Lightroom :: Difference Between Import / Copy And Move?

Jan 25, 2014

What's the difference between "import", "copy", and "move"?

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Sharpen And Sharpen Copy In The Presets Section?

Nov 27, 2013

What is the difference between sharpen and sharpen copy in the presets section of LR? they seem to have the same effect, dont know which one to use

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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Lightroom :: Move Brush Adjustment - Copy Settings

Aug 19, 2013

For example you take 2 shots of a model, but with slightly different position, it sucks having to redraw a whole new brush on the next photo. Would be great to be able to sync then just drag the brush pin into place. Like how you can with the radial fand ND filter. And it would be awesome to be able to copy the settings of one, and the paste them onto another pin on another area or another photo.Right now its so time consuming having to sync brush adjustments, erase them, then repaint where I want the same settings applied to a different part of another picture.
Second, need to be able to select multiple or all pins, to be able to move them at the same time. Same for for the ND, radial, spot healing pins.
Third, we need to be able to copy brush settings via right clicking the pin, as well as maybe in the brush panel at the top so its something like like:
Mask: New | Edit | Copy | Paste

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Lightroom :: How To Copy (not Move) Entire Library To New Hard Drive

Dec 9, 2013

I would like to consolidate all of my image files onto one  hard drive by copying them from multiple drives to one large new one. The desired result is that I would have my library on that new drive, with all the links making sense to LR, but leaving the original files on those original drives as an archival back up. I know how to MOVE the files within LR, but I can't figure out how to COPY them. If the image files were not already in the catalog, I would just import them using "copy and add to catalog." Worst case, I suppose I could move all of the files to the new drive and then export copies to the old drives, but that seems very time consuming. I have more than 3TB of files.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Import From Another Catalog - Can't Copy

Aug 10, 2013

From LR4 on my desktop PC, I used to be able to select File->Import From Another Catalog..., navigate to a catalog on a networked laptop, select which photos/dates I want to import, then choose to Copy Photos to a New Location and Import. This would both copy the photos over the network to my desktop, and add the photos to my desktop LR catalog - in one step. Always worked great for me for getting travel laptop photos back into my main desktop & LR catalog.
Both desktop and laptop recently upgraded to LR5. But now when I try this same procedure - the "Import From Another Catalog..." dialog no longer has the option to Copy Photos to a New Location and Import.  The only options are Add New Photos To Catalog Without Moving and Don't Import New Photos.
Of course I can work around this by doing it with 2-3 extra steps: I can import over the network like above, but choose Add New Photos to Catalog Without Moving and then later copy the files & find the missing photos. Or export to a separate catalog & copy everything, etc.
So what happend to the Copy Photos to a New Location and Import option in LR5? Was this option removed explicitly?  Or is there something else I'm missing (file path permissions, etc) that would cause the option to not be shown?
Lightroom 5 64-bit for Windows, ver 5.0
Desktop: Windows 7 64-bit
Laptop: Windows 8 64-bit

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Lightroom :: Import From Catalog And Copy?

Feb 12, 2012

I replaced my computer, and now reinstalled lightroom and created a new catalog and wanted to import photos and copy from backup, however, lightroom is not offering me the copy function

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Lightroom :: 5 Doesn't Move Pictures During Import

Jul 10, 2013

As I've been adding photos to my catalog from my iMac's internal hard drive, I've asked LR 5 to import them while "MOVING" them.  Not "Copy as DNG", but MOVE.  The Move feature simply makes a copy of them and leaves the files still on my hard drive.  Why?  This didn't happen in earlier LR editions.

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Lightroom :: Move Greyed Out In Import Dialog?

Jun 16, 2010

When importing files from a compact flash card (Windows 7, Lightroom 3 final) my "move" option is greyed out, and so I can only copy or add the files during the import.  I want to move them so they are deleted from my CF card after the import

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Illustrator :: Move Dialog - Option / Enter To COPY And Move Object

Dec 24, 2012

What happened to the option/enter command in the move object dialog that has been around since the early days of Illustrator???  Instead of having to mouse click the "copy" button in the move object window, one could just hold down option with Return or Enter and the Copy command would happen rather than a simple move.  Immensely useful for prepress work!

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Lightroom :: Import Window Does Not Allow To Pick Move Option

Feb 20, 2013

My import window does not allow me to pick the "move" option. How do I access it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy And Move Command But Not With Copy With Base Point

Apr 21, 2013

I have a 3D file (not of my creation) that gives me some problems when I try to copy it (it is a 3D building).

The problem is that, when i click on "copy" command, I can select a point but then AutoCAD crashes and it takes about 30 seconds to return working a normal way and permit me to paste it. (it happens with "move" command too)

Otherwise, if I use "copy with base point" I have no problems: after a second I can paste it where I want.

How can it be possible? Cause if sometimes I mistake and digit "copy", I always have to wait the long Autocad response.

This problem happens with both autocad 2012 and 2013 and it doesn't happen with other 3D files I have. The drawing is made mainly of meshes.

I have a Dell notebook and a NVIDIA Quadro 2000M video card, so you can understand I don't like this problems: I spent a lot of money for something I hoped could work well with AutoCAD. 

About that, aren't there drivers for the graphic card? Cause when I click on "check for updates", autocad says me that there are newer version of the driver, but then it says me that it is impossible to update it (I have a connession and a student version).

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Lightroom :: Images In RAW / JPEG Formats - Copy As DNG To Import

Jan 26, 2014

I take images in raw+jpeg formats.  Can I use copy as dng to import those images? What happens to the jpeg files?

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Lightroom :: New Window Opens On Selecting Import - Copy As DNG

Dec 28, 2013

Have downloaded L/R5 and am attempting to import for the first time. Source is "EOS_DIGIGTAL" SD card from Canon EOS. All pictures are on the card. When selecting "Import", a new window opens which is a "Copy as DNG" which, during reading all tutorials, is never mentioned. I would like to just import directly from the source card to Macintosh HD. Also, "NO PHOTOS" shows as well.

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Lightroom :: Not Highlight Add Or Copy Option To Import Pictures

Feb 27, 2012

LR won't hightlight ADD or COPY option when I want to import pictures, I see the word, it just won't give me the option, how do i fix it?

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Lightroom :: JPEGs Created As Part Of Copy As DNG Import

Nov 26, 2013

I have a folder of all my photo's with my Sony NEX camera - which I have set to capture RAW+JPEG, so the folder contains a RAW and JPEG copy of each photo.
I've just started using Lightroom and run an import on that folder with 'Copy as DNG', discard duplicates, with the destination directory structure set to use photo dates.  The source and destination folders are both on remote directories on my NAS.
After the import I expected to find lots of folders, ordered by date, containing just DNS files.  However I find there are DNG and JPEG files for each photo.
My understanding is the standard previews and smart previews are stored locally with the LR catalog.  So what are the JPEG files that have been created?

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Lightroom :: Import Button Hangs Up - Unable To Move Forward

May 14, 2012

First I lost some folders and edits; now the import button hangs up and I am unable to move forward. HP Pavillion quad core and lightroom 4

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Lightroom :: Import Images From SD Card As Copy To DNG And Crashes Program 3.6?

Dec 29, 2012

Trying to import images as dng and crashes my computer. It writes to a temp folder and cannot delete the temp folder bc there is error in writing to it. Mac OSX. Have done this many time with no problem. I can make adjustments inside the program and when I export the modified images to another folder it writes to a temp folder as well. but doesnt crash the system.

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Lightroom :: Copy PNG File Into Source Folder And Import Into Catalog

Apr 1, 2013

I had copied a .PNG file into the source folder and wanted to import it into the Lightroom catalog.

However the import dialog does not show that file in the source folder at all.

I also tried the method of selecting the source folder and using the "Synchronize" option. But that did not show the .PNG file either.

My clumsy work-around was to open the file in CS6 and save it as a .JPG file.

So my question: how can I tell Lightroom which file types (extensions) I want to be able to import?

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Lightroom :: Copy New Photos Doesn't Work In Import Dialog

Nov 12, 2012

When I import pictures from my SD Card I usually leave copies on the card for a while so I have them as backup, and to also be able to see recent pics on my camera.  However each time I go to import pictures from that card within LR, it defaults to selecting all pics on my SD card even though I have the "New Photos" filter selected at the top of the import box.   It always puts all my photos in the "New Photos" section, so I have to deselect all the photos that I have already imported into my catalogue so I don't get duplicates.  How do I get LR to only import pics that haven't been imported bfore?  
I am aware of the "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" option, but that is not the samea as what I am looking for.   It only deselects photos that still exist in my catalogue.   Any photos that I have deleted from my catalogue remain selected in the import box as it doesn't see any duplicates.  
what I'm missing to have LR only select photos that haven't been previously imported from that card?

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Lightroom :: Cannot Import Files Into 4.4 Or 5 - Could Not Copy File To Requested Location

Feb 8, 2014

Cannot import files into LR 4.4 or LR5 - get this message: ""Some important operations were not performed - Could not copy file to requested location"  I could import files a week ago and can do it with LR3  Using an iMac  LR4.4 works on the MacPro - maybe the desktop?

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Import Nikon D800E NEF Files - Unable To Copy A File

Jan 20, 2013

Why cant I import my Nikon D800E NEF files in LR 4.3 - just started recently -I have been doing the same thing for months and never had a problem. "unable to copy a file to location"

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Photoshop :: Difference In TIFF And RAW Import With ACR

Sep 19, 2012

I'm experimenting with a workflow, so whilst this may seem like an odd thing to want to make work, I have a genuine reason for doing what's described below:
I have Canon CR2 RAW files from a 7D, Photoshop CS6 13.01 64bit, with ACR, running on Windows 7 64bit.
1. I import a CR2 image via ACR, with no changes to any sliders; opening it as Adobe RGB (1998); 16bit
2. I then save the image as a TIFF file, leaving "ICC Profile: Abode RGB (1998)" selected in the Color section of the file save dialog
3. If I then close all files, and reopen the CR2 and TIFF image, they (as expected) appear to be identical
4. After closing all files again, I then open the CR2 and make an exposure adjustment (e.g. -1.00)
5. Using Bridge, I select the TIFF file, right click and select Open in Camera Raw. I make the same exposure adjustment as for the CR2
6. Now, the adjusted CR2 and adjusted TIFF are different. A colour shift is noticeable, and for a severe exposure change (i.e. +4.00) the shadow detail in the CR2 is a lot lighter
Here are two cropped areas from the files (with a 4 stop push), showing some branch/leaf and grass detail respectively. The TIFF has a greener colour cast for the grass, but much darker shadows:

The CR2 is still a RAW file, and as such has the original Bayer pattern data, but is there any way I can make ACR adjustments to a TIFF (taken from a CR2) to behave in the same way as the original CR2?

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AutoCad :: Move Commands Are Same With Copy

Sep 11, 2011

I found out that my current autocad architect 2011 move command are same with copy command. And also i found out everytime went i start my autocad programe that is an error message like #@%&*&%#@ that i cant even understand.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Copy And Move Bezier Shape

Apr 11, 2013

I've created a bezier shape by setting pen to shape mode, set no fill, set stroke and stroke color. as descibed by posteer "Conroy" in a different thread.
I succedded in following an existing line (in a psd document) making one wavey line much heavier by using a bezier shape that fit it using the above settings.
Now I want to copy and move that shape over another faint line to make it much more visible in the same way.
In the inlined image the heavy wavy line on viewers right is the bezier shape made as described.  I want to copy it and paste it over the other wavy line on the viewers left... you can see how faint it is.... I could think of no better way to make them heavier and more visible.
I'm not finding a handy way to copy paste the heavy shape/line.  How can that be done.
Is there a better way to do this from the start... that is, make the faint lines in psd document heavier and more visible.

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Photoshop :: Copy PNG File - Can't Move Once It's Placed - Can't Unlock

Jun 13, 2009

I have a ribbon that I'm trying to copy onto my page and it is a png file. I've copied papers that are jpgs just fine. Once I copy the png ribbon it locks and I cannot move it around. How do I either unlock it or is there a way to see where I am placing it on my project?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Copy / Move Objects Between Layers

Jun 17, 2013

I have AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. How do I copy/move objects such as lines and arces between layers that are in the Task Pane window, not the regular layers? I can't find the Layer Manager.

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AutoCad :: Copy / Move To End A Layout Tab In A Drawing

Jun 23, 2011

Using AutoCad 2011. When trying to 'copy/move to end' a 'layout' tab in a drawing, I keep getting the message:

'ERROR:Copy of layout failed'

I have in the past been very successful operating this command in earlier vers of Autocad.

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GIMP :: Copy / Paste And Move A Selection?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm a longtime Photoshop user in the process of switching to Gimp. I've successfully used Gimp for very simple things like brightness/contrast, color adjustment, and sharpening of single-layer images. What I'm trying to do now involves creating a copy of the background and placing it next to the background image, and I can't figure out how to make it work.

Here's what I'm doing:

1. Resize the canvas to twice the width of the original image, leaving the original image at left. This creates a "blank" area to the right which displays as a checkerboard pattern.

2. The area of the original image is already selected (i.e., it already has a frame around it), so I copy and paste it. This creates a floating selection, duly noted in the list of layers.

3. But when I try to move the floating selection to position it to the right of the original image, in the blank area, it appears to disappear behind the checkerboard pattern.

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AutoCAD LT :: Computer Locks When Using Copy And Move Commands?

Nov 7, 2011

Autocad 2012 LT locks up when using the copy and move commands.  This last for a minute or more then starts working again.  The rest of the computer works fine while this is going on.  Intel i7 2600  16 GB ram  Nvidia G force GTX 460 video card, Windows 7 Home Edition with SP 1 and latest upgades.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Copy / Move A Surface From One File To The Other

Jun 14, 2012

I tried usign the xml export and import it on the other file, the surface comes in fine but the break lines do not come in.

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