VideoStudio :: X2 Colour Correction Make Video Soft
Jun 29, 2012
When I apply colour correction, either 'auto' or using the sliders, the video becomes 'soft' (looks like it is out of focus). Is this normal, & is there a way around it?
How can I make a white colour clip the same shade as the white vignette filter.I want to place overlayed images with a vignette onto a white clip on the main video track so that they blend seemlessly in X5.
I training myself photo retouching and I am tring to understand how to do colour correction correctly for output in printing press. So I am intrested in CMYK settings
I have two quections
1) How i understand so far it is important to find in a photo you are working to correct the shadows, mid, and highlight,(photoshop cs book) it said to use the threhold to find the shadows and highlight, but is say much about midtones. Anyone know any trick or tip to find out the midtones? what do you look in a photo to find it?
2) How find the correct balance in colour so when it go to printing press is not too light or too dark?
So it seems 2013 is the year for Linear Workflows, i've read several articles and twitter posts about prevalent artists and companies promoting Linear Workflows.
Up until now i've understood the theory and have employed it occasionaly, however i have legacy issues applying it across the board.
when switching to Gamma 2.2 we get the 'wash out' with colors, is there a tool, plugin, script, or even straight formula or equation to convert RGB colors from Gamma 1.0 to 2.2?
I have created a presentation made of up an audio track adn lots of images, some video, text etc. I thought I put chapeters in and named them by inserting the green triangles in the timeline.
When I rendered to a DVD none of the chapters show up. How to get the Chapters to show up in DVD (or other vieo format)?
I can't seem to find any masks, or make a successful one myself in Paint Shop Pro, that creates a white photo border around a video, to make it look like a bordered photograph. All the edges I've made want to let the video show through the white border. How to do this? I just need a white border around a video to appear as if it's a photograph.
Is it possible to use Video Studio Pro X3 to make the edited video into a video file with menu and chapters like you have on a DVD but just on a video file instead ?
I have used Video Factory 2010 for making DVD's with navigation menus but I would like to make it into a file to use on my Mediaplayer instead of having to make a DVD and then ripp.
I've been searching and trying to see if there's a way that I can make my video right under 500mb, basically so I can have the best quality possible but still be under Vimeo's 500mb upload limit. It's not a long video, it's slightly under 2 minutes, but I've tried about 10 different export options and they're either around 100mb and the quality is awful, or they're gigantic files.
Is there a way that I can set it to close to 500mb? I'm using Video Studio Pro X5.
I found where I can make a video backdrop for a DVD menu, but the limit appears to be 30 seconds. This is not the case in other programs. Is there a workaround?
Colour correction can involve up to seven steps: setting Gray to correct color, achieving good contrast, balancing colour to remove colour casts, adjusting skin tones, saturation, sharpening and converting to CMYK.
Make sure info palette is open. Set (palette options) your first colour readout to grayscale and your second to RGB. Choose the eye dropper tool and set the sample size to 3x3.
1. Finding Gray to correct colour Find a neutral gray in the image. K in the info palette should read 50%. If there is no gray, find an object that is somewhat neutral. Write down the numbers displayed in the RGB readout window. Add these values together and divide by 3 to get the average brightness of these values. (Equal RGB values will create a neutral gray with no colour cast.)
Image>adjust>curves Leaving the pop-up set to RGB will only change the RGB in equal amounts. This is not the correct procedure.
Start by choosing the Red channel. Click anywhere on the curve to add a point. Click on the input number and enter the Red Value of the sampled colour. Click on the output number and ten enter the average number you calculated.
Repeat this step for the Green and Blue channels. Most of the colour cast should be removed after this step is complete.
If the image looks totally out of whack, you may have selected from a poor area. Try finding another neutral area on the image.
2. Achieving good contrast If the image looks flat and lifeless you may need to optimize the contrast. The best way to adjust the contrast is to adjust the levels for each colour. (Adjusting the RGB slider may cause posterization effects in your image.)
Image>adjust>levels Change the pop-up window to Red and drag the input sliders (left and right) until they touch the beginning and end of the main histogram. Ignore stray pixels and concentrate on the areas where the slope begins and ends.
Repeat this process for the Green and Blue Channels.
Your image now has a full range of contrast (0-255) for each of RG&B.
3. Colour Balance (removing colour casts) Highlight, shadow and mid-point are three areas of an image that should usually be a shade of gray. The objective here is to make the brightest area of the image as bright as possible and the darkest as dark as possible without losing detail.
Pure white (255, 255, 255) settings will "blow-out" when the image is printed and pure black (0, 0, 0) will "plug" when printed.
To adjust for this you need to set up minimum and maximum ink limits. Click on the foreground colour to open the colour picker. Set the Saturation (S) to 0 and Brightness (B) 100 (white) and then click on the Brightness button. Move the slider down the grayscale bar until the Magenta and Yellow readouts indicate values to who are adjusting toward. (M 5%, Y 5%) The cyan value is usually higher.
When done, check the RGB values to the left. They will show you the value (they should be the same) to be used to achieve the minimum ink values in CMYK. Make note of the RGB value.
Repeat the process for the shadow areas.
Total ink limit is usually around or less then 300% (add the CMYK values). Make note of the RGB values here as well. For the midtones area, refer to the colour readout in the info palette. Add the numbers and divide by three.
Create a curves adjustment layer. Since you are attempting to balance out the colours, you need to work on the individual colour channels by adjusting them. Add an adjustment point to each curve (central location) Proceed to apply the values for the highlight, shadown and midtones by selecting the appropriate adjustment point and entering the input and output values.
For the mid-point area you will have to use the individual RGB channel adjustment.
4. Skin Tones
I'll do this later. The image now should be pretty good and this step may not be necesary.
5. Optimizing Saturation Before adjusting the saturation, turn on the Gamut Warning.
view>gamut warning
Create another adjustment layer for Hue/Saturation. If no gray appears in your image you can increase the saturation until you start seeing small areas of gray. If you see large areas of gray (blotches), your image is over saturated. Decrease the saturation if this is the case.
After all these corrections, merge the adjustment layers with the image.
6. Sharpening the Image Use Unsharp Mask
Filter>sharpen>unsharp mask
Adjust Radius: Radius controls how wide samples are on each side of an edge. A small radius creates a smaller halo. A general rule of thumb is to use a radius of output resolution divided by 200 (300ppi/200=1.5 radius). This is a starting points but dont vary too much from it.
Amount: Amount adjusts how intense the halos are or how much tonal differences are accentuated. Start at around 200% and work your way up or down as desired.
Threshhold: Low threshold values result in an overall sharper image. Try starting at 3-4. Anything about 10 exclude so many areas it is difficult to see any effect in the image.
7. Converting the image to CMYK Convert the image to CMYK mode and then turn on the Gamut Warning and check to see there are no large gray blotches. The image is now ready to print.
For some reason I can upload an mp4 video files into the Video Studio, but as soon as I want to work with it the program crashes down, announcing an unknown mistake. Is there any way to prevent this?
The new colorfringe correction method in Lightroom 4.1 RC2 works fine even for difficult longitudinal CA when used with care. After basic adjustments I normally export my raw file to CS5 for further editing.However found out that even after the Camera Raw update to 6.7 RC my Lightroom colorfringe adjustments were not transfered to CS5.
: but do we require to buy CS6 with Camera Raw 7 to open the raw image with Lightroom corrections for colorfringes maintained?
how to make my edited mp4 video files smaller so that They upload and download much quicker. I did some editing to some MPEG-4 video files and when I was finished I found out that the file sizes of each video blew up to huge numbers. During the editing I did add some transitions and .MPEG photo images. I didn't think that the video size would grow to that amount. I really would like to keep the MPEG-4 format for the convenience to the viewer. I just need to have it in the smallest file size possible. how I can get my "MP4 H264 - MPEG-4 AVC Resolution 640x480" videos to an acceptable file size?
i use pro x4 and i dont like the color correction in corel software.there is no midtone high & low colors to get a cinema every other software you get this option,so i must to edit my stuff in corel and then color correct & rendering in sony vegas to many work,in the next version add this option its very important no the screen recorder in prox5
I want to make a script-fu with the White Balance auto correction(Colors->Auto->White Balance).I couldn't find any procedure/plug-in in the procedure browser that do that.
How to call this procedure? or, it there a way to do it manually?
I used the Pinch filter function for barrel correction in GoPro video. Unfortunately it does not correct the whole pictures area: the corners remain untouched. Is there any real barrel correction (fish eye lens correction) filter available for Video Studio?
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
Using VS PX4 file type is MTS.Color correction feature-should the entire clip be corrected prior to inserting into time line as a project?I'm using new cameras and trying to get it right.
I understand it is possible to make one colour transparent when you save a photoshop file for the web. This is useful to make objects appear to float over backgrounds on your web page.
My problem is that I don't know HOW to do this! When I save for web, I can't see how I select a colour to be transparent. If you set the background as transparent when you create your image, it just gets saved as a white background.