Lightroom :: Color Changing On Export

Feb 16, 2012

I am using LR 3.6 and have imported several RAW images.  In some of these images, there is a bright blue background that looks great in LR.  When I export to JPEG using the sRGB color space, however, it turns a sickly purple-blue that looks terrible.  I've tried exporting to JPEG with sRGB, AdobeRGB (1998), and ProPhoto RGB color spaces.  When I use the AdobeRGB (1998) color space the JPEG looks better than the sRGB equivelant, but still not as brilliant as in LR.  When I use the ProPhoto RGB color space, the JPEGs look the same as they do in LR (which is what I want).  If I export them all using ProPhoto RGB color space, will the exported JPEGs look much different on the web than they do on my desktop?  What are the risks of exporting in the ProPhoto RGB as opposed to sRGB?

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Lightroom :: Changing Export Location When Using Publish Services To Hard Drive?

Apr 25, 2013

I work for a distribution company that sells 15+ product lines. For almost every product, they have a photograph. I was asked to set up a system whereby a number of sales representatives could access these photographs in an organized fashion from their own computers. This is how I have set things up: A media computer (backed up onto an external hard drive) has all the raw files. In lightroom I have set up two publish services to hard drive. The export location for these two publish services was an external drive that was accessible throughout the company network. Unfortunately, while I was gone, the external drive was changed over to a cloud-based system. As such, the export location for my publish services no longer exists.
Of course, I could go and re-create the publish services, but unfortunately that would be an incredibly laborious process because each publish service has 10 or so sets with 2-4 levels of folders amounting to several hundred folders that would need to be re-created. Moreover, because of the complexity of the system, I made them all smart-folders with specified attributes, etc. So re-creating all these folders would take a whole lot of time.
So, I was wondering if there is any lightroom wiz out there who knows a work-around for my issue.
Now, I did do some digging already and I came across this article: [URL]   which outlines a method for changing the export location! However, as far as I can tell, I would still have to change the export location of each folder manually, which would basically be just as complex and confusing as recreating the publish service anyways. Am I correct in this thinking, or using this method is there a "root" folder than I can change, which will change every other folder?

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Xara :: Changing Color Of Bullets Without Changing Text Color

Sep 28, 2013

I am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.

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Lightroom :: Changing Color Of Object In Photo?

Feb 7, 2014

Can you change the color of one object to another color of a different object in the same photo?

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Lightroom :: Changing Image Background Color To Black

Mar 16, 2013

I am taking macro shots of flowers.  I am using black mount board as the background color, but it always comes out as light grey or bluish.  The flowers etc. are I get my image background to the color I want, in this instance Black

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Lightroom :: Changing Background And Font Color On Thumbnails?

Jul 30, 2012

Is there a way in LR4.1 for me to change the background color where the top text is displayed on thumbnails in the library?  Currently, mine appears to be light (or medium-ish) gray, with the first line in black and the second line in a gray that's very hard to read against the slightly lighter gray background. 
I"d like to either make the second line text black (like the first line) and/or the background lighter so it's easier to read both lines.

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Lightroom :: Changing Thickness And Color Of Crop Grid In LR4?

Jun 4, 2012

How can I change the thickness and color of the crop grid in LR4? The lines are difficult to see.

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Lightroom :: Changing Color Profile - Colors Became Highly Unsaturated

Mar 19, 2014

I'm having trouble when I move photos from lightroom to photoshop. When I change the color profile from ProPhoto RGB to Adobe RGB 1998 the color becomes highly unsaturated. Avoiding changing the profile is not an option. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?

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Lightroom :: Changing Image Color Temperature And Tint When Synchronize A Folder

Dec 5, 2012

I am having this problem whenever I synchronize a folder that images have been added into.
Example: I have a folder of images in LR; I export all those images with a watermark, resized, etc. into a separate folder of proofs; even though I performed that batch process using LR, for some reason the app still won't see those images until I synchronize; when I do synchronize, it is shifting the color temp to +8 and the tint to -11; I then have to go back and undo that color temp shift.
How do I get LR to stop changing the color temp of images when synchronizing?

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Export Color Profile

Dec 5, 2013

My problem is that when I export JPG's from Lightroom (100% / sRGB / sharpen for screen) the picture seems to lack contrast and the colors look less saturated (Looks like this everywhere, including Windows Preview, Firefox, Photoshop..). If I select Soft Proofing and sRGB, the colors look correct.
Also if I take a screen capture and save it as JPG, the colors look similar to my preview in Lightroom. I have tried to export in sRGB, Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB color profiles but none of them looks the same as LR preview.

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Lightroom :: 4 Flash Web Gallery - Color Space On Selected Images Appears To Be Changing

Jun 19, 2012

The color space on the selected images appears to be changing when I use the Lightroom flash gallery in the web module of LR4.1. This stays the same when the gallery is uploaded. In previous version of LR I have seen color changes in the web module but they have been corrected (and correct) when the gallery is uploaded to the 'net.
I have read that this was (previously) a problem with the flash gallery specifically becuase it was not colour magaded, but I understood that this had been corrected for LR4. As far as my use is concerned it's actually more problematic now than it has been previously.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Export From DNG To JPG / Color Image Washing Out

Mar 12, 2012

I did an export of an image from DNG to JPG in LR4. Funny thing is, the JPG suddenly appears with a washed out look. It looks the same in Develop and Print modules also.
It gets even funnier, because when I use Finder to check the photo, the preview of the image is fine. I also opened the image from Finder in Photoshop CS5 and it is fine there. I also opened the image in PSCS5 from LR4 with "Edit In" and again the image in Photoshop is fine. So this appears to be a view issue in LR4. I did not print out the washed out photo but I suspect it would print out as it appears in LR4.
I've done some other image exports from DNG to JPG with other images and they do not have this problem but those were black&white converted images. However, I did check doing an export of another color image with the same result as the problem image. Here are screen captures of the DNG and the exported JPG (I was going to upload the exported JPG, but like I said it appears fine in Finder):

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Lightroom :: Export Photos Turn Black And White To Color

May 26, 2013

I have a question about lightroom. When I exported my photos they turn my black & white to color. What did I do?

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Lightroom :: What Rendering Intent Used When Export Using Custom Color Space

Oct 17, 2012

What rendering intent is used by LR4 when exporting using a custom colour space as there is not an option as there is with the print module.

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Paint.NET :: Change Background Color Without Changing Image Color?

Mar 4, 2012

How do I outline an image so I can change the background color without changing the image color ?

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GIMP :: Changing Color Using Color Exchange?

Dec 11, 2013

I am using the Color Exchange feature in Gimp 2. I am trying to change a red background to black. The Color Exchange feature allows me to do that, however, it comes out with only part of the color changed and it all very blotchy.

Here is a screenshot of what happens after I select the red square and do a Color Exchange from red to black.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Color Profile To Match LR Export Color Space

Nov 21, 2011

I'm exporting Tiff Prophoto files from Lightroom into PSPX4 for further processing. The images are 1 to 2 stops under exposed when compared to Lightroom's image.I have selected PSPX4 color profile to match LR export color space.

I have tried exporting the Tiffs as sRGB and adode1998 and still the images are under exposed. I have little knowledge about color management and have searched around the web for possible answers, but no luck.

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Photoshop :: Photos Changing Upon Export From CS3 To LR3

Jul 11, 2012

My workflow goes like this:
I use LR3 to apply adjustments, occasionally a preset from say VSCO. While in LR I use, PHOTO > EDIT This photo in - PHOTOSHOP
I do my edits, ADD NOISE, SHARPEN....
Then PHOTO > SAVE AS.....
I save the photo to my external...
Here is the issue, when I re-open LR the photo is then present in my Catalog and there in LR to be viewed.... from here I export the final size for web etc and I am done
QUESTION IS:  The photo that is now within my LR catalog is missing the NOISE I am added completely, and the SHARPENING is gone, or much less sharp then the photo I have saved in PS.

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AutoCad :: Symbols Changing When Export DWG?

Nov 4, 2012

I'm using acad2011, and when i export or wmfout my work the symbols inserted in multiline txt change. For example the sigma symbol σ changes to an S

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GIMP :: Transparent Layer Changing To Black Instead Of White After Export

Sep 8, 2011

I sell a template that has a transparent layer in sections, after saving as jpeg it is supposed to go white, but for some of my customers it recently started going black!I at first thought it had to do with not pasting the layers correctly, but its like this after export, so I don't think that should matter...I've attached a sample image so you can see what is happening. Where it is black, it was originally transparent around the circle image, and normally would save white.

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Illustrator :: Filling Shapes And Changing Line Weights Will Not Show Until Export

Mar 20, 2014

When I draw a character, i cannot change line weight of fill shapes. When I do so it remains unchanged, however once I export everything is fine and okay.

This image below is how it looks. Even though it is colored.

 Once I export I get this

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Lightroom :: How To Export A Window Without Export Buttons At Bottom

Mar 1, 2014

Win 8.1 64 bit A Toshiba Satellite laptop, LR 5.3. When I try to export I get a window without export buttons at the bottom to do the export. Further if I try to resize the export window the export window disappears and LR freezes requiring to ctrl/alt/del to close it. I cannot export anything to HD or email, etc.
I was in a class last night where everyone had Macs and the buttons appeared on their versions and worked fine. Totally repeatable. I can supply screen shots.
Makes LR totally useless.

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Lightroom :: How To Export All The Snapshots At Once In A Single Export Step

Jan 20, 2013

I've created various snapshots of a series of photos and I'm ready to export. Is there a way to export all the snapshots at once, in a single export step? Up to now, I've been doing this step by step, exporting one version of the image, than going to the next snapshot and exporting again.

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Photoshop :: Changing Color Of Pen

Jul 2, 2011

I take pictures of my fountain pens and mechanical pencils using a light box and a digital camera. Naturally, the backround is white. I would like to be able to change this white color to something else on occasion but don't know how to go about it in Photoshop. I am NOT a power user. I use Photoshop CS5 64 bit.

Keep in mind that sometimes there is also white in the pen in places and I do not want to change anything at all on the color of the pen.

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Photoshop :: Changing Color

Jan 12, 2006

I would like to change color an a car but I want all the reflections on it. Whenever I just paint it it doesn't look right right.

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Photoshop :: Changing Color Of A Car

Aug 5, 2004

how do you change the color of a car in photoshop? i am having trouble doing it and would like some insigh on this matter.

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Photoshop :: Changing The Color Of Something

Jun 25, 2005

to change many of the colors on these rugs to new colors she has provided me on a color sample sheet. The Magic Wand tool is not the answer as it gives a very rough selection and I need the kind of lines the polygonal Lasso Tool would make.

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Photoshop :: Color Changing

Mar 12, 2004

i wanna change the color of my frame, but keep the details such as gussets welds and original stickers. how do i do this?

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Photoshop :: Color Changing?

Apr 3, 2006

way to take a color in a picture, and automatically make it another.

Let me explain,

If I were to have 50 different BMPs of the American flag, and what I needed to do, was to open them up and change all the "red" stripes to "green," It would be terribly time consuming to open up every single bmp, and use the paint bucket to click on each "red" area individually, making it green.

It would be nice, if, say, I could open up one of the bmps, and perform some type of function that basically says "Take all of the "red" in this picture and make it "green" immedietly" or something of that nature.

And it would be even nicer, to open up all 50 bmps simutaneously and perform a function that says "See all of these bmps? I want to turn any red, in ALL of them, to green, now"

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Photoshop :: Changing Color Of GUI CS4

Dec 13, 2008

I am trying to change a color scheme of PS GUI. My 3ds max colors, mayas ... all programs color is "sand color" such as the ms windows color. HOW can i change menus, toolbars...

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Photoshop :: Changing Color Of Car

Feb 7, 2006

to change the color of a car is to use the Lasso tool, then use Hue and Saturation to find the color to use. But the Lasso tool is difficult to use it accurately. Whats a better method?

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