Lightroom :: 4.4 Export Color Profile

Dec 5, 2013

My problem is that when I export JPG's from Lightroom (100% / sRGB / sharpen for screen) the picture seems to lack contrast and the colors look less saturated (Looks like this everywhere, including Windows Preview, Firefox, Photoshop..). If I select Soft Proofing and sRGB, the colors look correct.
Also if I take a screen capture and save it as JPG, the colors look similar to my preview in Lightroom. I have tried to export in sRGB, Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB color profiles but none of them looks the same as LR preview.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Color Profile To Match LR Export Color Space

Nov 21, 2011

I'm exporting Tiff Prophoto files from Lightroom into PSPX4 for further processing. The images are 1 to 2 stops under exposed when compared to Lightroom's image.I have selected PSPX4 color profile to match LR export color space.

I have tried exporting the Tiffs as sRGB and adode1998 and still the images are under exposed. I have little knowledge about color management and have searched around the web for possible answers, but no luck.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Export To PDF Without Color Profile

Apr 6, 2012

I'd like to export a drawing to PDF *without* any color conversions, i.e. colors should look exactly the same when viewed as PDF on the same screen (the PDF ultimately will be embedded in a presentation).

I have turned color management off, but this did not solve the problem. When viewing the PDF, I still see these pale colors, probably resulting from the wrong PDF profile being applied.

When I export as PNG, then everything is fine colorwise (but I need PDF as vector format).

how on earth I can turn this "feature" completely off?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: EPS Export Always Includes CMYK Color Profile

Mar 9, 2012

I have X5 SP1 and am trying to export in EPS. Regardless of what I choose in the export dialog (RGB or Grayscale) the resulting EPS file always has a CMYK profile embedded. As I need to submit it to a scietific journal for publishing that requires RGB or Grayscale

I already searched for any objects with CMYK fillings or contours - none. In File properties it only shows RGB and Grayscale objects.

I think I read X4 had a problem with EPS export, i. e. all vectors got converted to CMYK regardless of the export dialog choice. Is this still an issue in X5?

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Lightroom :: Color Profile Is Not Right

Feb 13, 2014

Couple of days ago I noticed Lightroom colours are a bit off. Especially when i do black and white edits. I don't know much about colour profiles so I don't want to mess with them myself.

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Photoshop :: Asign A Color Profile Or Convert To Color Profile?

Sep 5, 2006

I have to treat a few images for a newspaper, and I have to apply an specified Color Profile for them.

what's the difference between the commands "Assign Color Profile", "Convert to Color Profile" or doing "Mode>CMYK, and then Assign Profile",

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Lightroom :: 4 - Find Blurbs Color Profile

Feb 5, 2013

I have installed Blurb´s color profile but Lightroom doesn´t show it in its list Choose profile.
I want to see how my pictures most likely will look in the book I will make at Blurb´s,  so I need to use Blurb´s color profile.
Lightroom and Blurb is said to cooperate!

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Lightroom :: Using Color-checker For Camera Profile?

Dec 19, 2013

Created photo then used file menue, export preset, xrite.  It worked but I never got a change to select a name.  It came up as "profile". What am I missing.  Found the profiles but my camera  Cannon Rebel 4ti is not listed.  Is there an easy way to change or delete these profiles?

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Lightroom :: 4.4 D7100 Color Profile Not Accurate

Apr 8, 2013

I have been unhappy with the colors from raws on my new D7100. It's bad enough it has banding and color cast issues within dark shadows but today I decided to do a test against my D90 and ViewNX and the results conclude what I have been seeing. There is too much yellow and a lack of magenta in the converted raws with LR. Here is an example. I'm considering sending it back until this is resolved. Copy and paste the link into your browse I can't seem to be able to paste a working copy of it into this post. I remember when I first got my D80 how bad the color profile was, I had to shoot Jpegs for highend kitchens because I couldn't get the wood tones to look correct. Eventually the profile got updated.

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Lightroom :: Lens Profile Creates Different Color Fringe

Oct 6, 2013

problem: once I activate lens corrections, photos with blue/purple content get a color fringe. Left version below is a 100% crop from the raw file, lens profile deactivated. Right version is a screen shot of the same raw file in the develop mode, with the lens profile active. The color fringe exports into JPEGs - so it does not seem to be a problem of the viewer or the GUI.
I'm using an Alpha 55 with a Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 Macro. I haven't been aware of this problem with prior versions, but I've found it on both, LR 4.4 under Vista 32bit and the trial version of LR 5.2 under Windows 7 64bit. It appears to be related to the blue/purple color: I first found it on a people shot with uniform blue shirts, where the blue/ skin contrast created a "ghost" frame. To make the artifact disappear, I have to deactivate lens correction entirely. Deactivating CA removal alone does not change anything.

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Lightroom :: Why Can't Find Color Profile Info In Library

Jul 20, 2013

Why can’t I find the color profile info in the library ? It’s sometimes necessary to convert to sRGB for some applications ( internet, some beamers in clubs,…). I convert them but afterwards it is nice to have the possibility to check this out and should be possible in lightroom, the info is present why not showing it ( it is not so easy to go in finder and look at it in info for every image)? Since I’m always working in Adobe profile for printing and so this is important to know !

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Lightroom :: Softproofing - Color Profile Appropriate To Printer / Ink / Paper

Apr 30, 2012

softproofing. I apply a color profile appropriate to my printer/ink/paper, and then I can see what colours are in/out of gamut, and won't print as I expect. But, when I click Soft Proofing, the image takes on a less saturated look, however if I select SRGB as a profile it looks normal. That is I believe because sRGB is the profile I have been using anyway. What I don't understand is why the whole image changes. I assume there is more to it than just colours in and out of Gamut.

I do so LR4 asks if I want a proof copy, which is fine and I understand why. When I make a proof copy though, all the adjustments are greyed out so I cannot do anything.

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Lightroom :: Changing Color Profile - Colors Became Highly Unsaturated

Mar 19, 2014

I'm having trouble when I move photos from lightroom to photoshop. When I change the color profile from ProPhoto RGB to Adobe RGB 1998 the color becomes highly unsaturated. Avoiding changing the profile is not an option. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?

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Lightroom :: X-Rite Color Checker Plugin Fails To Complete Profile?

Apr 20, 2012

Whereas I'm able to get the desktop version of the Color Checker profile maker to work fine, the X-Rite Lightroom plugin consistently fails to complete a profiling operation--quitting with  the message that it "is unable to locate the color checker crop marks" in my image. In one such "failed" image, the (in focus) color checker occupies about 75% of the frame! I'm using LR 3.6, Mac OS X 6.8. Latest versions of the X-Rite software. Is this a common problem (making the plugin pretty useless)?

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Lightroom :: Color Difference In Prints Between Profile Vs Printer Managed Colors

Jul 9, 2013

I get a slight difference in color in my prints my when I use LR prifile vs Canon printer managed. The Canon is much truer to what I see on both monitors which, btw, are calibrated. LR throws in a slight magenta cast. Is there a way to correct this?

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Lightroom :: Embedded Color Profile Not Match Current RGB Working Space

Jun 16, 2013

I installed LR5 from LR4 yesterday and each time I open an image in CS5 from my LR5, I get the following message:
The document "IMG_9082.CR2"has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
Embedded:  Adobe RGB (1998)
  Working  sRGB  IEC61966-2.1
What would you like to do?

-Use the embedded profiel (instead of the working space)
-Convert documents's colors to the working space
-Discard the embedded profile (don't color manage)
My camera's settings have it set with sRGB, LR4 and LR5 have sRGB and I have CS5 workspace as sRGB.  This did not happen before.
Is it possible that when LR5 updated the LR4 catalogue, it changed the profile of all my photos?  I don't know, maybe I've done something, but I can't see what as I don't remember changing anything.

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Lightroom :: Custom Camera Profile List (Color Checker Passport)

Jan 26, 2013

I have created custom profiles using Color Checker Passport for sunny, cloudy, flash, tungsten etc but would really like to create one for most shoots. I thought it would be a good idea to name it say "Temp" and overwrite each time so that I dont end up knee deep in camera profiles. But I am guessing if I do this will the latest saved version of "Temp" change the camera profile of all other previously saved versions of "Temp" from other shoots?It would be good if the saved version of "Temp" resided within the folder of that particular shoot only.

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Lightroom :: Embed Color Profile In Untagged Picture That Is Displayed Incorrectly As SRGB?

Jan 18, 2014

I have a set of JPEGs that have been stripped of their color profiles (AdobeRGB). Lightroom assumes that they are sRGB images and displays them incorrectly. Is there any function in the program that will let me embed the correct (AdobeRGB) profile to the photos, preferably without re-compressing them?

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Photoshop :: Use Protanopia (Color Blind) Profile As Regular Profile That Can Be Converted?

Sep 30, 2013

I've been trying to reproduce this color blind conditionfor a long time now and I still didn't figure out how I can do this. I've searched for cluts but didn't find any, only this, which has some previews of them, but no any files I can load into Photoshop's Color Lookup adjustment. I've looked into Pixel Bender plugin, but I'm using CC so that doesn't work either... I've also tried it with the Index Color mode, but that really messes up my image as it has a really low color range (256). I've even tried reproducing the same effect with adjustments, channels, etc, but didn't figure it out.
Since there's a way to perfectly color proof images with this condition, I'm guessing this has to be some kind of ICC profile or something similar. Is there a way I can use it as a color profile?

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Lightroom :: Color Changing On Export

Feb 16, 2012

I am using LR 3.6 and have imported several RAW images.  In some of these images, there is a bright blue background that looks great in LR.  When I export to JPEG using the sRGB color space, however, it turns a sickly purple-blue that looks terrible.  I've tried exporting to JPEG with sRGB, AdobeRGB (1998), and ProPhoto RGB color spaces.  When I use the AdobeRGB (1998) color space the JPEG looks better than the sRGB equivelant, but still not as brilliant as in LR.  When I use the ProPhoto RGB color space, the JPEGs look the same as they do in LR (which is what I want).  If I export them all using ProPhoto RGB color space, will the exported JPEGs look much different on the web than they do on my desktop?  What are the risks of exporting in the ProPhoto RGB as opposed to sRGB?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Export From DNG To JPG / Color Image Washing Out

Mar 12, 2012

I did an export of an image from DNG to JPG in LR4. Funny thing is, the JPG suddenly appears with a washed out look. It looks the same in Develop and Print modules also.
It gets even funnier, because when I use Finder to check the photo, the preview of the image is fine. I also opened the image from Finder in Photoshop CS5 and it is fine there. I also opened the image in PSCS5 from LR4 with "Edit In" and again the image in Photoshop is fine. So this appears to be a view issue in LR4. I did not print out the washed out photo but I suspect it would print out as it appears in LR4.
I've done some other image exports from DNG to JPG with other images and they do not have this problem but those were black&white converted images. However, I did check doing an export of another color image with the same result as the problem image. Here are screen captures of the DNG and the exported JPG (I was going to upload the exported JPG, but like I said it appears fine in Finder):

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Lightroom :: Export Photos Turn Black And White To Color

May 26, 2013

I have a question about lightroom. When I exported my photos they turn my black & white to color. What did I do?

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Lightroom :: What Rendering Intent Used When Export Using Custom Color Space

Oct 17, 2012

What rendering intent is used by LR4 when exporting using a custom colour space as there is not an option as there is with the print module.

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Lightroom :: Enable Profile Corrections Auto Setting Doesn't Find X100s Profile In 4.4

Mar 27, 2014

In Development module in LR4.4, viewing a Fuji X100s raw file (converted on import to DNG) I tick the box for "Enable Profile Corrections" under "Lens Corrections," and select "Auto" from the "Setup" menu. I would have thought that LR would pick up the X100s profile, but no, nothing happens. If I choose "Fujifilm" from the "Make" dropdown, I can find the X100 (not X100s) profile manually. The profile's probably pretty similar, but still, I'm wondering why my install of 4.4 doesn't have the X100s profile in place?
While I'm at it, I'll ask this too -- I recently bought the new Nikkor 35mm 1.8G ED (the new full frame 35mm Nikon lens, not the trusty 35mm 1.8DX) and there's no profile for that lens in my LR4.4 either.
Finally, I note that when I choose "Check for Updates" from the "Help" menu in LR, I'm told there are no updates available.

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Lightroom :: Use Canon Lens Profile If There Isn't Sony Profile?

Mar 13, 2014

I just bought the Tamron SP 90 2.8 DI MACRO USD and LR lens profiles only lists this lens for Canon (F004E) and Nikon (F004N). There is no profile for Sony (F004S) ! Any drawback if I use F004E or N ? Or better use a the profile of the older Model of that lens where there is a Sony profile ?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 BLURB ICC Profile Not Displaying In Profile List

Aug 11, 2012

Downloaded the BLURB color profile and installed to the system. Restarted LR and it did not appear in the other list for color profiles. I checked and found the profile in c:/Windows/System32/spool/drivers/color.  I tried coping the file to c:/ProgramFile(x86)/CommonFiles/Adobe/Color/Profiles/Recommended. Restarted LR and still no BRURB icc shows up in the list. I also noticed there were other profiles in these directories which do not show up in the list.  What am I doing wrong?  Is there another menu which controls the "other..." list?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export To LandXML From Create Surface Profile

May 8, 2012

We are using Civil 3d 2012 with Topcon Data Collectors.  Topcon will not read a profile created by using "create surface profile" command but it will read a profile using "Profile Creation Tools" command. We are not sure if this a civil 3D, Topcon or a LandXML issue? 

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Revit :: Export Or Import Settings Like A Profile In AutoCAD - Set Up Icon

May 23, 2012

Is there a way in Revit to export or import settings much like a profile in AutoCAD and how I set up the icon to point at that profile when the program opens? I would like to know how be able to customize where the program looks for the families and other items over the network, so all users can see the same thing,  in options.

Attached is the properties of the AutoCAD icon. The Target is set-up to point to the "AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial)" profile. I would like to do something similar in the Revit icon.

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Illustrator :: Export High Res TIFFs And PSDs - Why Embed ICC Profile

Jul 14, 2013

I export high res TIFFs and PSDs a lot from Illustrator. One option is EMBED ICC PROFILE. I'm going to PS to build my composite. When should I embed the profile, and when shouldn't I?
When I open in PS, even if I don't Embed, doesn't PS know what colorspace the doc was created?

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Illustrator :: Profile Logo On Twitter - Settings For Export / Save It As

Dec 31, 2013

I want to upload a new logo I've created as a Twitter profile image. I can export the logo as a JPG but what image settings should I use when I save it?

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Set Embed Icc Profile Option To Export Document As JPEG

Jun 3, 2011

While exporting the document as jpeg, through File->Export, there is an option "Embed ICC Profile" as figure shows.

How to set it if I am exporting the document through my program in which I rasterize the document and used  the sAIImage->AsJPEG(raster, jpegDataFilter, params); I didn't find any option in AIRasterizeSettings or AIImageOptJPEGParams to set this flag.

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