Lightroom :: How To Put Images Altered In PS Together With Images Altered In LR4 To Make Slideshow
Jul 1, 2013
How do I put images that have been altered in PS together with my images altered in LR4 to make a slideshow. They are currently sitting in LR in 2files and I simply don't know how to combine them
So I guess my question is for those of you who are experienced with re-touching or image editing, so here goes I have some images and im trying to tell if they have been edited in as far as being able to know with some degee of certainty if in fact the image has been altered.
I guess Im asking for some tips/hints on what to look for and if there is any tell tale signs of editing that would indicate that yes the image has been altered, now I know that there is no way to restore the images to thier originl content but if I could tell if the images have been edited that would be good enough in this case..
I have been using Video Studio Pro x2 for several years to edit and burn DVDs from the edited material with no problems. But for the last several months the burning process stops at the end of the VOB (whatever that is) but the blank disc is altered so it is unusable. It says that the Corel softwart has encountered a problem and has to close. I send a message every time but nothing comes of it. Another recurring problem is that it keeps telling me that the program will take a long time to burn even though I have checked the box to not show this message again.
The only way I have found to get the software to perform properly is to remove and reinstall the soft ware. Normal operation lasts for about four discs and the problem reoccurs. I have cleaned the hard drive of unnecessary files, etc. All my security updates are current.
I used this software on my previous two computers with no problems at all despite a much smaller Hard Drive, slower motherboard and much less memory.
I added a filter to my video but it only lasts for a few frames. There are little marks shown where I added it in the Altered Video section of the timeline. How do I apply a filter or effect to the entire clip?
Also when I ad a filter such as Lens Correction, it only lasts for a few frames..How do I get it to remain?
I've got a 30 second piece of video in which a logo on a wall needs to be erased. I used the patch tool and it did a wonderful job, but only on the first frame of the clip.
I recently change the volume of a part thinking that it would change the actually size of it. It didn't effect the size at all and now I don't know what the actual volume of the part is anymore. How do I find out the part's actual volume?
I have Photoshop CS5 on a Mac OS 10.7.4 My problem is that when I am using curves or a slider, my selection does not stay in the same place. For example, I chose the number 8 on a slider, after I release my selection it will either go one number after or before my selected number. I have had this problem since I got my computer, December 2011, but it has only recently started to frustrated me because of having to use Photoshop a little more than I usually do.
I'm new to photoshop. Why did some of my altered pictures not show up in the file? They appear as a blue file with PSD on it. You can see the pictures when you click on them in Photoshop elements 10 but not in your file.
can a watermark stay the same size even when an image size is altered? say if its text and it gets too big when i enlarge the image how do i shrink the watermark ? when it is already merged and flattened as one picture without a separate layer.
such as a php or java script to keep the watermark distinct in a way even in a flattened pic or to select the watermark to erase it and re-apply it in the right font size back onto the resized pic?
I have created a couple of collections but when I go into slide show the images are not visible for creating a slide show. Works ok with some collections but not all. Presumably there is a linkage problem. Using v4.4 on a Mac.
I have an folder with approx 500 photos that have been optimised in the Develop module (aspect ratio set at AS SHOT) and exported to photo lab for 2 x 3 prints. Now I need to use these same images for a slideshow and set an aspect ratio of 16 x 9 1920 x 1080 for viewing on HD Television. I do not want to change the AS SHOT aspect ratio of these images in the current folder. so first, this means I need to make a copy of this folder within Lightroom and second, change the aspect ratio to 16 x 9 for all images at the Quick develop module and complete in the slideshow module. The second part is no problem but how do you "copy" a folder of images in Lightroom OR alternatively can you make a virtual copy of a folder?
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
I want to take one image process it to make (e.g. HDR) then restart with original image and make another completely different process (e.g. B & W). Sometimes I have many ideas for a photo and I like to see what I end up with. What would be the workflow for this?
I want to find a way to make a central locaton for thousands of images that I can tag to make them easy to find. For strictly this purpose and not editing, what is the difference between doing this in Lightroom vs. Bridge? It seems like they do the sam thing? I was also considering iPhoto for this purpose, how these programs differ for this purpose?
I am a novice with PSLR 2.When I make adjustments to images in develop ie, exposure, color etc. the changes show in LR but not when I display them on my Apple TV from my "photo file". I save the changes to disc but this does not work, they show unadjusted in the "photo file". When I edit the image in PS Elements and save they display corrected on Apple TV.
Just installed Lightroom 4, more than 60000 images were imported. Many of them were duplicates, triplets and so on. I want to have a clean, unincombured library. Should I delete the 60000 images and reinstall the images from my photo digital cards or use the slow process of "X" out the unwanted images? I would like to start improving my images vs removing the unwanted images.
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
For example, I often export a folder of full-res images, and then go back and do the same images as lo-res with watermarks, that I export to an "email" folder inside the hi-res folder. That way, I email the little ones for clients to peruse, and then send the full-res after they agree to buy. I know I can set up two presets and do them separately, but thought I'd ask.
I love LRs ability to create great watermarks. Only thing, they seem to come out (from DNGs) at about 3 mb apiece (quality setting at 79) - super large. So I clicked the box to limit file size, and I chose 300k (for web), and it says "could not create a jpeg that met your limit".
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
I am making a DVD of a wedding and as part of a slide show of stills I want to download about 10 at a time and then display them 1 screen shot at a time .They are on a website that the groom raised for the occasion. They are around 2.34 MB jpegs each so they are small .I have X5 Ultimate and Paint Shop Pro X.
I want to be able to resize portrait images so they fit in a slideshow (same height) with landscape images. I believe the way to do this is to add padding to the portrait images. That's what I understand from this article. It's the plugin that I want to use on my website.
If this is the correct method, how do I add padding?
I guess I'm also having a hard time figuring out how to resize my portrait and landscape images to get them close to the same size, which seems to be another option according to the article.
I know large images first need to be resized for page loading speed. Normally, I resize from 4608x3072 to 1200x800. (Portrait 3072x4608 will resize to 800x1200). But, then do I resize again or crop?
I'm open for the simplest way for me to do this and remember the reasoning and methodology. I'm working on a work-related website, but I also want to build a separate personal website for my photography.
PSE10 in Windows 7 environment. Slideshow original images are stored on external drive
I successfully output a short slideshow to .wmv. When I tried to repeat the output a number of images were missing, these were photos input as graphics direct from files on the external drive. At first it was only two specific images but later attempts others were missing. I even tried changing an image in one of the effected slides and the same problem arose
Over the course of the attempts I received the following error messages:-
I'm using CS6 13.0.4 x64. I want to create a very basic slideshow that includes both still images and video clips. I have read this is possible but can find no specifics.
I cant make the music duration slider in the slideshow go to 3.7. I can only get it to go between 3.6 & 3.8 Can this be done. Fit to Music does not work for slideshow. Music ends before pictures