Lightroom :: 4.1 - Unable To Export Error Message / The System Cannot Find File Specified
Apr 6, 2012
I get the following error message when trying to export a file from LR 4.1 using Windows 7:
 Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I have just migrated my LR4 to a brand new system and am still getting this anoying error message on export however the images still seem to export.In case you can't rfead it it reads: Â Unable to Export: An internal error has occured: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I am unable to save an image as a jpg file!!! every time I try, I get the following error: "Not A Regular File"
I can save as png, but not jpg!!! the original format was psd, that error message came up when saving as jpg... when I saved as png, I closed Gimp and reopened the png file, but I STILL get that error message when saving as jpg!!
I'm using Lion, and to install the Leopard version of GIMP. I'm getting an error message, and don't know what action to take:
Unable to open a test swap file.
To avoid data loss, please check the location and permissions of the swap directory defined in your Preferences (currently "/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Gimp").
When I try to package a file with a lot of links, the Indesign CC packaging process fails with the error message "Unable to copy necessary file(s)". I am able to make a PDF of the same file, but when packaking the process fails every time. The app does not crash, just gives an error message. What gives? Â (I'm using a MacBook Pro Retina Display with 16 GB RAM, running OS 10.9 and all CC 9.1 updated with the latest patches).
why my Lightroom 4 program will not open? Yesterday it worked fine. Today I get a message that "an unexpected error occurred". If I try to repair the Lightroom 4 program in the control panel, I get the message "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". SO much of my work is sitting in those catalogs.
I downloaded LR 4.0 as an upgrade to 3 for my iMac. When I try to install, the error message I receive is Operation could not be completed ([url]... error-1). What's the problem?
'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.'I receive the error whenever turning on my laptop, and have ever since installing Lightroom4
Today I got an error message when trying to export a photo. It has never happened before. Win32 API error 2, system cannot find specified file when calling Shell Execute ExW from AG Workspace. shell execute
I'm running Photoshop Elements 5.0. Everything was working fine til this mornin. I've had the program for about a year now. When I tried to open it this morning I got this error message that popped up.
It says:
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
I've tried repairing the program. That didn't work. Restarted my computer. That didn't work. Uninstalled the program and tried opening it again. That didn't work. I'm at a loss! I really need to get into my program b/c my work is there. I tried opening some of my files (they are located in my Pictures folder) and they pop up with the same message.
Recently I found that I couldn't import a .bip file onto my CAT rig. Here's the error message:
Unknown system exception
and highlights the following line of code:
local liindex = FindCATNode catNode;
I've tried several things and copy/pasting the error to google only gives a single page of results, with very few possible solutions. There was one saying I should replace the highlighted code with a different piece of code and restart max. this just changes the error message.
Another solution was to get max 2011 32 bit, save it there and open it up in 2012, however other posts had the exact same problem with importing 2011 files into 2012. so that also doesn't seem like a working solution.
That's about when I reached the end of the page... Could it be that importing the original BVH onto a biped and exporting the animation to .bip caused the .bip file to get corrupt or something? I've tried loading the BVH file onto my CAT rig directly, but this just crashed max.
I have problem with Civil3d 2010, when i open heavy drawing or 1 or more drawing will struck out of system memmory cannot continu the drawing , how can i fix, i already install update package 1 & 2 my system config.,and error shown on attached file. a
I have just installed Photoshop CS2 on my new win VISTA HOME machine. There was no problems, I got a notification of a large update from ADOBE,
so I accpeted, shut down Photoshop, installed updates and then when I re-boot my machine and opened up Photoshop again, I got this error message. "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable"
I try I open PhotoShop I get a message saying "Unable to conitnue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable" then the program shuts down and I have to restart my computer in order to use PS again.
I just switched from PC to MAC and have troubles using the PC catalogues, or better: associating the images. Â I copied the catalogue as well as the images to the MAC harddisk. When I open the catalogue I see the images, but they cannot be found on the disk. So I search on the harddisk for the new path but after finding it I get an error message "Die Datei "xxx.CR2" ist mit einem anderen Foto im Katalog verbunden." In English something like "The file "xxx.CR2" is associated/connected with a different photo in the catalogue."
Lightroom 4. Can't get error message that a particular file is missing off the screen. I have verified that the file is gone. Now how do I get rid of that message
I've recently encounterd a problem while trying to export images out of Lightroom 4. I keep getting an error messge "File canot be written." This is happening whether I'm exporting a Jpeg or a raw file.  Cannot figure what has happend but it's doing it with old and new files, so it's not an issue of a corrupted file.
I get this message when I start PS. " There is no disk in the drive. insert a disk into the drivedriveharddiskdr2"...When I accept this message PS continues to load as normal, However  If I try to save a file using "Save for Web and Devices" I get the same message as above but when I accept this message I get another message "The operation could not be completed. The System cannot find the path specified."All other functions of PS appear to work normally.  I have a Quad 4 processor with 8gb Ram with Windows 7
Halfway installing PSP Prox4 from my disc or via the web, error message comes up: "The system can not find the device specified" and "Your system has not been modified".I have the latest drivers and DirectX installed.
I have a series of animate files that I have created. When I try to open the files to make edits, this error message appears:
All of the files are in the same folder, and I have not changed any file names or coding outside of animate. I can open the .html file and edit that, but when I go to save or publish, I get this message:
I am using PSE 9 and am running on a XP .  When I open the editor , I get an error message " unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. sorry but this error is unrecoverable "
I'm trying to export some blocks w/ object data to a shapefile. Error message is "Export did not succeed." ... very informative! I've also tried without attaching attributes, going to SDF, restarting the computer, repairing my installation. Nothing has worked. why Mapexport is broken now?
MY photoshop was working fine up until a week ago. Then get gave me this error message. "Unable to continue because of hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable". The error pops up when photoshop is loading "building color convertion tables" or something to that effect. It is not the fonts becuase I have not installed any new fonts, have defraged my hardrive. I have used FontDoctor, and all my fonts are fine. The only thing that i did do is install the new directx june 2006, and the new NVIDIA drivers. I uninstalled my Nvidia drivers but problem still persists, please I am desparate for help, formating my hard drive is not an option. I have reset the prefs both via ctrl, atl and shift, and searching for the psp file and deleting it manually, same problem pops up. I installed Photoshop cs and I recieve the same error message. I can however run and use ImageReady.
After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.
Almost every time when I try export all system creshes. Â My computer:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 3,00 GHz 8 GB RAM ATI Radeon HD 4800 Windows 7 Service Pack 1  instal Lightroom 4.3 (I tried it with 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) on created new user Windows, and nothing. I exported few photos and now again I can't export no photos more. And get still crashing system
1 How do I determine what coordinate system a drawing I have received has been prepared in?
2 I know how to export drawings to a .shp file but how can I export this drawing to a .shp file and ensure that coordinate system is maintained or otherwise changed for use in Arch GIS?
I have successfully exported the .shp file geometry previously but the cordinates system doesn't seem to match ARCGIS data sets. I am trying to establish is this an Autocad or ArchGis issue I suppose.
As it did not working well in Win7, I have been uninstalling VS Pro X2. So, I purchased the downloadable upgrade version of VideoStudio Pro X3. The problem : I'm not able to open an existing VSP file. I get this error message : The file "name.vsp" is already in use.