Lightroom :: 4.1RC2 No Export Colour Fringe Correction To CS5 Camera Raw 6.7RC?

Jun 13, 2013

The new colorfringe correction method in Lightroom 4.1 RC2 works fine even for difficult longitudinal CA when used with care. After basic adjustments I normally export my raw file to CS5 for further editing.However found out that even after the Camera Raw update to 6.7 RC my Lightroom colorfringe adjustments were not transfered to CS5.
: but do we require to buy CS6 with Camera Raw 7 to open the raw image with Lightroom corrections for colorfringes maintained?

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Lightroom :: If Export As PSD No Fringe?

Jun 25, 2012

No fringe shows in Lightroom (4.1) when I Edit In (Command +E) it comes into Photoshop with fringe.
When in Lightroom, if I Export as PSD no fringe.
LR 4.1, PS CS5. MacPro 8-core, 18gb ram, Snow 10.6.8
Lightroom screen grab

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Photoshop :: Lens Correction And Chromatic Fringe - Broken In CS5?

Jul 30, 2013

chromatic aberration correction has changed since CS3. It's limited to ONE pixel correction, or what ? It seems i cant get strong cyan/red bands anymore, i used it as an artistic effect and i need it back. I'm not interested in manual workflow (moving manually RGB channels),

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Lens Correction For Camera Default With D3 And D7100

Jun 19, 2013

I would like to set a camera default for a D3 and D7100 -- Settings > Set Default Settings... -- to include a Camera Calibration Profile AND the Lens Correction Profile setting to Enable Profile Corrections and have LR identify which lens is in use for each file.
The Camera Calibration Profile is no problem since it's the same for each respective body, no matter which lens I use.
However, since I use different lenses, I would like the Lens Correction Profle to find the correct lens for each file.  In the Lens Corrections > Profile > Setup dropdown, I am not sure whether to use Default or Auto.  (Note: the default is Custom, but when I tried that, the D3 lenses were not correctly identified whereas the D7100 lenses were.)  I am not sure what the difference is between the Default and Auto settings.  I want to be sure to use whichever setting will apply the correct profile, and have this be part of my camera default so that I don't have to visit the Lens Corrections panel over and over again.  Note: I only shoot RAW files.

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Lightroom :: Add New Camera And Lenses To Lens Correction Profile Module

May 31, 2012

I refer to Lightroom version 3.6.  I have purchased a panasonic-gx1 plus 14-42mm & 45-175mm lenses and would like to add the lens profiles to the lens correction module. 

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Lightroom :: Not Showing Lens Correction Or Camera Calibration In Develop Module

Mar 13, 2012

Downloaded LR4 today and it's not showing the lens correction or camera calibration in develop module.

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Lightroom :: Doesn't Seem To Export Correction Into DNG

Feb 7, 2013

I'm trying to export my corrected files as DNG's with the corrections from LR 4.3 but it does not seem to apply those corrections. If I open up the exported DNG into a new LR catalog, the new catalog does not pick up those corrections!

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Lightroom :: 4.1RC2 - Adjustment Brush Stopped Working Mid Session

May 19, 2012

This is pretty weird. Brand new .lrcat, working through a few family pictures. The first few photos, the adjustment brush was working. A few minutes into it, it stopped working, or at least stopped having nearly as substantial an effect. If I push exposure by +4, it looks as if it's pushing it by .4. Same with other sliders - they are barely applied.
Did I hit some button that globally diminishes the brush strength or something?
Note that, in the second image, the adjustment brush is centered on his head. It's a little different than the first image, but certainly not to the extent one would expect from the sliders pushed to their extremes.
Just for a point of trivia, I installed QuickTime while working in LR. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but restarting LR and creating a new catalog did not remedy the problem.

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Lightroom :: Loading Photos - Colour And Exposure Looks Different Than In A Camera?

Jan 22, 2013

when importing photos (raw files) to Lightroom they look very different than in the camera. At the very beginning photo looks more or less the same and then, a message „Loading…” is displayed and in a result the photo looks differently. It looks like with imposed dimmer yellow/red filter, higher contrast, much lower sharpness and what is most important, they are all overexposed sort of.  The screen settings are as sRGB, ICC profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1. I am using DSLR Sony A700 that save photos in ARW format, Lightorrom just updated to version 4.3 .

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Lightroom :: Orange Filter Colour Comes Through On Images Loaded To Computer From Camera

Mar 11, 2012

I uploaded some mono images from my Canon EOS5D(2) taken with an orange filter. Previous uploads have been fine. This time, after showing the mono images in the catalogue they all convert spontaneously to orange images of various shades - and the images also show colours. The camera setting was correct, on checking, for mono uploads and, in any case, never a problem before. What have I done wrongly - and is there any rescue? Lightroom is v2.7.

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Photoshop :: Colour Correction

Jul 16, 2005

I training myself photo retouching and I am tring to understand how to do colour correction correctly for output in printing press. So I am intrested in CMYK settings

I have two quections

How i understand so far it is important to find in a photo you are working to correct the shadows, mid, and highlight,(photoshop cs book) it said to use the threhold to find the shadows and highlight, but is say much about midtones. Anyone know any trick or tip to find out the midtones? what do you look in a photo to find it?

How find the correct balance in colour so when it go to printing press is not too light or too dark?

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3ds Max :: RGB Colour Correction For Gamma 1.0 To 2.2

Jan 14, 2013

So it seems 2013 is the year for Linear Workflows, i've read several articles and twitter posts about prevalent artists and companies promoting Linear Workflows.

Up until now i've understood the theory and have employed it occasionaly, however i have legacy issues applying it across the board.

when switching to Gamma 2.2 we get the 'wash out' with colors, is there a tool, plugin, script, or even straight formula or equation to convert RGB colors from Gamma 1.0 to 2.2?

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Lightroom :: 4 Export To JPG Colour Washes Out When Viewed In Preview

Nov 26, 2012

LR4 4.2 with ACR 7.2Mac OSX 10.8.2Nikon D600 NEF (Raw) files This problem has occured everytime I use LR4 and I've tried exporting to different colour space - sRGB, AdobeRGB with the same result. This is using my new Nikon D600, when I export a photo processed in LR4 and shot from my old Canon 400D the colours are almost identical when viewed in Preview with just the usual loss you would expect converting to sRGB.
I hope this is an issue that is being worked on for the update that will fully support the D600.

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VideoStudio :: X2 Colour Correction Make Video Soft

Jun 29, 2012

When I apply colour correction, either 'auto' or using the sliders, the video becomes 'soft' (looks like it is out of focus). Is this normal, & is there a way around it?

XP, Intel quad core, 4G RAM

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Photoshop :: Colour Correction - Indepth For Print Work

Dec 1, 2003

Colour correction can involve up to seven steps: setting Gray to correct color, achieving good contrast, balancing colour to remove colour casts, adjusting skin tones, saturation, sharpening and converting to CMYK.

Make sure info palette is open. Set (palette options) your first colour readout to grayscale and your second to RGB. Choose the eye dropper tool and set the sample size to 3x3.

1. Finding Gray to correct colour
Find a neutral gray in the image. K in the info palette should read 50%. If there is no gray, find an object that is somewhat neutral. Write down the numbers displayed in the RGB readout window. Add these values together and divide by 3 to get the average brightness of these values. (Equal RGB values will create a neutral gray with no colour cast.)

Leaving the pop-up set to RGB will only change the RGB in equal amounts. This is not the correct procedure.

Start by choosing the Red channel. Click anywhere on the curve to add a point. Click on the input number and enter the Red Value of the sampled colour. Click on the output number and ten enter the average number you calculated.

Repeat this step for the Green and Blue channels. Most of the colour cast should be removed after this step is complete.

If the image looks totally out of whack, you may have selected from a poor area. Try finding another neutral area on the image.

2. Achieving good contrast
If the image looks flat and lifeless you may need to optimize the contrast. The best way to adjust the contrast is to adjust the levels for each colour. (Adjusting the RGB slider may cause posterization effects in your image.)

Change the pop-up window to Red and drag the input sliders (left and right) until they touch the beginning and end of the main histogram. Ignore stray pixels and concentrate on the areas where the slope begins and ends.

Repeat this process for the Green and Blue Channels.

Your image now has a full range of contrast (0-255) for each of RG&B.

3. Colour Balance (removing colour casts)
Highlight, shadow and mid-point are three areas of an image that should usually be a shade of gray. The objective here is to make the brightest area of the image as bright as possible and the darkest as dark as possible without losing detail.

Pure white (255, 255, 255) settings will "blow-out" when the image is printed and pure black (0, 0, 0) will "plug" when printed.

To adjust for this you need to set up minimum and maximum ink limits. Click on the foreground colour to open the colour picker. Set the Saturation (S) to 0 and Brightness (B) 100 (white) and then click on the Brightness button. Move the slider down the grayscale bar until the Magenta and Yellow readouts indicate values to who are adjusting toward. (M 5%, Y 5%) The cyan value is usually higher.

When done, check the RGB values to the left. They will show you the value (they should be the same) to be used to achieve the minimum ink values in CMYK. Make note of the RGB value.

Repeat the process for the shadow areas.

Total ink limit is usually around or less then 300% (add the CMYK values). Make note of the RGB values here as well. For the midtones area, refer to the colour readout in the info palette. Add the numbers and divide by three.

Create a curves adjustment layer. Since you are attempting to balance out the colours, you need to work on the individual colour channels by adjusting them. Add an adjustment point to each curve (central location) Proceed to apply the values for the highlight, shadown and midtones by selecting the appropriate adjustment point and entering the input and output values.

For the mid-point area you will have to use the individual RGB channel adjustment.

4. Skin Tones

I'll do this later. The image now should be pretty good and this step may not be necesary.

5. Optimizing Saturation
Before adjusting the saturation, turn on the Gamut Warning.

view>gamut warning

Create another adjustment layer for Hue/Saturation. If no gray appears in your image you can increase the saturation until you start seeing small areas of gray. If you see large areas of gray (blotches), your image is over saturated. Decrease the saturation if this is the case.

After all these corrections, merge the adjustment layers with the image.

6. Sharpening the Image
Use Unsharp Mask

Filter>sharpen>unsharp mask

Adjust Radius: Radius controls how wide samples are on each side of an edge. A small radius creates a smaller halo. A general rule of thumb is to use a radius of output resolution divided by 200 (300ppi/200=1.5 radius). This is a starting points but dont vary too much from it.

Amount: Amount adjusts how intense the halos are or how much tonal differences are accentuated. Start at around 200% and work your way up or down as desired.

Threshhold: Low threshold values result in an overall sharper image. Try starting at 3-4. Anything about 10 exclude so many areas it is difficult to see any effect in the image.

7. Converting the image to CMYK
Convert the image to CMYK mode and then turn on the Gamut Warning and check to see there are no large gray blotches. The image is now ready to print.

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Photoshop :: Camera Focus Correction...

Oct 16, 2007

trying to improve the quality of this picture. I have tried a few ideas suggested on this forum (I have searched) Including Smart Sharpen, Sharpen Mask, and High Pass filter and light linear blending, and a few plugins. None of them have produced results that improve the image.

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Lightroom :: Lens Profile Creates Different Color Fringe

Oct 6, 2013

problem: once I activate lens corrections, photos with blue/purple content get a color fringe. Left version below is a 100% crop from the raw file, lens profile deactivated. Right version is a screen shot of the same raw file in the develop mode, with the lens profile active. The color fringe exports into JPEGs - so it does not seem to be a problem of the viewer or the GUI.
I'm using an Alpha 55 with a Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 Macro. I haven't been aware of this problem with prior versions, but I've found it on both, LR 4.4 under Vista 32bit and the trial version of LR 5.2 under Windows 7 64bit. It appears to be related to the blue/purple color: I first found it on a people shot with uniform blue shirts, where the blue/ skin contrast created a "ghost" frame. To make the artifact disappear, I have to deactivate lens correction entirely. Deactivating CA removal alone does not change anything.

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Remove White Aberration Fringe In Photo

Feb 8, 2014

on a black and white photo in Lightroom 5, how do I remove a white aberation fringe in my photo.

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Photoshop :: How To Add Lens Profile Correction To Camera Raw Features

Feb 16, 2012

I'm just beginning to work with Photoshop CS5.  When I was editing with the camera raw features; I discovered that there had not been a "Lens Profile Correction" loaded for my Panasonic Lumix DMC-L10 with a Leica lens 14-150.  I"m looking for a method to get this lens added to the Profile Connection.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Export XML Of Sequence For Color Correction

Oct 8, 2012

Can Smoke export XML?

What if I edit in smoke and want to export an xml of my sequence for color correction in another app that imports xml.

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Photoshop :: Lens Correction Won't List Camera And Lens

Jul 19, 2012

Why won't the Lens Correction filter recognize my camera and lens, which is shown in the metadata below the correction window?  I had been using the venerable Canon 5D Mk II and now the Mk III.  For images taken with the III it doesn't even list Canon in the Camera drop down -- too new?  Even with the II, I had to choose the camera manually and then choose the lens from a very tedious list, and had no indication if it was using the focal length in the case of a zoom, or the aperture.
I do strongly prefer to do this correction in Camera Raw or Lightroom, and realize it needs to be done on an uncropped image to be accurate. why even present it as an auto correction if it can't use the metadata?  Why not just limit it to the manual correction?

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Lightroom :: How To Convert Colour Negative To Colour Positive

Sep 12, 2013

I have photographed some colour negatives in RAW. Any outline of a process as to how to convert these to positives using Lightroom v5.  I have tried and failed!

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Photoshop :: Camera Raw In Colour Shows Up Black With Most Of Text Showing?

Jun 23, 2013

Whenever i open up a CR2 file in photshop the screen that pops up is meant to be grey but instead it shows up black with most of the txt showing, i can still use the sliders to fix the picture but it doesnt feel right

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Lightroom :: Camera Calibration - Specific Camera Models Not Listed

Dec 28, 2011

I'm an amateur moving up to LR 3 and have been trying to learn this program by reading the LR3 book by Scott Kelby. He shows that the Camera Calibration feature has some settings for specific cameras yet the drop down menu has none listed. I've upgraded to 3.6 and the images were copied from raw to DNG.

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Lightroom :: Missing Camera Calibration Profile For Supported Camera

Apr 7, 2014

I am relatively new to Lightroom.  I have imported Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200 raw (.RW2) files into Lightroom 5.3.   When I go into the Develop module under the Camera Calibration the only profile that shows up is Adobe Standard.  My camera is supported according to the Adobe web site. 

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Illustrator :: Export Colour Separations?

Jul 17, 2012

I have tried unsuccessfully to export colour separations from Illustrator (CS5.1 MacOSX). I need the separations in an editable file format, but it seems like I am only able to print separations.
I have tried to print to a file with Output set to host-based separations but even that seems to be impossible. I get an error message "The save as PDF options in the Printer dialog are not supported".
The software is clever enough to do the separations, but somehow it can only print, not export them. Is there any additional software that would pose as a printer but instead of printing would create a file?

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Lightroom :: Correction And Detail Tab In 5?

Dec 21, 2013

I don't have either the lens correction tab or detail tab listed to the right side in develop module.  It also appears any standard presets that were there are gone. 

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Lightroom :: How To Use Red Eye Correction Tool

Sep 14, 2013

No matter what I do, anytime I try to use the red-eye correction tool, I get the message "Unable to find red eye".  Even in pictures where the red eye is huge and clearly visible.  Has anything changed in LR 5 that would cause this?  I have Red Eye Correction enabled. 

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Lightroom :: How To Set Lens Correction In 3

May 28, 2012

Is there a way of setting the "Lens correction" in LR3 to be on by default?  as it is now I have to se tit for each image.

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Lightroom :: How To Use Lens Correction In LR5

Dec 28, 2013

When I try to use Lens Correction in LR 5 I get a restricted number of profiles, none of which match my standard Nikon 28-300mm zoom. However when I open the images in Camera Raw I have automatic access to this profile. I also have access to a custom Fuji profiles which I have downloaded and installed with Adobe Profile Downloader but which don't appear in the Lightroom module. Developing my images in Camera Raw before using Lightroom?
I had always assumed that Camera Raw formed the basis of Lightroom.

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Black Fringe When Using...

Mar 16, 2008

I want to take images rendered in Lightwave 9.3 into Photoshop CS2 for compositing. If:

1. I render objects with antialiased edges over a black background, and then

2. save out the alpha channel for use as a layer mask in Photoshop

I get a black fringe around the objects resulting from the semitransparent pixels of the antialiased edges revealing the black background in the base image.

How should I avoid this problem to get clean antialiased edges?

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