Photoshop :: Transparent GIFs And White Speckle/fringe

Jan 4, 2007

I need to be able to save an image with a transparent background which will appear ontop of different colored backgrounds. No matter what I do, I can't get rid of the nasty white fringe/speckles around the image. I've tried everything possible and I've only been able to reduce it.

I've played with different image settings, I've removed the Matte before saving, I've mapped different colors for transparency, etc.

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Photoshop :: Fringe On A Non Transparent Background

Nov 9, 2013

There are tutorials on how to remove fringe when you have a layer on a transparent background, is there a tutorial on how to remove fringe on a non-transparent background ?

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Remove White Aberration Fringe In Photo

Feb 8, 2014

on a black and white photo in Lightroom 5, how do I remove a white aberation fringe in my photo.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gifs

Feb 23, 2006

I'm created a web page with a drag java script where people can move pictures with there mouse. I uploaded all the pictures to my picture hoster, put all the code in...and I've noticed that theres the matte around when the pictures got moved over another picture. so i went back into ps and put the matte to none..and it seemed to fix the problem until the pictures turned out all choppy.

is there any way to get the transparent gif with non choppy edges and without matte?

I've been searching the web and trying out numerous things is photoshop, but it just seems impossible.

is ps the right program to use? I tried paintshop pro...but it just seems more complicated than ps.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gifs ?

Jan 10, 2005

I am trying to make a transparent gif; basically I want white text on a transparent background. I have Photoshop and Illustrator when I make the image everything looks fine than I save for web and if you put the gif in front of a color (in HTML/IE) the text edges are blocky, it sort of looks like it is a low Res. however it is a normal res. like 72 or 96. The other interesting part is that if I save for web with a colored background it looks fine.

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Photoshop :: Transparent GIFs In PS6

Oct 25, 2004

I just moved up to PS 5.5 to 6 (maybe someday I'll be able to afford CS!).

In PS 5.5, you select which colors to make transparent through File > Export > GIF-95 (or something like that).

For the life of me, I can't find an option in PS 6 to select transparent colors.

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Photoshop :: PS 5.5 V PS 6 Transparent GIFs

Nov 6, 2005

In PS 5.5 to make a transparent GIF, you selected the color you wanted transparent from the palette of colors in the specific image. But I don't see how that's possible with the Save For Web in PS 6. Is it?

Thing is, what I need to do is mask around parts of the image, and than make the mask color transparent.

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Photoshop :: Uploading Transparent Gifs

Apr 28, 2004

I've been trying to create a banner that streches using transparent gifs on top of a loaded jpeg background. The gif looks perfect when i save it on photoshop but as soon as i upload it on to the jpeg i get a noisey white line around the outline of the giff, does anyone know how i can minimise or erase this?

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Photoshop :: Creating Transparent Gifs -

Apr 21, 2009

I'm having some issues with creating transparent gifs. I am creating a box with a single color in it w/ the opacity of 30% but when I save it as a gif file, it makes it completely opaque. I would like to save it as a gif but still making it somewhat transparent.Is this only possible with PNG files? 

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gifs Into Flash

Jun 8, 2004

I am trying to import transparent gifs into a Flash 5 Movie, but they are coming in with jagged edges and a 1 pixel white outline..

I tried "save for web" gif and also "save as" png, the png file comes in cleaner around the edges but looks distorted when I test the movie. am I exporting them out of photoshop the wrong way...
can anyone tell me the best way to import these files?

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Photoshop :: Freaking Transparent Gifs

Apr 6, 2004

I am creating an image in PS and I have a transparent gif that is seperate and I want to place that trans. gif on top of the image I am making.

when I copy and paste the gif on top, it pastes the gif with a white background.

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Photoshop :: Steps For Making Transparent Gifs

Jan 27, 2004

show me all steps in making a transparent gif?

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Photoshop :: Fixing Jaggies On Circles That Are Transparent Gifs

Mar 8, 2005

I am trying to make some images for a new application. Unfortunately, i am a horrible graphics designer The images are circles with a symbol or letter inside.

They look fine in photoshop, yet when i put them up on the site, they are transparent gifs, most of the images get jaggy.

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Photoshop :: Magic Wand - Taking Out Backgrounds To Create Transparent GIFs

Apr 19, 2012

I have used the Magic Wand for a couple of years, taking out backgrounds etc to create transparent GIFs.Now when I use it, the edges of whatever I have cut out are always jagged.
I have anti-aliasing checked at the top, and haven't changed anything that I know of.It seems to get worse when the image is resized and made smaller also.

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GIMP :: Add Transparent Text To GIFs?

Oct 2, 2012

how to add transparent text to gifs. by the way im running linux ubuntu...

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GIMP :: How To Make GIFs - Transparent Background

May 28, 2013

i know how to make a transparent image in gimp, and i know how to make gifs in gimp, but if the background istransparent on the gifs, it shows the previous layer on the gif, how do ifix that?

p.s whenever i edit gifs, they turn out just fine, but I want to make myown so...

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Photoshop :: Change Solid White To Transparent In Black To White Gradient In One Layer Of PSD File

Jul 19, 2013

I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.

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Photoshop :: Removing Noise/Speckle Without Defocus

Jun 20, 2006

In the attached photo you will see and lot of white speckling. Not sure how this got here (bad original, bad scan, etc) but here it is. If I use despeckle on this the result is a defocused image. Is there another way to substanially reduce if not remove these artifacts without lsing the crisp nature of the image?

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Photoshop :: White To Transparent

Jun 16, 2009

I have a single layer image with a white background, but I need the background to be transparent. The white background also happens to be the only white part in the picture, so is there a way that I can isolate the white and make it transparent?

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Photoshop :: White To Transparent...??

Oct 16, 2005

I`m using some scans of thatched drawings, like the pictures on most bank notes. I'm wondering what the best way is to make the white between the lines transparent. Its too intricate to do manually with the eraser, does anyone have any ideas or know a good tutorial? (what do you call those drawings too? are they ectings? aquatints?)

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Photoshop :: White PSP Background Needs To Be Transparent

Jan 11, 2005

I've got three layers that all seem to be set against a transparent background, which is what i want. Only, when i flatten them, the layers appear on a white background, not transparent. No where on any of the layers is it white, so i can't figure out why this is happening. the outside edge is jagged, thus i can't just crop the picture. How in the world can i keep the transparent background when i flatten?

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Photoshop :: Making White -> Transparent

Jul 5, 2004

I have a photo of the sky with telephone wires crisscrossing it. The "sky" is pure white", the wires are black. How can I make the white transparent.. as in, gone completely. I'm not talking about opacity. I want to convert the white to be transparent, ie: gone!

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Photoshop :: Image From Transparent To White

Aug 19, 2004

I'm tring to create an image using color from transparent to white without any background. I want to use that image in an application where the user select a color and the fadding creates a nice effect with any color (because the image has a color from transparent to white so if the user select blue then image will appear from blue to white and so on). I can't seem able to do that in Photoshop (tried with gif and png). The result gives me a white image whithout any transparancy.

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Photoshop :: Gradient - White To Transparent

Oct 1, 2006

I can't seem to find this one, using (learning) PS8. Can someone help me locate or create it?

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Photoshop :: White Background -> Transparent GIF

Jul 27, 2007

I took an image that was a JPG of an icon on a white background, set the blending mode to Multiply, and painted white underneath the icon to preserve the colors.

This basically leaves me with 2 layers that comprise the icon and its transparent background, and works wonderfully.

However, I need to save this icon as a GIF with the transparent background, but when I save it the white background persists. I've tried loading the white bit as a selection and deleting what's outside, but that removes pieces of the image that aren't 100% transparent or opaque that I'd like to leave in for matte-ing.

I don't know if I've explained this properly, so I'll attach the problem file. [quite small, only 160KB] I popped in a background for a better idea what I'm attempting, and if you remove it you'll see the troublesome white around the icon.

I'm using Photoshop 7 on WinXP Pro.

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Black Fringe When Using...

Mar 16, 2008

I want to take images rendered in Lightwave 9.3 into Photoshop CS2 for compositing. If:

1. I render objects with antialiased edges over a black background, and then

2. save out the alpha channel for use as a layer mask in Photoshop

I get a black fringe around the objects resulting from the semitransparent pixels of the antialiased edges revealing the black background in the base image.

How should I avoid this problem to get clean antialiased edges?

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Photoshop :: Change Background From White To Transparent

Jul 6, 2013

i have attached the file of my simple work. I have done everything, still only one thing is to change the background color from white to a transparent. All layers are theirs and the work is very simple to understant. I use filter->Render->Cloud and filter->Noise->Add noise for the last layer + setting it to screen option.

I would be happy to explain to me ho to change the background to transparent if possible of course.


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Photoshop :: Make White Background Transparent

Oct 5, 2011

I have a .jpg file of a band logo with white text (bordered by sketchy black outlines) on a white background. I'd like to keep the text and border effects the same but make the background transparent and then save it as a transparent .png or .gif so that just the white text (with the black text borders still included) appears the same on my website no matter what the background color of the page is. Here's the image: URL....

I want to keep all the black sketchy outlines intact and I want the white text itself to remain white and not transparent, I just want the white background surrounding it to be transparent. I've tried selecting just the text with all the little lines and such of the text borders included so that I can make it into a new layer and then paste it onto a transparent background but I've been having trouble successfully selecting it...the way the text is written, I haven't had much luck using the magic wand or quick selection tools to properly select it.

Another (less desirable) option would be to fill in the white background with the background color of the page I'm going to be posting it on (hex color #1d1d1d) but filling it in with the paint bucket in Photoshop CS5 fills in the majority of the white text as well so that hasn't really worked either.

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Photoshop :: Turn White Pixels Into Transparent

May 13, 2009

This is probably really basic but... I'm a printer and only really use Photoshop for changing RGB to CMYK, clear cutting (with Vertus fluid mask) and things like that. However a lot of the photos I have to clear cut have been done already but not saved (or given to me to use) with the transparency still there. Is there some easy way to turn all the white pixels into transparency? Obviously you'd have to mask any white pixels in the image you wanted to keep. A sample is attached. 

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Photoshop :: Replace White Pixels With Transparent

Aug 9, 2006

Is it possible to change all white (#FFFFFF) pixels to transparent? I am using PS7.

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Photoshop :: Create An Image From Transparent To White

Aug 19, 2004

I'm tring to create an image using color from transparent to white without any background. I want to use that image in an application where the user select a color and the fadding creates a nice effect with any color (because the image has a color from transparent to white so if the user select blue then image will appear from blue to white and so on). I can't seem able to do that in Photoshop (tried with gif and png). The result gives me a white image whithout any transparancy.

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