Lightroom :: 5 Beta - Before / After In Full Screen?
May 23, 2013
When I press F for Full Screen and then the fwd. slash to see before/after nothing happens. Is this normal, if so it would be nice to see before and after in full screen.
I don't want to appear dense but Lightroom 5 appears to be stuck in full screen (Windows 7 64 bit). The FILE, EDIT, ... drop down menus only appear after carefully hovering near the top of the screen and the minimize, full screen, and close buttons never appear. I don't want to close LR to check email, browse, or kill time while it is rendering previews.
jdi1: Why is there still no video playback in full screen mode? jdi2: Please give us an option to start video playback automatically when browsing through files in loupe and fullscreen mode (without having to press "space" or such). Let us switch this option on or off just as needed.
Video playback is still a bit laggy. Often LR5.2 needs to load audio first while the video already starts playing. If other (even freeware) media browsers can do this without latency, why not Adobe's LR?
Using LR 4.3, I'm exporting a slideshow to PDF. Even though I turned off transitions in LR, the transitions automatically start in Acrobat X in full screen mode. My goal is to present ths slide show with a mouse click, or arrow key, to move to the next slide in full screen mode.
I switched to lightroom 5. There is one change from 4, which I like to be undone and maybe there is a way to achive this via some setting. When I am in slide show mode with full screen the next and previous slide cannot be reached any longer by the left and right arrow. This used to be possible and it is very good if one wants to test a slide show without waiting for the next picture for 5 seconds (or whatever the delay is). It is also nice to have a quick possibility to have a look at the previous picture again.
When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.
LR has just started to launch in full screen mode on my iMac without any opportunity to minimize it or move to another program. I would like it to launch like it used to where I can control the window size but can't seem to figure out how to get back to that capability. I have an iMac running Mountain Lion. LR is the only program effected as Photoshop still launches the old way.
I always use LR in full screen mode. But every time I open it, it always opens in the collpsed small window mode. Never the full screen way I closed it. Is this designed in, or is there a setting someplace I just have not found?
I'm a huge fan of Full screen mode (pressing F) to review my image large without UI clutter.However often the image in Fullscreen looks quite different from what I see in normal mode within Develop. The full screen image is brighter (by about 0.5EV) and lacks contrast. Exporting the image and reviewing externally shows that it is faithful to the version in normal Develop mode.
Originally I thought this was due to visual perception where the dark border made the full screen version appear brighter, but this isn't the case. Using Lights out mode with all tabs collapsed and then switching to Fullscreen also exhibits the difference. Further I've taken screenshots of both modes, put them in layers in Photoshop and the difference is very noticeable switching between them.
I'm not sure if nobody is noticing or using Fullscreen or if it's somehow unique to me? As it stands, without being able to trust Fullscreen mode showing a faithful image it's rather useless as a review tool.
Full screen view is a minor, but convenient new feature in LR5. It's a quick way to look at a photo without distractions. Being able to flag, color code, rank, and apply Develop module edits with shortcut keys while in full screen are all pluses. Also, the primary "bug" in the Beta, that the F key did not work like a toggle and take you back to the prior view, has been fixed. However, the keyboard shortcuts still do not work consistently.
If you initiate full screen from the Library module, pressing E, G, or D all work correctly. Even the shortcuts to specific Develop module tools work right. For example, R opens up the cropping tool. However, if you initiate full screen from Develop, pressing E or G still works, but pressing D or any of the Develop tool shortcuts has no effect.
I can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
I have taken the opportunity to try Lightoom 4 beta but have decided to stay with CS6 when it arrives, I cannot see any way to remove the program from a Mac, in the aplications folder where lightroom is there seems to be no uninstall option, I have tried to drag it to the trash but that does not work, I want a lean machine for when CS6 arrives so a Gb of HD space would be worth having.
Can I run Video Studio Pro X4 at other than full screen? While working on a project, full screen is fine. But, once I start rendering I'd like to have my PC back and do other things and have VSP render in the background. I opened the preferences dialog, could find nothing relevant. Doesn't appear to be the normal windows shrink button in the upper-right, only minimize which takes VSP totally off screen.
With CS I was able to press F+TAB to get a blackbackground screen for viewing my work ,why can't I do this with CS2 or is there another combination for CS2?
While it looks like there have been some great updates in the forthcoming version, I'm surprised to not see mention of any new slideshow functionality. LR3 was very disappointing in this regard only letting you use one song and also no ability to apply ken burns type effects etc. Am I missing something or did Adobe really not make any changes to that module?
I imported over 200 pics into LR 4.1 earlier today. I then noticed that I still had a Beta 4 folder in my directory, so I deleted the folder since I'm using the full and laterst version of the software. When I tried to relaunch LR though I was asked to select a catalog, so I selected a file called "Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat." LR opened but the catalog was empty...none of my pictures were there! Fortunately, I hadn't emptied my trash and was able to retrieve the Beta 4 catalog, which is what LR 4 was looking for and, in fact, contains all of my pictures. So, I'm back in business but it seems strange that I'm still using an outdated version. I'd like to use the new catalog but don't want to lose all of my pictures.
Working on a Mac pro dual core with 16 g ram. Was last working on an image in develop module when I closed the app. On relaunching it opens to the image I was working on, shows the little box that says loading then the program freezes and I get the very loved spinning beach ball of color. Have to force quit. Have restarted computer and so far have the same problem every time I try to relaunch. I have about 20 images in the library. All was working well prior with just a little slowness in response with adjustment sliders.
I've been testing LR 5 Beta since it came out and have found it to be very stable. I'd like to switch my main workflow over to it. I back up every night to two different drives (one internal drive in my Mac Pro, and one external drive), and I also have an automated off-site back-up service. I'm not worried about data loss.
But how do I do this? In the past I've waited until the full release when LR 5 would just upgrade my catalog. Can I just open my LR 4 catalog in LR 5 and upgrade it?
After I installed Bryen Weeler preset , something happened with all my images . If I want to work with or look at a picture it changes to a B/W image with out my intention. This happened when i installed Bryen Weelers presets. I have about 12 000 pictures that is turning into B/W images.
I am trying out lightroom 5 beta and the basic adjustmentsin the develop bar have disappeared (everything before the tonal curve). Am I missing something obvious here...did I hide them somehow?
After installing LR4.1 RC2 i have lost the link to PS6 when working with CR2 files... when i right click "edit in" PS6 opens but no document is created... when i do teh same with a DNG file all works fine... perhaps it is an issue with Camera Raw compatibility?
Both CR2 and DNG work fine with PS5.5...Obviously this is not a major issue but it is behavior that needs to be fixed...
I'm getting the impression that I am behind the times, or else in my own world about how people use Photoshop- what happened to hot keys in full screen?
-Premise: I like working in full screen mode. I see only my composition, and access all of Photoshop's functionality with hotkeys.
It used to be that, in Full Screen mode, one could press alt+f to access the file menu, or any other menu using the correct letter. Is there anyway to get the same results in Photoshop without leaving full screen? What happened to alt+'space' to access the common Windows Application menu for things like Minimize, Maximize, Move, Close, etc? I see that I can click on the PS icon at the top right, but this is not the same: consider those of us who use multiple monitors, sometimes the application closes on one monitor and then is re-opened when that monitor is no longer present. In cases like these, the application is stuck on a non-existent monitor with no way to use it. Alt+'space' used to be the solution for this.
I download avi files and then edit them in Videostudio X4. THe avi's are always from different resolutions and framerate.
When i play the converted or edited avi files on my mediaplayer on a Widescreen tv then the video is played may time not full screen. Sometimes it is on top and sides filled with black borders.
I would like the video's always be full screen on tv (off course with good quality).
My question is: how can i see in Videostudio if the video can be played full screen on tv?
Let's say i have 2 video's: divx / xvid 576 x 320 at 25.000 fpsec and 512 x 384 at 188.900 at 25.000 frames per second. Would these files be played full screen on the tv?. How can i calculate that it is 4:3 or 16:9 and what must the preference be in Video studio itself: 16:9 or 4:3?
I have made a movie and its 2 hours long,i knew trying to save this to a 4.7 gb dvd I would lose a little quality, well I'm impressed with the results, but for some reason the finish movie isn't full screen, now I know its saved at 4:3 not 16:9, and with 4:3 I expected to have space on both side of the screen when watching it on a TV or computer . But I also have quite a bit of space on the bottom and top as well. Here the properties of my project.
I have been using Ulead Video Studio 6 for years creating slide shows and burning them to DVD. While playing DVD, made in Ulead Video, the slide show would display in full screen on any TV (for example a horizontal picture would be displayed in full screen and vertical picture would be displayed from top to bottom exposing some black background on the sides which is OK). Now I am using Video Studio Pro X3 and after I create a DVD there is a black background around each photo during playback. In other words, each photo seems to be slightly reduced in size or there is a black border around it during playback of DVD.