Lightroom :: No gps Info In 4.4 Or 5beta

Apr 30, 2013

Since updating to 4.4 I no longer get any gps info imported.  Same camera's, gps equipment worked fine in 4.3.  Can read info from jpeg file on cf card using Opanda so I believe this to be a LR bug?  Just Dl'd 5 beta and same problem.

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Lightroom :: All Info Is Gone / Presets On Launch

Oct 20, 2013

For some reason, (this started just a few days ago) every once in a while when I launch LR it launches the "new user" splash screen and asks for my country, but then it knows my serial numbers and I launch successfully.
Then upon launch, all of my info is gone...settings, presets, everything unique to does a tour as if I've never used it.Also, my develop presets folder is completely gone...physically gone...and all the other folders are empty.
It happened once and I started all over again with all my purchased presets and my export presets and such but after the 3rd time, I got smart and dragged the whole "user>name>appdata>roaming>adobe>lightroom" folder to another partition and backed it up.
When I have this problem, I just drag that folder back to repopulate those other folders with the info and LR launches just as if nothing happened.

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Lightroom :: Can't Print System Info

Sep 4, 2013

Have just purchased upgrade. When selecting Slideshow tab or impromptu slideshow and or try to print Sys info under help notice appears to say that Lighjtroom has stopped working and will close.When I revert to Lightroom 4 I have no problem with these features.I am using Windows 7 prof on PC and Windows 7 Home edition on Laptop with the same results on both. Remember I cant print Sys Info.

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Lightroom :: Export Info To A File Such As Excel

Sep 21, 2013

I do bird photography and would like to create a smart collection that would capture for example all of the warbler / magnolia that I have captured.  I'd like to have the capture date, file name, and keyword in a spreadsheet file.

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Lightroom :: EXIF Info Getting Stripped From Metadata?

Sep 29, 2012

I have a Metadata preset for my copyright info and eversince I created it, it has been stripping the capture infor from the image (ie Focal Length, ISO, F-Stop, etc), the preset does not delete this info from the image upon import?

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Lightroom :: How To Export JPEGs With Exif Info

Dec 25, 2012

Is there a way to export jpegs with some exif info (creation date and tile) which should be saved directly on the image. Like the showing of the timestamp on the picture  which can be turned on on some cameras.

Reasoin is: I want to use those pics on a digital image frame and I want to show some image data as well. As there are no options in the software of the digiframe to display exifs I have to integrate them in the pictures...
if it is not possible with lightroom then probably you can tell me another way (bridge, photoshop, ...) - just not manually...

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Lightroom :: EXIF Info As Watermark At Export?

Jun 19, 2013

Does the current 4.?? (or 5) provide a way of including selected EXIF info as text on the image at export ?

I want to place lens and exposure info on each image as plain text. Morgrify suggested but that no longer works.

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Lightroom :: V5 Doesn't Show GPS Info From Canon 6D

Jun 28, 2013

Lightroom 5 doesn't any longer show GPS info from canon 6D in imported rawfiles. This regards MacOS-version. It works in iPhoto and in Lightroom 5 for Windows 8!

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Lightroom :: Does LR Show Bearing Info In Map Module

Mar 15, 2013

Does Lightroom show bearing info in the map module if it was recorded by a GPS and electronic compass sensor? Some GPS devices, like the Solmeta Geotagger Pro 2 records heading/bearing information to the EXIF data as well as geographic coordinates. Can lightroom display this like a slice of the map highlighted from the position of the image, in the direction the picture was taken with the proper viewing angle calculated from the focal length. I guess it would look like a pizza slice seen from above.

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Lightroom :: Transferring Pick Info From MacBook

Feb 28, 2013

I use LR on a MacBook for tethered shooting on location. During the shoot I 'Pick' all of the images that I want to rework and supply to the client as I am shooting.When I get back to the office, I load all of the RAW files from the shoot into my storage array, open up LR on the big computer, and start editing.
What is missing is the information about which images I have 'Picked', so I have to go through and 'Pick' the files again.What is the best way to retain this 'Pick' info when moving between computers? Is there a way to get LR to embed this in the RAW file?

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Lightroom :: File Info In Smart Preview?

Nov 9, 2013

We have standard XMP files with metadata for our collections - box number, folder number, copyright, creator, etc. Is there a way to add this to Smart Preview so that it will apply it to all photos at the same time?
It would save so much time to be able to use Smart Preview and apply all the metadata and just tweak it for descriptions, than to upload the XMP files for each image.

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Lightroom :: Info Overlay In The Print Module In 5?

Oct 1, 2013

I have been using Lightroom 5 for a while now and am currently printing some photos. In Lightroom 4 there used to be an info overlay that stated the current printer and paper size that was selected for that printer. I can't seem to find or display that information now in Lightroom 5. I have tried using the "I" key but to no avail.

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Lightroom :: Seeing Camera Profile In Loupe Info?

Aug 10, 2012

I would like to be able to see camera profile in Loupe Info.  This would support me choose between versions of a photo that have different profiles applied.
I have not been able to find any indication that this is possible in LR 4.  I am still using LR 3.6.
Beyond that, it would be nice to be able to select any information to see in Loupe Info and not be restricted to the fixed list of items currently available.

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Lightroom :: Where To Get Info About Images To Determine If They Are Duplicates

Jul 10, 2012

Some of my imported images are definitely duplicates. The question becomes, is it the same image perhaps saved with different levels of compression and possibly a new name, or are they the exact duplicates of one another.
Is there an easy way to find this out in LR without having to look at the images some other way? Where is this type of info located?

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Lightroom :: Info Overlay Not Showing In Print Module?

Dec 12, 2013

I have LR 5.3 on a Mac running Mavericks. The Info Overlay in the Print Module can not be found with the "I" key? I can see info in the Library.

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Lightroom :: 5 (non-beta) Crashes When Going To Slideshow / System Info

Jun 16, 2013

LR5 (the final one, not the beta) crashes 100% of the times I try to go to the Slideshow module. It also crashes 100% of the times I try a simple Help/SystemInfo.
I had no such problems with LR3.x and LR4.x, and my system (Win7 64bit) is otherwise perfectly stable and has all the latest patches/updates). The problem occurs even with a "clean" install of LR5 (i.e. without upgrades or migrations from LR4).

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Lightroom :: Missing Image Size Info In Catalog?

Feb 16, 2014

Many of my catalog images (LR 3.6) do not show file size or pixel information for the associated image file.  I suspect this is a hangover from an import of photos from Photoshop Elements which I used in the past.  The problem is that when I put such an image in a slideshow or web gallery, the exported image is not properly displayed.
To get around this, I can export the image files to a hard drive directory in original format, and then re-import them into my web gallery collection.  The correct file size info is then available in the catalog, and the image reproduces correctly in the exported gallery.
I know (or at least hope) this is a kludge, and there is a more straightforward method to correct the catalog.  I have many photos with incomplete image information.

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Lightroom :: Displaying Exif Info At Import Screen

Nov 5, 2012

Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Find Color Profile Info In Library

Jul 20, 2013

Why can’t I find the color profile info in the library ? It’s sometimes necessary to convert to sRGB for some applications ( internet, some beamers in clubs,…). I convert them but afterwards it is nice to have the possibility to check this out and should be possible in lightroom, the info is present why not showing it ( it is not so easy to go in finder and look at it in info for every image)? Since I’m always working in Adobe profile for printing and so this is important to know !

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Lightroom :: Darkening Filename Info In Grid Mode?

Jan 6, 2013

is there a way to do this.  darkening filename info in grid mode?

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Lightroom :: Changing Metadata Info After Mass Import

Apr 1, 2012

I just imported several photos into my catalog using a preset metadata import.  After Import I edited all the photos and then was set to export.  Unfortunately it was the wrong metadata preset and I want to change it on all my photos.  Is there a way that I havent been able to find yet that would allow me to easily change over the metadata copyright info on all the photos without having to start all over again?

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Lightroom :: 5 Buttons In Develop Module - No Info About Temperature

Jan 17, 2014

I've just started using LR5 and the book I'm using to learn shows sliders in the White Balance section but I've got buttons with no information about temperature.  How do I make the change to that configuration?

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Lightroom :: Filmstrip In Book Module - Photo Info

Jul 18, 2012

As I review photos clicking on their thumbnails in the book module's film strip on the bottom of the screen I can't seem to find a way to have (1) the name of the photo file displayed and (2) the name of folder where the photo file resides.
In Bridge one has the option to have up to 4 lines of customer-selected information displayed below each thumbnail.
Is there a way do do something similar in Lightroom 4.1 ? How can I view the file name and the name of the folder where it resides as I select the image in the film strip ?

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Lightroom :: Histogram Fails To Show Exif Info

May 5, 2012

I shoot in raw, I import into lightroom by doing a sync folder. Then I edit my picture using photoshop cs6. I save it as a jpeg. Finally I export this image as a jpeg to a sub folder called Publish, which means its ready for the web. problem is when i look at image in lightroom on the right side the histogram has no details, it wont show iso, fstop or anything. if I look at my original RAW file i can see the exif info in the histogram but on my final exported image its all gone.
furthmore it looses all its tags and meta data, I have to copy the metadata back to this file. it would be nice if lightroom would reinsert the meta info and exif once its reimported into lightroom.

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Lightroom :: How To Put Titles / Descriptions Into Photoshop File Info

Oct 6, 2012

How do I put titles, descriptions, shooting info, etc. into the photoshop "file info" using lightroom?

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Lightroom :: Find Sharpening Info When Photo Exported

Nov 27, 2012

How can I find out what type of sharpening, if any, was used when a photo was exported from Lightroom 4?  I have a photo with a watermark that is slightly different from the original but I am not sure what type of sharpening was used when the photo was exported.

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Lightroom :: Image Detail Info Display At Import?

Jun 16, 2012

In lr4.1 before Importing images, I'd like to see more info (camera, lens, focal length, f-stop, exposure time etc.) about the images besides just the file name before making the selection to import.
In the library module I just push the i key and it loops through two sets of info and a non-display. Why can't I do this in the Import module? If yes: how? What options do I set and where? If no: Is there a plugin to do so or who do I ask to add this to the next release?

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Lightroom :: Image Info Blighting Photos In Develop Window?

Jun 23, 2013

an image number date and time has appeared on my photos in the top left hand corner while i'm in develop / lightroom.

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Lightroom :: 3 - View Color Temperature Info In Cell / Grid

Jun 20, 2012

Is there a way to view color temperature information in a cell in grid and loupe view in Lightroom 3?

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Lightroom :: Location Of Catalogue Backups And Info On External Editing?

Jul 23, 2013

i have not downloaded any images into lr5,as i am just finishing setting up all my preferences  fAlso how . My catalogue is located in my f drive in a second internal drive on my desktop computer.  Where is the best location for my catalogue backup? I figured i would backup the catalogue to this f drive,and also to my new 1tb external drive.   I will do this also for my images only on both drives. also how would i set up my external editing info.  the custom templates.  Can this info be set up later on.  Is there a good link as to what this setting is and how to set it up.?  also on metadata presets what categories are mandatory to fill out.  I am an amateur photographer and do not publish any photos so i do not need a copyright.  So I figured i would just fill out the creator section only. 

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Lightroom :: How To Turn Off Photo Info / Overlay When Viewing Images In LR3

Oct 12, 2012

Sometimes I take a screenshot from within L/R 3.6 and send it by email. Problem is the image name/date/size info. overlay spoils the image. I've looked all over L/R prefs etc but I can't see how to turn the info. off, assuming it's possible to do so? 
I used to be able to import pics from my camera into a specific folder on my hard drive. That was until 2 weeks ago. Now my only choice is to import into the folders below. C. drive - where all my digi camera pics are - is no longer there.  How do I get L/R import to recognize my hard drive again.

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