Lightroom :: 5 (non-beta) Crashes When Going To Slideshow / System Info
Jun 16, 2013
LR5 (the final one, not the beta) crashes 100% of the times I try to go to the Slideshow module. It also crashes 100% of the times I try a simple Help/SystemInfo.
I had no such problems with LR3.x and LR4.x, and my system (Win7 64bit) is otherwise perfectly stable and has all the latest patches/updates). The problem occurs even with a "clean" install of LR5 (i.e. without upgrades or migrations from LR4).
While it looks like there have been some great updates in the forthcoming version, I'm surprised to not see mention of any new slideshow functionality. LR3 was very disappointing in this regard only letting you use one song and also no ability to apply ken burns type effects etc. Am I missing something or did Adobe really not make any changes to that module?
Have just purchased upgrade. When selecting Slideshow tab or impromptu slideshow and or try to print Sys info under help notice appears to say that Lighjtroom has stopped working and will close.When I revert to Lightroom 4 I have no problem with these features.I am using Windows 7 prof on PC and Windows 7 Home edition on Laptop with the same results on both. Remember I cant print Sys Info.
I'm trying to export my pics and a video from my collection to a slideshow and every time i do it it we have a work-around? i've tried different resolutions to no avail so far.
Is there a limit to the number of pictures in a slideshow ? Looking for a reason to my problem :
I have successfully done a series of slideshows of my latest trip ; 4 slideshows of about 300 pictures each. Includes both pictures and video clips . Works perfectly !
Than I created a new slideshow within that collection incorporating all the slides of the 4 sub slideshows at the start . Then I went through the slideshow and deleted ( removed out of the collection ) about half of the pictures : my aim was to have a shorter version in one slideshow ipo the 4 individual slideshows with about twice the total length
However , the newly created slideshow will not run : clicking on "preview" or "play " will give me only for a few seconds the screen " preparing preview ", then a black screen appears and the error message " Adobe has stopped working ". I am kicked out of LR and Windows 7 screen comes up " checking for a solution to your problem ".
I am running without other issues LR5.2 64 bit on Windows 7; and as I said , the other slideshows within same collection run fine
Like the title says, every time I click on "Slideshow", LR5 crashes - immediately (it does start to set up the screen for this module, but never completes). I tried LR4.4 and it works fine. I recently upgraded (about 3 weeks ago) to LR5 from 4.4, and I haven't had any significant problems otherwise.
My system info of pse 7 tells me that the operating system is vista while I'm working with windows 7. It also shows a place for the catalogfile that don't exists on my computer.
When I use the Lasso, Polygonal Lasso and/or Magnetic Lasso Tools, my system shuts down.
This didn't always happen and the only recent change to my system was downloading/installing Adobe Reader 8 (update). To the best of my knowledge, prior to this update the all the Lasso Tools worked fine.
I searched the help section and the only information I found related to my problem was to set Adobe's 'Post Script" printer as default. I tried that and it did not help. Please note, prior to this problem, my Canon was set as my default printer and every thing worked fine then.
Should I uninstall Adobe Reader?
I'm using: Photoshop CS2 My system: Windows XP Home Edition RAM is: 256 MB Free Space: 60.2GB Printer: Canon 7800 Series
I've just upgraded to PSE12 and it works fine in most instances. Howver when I try to create a slideshow from a selection of photos it simply stops working and then crashes. Is this a common occurrence?
I can add an audio to my slieshow. After that I cannot run the audio nor the slide show. the program crashes. I took screenshots of the error messages.
I have taken the opportunity to try Lightoom 4 beta but have decided to stay with CS6 when it arrives, I cannot see any way to remove the program from a Mac, in the aplications folder where lightroom is there seems to be no uninstall option, I have tried to drag it to the trash but that does not work, I want a lean machine for when CS6 arrives so a Gb of HD space would be worth having.
my entire system locks up.It seems to work fine at the start, but it will lock up on me on random. I tried finding out what the exact problem was, and it seems that moving about the canvas in any way always seems to be the cause. I also often get this while I try to save, in the saving process I would move my canvas around, and it would lock up on me. Thus making my .psd-file corrupt/unreadable.
I tried different methods to approach this, but no luck. One is installing the latest video driver, but it already seemed to be up-to-date. Second would be disabling certain plugins in Photoshop, like the FastCore and the MMXCore ones.
- Windows 7 Premium 64-bit with Service Pack 1 - Intel i7-267OQM 2,2 Ghz CPU - Nvidia GeForce GT 635M 2GB - 8GB RAM - Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 64-bit - on an ASUS N55S Laptop
My new Wacom Cintiq 13HD runs just fine while just browsing on the internet, with Adobe Illustrator (so far...) and Easy Paint Tool SAI.But everytime I open my Photoshop it's just some minutes before my system freezes for a second, than blue screen appears.
I tried all drivers Wacom has available but it still happens. I updated my Adobe Softwares, my BIOS, my graphic card, I restarted countless times,but nothing seems to work.
I imported over 200 pics into LR 4.1 earlier today. I then noticed that I still had a Beta 4 folder in my directory, so I deleted the folder since I'm using the full and laterst version of the software. When I tried to relaunch LR though I was asked to select a catalog, so I selected a file called "Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat." LR opened but the catalog was empty...none of my pictures were there! Fortunately, I hadn't emptied my trash and was able to retrieve the Beta 4 catalog, which is what LR 4 was looking for and, in fact, contains all of my pictures. So, I'm back in business but it seems strange that I'm still using an outdated version. I'd like to use the new catalog but don't want to lose all of my pictures.
When I press F for Full Screen and then the fwd. slash to see before/after nothing happens. Is this normal, if so it would be nice to see before and after in full screen.
Working on a Mac pro dual core with 16 g ram. Was last working on an image in develop module when I closed the app. On relaunching it opens to the image I was working on, shows the little box that says loading then the program freezes and I get the very loved spinning beach ball of color. Have to force quit. Have restarted computer and so far have the same problem every time I try to relaunch. I have about 20 images in the library. All was working well prior with just a little slowness in response with adjustment sliders.
I've been testing LR 5 Beta since it came out and have found it to be very stable. I'd like to switch my main workflow over to it. I back up every night to two different drives (one internal drive in my Mac Pro, and one external drive), and I also have an automated off-site back-up service. I'm not worried about data loss.
But how do I do this? In the past I've waited until the full release when LR 5 would just upgrade my catalog. Can I just open my LR 4 catalog in LR 5 and upgrade it?
After I installed Bryen Weeler preset , something happened with all my images . If I want to work with or look at a picture it changes to a B/W image with out my intention. This happened when i installed Bryen Weelers presets. I have about 12 000 pictures that is turning into B/W images.
I am trying out lightroom 5 beta and the basic adjustmentsin the develop bar have disappeared (everything before the tonal curve). Am I missing something obvious here...did I hide them somehow?
After installing LR4.1 RC2 i have lost the link to PS6 when working with CR2 files... when i right click "edit in" PS6 opens but no document is created... when i do teh same with a DNG file all works fine... perhaps it is an issue with Camera Raw compatibility?
Both CR2 and DNG work fine with PS5.5...Obviously this is not a major issue but it is behavior that needs to be fixed...
I've been using X6 for over a year without any major problems. I have all updates and hotfixes installed. Last night I saved a project I was working on and this morning when I went to open it it crashed immediately, before the splash screen even appeared. Everything froze including the mouse and keyboard and I had to do a hard shutdown. I booted back up, tried again and the same thing. Tried different .cdr files and opening CDX6 directly. Same complete system-wide crash. The F8 reset option freezes the system too.
I tried reinstalling the last update and as soon as the reinstall began it crashed. I tried uninstalling it. It crashed. Each time freezing the complete system, mouse, keyboard and all, requiring a hard shut down. I scanned for viruses—nothing.
Everything was working fine last night, all I did was boot down the PC for the night and boot it back up in the morning like I've done a million times.
Getting an error when opening the downloaded pkg file "Operation could not be error -1 Couldn't open Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.pkg"
I was trying thje new lightroom 4 beta, and is been crashing everytime I try to work with it..I was editing a picture and trying to see with the before and after view, and is been crashing since then, why is that?
Since updating to 4.4 I no longer get any gps info imported. Same camera's, gps equipment worked fine in 4.3. Can read info from jpeg file on cf card using Opanda so I believe this to be a LR bug? Just Dl'd 5 beta and same problem.
For some reason, (this started just a few days ago) every once in a while when I launch LR it launches the "new user" splash screen and asks for my country, but then it knows my serial numbers and I launch successfully.
Then upon launch, all of my info is gone...settings, presets, everything unique to does a tour as if I've never used it.Also, my develop presets folder is completely gone...physically gone...and all the other folders are empty.
It happened once and I started all over again with all my purchased presets and my export presets and such but after the 3rd time, I got smart and dragged the whole "user>name>appdata>roaming>adobe>lightroom" folder to another partition and backed it up.
When I have this problem, I just drag that folder back to repopulate those other folders with the info and LR launches just as if nothing happened.
I do bird photography and would like to create a smart collection that would capture for example all of the warbler / magnolia that I have captured. I'd like to have the capture date, file name, and keyword in a spreadsheet file.