Lightroom :: Changing Image Background Color To Black
Mar 16, 2013
I am taking macro shots of flowers. I am using black mount board as the background color, but it always comes out as light grey or bluish. The flowers etc. are I get my image background to the color I want, in this instance Black
I just finsihed setting up this new computer. I reloaded AC 2012 LT. I need to reset my settings. I do not rmember how to change that black background to white.
The instructions say <<< In the Background panel, select the Background Color option and click the color swatch to choose the color. >>> But I can't seem to find any way of changing the background colour from the default, white. ! (I want black.)
First time using GIMP. Following the directions here: [URL] ......
Using, "Color to Alpha," I tried to select the background of my .jpg image. The background is white, the picture (logo) portion is silver. Because of the closeness in color, when I select white, the software selects the entire image to become alpha (transparent).
When I select the color of the picture, silver, I am able to select just the logo portion. How can I take the logo portion, which is now converted to transparent, and give it a black or transparent background, and then return the logo back to its former color silver. The logo is perfect, it is just that I recently switched my site from a white header to a black header and the image has a white background, so that does not look good.
Is there a way in LR4.1 for me to change the background color where the top text is displayed on thumbnails in the library? Currently, mine appears to be light (or medium-ish) gray, with the first line in black and the second line in a gray that's very hard to read against the slightly lighter gray background.  I"d like to either make the second line text black (like the first line) and/or the background lighter so it's easier to read both lines.
I'm currently deployed in a computer came in the mail broken so I'm unable to do this. How to take away the black background to make it white or transparent.
Album booklet to be printed in CMYK, obviously. I have an RGB photo, mostly black. After converting it to CMYK and using the channel mixer to return to the original brilliance, the black is CMYK 100-92-85-98. This is obviously too long of a black... way too much ink... using thin white fonts over it prints terrible, etc. How do I adjust the black of the image to something more favorable to printing, like 60-40-40-100?
I was teaching an Elements class today where participants had varying laptops (Windows or Mac) all with either Elements 9 or 10 installed. I was showing people how to right/click (Mac: control/click) on the default gray color and change it to black. About half of the participants didn't get this option when following my directions. I went to several laptops and tried it myself with no pop-up window offering "gray, black or custom".
I am having this problem whenever I synchronize a folder that images have been added into. Â Example: I have a folder of images in LR; I export all those images with a watermark, resized, etc. into a separate folder of proofs; even though I performed that batch process using LR, for some reason the app still won't see those images until I synchronize; when I do synchronize, it is shifting the color temp to +8 and the tint to -11; I then have to go back and undo that color temp shift. Â How do I get LR to stop changing the color temp of images when synchronizing?
I seem to be having problems when I lasso round a specific part of a photo taken with a white background and then try to add that part of the image to a plain #000000 black background.
I always seem to get a white outline around the image when I place it on the black background, even when its on ZERO feathered. I don't like using feathered as it adds a smudge round the outside of the image.
I am trying to change the color of some clothing from black to a tan or gray.  I have seen tutuorials that use a hue/saturation layer mask to accomplish this task. But I find that with black clothes nothing happens when I change the hue. I assume this is because of the black? At any rate, what is the best way to turn something from black to another color?
how to change a line color on a black and white drawing? I just want to be able to change the line color to purple, red, blue, etc...I assume there is an easy way to do this.
also can you please tell me how to get the lines to be sharp and crisp and not look like a line drawing with all the obvious flaws that comes with a line drawing done on paper?
I have several images of t-shirts, which has to be recolored {RGB & CMYK mixture}. I tried all the recipes across the net, but none actually worked. See the IMG below.
The "best" solution seems to be the Selective Color adj. layer, but still absolutely unacceptable:
 I Tried to put several other adj. layers on the top of the Selective. C., but it went even worse.
I am doing some engineering drawings in ACAD 2011. Â I use multiple colors on-screen to discern between certain items, then plot everything in black, like I'm sure almost everyone out there does. Â However, I would like to print only lines of a certain layer in differing colors. Â Is there a way to have that one layer print in a different color besides black, yet still use multiple colors on-screen?
I have a color picture and I wanted to change it to black and white but I want to keep a necklase that im wearing the same color (green). How can I turn my picture into black and white without changing the color of my necklase?
I am trying to bring in a couple of Tiff Images into autocad civil 3D. The issue is when I preview the image its in color, however when I insert it into Autocad it is black and white. Is there a way to change the image in Autocad to show up in color?
I have a portrait that has a very green solid background. I would like to change this color to something a little more easy on the eye- I have tried all the tutorials that refer to this action, but have not managed yet to accomplish this task..I thought maybe someone here could help ... I am a very new user to photoshop, and will appreciate very much if anyone here can simplify this for me. I have versions 6 and have downloaded the free trial 7.0
how do you take this green tint off? notice the difference in color options from the above (only green) as opposed to the one below (full)
I want the green tint taken off so the pic can look like this (original) in photoshop, the green background has all the characteristics of the white-default background...when i click the overlapping default foreground and background colors toolbar the green background doesn't change
the only option i have is to choose from a green color spectrum, not a full color spectrum...
changing the color of the background isn't too hard, but if you have for example a drawing (which is black on white). How can you smoothly change one of the colors to another?
For example all black > blue grey > light blue light grey > lighter blue
I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long as like I said I have 200 that I need to do.
When I open a picture in photoshop, any picture, I see the picture and all around it is a background color. It has nothing to do with the picture or any work being done on the picture. This has to do with the color that comes up on the screen regardless of the picture. It was black and I hit something and it is now blue. I want this to go back to black.  I tryed clicking on the link below, selecting black for a background color and clicking and nothing changes.Â
I am working on a slideshow in PS CS6. Although I have chosen white as background color on creating the new "film & video" document when showing a portrait format picture the free space besides the picture is black. Since this does not fit well with my white homepage. how to change this background color to white.
Installed the SP1 and changed to the light grey work space color....but how or can I get rid of the dark grey application background. That didn't change when I changed the other.
I took a picture of my kids against our kitchen wall, which is basically a solid color, but I would like to change the color behind them to a solid white.
way to change the color from one color to another ?
Later on, I want to have them with a Christmas background instead of the kitchen wall, so that will be my next step, but I wanted to start off with something easy to learn.
I don't want to cut out the background using the magic eraser, etc. I'd rather just change the color.
I'm trying to edit a picture of my wife from our wedding. She loves a picture that wasn't one of our formals but wants to use it as a formal picture. The problem is the background is completely different then the background of the formal pics.
I've been able to clone the formal background into most of the picture but I'm stumped with the parts that are behind her veil (which is see-through). I'm trying to go from a tannish color to a dark blue/black. Anytime I select the area and try and darken it I also darken her white veil.