The new colorfringe correction method in Lightroom 4.1 RC2 works fine even for difficult longitudinal CA when used with care. After basic adjustments I normally export my raw file to CS5 for further editing.However found out that even after the Camera Raw update to 6.7 RC my Lightroom colorfringe adjustments were not transfered to CS5.
: but do we require to buy CS6 with Camera Raw 7 to open the raw image with Lightroom corrections for colorfringes maintained?
problem: once I activate lens corrections, photos with blue/purple content get a color fringe. Left version below is a 100% crop from the raw file, lens profile deactivated. Right version is a screen shot of the same raw file in the develop mode, with the lens profile active. The color fringe exports into JPEGs - so it does not seem to be a problem of the viewer or the GUI.
I'm using an Alpha 55 with a Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 Macro. I haven't been aware of this problem with prior versions, but I've found it on both, LR 4.4 under Vista 32bit and the trial version of LR 5.2 under Windows 7 64bit. It appears to be related to the blue/purple color: I first found it on a people shot with uniform blue shirts, where the blue/ skin contrast created a "ghost" frame. To make the artifact disappear, I have to deactivate lens correction entirely. Deactivating CA removal alone does not change anything.
I want to take images rendered in Lightwave 9.3 into Photoshop CS2 for compositing. If:
1. I render objects with antialiased edges over a black background, and then
2. save out the alpha channel for use as a layer mask in Photoshop
I get a black fringe around the objects resulting from the semitransparent pixels of the antialiased edges revealing the black background in the base image.
How should I avoid this problem to get clean antialiased edges?
There are tutorials on how to remove fringe when you have a layer on a transparent background, is there a tutorial on how to remove fringe on a non-transparent background ?
I created an image for a programming project with Photoshop. When my application runs, everything that is red is drawn as transparent when the form is rendered. The purpose of this is to make an application with a shaped form instead of the regular rectangular windows.
Anyways, my problem is with the image itself: there is a little fringe around it. I am no Photoshop expert, but it appears that the fringe is created by Photoshop when my image is rendered against the red background I created. My image, let's say a circle, is actually in a separate layer, and the background layer is red all over. What happens is that pixels, let's say blue, near the edge of the circle in the image layer turn to purple to smooth out the circonference of the circle in some sort of anti-aliasing fashion.
Since at runtime the red disappears, I end up with a purpleish fringe around my circle, which is annoying. I tried using a different background colour, but I still end up with a little fringe, just of another colour. I tried the various "defringe" options of Photoshop but without any success.
Having just updated ACR to ver 6.7 ( I am surprised to find that the colored fringe removal tool in the Lens Correction palette has disappeared. All that there is now is Transform, Lens Vignetting and the relatively useless Defringe.
I thought updates were supposed to provide enhancements, not remove things. What else has been taken away?
I use this tool a lot and would like to get it back. If it has been replaced with something supposedly better, then what and where is it? Have I missed something?
chromatic aberration correction has changed since CS3. It's limited to ONE pixel correction, or what ? It seems i cant get strong cyan/red bands anymore, i used it as an artistic effect and i need it back. I'm not interested in manual workflow (moving manually RGB channels),
I'm backing up and asking how to create "sassy" hair with a lot of fringe on the bangs. I'll learn about my node issues as I work on finishing my pic. Hair is challenging IMHO.
I need to be able to save an image with a transparent background which will appear ontop of different colored backgrounds. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of the nasty white fringe/speckles around the image. I've tried everything possible and I've only been able to reduce it.
I've played with different image settings, I've removed the Matte before saving, I've mapped different colors for transparency, etc.
Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.
I've created a book in LR's book function: selected pics, soft-proofed and made gamut corrections, added photo and page captions, etc. I'm ready to export to PDF but every time (4+ times) I get an error message at what looks like the end of the process. I do have a file but it includes only the cover.
I've tried to send the book to Blurb but get a similar message.
I'm using an iMac running OS 10.6.8. Some of the pictures are laid out in 2 page mode--which I mention only because somewhere I read that mode creates export problems. The pictures are copies in raw (DNG) and sRGB format, and probably 15-20 MB each. I'm wondering if the pictures are too big or...
I was using a trial version of lightroom on windows xp sp 2 and now after 2 weeks it is not exporting images any more. I was willing to purchase a full retail version but does the full retail version has the same bug?
I am using Lightroom to version 4.3. The export feature stopped working. When in the library module if I choose a file(s) and click export I do not get the export dialogue box. Lightroom basically locks up until I press the escape key. Interestingly if I right click on an image, go to export and chose a preset it works? Do I need to reinstall Lightroom and If so how do I do this.
I've been using v3.6 on a windows 7 PC for about 2 years. I've recently upgraded to v5.3 on the PC and at the same time have installed v5.3 on my laptop also running windows 7. On the laptop using a few new images: the smart preview, exporting and web functions work fine. On the original PC which has my original catalog of c17K images these three functions do not work. As far as I can tell the association between the masters and the images in the library has not been lost. The library and develop functions in v5.3 are working on all the c17K images in the original catalog.I've set the Export dialogue box up using recommendations from answers I've gleaned form other discussions in the forum eg; making sure the 'do nothing' flag is active in the post processing section and reducing the quality of the JPEG image. Still when I export nothing happens.
I've been trying to export jpeg images from LR 3, and sizing them to 1110 x 525 pixels, @ 72dpi, the dimensions of my blog header. However, despite inputing these values, the exported jpeg image is sized at 793 x525. Quality is set to 85 and nothing else is checked. Am I missing something? I've also tried the "dimensions" and the "width/height" box choices, but it always outputs at the same 793 x525.
The files are from a Nikon D2h (a little old), RAW.
Lightroom fails to export to jpg most of the time. The application creates the desired subfolder, and displays a progress bar, but does not create the file.
In Develop, I'll click on the icons for the Crop Tool or the Adjustment Brush; the dropdown for the tool will briefly appear, then disappear.
In Library, I'll click Export; the Export dropdown shows for about 1/10 second, and an Export action begins, without me having had a chance to set the export parameters.
I've had LR since the beginning, all on Macs, and this is the first time for this bizzarre behavior. LR or OS? Hardware or software? I tried restarting LR and the computer.
I am trying to export some raw files to jpg and they continually won't export! I can try over and over, some will evidentually export but others won't.
I have a 66 image slideshow sorted from a collection.
LR will only export 11 images.
I have tried from the original images (not in a collection), have saved a slideshow, have previewed and played, everything works fine on screen but I can't export the slideshow as jpegs.
If I export a photo, then make edits and want to save them, should I export them again? It looks like when I export a photo a 2nd time, then I get an additional photo on my hard drive. This is not really want I'm trying to do - I'm just trying to save it as an edited copy.
I think this contributed to some of the problems I was having with getting too many photos, then discarding the "extras" - that apparently was a bad, bad thing to do, but I'm still not quite sure how to handle this.
Lion 10.7.4 MacPro - I cannot export from Lightroom 4 in my main Admin account. Lightroom gives me an error message - Spent much time with Adobe and it was suggested that it was an Apple issue. Apple tech doesn't think so.
Let me start off by saying that I am a total lightroom beginner. I am using publish to HD or sometimes simply right click and export to a JPG with a resize to 1920x1080 and it never comes out that ways. It comes out every time to 1919x1080.
I'm shooting with a Sony ALT-A65V in 16:9 mode. You can see the original, the settings I used and the resulting JPG.
Also, I notied another posting referencing something similar but is there something lightroom does to the photo by default? Even once a photo seems to be rendered in my view it seems to change slightly after a second or two.
I am working on a team of 3 photographers. And when we go to events, we syncronize our cameras in date and time so we can work easly in the editing stage. But the problem that I´ve encountered is that when I edit my photos in my lightroom and then export them, and then import them again with everyone´s pictures in the same lightroom, mine don´t mix, don´t syncronize with the times and dates of the other pictures and also, my red tags and stars don´t appear. And this is making us waste so much time, because the moments of a wedding for example, dont match and we have to order them manually...
What are the smallest eports settings for printing up to 8x12? Does resizing to 2400px on the Long edge at 200ppi make sense? I would like the smallest printable file possible. I am emailing thousands of Santa photos to hundreds of people and sending 10MB files is out of the question.