these photos imported. if so how do i edit or see them.
i uninstalled and re-installed the software and it seeme dto start from scratch, in that when i import the folder the photos appear in the develop area to choose from.
however next time i open the application i cant see them and import doesnt work unless i uninstall again.
If I do an import from my memory card, choose my external hard drive as a second location for the import, and then go into my catalog and delete the bad photos, is there any quick way to also remove those files from the backup on the external hard drive? I've got a ton of wasted space on my external HD due to things that I've deleted and don't know of any simple way to get rid of them short of formatting the drive and doing another export, which takes a long time and isn't something I want to do all that often.
My Catalog "somehow" has become distributed over two volumes A and B. A has 60,000 and B has 5,000 files. How do I consolidate the volumes? [I want A to have all 65,000 images]
(Later I want the other of the volumes to simply be a bakup)
I would like to add that volumes A and B are my Master Library, each of which is subdivided into folders for years and within each year there are folders for each event. The two volumes have the same hierarchy of folders.
When I select "Object Properties" as the source for the callout text, it always includes the field name. For instance, I select Field A and Field B as active fields in the Object Data Manager and enter "x" and "y" respectively, as the fields' value. The callout then produces the text "Field A = x" and "Field B = y". I only want to display the field's value (i.e., x and y). I don't want or need the "Field A =" or "Field B" = " displayed.
there's nothing in that dropdown menu for you to select your source image/layer in the Move Path plugin.I am using an XCF (Gimp) file, with many layers. I selected a particular layer, then I opened the Move Path plugin.
for rendering purposes (we work on stop-motion-stop films) in our company's processing workflow, I export many different image sequences with 1000 or more JPG images from many different RAW NEF folders. All these folders with 1000s of RAW NEF files get developed and then exported as JPGs
- into folders on various volumes on servers. so other people then further render from these folders in AE or other hosts.
sometimes however, after a week or month, for whatever reason we need to re-develop original RAW NEFs of a folder of a specific set in it's original lightroom folder (from where those JPGs had been exported from).
By knowing a filename like for example _DSC7561.jpg out of a JPG export folder I then would like to quickly find and locate the original folder within the LR4 library, containing e.g. the file _DSC7561.nef from where that JPG was exported from (for specific reasons I can not change all those export JPG folders are on different volumes than the original folders with RAW file sequences).
So, when I sit in front of LR4 on the RAW development stations is there a way to find
- folders in the lightroom catalogue in volumes or over volumes (by their known folder name or part of their foldername)?
- filenames or part of filenames in folders over volumes, or within a volume?
it is so time consuming to scroll all folders to find an original folder with RAWfiles from where we developed and exported JPGs. we keep those RAW folders not only for the original RAW files of course, but also because of the XMP sidecar files with all the development changes. sometimes we even store snapshots or several stages of XMP processing to them.
Of course LR4 offers search for a filename within a folder via CMD+F, but we don't need that actually.
we need CMD+F for the library search for foldernames or folders over a volume at least, but better would be various volumes.
are there any LR4 plugins or tools that solve this? Or did I oversee something?
I can of course search for any folder containing a file _DSC7561.nef outside of LR4 in finder with tools like "Tembo" or "Find any File" easily, but that don't jumps me to the folder in the LR4 library, with all my developement changes.
PS: we don't use keywords, it is not possible with TB of images each week but we use specific sequencing names for image file sequences and structured folders of course.
I recentely upgraded to LR4.1 and it seems to have done something strange with my Folders. As you can see in the earlier version all of my harddrives are displayed as panel items in the folders panel. However now it's only displaying the boot drive and i have to drill down to the volumes folder to get to my hard drives..This is pretty annoying since i work on multiple hard drives.
I have read in earlier versions that people found a workaround by using the "Promote Subfolders" option until all drives were displayed. However this option doesn't seem to be in LR 4. None of my hard drives are compressed, and they are all internal.
It may be worth noting that when I went to create a new catalog it didnt show any hard drives begin with.
Original Display of the Folders Panel
Current Display of the Folders Panel - as you can see only one drive is displaying.
I had my Lightroom 3 catalog on an external hard drive which became corrupted . the only thing I could do was drag and drop it on another one. when trying to open it I got this Error message."Lightroom cannot open the catalog named “Lightroom main Catalog-2-2” located on network volume “Public”. Lightroom Catalogs can not be opened on network volumes, removable storage, or read only volumes".? I didn't have the ability to export catalog.
There is a folder on my hard drive that does not appear in the list of folders in the import dialog. I have tried expanding all the other folders around it (my photos are filed by date of capture) to see if it was somehow imported as a subfolder. It is simply not there. I can find and open it and access all the pictures in Photoshop Elements but not in Lightroom 4.
It was in Feb - March 2012. I was then using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. I had faced a problem of getting ground data for a large surface by using satellite imageries processed by some government wing of USA (NASA?), have lost track of it.
I have included an image to show you what I'm talking about.
I have some ABR files (blue, red, & brown numbered files) that I have combined to make new ABR files (blue, red & brown corresponding files marked as "M"). The problem is, after creating & saving my new ABR files, I went into the Presets/Brushes folder & deleted the original individual (blue, red & brown numbered files) ABR files. HOWEVER, as you can clearly see, they're still in my selection list in CS6!
The whole reason for doing this was ease of accessing certain types of brushes & to clean that list! If I can't figure out how to remove the DELETED ABR files from the list, it will be huge by the time I'm done!!! I have closed & re-opened CS6, hoping that will "refresh" my brush selection list. As you can see, it most definitely has not.