Illustrator SDK :: How To Set Embed Icc Profile Option To Export Document As JPEG
Jun 3, 2011
While exporting the document as jpeg, through File->Export, there is an option "Embed ICC Profile" as figure shows.
How to set it if I am exporting the document through my program in which I rasterize the document and used the sAIImage->AsJPEG(raster, jpegDataFilter, params); I didn't find any option in AIRasterizeSettings or AIImageOptJPEGParams to set this flag.
I export high res TIFFs and PSDs a lot from Illustrator. One option is EMBED ICC PROFILE. I'm going to PS to build my composite. When should I embed the profile, and when shouldn't I?
When I open in PS, even if I don't Embed, doesn't PS know what colorspace the doc was created?
I have created a New Document Profile that I want to use as a base when starting Ilustrator work. I cleared pallettes colors, brushes, symbols etc and created 3 new common layers etc. When I select my file from the New Document Profiles pull down menu the Layers pallette opens with only a blank Layer1 .The work on my custom Layers that I would like as masters is gone.
When I choose "New Document" in Illustrator CS4 and try to change the document size the "custom" option isn´t available. The only available options are standar sizes.
I have the illustrator instalation from creative cloud subscription and everytime i create a new document and on the profile combo choose "web", the illustrator freezes forever.
Im using mac version in a macbook pro 13" corei7 with 8gigs ram.
I then needed to remove it, but it keeps coming back. I deleted the file (even from the recycle bin), deleted my preferences, and rebooted the machine. But when I start Illustrator, as soon as I press Ctrl + N or choose File/New, the profile automatically gets recreated in the New Document Profiles folder and shows up in the Profile drop-down list of the New File dialog.
All of the sudden I can't create a customer profile when creating a new document. Earlier I selecting the print profile. I tried opening a new document and creating a custom profile but that option is grayed out.
I created custom brushes yesterday but they don't appear today. Is that because of the profile that the brushes were created with and without that profile I won't see the brushes?
I've wrritten a plug-in to export the layer as jpeg.everything is fine except that the current document becomes unsaved after exporting the layer.
I want to know that it use to be so or I'm wrong anywhere?
the process which I followed ---
1-) Created an empty Artset and filled it with layer contents. 2-) Then Rasterize the Artset. 3-) Then created a data filter containing the path where to export. 4) Then used AsJPEG( ) to create jpeg.
I'd like to create a script that checks the current document's color profile and checks it against a string, for example "sRGB IEC61966-2.1". My studio has a script that performs various functions to make sure that all the layers are visible/unlocked, checks for stray points, etc., and we'd like to add a check to the color profile because we handle a large number of files and this setting is overlooked a lot.
It's alright if this value isn't writable through script (we can just pop up an alert letting the user know that they need to change it), but I can't find where to actually read this setting! We're currently working on Macs and with JavaScript, but any nudge in the right direction.
I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed) - Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name - Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill - Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" make new document set topLayer to make new layer ¬ at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"} set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬ at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"} end tell
What do you think it's better between Attach JPEG image vs Embed OLE Objects in Cad Drawings? I have used OLE Object in the past and i problem i have is that, I can't rotate OLE object/image i can scale and move. i can't clip OLE obj. For Attach JPEG or PDF when someone accidently delete the JPEG which were attached out of the computer then when i open the file it will show "Not found" on the external Ref. this won't happen in OLE obj. i tried not to use either of these methods above because it increases the size of the dwg but this is how the Co Worker wants for this project. The drawing size is less than 1000KB not too bad.
how you could select only one element from within an AI document and be able to export just that element out. For example, I'm making a letterhead and I want to select just a logo element from my page and export just that to an eps so that it could be imported into something else.
Back when I was using Corel Draw I could simply select anything and as long as it was the only thing selected I could export it to a new eps file, or whatever kind of file I wanted. If I did it with an image, the image would be cropped to just the bounds of the image.
So far it seems the only way to do this in AI is to export the entire artboard. I'm sure this can't be because that would be ludicrous, right?
But I have and EP3 and am using Olympus Viewer 2 to manipulate the RAW images, I then edit the TIFFs in PaintShopPro 4. I have also calibrated my Dell 2410 with SpyderPro4.
My challenge is that the image edited in OV2 looks very different when viewed in PSP 4. I think the issue is that OV 2 is embedding a color space of "sRGB IEC61966" not the profile I set up using Spyder (as shown in the information screen of the resulting TIFF). when I open PSP it then says it is converting the "sRGB IEC61966" color space to my Spyder profile.
I have set OV2 to use Color Management and to "embed profile when saved". The monitor profile selected is my Spyder profile. Is this a bug? Is there a setting I should use in PSP4? Or si the problem on OV2?
I'd like to export certain properties from an ai-document to XML. The XML will be post-processed using XSLT. Secretly, I'm hoping that I can invoke the Reflection-system (as mentioned brifely, I might add) in the ExtendedScript Toolkit CS6 Core JavaScript Classes.
How to get reflection working for JavaScript objects (both built-in and the ones I've created in code my self)? Are there any guides that are relevant in my case? (Try googling "illustrator script reflection" and you get a bunch of flip object scripts ...)
can i write a plug in c#(or any other language) for import/export a screen of the adobe illustrator cs6 in html (or any other format) if document of web type.
I have a set of JPEGs that have been stripped of their color profiles (AdobeRGB). Lightroom assumes that they are sRGB images and displays them incorrectly. Is there any function in the program that will let me embed the correct (AdobeRGB) profile to the photos, preferably without re-compressing them?
At my old job, when I exported sketches, it would automatically go to jpeg as jpeg was on top of the list. Now, I have to scroll through a lot of different formats looking for the jpeg format and of course, this takes up valuable time.
I make tech sheets in Illy at my job and need to export just about everything I do in jpeg format, for the benefit of others. I tried looking through the menus, but haven't found the answer yet.
I've made this small script to test a few things, before moving on to the bigger stuff (some of it have been cut out, since it's not important):
var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsJPEG(); var type = ExportType.JPEG; var fileSpec = new File(dest); exportOptions.antiAliasing = false; exportOptions.qualitySetting = 70; exportOptions.artboardRange = "3"; app.activeDocument.exportFile( fileSpec, type, exportOptions );
I'm trying to export artboard #3 as a JPEG. But it doesn't work.
According to the scripting reference guide, most of the "ExportOptions"-functions support the artboardRange-parameter, but alas - JPEG does not.
Is there another way to do this? Right now I'm only getting all the artboards into a single JPEG-file, which is not what I'm searching for
I inherited a document (yes, you heard correctly) that was designed in Adobe Illustrator (I have the CC version). This is a 10 page document with a lot of text and fake tables. Why the original author used AI for this document but now, I wish to convert this document into a more appropriate tool.
I don't know, perhaps I shouldn't be surprized that AI doesn't have much in the way of text based exports (except PDF and pure text)... PDF isn't ideal because it outputs blocks that are out of order, making it difficult to copy and paste into another editor.
Ideally, my preference is either HTML, MS Word, FrameMaker, Robohelp, CHM, or Dita. Is there a super-secret method to export an AI document into one of those formats?