Lightroom :: 4 Flash Web Gallery - Color Space On Selected Images Appears To Be Changing

Jun 19, 2012

The color space on the selected images appears to be changing when I use the Lightroom flash gallery in the web module of LR4.1. This stays the same when the gallery is uploaded. In previous version of LR I have seen color changes in the web module but they have been corrected (and correct) when the gallery is uploaded to the 'net.
I have read that this was (previously) a problem with the flash gallery specifically becuase it was not colour magaded, but I understood that this had been corrected for LR4. As far as my use is concerned it's actually more problematic now than it has been previously.

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Lightroom :: Flash Gallery Capped At 500 Images?

Jul 20, 2007

why I cannot produce a flash web gallery with more than 500 images? I need to make a galllery with approximately 1000 images..

Using 1.1

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Lightroom :: Flash Gallery Save Image?

Aug 6, 2013

Is it possible to use the flash gallery in Lightroom and have a way for the user to right click and save images for themselves? I see that in the simpleviewer there is an option for the user to right click and open the image in a new window so users can save the images from the new window. Is there a way for this in the flash galleries as well?

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Photoshop :: Web Photo Gallery (Flash Templates) And Gallery Config.xml

Nov 30, 2005

I've had a great time using the Web Photo Galleries in Photoshop CS and CS2, especially since I'm fairly deft with HTML and a total Flash dunce, so the Web Photo Gallery Flash 1 and Flash 2 templates have served me well and allowed me to make fun Flash stuff without having to learn. But, with learn-by-doing, there often comes a point of confusion, and I think I've found mine.

I noticed that (when using the gallery "Flash 1"), if I click the little ? in the bottom right, the file name will come on and stay on throughout all the pictures. This is exactly what I want since that's where I do all my captioning and it really adds something for me to be able to see that. My question: how in the world do I get it to do this by default? I'm always telling friends/family, "oh, click the little ? in the bottom right and it'll show the captions," but am certain there must be some way to do this by default.

I fiddled in the galleryconfig.xml file, but there's only this line

HTML Code:
<var symboltype="boolean" name="showHelpButton" value="true" />
which actually just tells the button to be displayed, but not for the thing that happens as a result of pushing the button to stay displayed.

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Lightroom :: Output In SRGB Color Space The Resulting Files Have Adobe RGB Color Space

Mar 1, 2013

When I export RAW files, specifying that I want the output to be in sRGB color space the resulting files have the Adobe RGB color space. The same is true if I specify I want them in ProPhoto. Is this a bug? I have done it successfully in other versions of Lightroom, but not in 4.3.

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Lightroom :: Selected Image Appears On Main / Center Panel But Not In Preview Screen

Mar 14, 2012

The selected image appears on the main/center panel but not in the preview screen.  Printing results in a white sheet of paper with no image at all.  The image has been updated to LR 4 - but made no difference.

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Photoshop :: Changing The Color Of The Selected...

Dec 10, 2008

Any way to switch to something more eye-catching than grey? Like in
previous versions...

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Photoshop :: Centering Flash Gallery 2

Apr 28, 2009

How can I center both my Photoshop CS3 Flash Gallery 2 photos and the controls that are at the bottom right of the page in the center of my screen?

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Illustrator :: Changing Color Of Selected Portions Of Text?

Feb 10, 2013

How can I take some text and select different parts of the text to change the color for the selected parts?

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Photoshop :: Flash Web Photo Gallery Auto Play

May 18, 2008

I'm using the Flash - Gallery 1 that came with Photoshop CS2. Is there a (hopefully easy) way to get the gallery to automatically play the slideshow when a user visits the page (instead of clicking the play button)?

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Illustrator :: Changing Color Of Lines That Identify Selected Objects

Jun 18, 2013

Some of my artboards use the color yellow to highlight selected objects. Can I change that?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Changing Selected Text Color With JavaScript

Feb 25, 2013

I want to change my selected text to a different cmyk color using javascript. I have tried and I do not know what is missing or what I am doing wrong.
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
newCMYKColor = new CMYKColor(); = 0;


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Lightroom :: How To Automatically Delete Images From Flash Card

Dec 13, 2011

I'm just starting to use lightroom, and one of the features I'm looking for is the option to automatically delete the images from my flash card after they have been imported. Is there a hidden option to do such a thing?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Work Space Color Keep Changing?

May 8, 2013

Im using cs5 and while editing with brushes the work space color keep flickering on and off and sometime it changes from gray to black.

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Lightroom :: How To Exclude Images For A Web Gallery

Jun 22, 2013

AFter you import images, what is the best way to then exclude some of the images before making a web gallery?

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Add Color Flash In Particular Part Of Photo

Mar 9, 2014

When I am in Black and white picture and want to add color in particular part of my photo. How would I color flash my photo?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Smartobject - Changing Color Space Not Working

Jan 15, 2013

If I initially open a smartobject from ACR into PS CS6 using one color space, eg. sRGB, should it then be possible to click back into ACR and change color space to Adobe RGB ???
This is important to me, since working most of the time in sRGB, batch editing lot's of files (for timelapse-video, hence sRGB), but sometimes it may be nessecary to go back and use Adobe RGB to make a best possible print of one of the stills.
This is not working for me. I thought I should be able to do absolutely non-destructive editing when working with smartobjects from ACR, but this may seem to not be the case.

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Photoshop :: Changing Working Color Space Requires

Oct 10, 2008

I calibrated my monitor and is using sRGB as working space in photoshop cs2.

If I open an adobeRGB tagged photo, photoshop says profile mismatch. If I choose to convert adobeRGB to sRGB, would some colors get clipped by the smaller sRGB space?

Suppose I want my working space to be adobeRGB, what are all the color management related things I need to change, in addition to choosing adobeRGB as the working space in photoshop? Do I need to change the monitor calibration process?

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Photoshop Elements :: Changing Work Space Color

Oct 19, 2012

Accustomed to Element 5. New to 9. How do i change workspace color? I don't like the grey and black backgrounds or headers. All is too dark and it's distracting.

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Windows Photo Gallery?

Jun 22, 2013

Presently, all of my images are stored on windows photo gallery. I have them organized into folders& subfolders. would the same folders and sub folders be exported into lrm as labeled. I know you do this under import mode  and add from others. Would it behove me to make sure all of my gallery folders are properly labeled tagged etc. before i do this transfer.When i do the transfer can i rename the folders,re-tag them etc. 

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Lightroom :: Remove Flash Spots From Silver Color Objects?

Jun 28, 2013

I have attached some pictures, you can notice the flash spots due to reflection on silver color. What's the best way to remove these spots and improve the photo quality. (I understand the best way is to shoot the photos in a specific environment to disallow this effect, but I am asking if there is away to edit it using Lightroom and remove the flash effect).

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Lightroom :: Rating Individual Images When Multiple Images Selected

Jul 18, 2012

In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?

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Lightroom :: Converting 72dpi Images To 240dpi When Creating A Web Gallery

Mar 3, 2013

have never discovered an answer to this one.  currently using LR4 and have previously used LR2 and 3 with the same issue.
my PP workflow is essensially for the web, so I save images at 72ppi for web viewing and yet when I create a web gallery with LR it converts each image to a print resolution of 240dpi.
that's right.  changes from ppi to dpi.  go figure.
even if ppi (points per inch) is exactly the same as dpi (dots per inch), why the heck is LR making the change and how can I prevent that change from occuring?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Color Of Background In Model Space

Jan 2, 2014

Any routine for changing color of AutoCAD background in model space. As for changing background color we have to follow four steps namely as follows:-

1. Execute OP

2. Go to display tab

3. Go to color tab

4. Change color

A tool that directly calls the model color shall be highly beneficial.

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Photoshop :: Selected Color Profile For New Images From Clipboard Is Wrong In CS6

Oct 8, 2012

Steps to reproduce:
1. Take a screenshot of something in your web browser (macintosh CMD+SHIFT+4) to the clipboard.
2. Select File > New from the menu. Clipboard should be the selected Preset.
3. Notice how in CS6 the color profile under "Advanced" is "Display" and NOT "sRGB" — in CS5 it is sRGB.
4. Paste from the clipboard into your new document and get the color profile mis-match warning if you are in CS6.
It is either not picking the color space of the clipboard properly like it will in CS5, or I am missing something somewhere.
Nothing I do in an attempt to fix this is working. I have sRGB set as my default profile in color settings, and nothing I do changes this setting for the "Clipboard" preset.
I am getting sick of forgetting to manually select "sRGB" every time, opening up a new document sized to my clipboard and then getting the color profile mismatch warning when I paste in the clipboard contents!
I take so many screenshots as I develop websites this is a CONSTANT problem as I am constantly creating new documents from the clipboard to check alignments, zoom in to get color samples, and many other reasons.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Half Of Images Suddenly Blurred / Metadata Dialogue Appears

Jun 30, 2013

I was working in LR 4 on Mac OS 10.8.4 when I suddenly saw the preview of an older jpg-file when moving the cursor over the image folders: The half of it was blurred. I moved into the folder to find the image and clicked another jpg file. Half of it turned blurred and somehow inverted as well, see here: [URL] .....
I starred at it and in the library view more and more image turned this way. There was an icon next to the images, when I clicked it there was something like (translated): "metadata for this photo was changed by LR or another application. Should LR import the settings from the disk or overwrite the disk’s settings with those of the catalogue?" 
There was no new version of the file or something like this. All affected files are jpg files, some from an old smartphone and most from an EOS 5D MII.

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Photoshop :: How To Equalize Color Space Between Images

Mar 31, 2006

I'm using PS 6.0 and I've been wondering how to make the color ranges/histograms etc. equal between two different images.

I'm making a birthday card, I have a backgound picture where I want to merge the face of the birthday hero, but obviously plain merge would look rather clumsy.

So I need to make the two "pictures look the same", like if the pictures were taken in similar conditions. All the grains, color depths, noise, saturation etc....

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Using Macro Parameter Contains Space (changing Layer Color From Command Line)

Sep 19, 2013

I'd like to change a layer's color from command line because of a user icon. I figured out from previous topics that I should use macro similar to this: ^C^C_filedia;0;-la;s;Verdeckt (ISO);c;1;l;dashed;;_filedia;1;re;

(I want to use this macro to change layer's linetype, too, but that's not the point)

The only problem with this macro: layer's name contains a space therefore Autocad tries to recognize Verdeckt as a command (and macro interrupts there) instead of setting Verdeckt (ISO) as the current layer. I've tried using different quote marks, none of them worked (' and " and <>). I hope there's a method for entering a parameter that contains space.

Software: Inventor Series 2011 SP1 x64
OS: Vista Business x64
CPU: E6400
RAM: 2*2Gb GeIL
VGA: Quadro FX 550

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Lightroom :: Same Color Appears On All Subsequent Openings Of Adjustment Brush

Nov 1, 2013

After I have chosen and used a color brush, I cannot get rid of the color and turn it off.  The same color appears on all subsequent openings of the adjustment brush.  How do I get rid of the color? 

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Lightroom :: 5 Exports Images That Are Not Selected?

Jun 28, 2013

I can't reproduce this consistently; but I've had this happen many times now.
Product - Lightroom 5 on OS/X 10.8.4.
I select two images in the develop module filmstrip to pick the best one for export, the images are usually stacked in the Library.I use the side by side compare tool (C) to compare the images.I may go back to the develop module to adjust setting on one or both images.
At some point I will unselect the image I don't want to export in the filmstrip, then press Command + Shift + E to export.
LR will sometimes export both images even though only one is selected in the filmstrip.
If I go back to the Library before exporting then LR will only export the selected image.

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Lightroom :: 4 Won't Import Selected Raw Images

May 11, 2012

I just imported approximately 1500 raw images shot with my Nikon D800. Approximately 75 of the files would not import and I got LR4 unable to import message for those files.

All images were NEFs and most seem to be in clusters among the 1500 files. The images all show up in CS5 Bridge and Camera Raw 6.7 and open just fine in Photoshop CS5. They will show up in LR4 if I convert them to DNGs.
I just figured out that this is happening only with images that were shot at a 16:9 ratio, all other images were shot at the default 2:3 ratio. I would still like to understand why images shot at 16:9 won't show up in LR4.

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