AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Volumes Of A Stockpile By Elevation
Feb 23, 2012
I have a few vary large stockpile that i need to get volumes of the stockpile at 1 meter intervals- is there a quick way of doing this, other then finding the area of each elevation and calculating the volumes.
I am trying to create a 3d model of a stockpile, i have the are at the bottom of the pile, and I have the height and area at the top, but there is a road going up to the top of the stockpile. how can I cut that road into my model? It twists around to the top its not a straight line.
I am trying to create an elevation label that will give me the spot elevation followed by the letters "TC" and then on the line below subtract 4 inches from the elevation followed by the letters "BC". It's easy enogh to add the letters but the simple equation of elevation - 4 inches eludes me.
When I snap a point to an object, the point takes on the elevation of the object. I would rather the point's elevation stay as is.
-changing osnapz variable
-latest civil 3d service pack
A few weeks ago I did not have this problem but once my computer was switched to the company's global server and c3d was reinstalled the problem appeared. Furthermore (post switchover), when a colleage of mine prepared a simple test drawing with just a line and a point, he was able to snap to that line without the point changing elevation. When he sent that drawing to me and I tried snapping the point to the object, the same problem occured with the point taking the elevation of the line object. I suspect it is a system variable issue
i have some existing drainage pipe and structures in a base plan that i need to change the invert (which is the easy part) and the top elevation to the existing top elevation that does not meet the minimum presect in civil 3d 2012 is there a way to change these min. to match my exisitng elevation for example i have a catch basin invert is 15.45 top is 17.56 with a 18" rcp the cover will be less than 12" and i need to change this.
I am trying to find an easy way of calculating the volumes I have been asked to do. I have a road, with an alignment created along the centreline. I have created a finished surface which incorporates the cutout for the boxing, and I have been supplied with a surface of the natural (original state) ground.
What I have been asked to do is calculate volumes at either 10m or 20m chainages (station).
Obviously, I can create a boundary, and then shift the boundary to where I want the volumes to be, but this road is 3km long, resulting in calculating 150-300 different volumes. The road is not a straight line either and includes a number of bends.
Is there a quick way of calculating this? Or do I need to use the boundary option?
The way they would normally calc it is to add all the details from the cross-sections into an excel sheet, and makesome complex formulas to figure it out. Even doing the boundary method is quicker than that.
We have a good size channel and the section for the channel varies quite a bit. We want to find the volume excavated in the channel between 2 elevations (it is the area of sand per the goetech report)? A template was not used to create the channel surface, breaklines and gradings were used.
I have sevreal corridors with various spurs. The contractor wants the cut/fill volume in sections along the corridors, not one big cut/fill calc. Is there a way to do this in C3D? I have got the volume table with the chainages on, but he does not want a cumulitive figure for the whole corridor.
I have noticed that the value I get when I use the surface volume comparison tool or look at a graded item in the grading group properties box is different than if I calculate it by hand and the discrepancy isn't even consistant. After spotting this problem in a job I am working on graded two simple ponds to check this. The first one is 100' x 100' and 5' deep w/ 2:1 side slopes. Calculating the volume by hand I get 1500 cu. yds but the grading group properties come up to 1506.17 cu. yds. The accuracy is off by less than 0.5% The second pond is 100' x 100' and 2' deep with 3:1 side slopes. The hand calc gets me 654.52 cu. yds. and the grading group properties reads 655 cu. yds. This discrepancy is closer to 7%. I really need to know if I can trust the volume tools in the program.
I am attempting to take two surfaces and cut straight down through a set polyline and get the difference between two surfaces. Do i want to use the bounded volumes to do this? Or can i simply create two surfaces and and use the analyze/volumes tool and just select the two. I would then add the boundary to each surface to limit the data.
My concern is since the two surfaces do not meet along the edges which will cause the math to be off.
I have an existing topo surface created as well as grading for a proposed elevated pad of earth done in civil 3d 2013. I simply want to calculate the cut and fill quantities. I created the grading with automatic surface creation checked on. When I use volume tools to see what the quantities are, it says 0.0 for both cut and fill.
I created another surface (TIN) and pasted the existing topo surface and the proposed grading surface into it and I couldn't get any quantities.
I created another surface (TIN volume) and set the base surface as the existing surface and the comparison surface as the surface created from the grading but again could get no quantities.
I am looking to find out if the is a way of generating a stage storage table or volume table showing only the volume in the pond from the lowest intersecting existing ground contour to the top of the pond (to determine what would spill out of the pond in case of a berm failure) and if Civil 3D could make the determination of where that intersecting point is.
I have a manure storage pond that I am trying to figure out the total storage volume for. It has 2.5:1 Side slopes and a 10 foot wide ramp at 10:1 entering the pond to the floor bottom. I am trying to figure out what the volume of this pond is. What is the fastest and most efficient way to get this volume? I do not want it compared to any other surface such as existing ground.
I have a big hole in the ground in my model. Its easy to get the volume of cut with C3D. But I have a topsoil layer, weathered rock layer and then solid rock, I basically need to break them down into different volumes. The way I would normally do it is calculate the topsoil, then work out the weathered rock and minus the topsoil, then for solid rock cut I minus the topsoil+weathered rock. I have attached the 3 volumes I need for info.
using CIvil3D to figure volumes. I have a very large aerial topo from a couple years ago to compare against a topographical survey I completed this year. No problem creating surfaces.
Question: In the topo's, I need to get a volume from two different area being a fill area, the other being the borrow area. Don't want any volume data throughout the rest of the site.
Do I just create one large surface for each topo and designate boundaries somehow? Or do I need to create multiple surfaces for each topo? If this is the case, will I need to make sure any breaklines, etc. don't cross from one area to the other?
I have a 100 acre park that I am doing earthworks. I have 1 proposed and 1 existing surface. The park is now broke into 5 different areas and I need to get cut and fill for each area. Is there a way to do a volume report for a particular area? I could define the area with a polyline. Or do I need to copy the proposed surface and start chopping up into 5 areas?
I have created a volume surface and associated surface legend table using the cut/fill parameter.
The volumes and areas don't seem to add up, take Cut 2 as an example only if the area of the previous (cut 1) was added could this be possible. There is lots of speculation in our office like does the fill work in reverse?
I am looking to calculate the volume of an existing berm from a TIN surface. I have read through some of the Civil 3D tutorials, and realize that I will need to have two surfaces (base and comparison), but need to figure out how to create the comparison surface.
I have been provided a file with a surface, however I have not been provided with the point files referenced to define the surface. As a result, when I try to calculate the quantities in the volume dashboard using a volume surface, I get the error that the surface is out of date. Is there a way to calculate volumes with an out of date surface?
I am trying to calculate the amount of material required to be cut when creating a flat bottom ditch.
Is there a way I can sort the columns in the dashboard alphabetically? Normally you just click the title in these windows to toggle the way it sorts it, but you cannot do that with this tool. Its making my cut/fill report look messy, as the surface volumes are not in any order.
I'm working on a project to widen a roadway through some mountains. The problem i am having is getting the corridor to apply to a future surface so that i can determine the volume difference. my profiles show there should be some cut and fill, but i cannot get the model to reflect this. when i try to preform a bounded volume i recieve a "the surfaces do not overlap".
I am trying to get the cut volumes for areas that are greater than 15ft of cut for my project. We know that we will be able to get the top 15 feet with heavy equipment but will be drilling and blasting anything greater than 15 feet of cut. This is a different pay item, with greater cost so we need to quantify it.
I've got a composite surface that graphically shows me the elevation bands so I can see the areas that are greater than 15 feet but I'm not sure how to quantify the volumes.
Currently using C3D 2012 with the volume dashboard extension. Have 2013 installed just haven't jumped over yet.
Whenever I open the Volumes Dashboard in a drawing and then close it, my cursor and my WCS compass start blinking erratically, and the program seems more apt to freeze up when I try to do other things from that point on, especially if I try to move to a drawing in another tab. If I bring back the volumes dashboard, it's fine again, but then I've got the annoying outlining of my volume surfaces that I don't want. how to handle this? Is it just an unavoidable glitch in the program?
This might be simple, but what is the best way to hatch a part of a surface at say RL4.00 only so that any part of the surface below RL4.00 is hatched and the rest of the surface is not.
I used the Volume dashboard to cal volume so when I view the surface in object viewer or 3D I see my TIN volumes surface at zero elevation is this right? I think the reason is because they want us to see both surface so they are not on top of one to another.
Any way to label the elevation of an object where it is picked? For example, I'd like to be able to pick on the node of a feature line or 3D polyline (or any object really) and have a label placed that displays the elevation of the object at the point where it was picked. This could appear similar to the surface spot elevation label, but instead of getting it's elevation from a surface, it would come from the object where picked.
Alternatively, any way to create a label style, perhaps using the Note label, to display something like this? I don't even care if it is dynamic or not, static would be fine. However, I do need it to scale innovatively . Tool Pac has a feature that does this, but the label is just a polyline and text that is not annotative.
In the good old days I would create 3d polylines by elevation to create curb lines and driveway cuts. The command was in the terrain pull down. Has this feature been completely down away with?
Superelevation curve criteria specifies axis of rotation but the assembly does not contain pivots.
okay i got this Before , just when i wanted to change in the Super Elevation Wizard , to outside lane rotation , i recently used AOR type , but yet no luck. also in my profile the super elevation the Cross slop Band : i always no matter what a rotation about center line.
I have a surface profile 1 and a corresponding water level profile 1 of a flood plain. Now I get an updated surface profile 2 and the engineer ask me to ajust the water level according to the difference of surface level 1 and 2.
How can I add a irregular distance (water depth) to surface profile 1?