Lightroom :: How To Export File Of Over 100 Images For Proofing Byclient
Dec 8, 2011
i'm new to all of this and i've got a couple of questions. i'd like to export (from lightroom 3) a file of a little over 100 images for proofing by a client. a) i'd like them watermarked on the website i send them to --how do i do this? and b) how do i remove the watermark on the images that i have that i want to make prints from? i'm terrified of doing something that i can't take back and ruining the photos.
I have version 4.1 LR on both my home desktop as well as my laptop. I keep my desktop fairly well organized, and it is where I keep my image files for backup.....internal drive backed up onto an external drive.
My laptop is not so organized, and I am trying to clean it up. I use it primarily for a working system, when I'm not home.
My folder system on my laptop is different than the one on my organized desktop. Further, I may have image files on one system but not the other.
An example of what I do is as follows: when I am away from home for awhile, I like to try to save my pictures on the Compact Flash card until I get home. And, I also back them up onto my laptop and external portable hard drive as well. Before I get home, I often will use my laptop and LR to edit certain photos. I may in fact create new files when I create HDR images on my laptop.
When I get home, what I usually do is upload as soon as possible those original pictures from my Compact Flash card or external hard drive onto my home system so I have it there, with its backup. However, what I have not been doing is exporting any catalog settings file from my laptop and importing it onto my desktop.
My question is this: if I export a Catalog file from my laptop, without the negatives (images), and if there is a mismatch between the files on my laptop and my desktop, whether that's because of the file structure differences or whether that's because my laptop may have slightly different files on it than my desktop has, will the Catalog settings still transfer properly? For instance, if I have an HDR image on my laptop, along with any Catalog settings, and this HDR image is not on my home network, will a problem or error be created when I import the laptop Catalog file from my laptop without also importing that HDR file? I would think that the catalog settings for that laptop HDR file would be there, but because the HDR file is not being transferred over, perhaps there might be a problem?
I know I should probably get better on my workflow while away from home, but for now, I'm trying to clean up the existing problem that may exist.
If I adjust hue/saturation to turn off the warning indicators when soft proofing is ON for sRGB, is the result on my calibrated monitor screen the colours that are sent to Blurb via Book module and the colours that will print? I read forums stating disappointing results in Blurb publishing through LR4.
I am working in LR4 with soft proof. I set up a photo but somehow got "caught" on the screen in the Develop module. My photo is on the screen after working with it, but I cannot budge it and when I go to print it thr Print module is blank and I cannot print the photo. How can I get out of this bind?
I soft proofed several photos for printing. I came back to print another copy and the virtual copy proofing copy was gone. There used to be 2 side by side. Now to print do I have to readjust?
ACR 8.1 allows CC users to soft proof in CMYK and LAB color spaces. LR 5.2 will have ACR 8.2 capabilities, so will we be able to soft proof in these spaces as well?
I was wondering if there is a way to do batch processing for soft proofing different pictures similar to the sync functionality? I created a customer user preset however it seems to copy over the existing settings vs updating the +/-'s in the different areas. For example, I have a bunch of photos from different scenarios, events, actions, times, etc..
When I am soft proofing to a custom profile, looks like I just need to apply a few universal tweaks to WB (+100), exposure (+20, maybe +30), contrast (+10), blacks (-10), and clarity (+10, maybe +15) to get the soft proof copy to look like the master copy. Then I can quickly go through the soft proof copies and check.
Also, is there a way of creating a soft proof copy of all the pics in the develop module at once?
While I can use the "S" key to access softproofing, the checkbox doesn't show on the toolbar and the the option simply doesn't appear in the toolbar pop-up either!
I'll try to write this logically, but as logic has failed to get me the output I want, I suspect somewhere there will be something highly illogical...
I am trying to export a JPEG file, complete with images. I have setup the original file to 2362x602 pixels, at 300 ppi (making a canvas approximately 200x50mm). This is confirmed through Image -> Canvas Size.
Now if I want to print to paper, I can check the settings through Image -> Print Size, to confirm what size I will get.
What I want is to be able to do the same thing for an export jpg function. I need the JPG to come out at a specific dimension, not a specific pixel size. If I export my file now (File -> Export) as a jpg, I end up with a jpeg much wider than 200mm. A quick rightclick->properties shows me the jpg is still 2362x602 pixels, at '300dpi.' So why is that not the size I expect it to be?
I'm using a Javascript that will export as JPG a series of images from an AI file (that part is working fine), then rename them (that part isn't working). Writing and troubleshooting with Extendscript.
Trying to eliminate as many possible places to go wrong, I came up with the following:
myfile = new File; myfile = myfile.openDlg(); var newName = ""; myfile.rename(newName);
When run targeting Illustrator, it does nothing.
When run targeting ExtendScript, for some reason this blasts the file into oblivion, never to be found again.
When soft proofing, I split the image horizontally and then create proof image when asked after making first alteration.However, in both LR4.4 and 5Beta, both the original and virtual (i.e., proofing image) change.
Have l Brightness value of 55 in original. Proofed image is duller. Increase brightness in proof by 10 to match original. (Figures are just for explanation) Now when I compare images again, original image brightness has increased by 10 also. This can be seen, of course, on the Develop panel.
I have 33 images and each image has a white background. To make an animated .gif file I open the 33 images in GIMP 2.8.2 as individual layers and export as a .gif file. For some reason though, when it creates the .gif file, the background turns blue?
I finished a project yesterday only to find that LR4 did not save any of the changes to my images.
I checked my second computer and it works fine but for some reason my laptop LR4 is not saving the edits to my images. I open the subfolder for LR images and they are untouched.
other than using my second computer! My workflow is set up to edit on Laptop and do bookeeping on my PC.
Since the last update I am having images corrupted (truncated) by lightroom, when I open some files in CS5 i get the message about the file being truncated and then only half the image come up.
If I export the file again from LR it works so it's not the usual card malfunction or import errors, my hard drive is in fully working order and tested with drive sentinal.
I'd like to export images from Lightroom 4 with a watermark. It COULD be text, but I want to rotate the watermark 30 degrees. I can't see a way to do that in the watermark editor in Lightroom...
Alternatively, I created the watermark in Photoshop, put in the text, rotated it, and saved it as a jpeg. I can't get a clear background. It appears jpeg doesn't support that. SO, I saved it as a .png (jpg and png appear to be the only two formats supported for a graphic watermark in Lightroom). It looks FINE, except in Photoshop the text is WHITE, which is what I want in Lightroom, but every time I open the .png file in the watermark editor in Lightroom, it comes in with BLACK text...
How do I get a Lightroom export watermark with the text I want in the font I want, angled the way I want?
I have LR 5.3 and everything has been working fine. Now I cannot export more that 5 images even though I have checked my registration number and it is correct.I am using Windows 7, 64 bit.
I've Created a droplet and tested it successfully in Photoshop, then I use this droplet by select it in Post-Processing when I export DNG to TIFF in Lightroom, but there's a problem:
1. If PS is not opened when I'm exporting images in LR, the droplet will work well, i'll get an processed TIFF
2. If PS is opened before I'm exporting images in LR, the droplet won't work, then I get an unprocessed TIFF
Due to Situation 1, if PS is not opened when I'm exporting images and I tried to exported 30 images with droplet, finally I'll get only ONE image successfully processed, because PS was opened when LR export the first image.
Error Message is :- Unable to Export :- an internal error has occurred; WIN32 API error 2 (the system cannot find the file specified) when calling ShellexecuteExW fromAgWorkspace.shellexecute.
Photos are exported, but without the EXIF data?
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Lightroom. I have also tried Restoring Win 7 to an earlier build, but with no success.
I edit an image in Lr5, and it's crips and perfect. But then I export it and it's hazy and out of focus looking. I've tried exporting it as a psd, then opening it in ps and changing it to's a TAD more clear...but nothing like it is in lightroom. All of my settings are set like they "should" be as far as I know. jpeg, 300ppi, quality is at 100... all of that.
Here's a screenshot of what it's doing... (the one on the right is in lightroom and the left is the opened jpeg after I export it)
I work with lightroom for wedding photo. I use Book Module to prepare lay out of the final book.
When I put images in a book they are sometimes cropped by the specific page lay out.
I don't use the printing service of Lightroom, instead I prefer to send the files to my local printing service and then stick them to an album (wedding stuff).
Is there a way to export cropped images from a book?
When I try to export an image without LR adjustments (original or copy) from LR5 to Photoshop CC, I get this message: "Adobe Photoshop CC cannot be opened because of a problem. Check with the developer to make sure Adobe Photoshop CC works with this version of OS X..."
I'm running 10.8.5 on an iMac and have the latest updates of Photoshop CC and LR 5 installed.