how to change a line color on a black and white drawing? I just want to be able to change the line color to purple, red, blue, etc...I assume there is an easy way to do this.
also can you please tell me how to get the lines to be sharp and crisp and not look like a line drawing with all the obvious flaws that comes with a line drawing done on paper?
I am trying to change the color of some clothing from black to a tan or gray.  I have seen tutuorials that use a hue/saturation layer mask to accomplish this task. But I find that with black clothes nothing happens when I change the hue. I assume this is because of the black? At any rate, what is the best way to turn something from black to another color?
I have several images of t-shirts, which has to be recolored {RGB & CMYK mixture}. I tried all the recipes across the net, but none actually worked. See the IMG below.
The "best" solution seems to be the Selective Color adj. layer, but still absolutely unacceptable:
 I Tried to put several other adj. layers on the top of the Selective. C., but it went even worse.
I have a color picture and I wanted to change it to black and white but I want to keep a necklase that im wearing the same color (green). How can I turn my picture into black and white without changing the color of my necklase?
I just finsihed setting up this new computer. I reloaded AC 2012 LT. I need to reset my settings. I do not rmember how to change that black background to white.
I am taking macro shots of flowers. I am using black mount board as the background color, but it always comes out as light grey or bluish. The flowers etc. are I get my image background to the color I want, in this instance Black
I am doing some engineering drawings in ACAD 2011. Â I use multiple colors on-screen to discern between certain items, then plot everything in black, like I'm sure almost everyone out there does. Â However, I would like to print only lines of a certain layer in differing colors. Â Is there a way to have that one layer print in a different color besides black, yet still use multiple colors on-screen?
I am trying to bring in a couple of Tiff Images into autocad civil 3D. The issue is when I preview the image its in color, however when I insert it into Autocad it is black and white. Is there a way to change the image in Autocad to show up in color?
I'd like to change a layer's color from command line because of a user icon. I figured out from previous topics that I should use macro similar to this: ^C^C_filedia;0;-la;s;Verdeckt (ISO);c;1;l;dashed;;_filedia;1;re;
(I want to use this macro to change layer's linetype, too, but that's not the point)
The only problem with this macro: layer's name contains a space therefore Autocad tries to recognize Verdeckt as a command (and macro interrupts there) instead of setting Verdeckt (ISO) as the current layer. I've tried using different quote marks, none of them worked (' and " and <>). I hope there's a method for entering a parameter that contains space.
Software: Inventor Series 2011 SP1 x64 OS: Vista Business x64 CPU: E6400 RAM: 2*2Gb GeIL VGA: Quadro FX 550
When I import an eps, or create a new object with a shape tool. The default style is a clear fill and a hairline CYMK black (0,0,0,100) outline. I think I know how to change it to true black (0,0,0,0), but when i import an eps or an illustrator file, it is coming in as CMYK black (0,0,0,100)
I am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
Why when I use green for foreground color and go to Fill and use the option of Foreground color the selection is filled with black? Also why when I open a file with a green square, it also turns to black? And since I am asking questions, how do I get back the ability to get content and search within photoshop, instead of always being directed to Adobe online? I am using CS5.
I have some crosswords that have been exported as CMYK but not just 0 0 0 100, a mixture of colors, something like 2 13 2 100 or whatever. How can I change the black throughout in Photoshop and save? Â The printer have of course told me that it needs to be on the one plate.
I have a logo in the form of a png file. It is text with a drop shadow and has a transparent background. This works well on a sites light background but they want to be able to use it on black backgrounds also.
How to change this black logo to white and keep the subtle, faint opacity of the drop shadow? Also, keeping the transparent background?
I have to make some arrows to point items in certain photos I use for model airplane kit instructions. I haven't been able to change the colour of the arrows. I need them mostly white. What can I do?
I am a glass artist and I have some projects that revolve around being able to turn a photo into black and white. I notice that when it is in black and white it is actually in about 10 shades of gray as well. I need it to be only in black and white. It would also be nice to know how to turn a colored photo into maybe four or five different colors and still have it look somewhat normal.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a project that has 10,000 glass pieces in it, but it revolves around knowing how to do these things.
I have a bddy that's seen me do some fun things with PS, and I'm always looking for a challenge so he asked me if I could turn him into a white guy to see what he'd look like. My first thought was to use the color replacement tool, i used all the default setting for it but hanged the color part to background swatch. I then used the background swatch from his skin tone, and for the front color I chose a peach colored tone, but the problem is al it does it slightly lighten up his skin tone. I tried alternative colors such as blue, and it hanged his skin tone to blue right away...
I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.
Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.
I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.
What I can do is 1) lasso the berries
2) inverse what I can't figure out 1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this
3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.
I'm currently deployed in a computer came in the mail broken so I'm unable to do this. How to take away the black background to make it white or transparent.
Album booklet to be printed in CMYK, obviously. I have an RGB photo, mostly black. After converting it to CMYK and using the channel mixer to return to the original brilliance, the black is CMYK 100-92-85-98. This is obviously too long of a black... way too much ink... using thin white fonts over it prints terrible, etc. How do I adjust the black of the image to something more favorable to printing, like 60-40-40-100?
How do I change a colour photo to black and white? I'm embarrassed to ask this but I've spent about an hour going through everything and even looked at the help page. I bet its so simple but I just cant work it out.
see the same image is used in all color variations of this product. I would imagine they shot something with contrasting dual colors since it would be harder to mask the solid white or black but my question is how do they change the color from black to white or visa versa without loosing any shadow integrity in the process?
I was teaching an Elements class today where participants had varying laptops (Windows or Mac) all with either Elements 9 or 10 installed. I was showing people how to right/click (Mac: control/click) on the default gray color and change it to black. About half of the participants didn't get this option when following my directions. I went to several laptops and tried it myself with no pop-up window offering "gray, black or custom".
I am just facing a challenge — I need to convert black T-shirt into whithe, but the fabric is textured. See the attached IMGs:  I tried several things, but the best result I got looks somehow close to this disaster:
Despite strong Curves Adjustment layer, there seems to be not a chance to get some contrast.  See how looks similar shirt from a slightly different material — just to get a brief idea:  Inversion will not work because of shadows, Shadows/Highlights does not work much. Converting from White to black is much more easier & almost perfect — because of this, there should be a reverse way…
I scan newspaper articles then add them to a PDF collection. I want the newspaper tones of grey to disappear. What is the easiest way to change the greyscale to black and white?
I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that? Â Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?