Lion 10.7.4 MacPro - I cannot export from Lightroom 4 in my main Admin account. Lightroom gives me an error message - Spent much time with Adobe and it was suggested that it was an Apple issue. Apple tech doesn't think so.
I just started getting the following error message using LR5 - Windows7: Unable to Export An internal error has occured: Win32API error 2 (the system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecute.ExW from AgWorkspace.ShellExecute
The file is actually exported, sometimes to the folder specified and sometimes to a new untitled folder in the specified folder.This started after I tried unsuccessfully to activate the Facebook Publish service plug-in. I disabled the plug-in, restarted both the program and computer, but the problem remains.
I am unable to export my photos from Lightroom 5. The Warning that I get is: Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("the system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
Lightroom is current unable to export files (this has happened mid session) It tells me that the file could not be found dispite having just been worked on in lightroom and external editors (Nik software)Testing this it is now happening to all files. There are no tell tail ? marks against these files and all catalogues appear to OK.
Mac OSX 10.6 Lightroom 3.6 Mac Pro Model Name:Mac Pro Model Identifier:MacPro3,1 Processor Name:Quad-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed:2.8 GHz Number Of Processors:2 Total Number Of Cores:8 L2 Cache (per processor):12 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.6 GHz Boot ROM Version:MP31.006C.B05 SMC Version (system):1.25f4 Serial Number (system):3T91400F1LY Hardware UUID:A31A73F4-7213-5FD9-BD0F-510B9C638369
I have LR 5.3 and everything has been working fine. Now I cannot export more that 5 images even though I have checked my registration number and it is correct.I am using Windows 7, 64 bit.
Since upgrading to LR4, I've been unable to export photos to disk. No error is shown, but the UI shows the "exporting" dialog in the upper left of the window, but has zero progress. Here are some details:
Observations: CPU not pegging, RAM isn't getting eaten up. I can right click on any image and ask to be shown the pic in the Finder (I'm on a Mac) and it takes me to the photo. This catalog has been upgraded from every previous version of Lightroom.
Troubleshooting: I've dumped my LR preferences (at ~/library/preferences/.com.adobe...) I've upgraded to 4.1 RC2. I've done the "test integrity of the catalog" check and didn't have any errors. This repros with ANY photo in my catalog.
When I perform the export command, the folder I direct Lightroom to does get created by LR, but no photos ever show up there. I've also tried directing the export to an already created folder, and still there is no export.
Environment: Mac OS X (10.7.3 I believe)LR 4 (now at 4.1 RC2).
I am unable to export any files from LR5. This just barely started happening. I have not had this issue, and I have been using LR5 for a few weeks on two different computers with no problems. I have checked all my settings several times, and tried restarting the program. It still won't export! It goes through all the files, and then a little pop-up window comes up saying it could not export the files.
I have just migrated my LR4 to a brand new system and am still getting this anoying error message on export however the images still seem to export.In case you can't rfead it it reads:
Unable to Export: An internal error has occured: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I have made a book in the book module and was really looking forward to send it to Blurb for printing. I push the "Send book to Blurb... " button but nothing happens. I have tried to export to PDF and JPEG aswell, but nothing. I am Connected to internet, I have an account at Blurb but no reaction. Are there any settings I have missed or are there any bugs that prevents me from exporting? Do Blurb ship to Norway or is that the problem?
I get the following error message when trying to export a file from LR 4.1 using Windows 7:
Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I use adobe photoshop lightroom 3.6, earlier i was able to export photos to my desired folders in desired format but i am not at all able to export any photos at all!
I encountered an interesting problem yesterday while trying to export an image as a jpg. I've outlined what I did.
I had a jpg file of dimensions 150wide X 100 high. Lets call this small.jpg . I had another jpg image that was much larger. Let's call this large.jpg . I wanted to change the size of large.jpg to have the same dimensions as small.jpg.
For convenience, I pasted the large.jpg onto small.jpg and then used the resize tool. When I clicked on export I got the following error-
Saving `large_to_small.jpg` failed
JPEG image plug-in could not save image. I could have sworn that I've done this before and it worked. So I wasted a lot of time trying to `fix` GIMP.
1. Don't paste onto a pre-existing image. Create the canvas size you require then paste the image then resize and export.
2. If you do happen to paste an image onto another for resizing. Close all the files except the current one you are working with. Now choose select all and copy then go to file >>create>> from clipboard. The new image should be of the same dimensions. Export.
One thing I should mention, even though there was an error, the image large_to_small.jpg was created (file size 0 bytes). As you would expect, the jpg file couldn't be opened in GIMP.
Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.
I'm familiar with using photoshop edit photos, but new to video. Currently using Photoshop CC, I want to use Photoshop to edit some short video clips, after apply curve adjustment layer. try to render the video but encounter this problem.
"Could not complete the Render Video command because of a problem with Adobe Media Encoder."
I search for solutions from the net but can't find any answer can solve the problem, I have also update the Adobe Media Encoder, and check I have the latest version of Photoshop, but the problem persist.
here are the screen capture of the Render Video setting page and the error pop up.
I have tried to export video out of CS3 extended no matter what I've tried a get the same message "Could not complete the render video command because of a program error"
I can import .avi and quick time files just fine but it won't export whether I choose .avi file or quicktime. (using only a 25mb sized file)
Please I really could use your help as I have not found any info thru google search. I have no problems rendering from After effects 3 or Premiere Pro 3 just photoshop.
windows XP pro SP3 Photoshop CS3 extended 4 gigs ram, ATI 2900 pro video card Asus PB5 deluxe CPU E8400
I cannot save or export an image from GIMP 2.8 at all. No matter where the mouse pointer is on the save/export window only a caret is displayed and not a cursor. The exception to this is when I hover over the vertical slider in the directory pane and I am able to move the slider on left click and drag. When I was using 2.8.2 (see below) and attempted this operation the cursor changed to an icon resembling a text document. The icon does not appear in 2.8.6
The problem has only occurred in the last 10 days. It first happened to me about a week ago. At that time I was using GIMP 2.8.2. Today I uninstalled this version and installed 2.8.6 with no improvement. I also tried deleting the .GIMP2.8 directory (as recommended elsewhere in this forum) with both versions but to no avail. As implied I have used GIMP (for more than 18 months) without a problem until the last week and a bit.
I have been using a simple rule to export IDW drawings to ACAD 2000 DWG format using Inventor 2011. I upgraded to Inventor 2012 Pro past weekend and am having problems running Ilogic Rules.
Running the rules on Inventor 2012 Pro either manually or using Triggers errors out. The same rule run using Inventor 2011 works ok. The code I have is direclty from the My Snippet> Export DXF from IDW. All occurences of "DXF" were replaced with "DWG". Here is the complete
' Get the DWG translator Add-In.
Dim DWGAddIn As TranslatorAddIn DWGAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{C24E3AC4-122E-11D5-8E91-0010B541CD80}") 'Set a reference to the active document (the document to be published). Dim oDocument As Document oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument [URL]........
Below is the error message. I don't know what this is but the DWG and DXF translators ADDIN may not be loading up. I have loaded them manually using ADDIN Manager but I continue to get this error.
Having cut together a short commercial recently, I have been unable to export my sequence/ work. There are no error messages, only incomplete exported versions of the sequence (sometimes 1 second, sometimes 8 seconds!) or nothing at all. It will go through the motions and not generate an exported file.
I have attempted to export my sequence multiple ways - from the timeline, from the media library and from the mediahub - with identical results. I'm totally at a loss. I've also gone back to a sequence which I was able to export successfully one month ago and now I get the same problem - either no result or some fractional piece of the edit - never more than a few seconds. My finished edit, by the way, is a 30-second spot.
For example, here's one way I've attempted to export:
1. I select my sequence from the media library and right-click for export. 2. I select movie, choose my destination, and select a format preset (I've tried just about every preset, hoping it was a preset error of some kind), and 3. I hit export.
Instead of the spinning prompt in the lower left corner, showing me a percentage countdown (or count-up) - which was present a month ago when I was las exporting a show -I get a quick audio mixdown prompt in the lower left then nothing. It all happens in less than 1 second from the time I press "export".
I've copied the console log for your review. This particular effort/ screenshot resulted in an 8-second clip, which is the longest one (still incomplete) I've been able to generate since I attempted to export starting yesterday. Again, my sequence is 30 seconds, and it either does nothing, generates an empty file (45k in size) or creates an incomplete movie file (usually 1 or 2 seconds).
We are surveyors working in Civil 3D 2013. We sometimes need to export drawings back to previous versions for architects. This can produce unpredictable results. It was suggested to use the command PROXYGRAPHICS, change it to 1, and then export to a previous version. This worked on some drawings.
Yesterday, however, I tried this method and the architect sent me back a PDF saying this is what it looked like in model space when he opened it.
I made a part using the extrude function and cut some texts into the part by extrude (tried emboss) as well. However, when I select the face to export, letters that have area inside, such as "A", "O", etc don't like right because the face selection only selects everything outside the bounds of the letter- so the triangle island part in the "A" and the circular island part bounded by the "O" cannot be selected. This presents a problem for me as I'm trying to use a CNC to cut these letters out with a dxf file to feed my CAM program.