My Catalog "somehow" has become distributed over two volumes A and B. A has 60,000 and B has 5,000 files. How do I consolidate the volumes? [I want A to have all 65,000 images]
(Later I want the other of the volumes to simply be a bakup)
I would like to add that volumes A and B are my Master Library, each of which is subdivided into folders for years and within each year there are folders for each event. The two volumes have the same hierarchy of folders.
All of my photos have been imported already but some are on my C drive and others are on my H drive. All of those on my H drive are all under a single folder My Lightroom photographs. Those on my C drive are under a whole set of about 50 folders. I can consolidate all my folders on my H drive within lightroom library module by dragging and dropping on the left hand side. I have experimented and I can certainly drag from the C drive to the H drive. However I need to create a visible top folder destination file on the H drive. Ideally I would like to go to my existing Lightroom photographs but if I can't I'm happy to create an aditional umbrella folder.
for rendering purposes (we work on stop-motion-stop films) in our company's processing workflow, I export many different image sequences with 1000 or more JPG images from many different RAW NEF folders. All these folders with 1000s of RAW NEF files get developed and then exported as JPGs
- into folders on various volumes on servers. so other people then further render from these folders in AE or other hosts.
sometimes however, after a week or month, for whatever reason we need to re-develop original RAW NEFs of a folder of a specific set in it's original lightroom folder (from where those JPGs had been exported from).
By knowing a filename like for example _DSC7561.jpg out of a JPG export folder I then would like to quickly find and locate the original folder within the LR4 library, containing e.g. the file _DSC7561.nef from where that JPG was exported from (for specific reasons I can not change all those export JPG folders are on different volumes than the original folders with RAW file sequences).
So, when I sit in front of LR4 on the RAW development stations is there a way to find
- folders in the lightroom catalogue in volumes or over volumes (by their known folder name or part of their foldername)?
- filenames or part of filenames in folders over volumes, or within a volume?
it is so time consuming to scroll all folders to find an original folder with RAWfiles from where we developed and exported JPGs. we keep those RAW folders not only for the original RAW files of course, but also because of the XMP sidecar files with all the development changes. sometimes we even store snapshots or several stages of XMP processing to them.
Of course LR4 offers search for a filename within a folder via CMD+F, but we don't need that actually.
we need CMD+F for the library search for foldernames or folders over a volume at least, but better would be various volumes.
are there any LR4 plugins or tools that solve this? Or did I oversee something?
I can of course search for any folder containing a file _DSC7561.nef outside of LR4 in finder with tools like "Tembo" or "Find any File" easily, but that don't jumps me to the folder in the LR4 library, with all my developement changes.
PS: we don't use keywords, it is not possible with TB of images each week but we use specific sequencing names for image file sequences and structured folders of course.
I recentely upgraded to LR4.1 and it seems to have done something strange with my Folders. As you can see in the earlier version all of my harddrives are displayed as panel items in the folders panel. However now it's only displaying the boot drive and i have to drill down to the volumes folder to get to my hard drives..This is pretty annoying since i work on multiple hard drives.
I have read in earlier versions that people found a workaround by using the "Promote Subfolders" option until all drives were displayed. However this option doesn't seem to be in LR 4. None of my hard drives are compressed, and they are all internal.
It may be worth noting that when I went to create a new catalog it didnt show any hard drives begin with.
Original Display of the Folders Panel
Current Display of the Folders Panel - as you can see only one drive is displaying.
First, I'm using the new Lightroom v4.1 on a Windows 7 x64 system.
I'm trying (without success) to remove volumes from the list that's shown when a user clicks on the 'Import' button (lower left of screen) and 'Select a source' which, naturally, shows all the drives in my system.
There are five volumes; four internal and one external.
There are only two drives which contain photos that I'm interestered in importing/editing.
The other drives contain files that I have no interest in editing or organizing.
For example, several hundred (scanned and collected) very old family photos that I wish to keep pristine, with no editing of any kind. As for placing them in collections, I already have them in dated, carefully named folders.
So, as this is a shared computer, I want to remove the volumes (drives) so that the aforementioned photos can't be inadvertantly imported.
I had my Lightroom 3 catalog on an external hard drive which became corrupted . the only thing I could do was drag and drop it on another one. when trying to open it I got this Error message."Lightroom cannot open the catalog named “Lightroom main Catalog-2-2” located on network volume “Public”. Lightroom Catalogs can not be opened on network volumes, removable storage, or read only volumes".? I didn't have the ability to export catalog.
How do you consolidate audio files in Premiere? (Make multiple audio files on a track one file). Also, my client is having a hard time making an omf that Pro Tools can read. The files can not be found by Pro Tools. How do you make an omf that Pro Tools can read?
I would like to be able to consolidate my layout tabs. I have a drawing of a factory that is of some size and the plant is continually growing. I like having all of my information in one place as the drawings (one .dwg file) change. AutoCAD is not capable of doing so? I'm not willing to break up into separate dwg files either.
I have 50 spots in a folder I need to archive. Do I have to open them individualy, select all and consolidate spot by spot? It feels like I should be able to click on a folder and consolidate everything in that folder?
I'm trying to consolidate a lot of the linework onto a couple of layers that I will be importing into SketchUp. So what I did was created a new layer (Base), turned on all of the layers with the linework that I wanted to move onto that layer, highlighted the linework, right-clicked and opened "Properties," and changed the layer option to Base.
Now, when I check the properties on the linework, it says that it is all on the Base layer. However, when I turn on or off or export the Base layer, it doesn't affect all of the linework, but when I manipulate the layers that the linework was originally on, it does.
In other words, if you look at the objects' Properties, it says they are all on the layer I want them to be on. However, when I try to work with that layer, it does not affect the linework that I want to be in that layer.
I am working a little 'off piste' currently as I am usually designing buildings, however, I have been asked to design a mould for the casting of an additional mass of lead to be appended to the existing lead in the keel of a yacht.
In order to complete this exercise the volume of the mould must accommodate between 26 and 30 litres of lead which is the volume of lead required to give the correct weight.
I have begun this task by creating a new Revit Family (may have been better to create it in a Project Environment) essentially being a large extrusion, with a number of swept blend voids creating the mould cut out. I have determined this using my clients instructions for the type of cross sectional profile, its profile along its length and the footprint. Thing is I now have to work out what alterations are necessary in order to ensure that the mould volume is correct! See 3D View so far.
I am trying to find an easy way of calculating the volumes I have been asked to do. I have a road, with an alignment created along the centreline. I have created a finished surface which incorporates the cutout for the boxing, and I have been supplied with a surface of the natural (original state) ground.
What I have been asked to do is calculate volumes at either 10m or 20m chainages (station).
Obviously, I can create a boundary, and then shift the boundary to where I want the volumes to be, but this road is 3km long, resulting in calculating 150-300 different volumes. The road is not a straight line either and includes a number of bends.
Is there a quick way of calculating this? Or do I need to use the boundary option?
The way they would normally calc it is to add all the details from the cross-sections into an excel sheet, and makesome complex formulas to figure it out. Even doing the boundary method is quicker than that.
We have a good size channel and the section for the channel varies quite a bit. We want to find the volume excavated in the channel between 2 elevations (it is the area of sand per the goetech report)? A template was not used to create the channel surface, breaklines and gradings were used.
I have sevreal corridors with various spurs. The contractor wants the cut/fill volume in sections along the corridors, not one big cut/fill calc. Is there a way to do this in C3D? I have got the volume table with the chainages on, but he does not want a cumulitive figure for the whole corridor.
I've had a rather odd request come in for Volume calculations and I'm not sure how to go about it.
I have 2 surfaces: 1-Design 2-Excavation to Date
Now, the engineers would like to use a dozer to push this material down the hill but they want to do it incrementally by elevation. They would like to know how much material there is to excavate above elevation 90, then between elevation 80-90, then 70-80, etc all the way to 30-40.
I attached a sketch... what is the best way to do this?
AUTOCAD Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU W3565 @ 3.20GHz Installed Memory (RAM): 12.0GB System Type: 64-bit
I have noticed that the value I get when I use the surface volume comparison tool or look at a graded item in the grading group properties box is different than if I calculate it by hand and the discrepancy isn't even consistant. After spotting this problem in a job I am working on graded two simple ponds to check this. The first one is 100' x 100' and 5' deep w/ 2:1 side slopes. Calculating the volume by hand I get 1500 cu. yds but the grading group properties come up to 1506.17 cu. yds. The accuracy is off by less than 0.5% The second pond is 100' x 100' and 2' deep with 3:1 side slopes. The hand calc gets me 654.52 cu. yds. and the grading group properties reads 655 cu. yds. This discrepancy is closer to 7%. I really need to know if I can trust the volume tools in the program.
I am attempting to take two surfaces and cut straight down through a set polyline and get the difference between two surfaces. Do i want to use the bounded volumes to do this? Or can i simply create two surfaces and and use the analyze/volumes tool and just select the two. I would then add the boundary to each surface to limit the data.
My concern is since the two surfaces do not meet along the edges which will cause the math to be off.
I have a few vary large stockpile that i need to get volumes of the stockpile at 1 meter intervals- is there a quick way of doing this, other then finding the area of each elevation and calculating the volumes.
I have an existing topo surface created as well as grading for a proposed elevated pad of earth done in civil 3d 2013. I simply want to calculate the cut and fill quantities. I created the grading with automatic surface creation checked on. When I use volume tools to see what the quantities are, it says 0.0 for both cut and fill.
I created another surface (TIN) and pasted the existing topo surface and the proposed grading surface into it and I couldn't get any quantities.
I created another surface (TIN volume) and set the base surface as the existing surface and the comparison surface as the surface created from the grading but again could get no quantities.
I am looking to find out if the is a way of generating a stage storage table or volume table showing only the volume in the pond from the lowest intersecting existing ground contour to the top of the pond (to determine what would spill out of the pond in case of a berm failure) and if Civil 3D could make the determination of where that intersecting point is.
I have a manure storage pond that I am trying to figure out the total storage volume for. It has 2.5:1 Side slopes and a 10 foot wide ramp at 10:1 entering the pond to the floor bottom. I am trying to figure out what the volume of this pond is. What is the fastest and most efficient way to get this volume? I do not want it compared to any other surface such as existing ground.
I have a red circle in the left hand upper corner of my photos. I position my mouse on the circle and it says OFFLINE. I go to print them and get the following message in a box: Find offline volumes. Print one or more selected item are located on removable volumes. I notice they are on volume K. I have no K volume. I only have drive C & D.
I have a big hole in the ground in my model. Its easy to get the volume of cut with C3D. But I have a topsoil layer, weathered rock layer and then solid rock, I basically need to break them down into different volumes. The way I would normally do it is calculate the topsoil, then work out the weathered rock and minus the topsoil, then for solid rock cut I minus the topsoil+weathered rock. I have attached the 3 volumes I need for info.
using CIvil3D to figure volumes. I have a very large aerial topo from a couple years ago to compare against a topographical survey I completed this year. No problem creating surfaces.
Question: In the topo's, I need to get a volume from two different area being a fill area, the other being the borrow area. Don't want any volume data throughout the rest of the site.
Do I just create one large surface for each topo and designate boundaries somehow? Or do I need to create multiple surfaces for each topo? If this is the case, will I need to make sure any breaklines, etc. don't cross from one area to the other?
I have a 100 acre park that I am doing earthworks. I have 1 proposed and 1 existing surface. The park is now broke into 5 different areas and I need to get cut and fill for each area. Is there a way to do a volume report for a particular area? I could define the area with a polyline. Or do I need to copy the proposed surface and start chopping up into 5 areas?
Is it possible to get a Wiretap Gateway running on a Mac to show network volumes mounted on it?
I'm trying to get a gateway setup so I can get ProRes into my Smoke. Everything is running, I can see my "Helper Monkey" from the MediaHub in the network, and browse to it.. but all I see is the System volume, although I have 2 Windows shares mounted from a server. I'd like to avoid having to copy all the media locally to the Mac HD first, and just let it read from over the network off another workstation. I realize the performance implications, but I'd like to use this to create cache media on the Smoke so I don't care much.
I have not licensed the gateway yet since I was just seeing if I can get it to work at all first (I'm actually trying running the Mac in a VM because my actual Mac Pro is old and won't run 64-bit.