I have some crosswords that have been exported as CMYK but not just 0 0 0 100, a mixture of colors, something like 2 13 2 100 or whatever. How can I change the black throughout in Photoshop and save?
The printer have of course told me that it needs to be on the one plate.
I'm not an expert on Photoshop but i do what i can, so i made an image to my cousin and she wants to print that image in a big size but the place were she wants to print it told me that i had to change the image to CMYK and then change black to 50-50-50-100 and blue to 100-60-0-10, cause they use CorelDraw but i don't know how to do that in photoshop. i mean i went to image-->mode-->CMYK color.
Album booklet to be printed in CMYK, obviously. I have an RGB photo, mostly black. After converting it to CMYK and using the channel mixer to return to the original brilliance, the black is CMYK 100-92-85-98. This is obviously too long of a black... way too much ink... using thin white fonts over it prints terrible, etc. How do I adjust the black of the image to something more favorable to printing, like 60-40-40-100?
Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
Alright, I have a grunge vector I'm using in an opacity mask over my shapes. I need to convert my .eps grunge vector to full black, if I dont then the end result looks fine in illustrator...but when brought into PS you can still see light pieces of the object that the grunge was supposed to mask out.
When I click the eps file and use %100 black: instead of filling the grunge bits to black, it fills the entire selection black so I end up with a big black box, and if I use the stroke, it outlines the box itself. I tried making a compound path and also expanding the grunge, then retrying but no dice. Does AI recognize this eps file as one big square selection?
How do I get my .eps grunge vector %100 black rather than the CMYK black?
So I've been having this issue with Photoshop ever since I started using it on my Windows machine. On my Mac. I could set something to any color and it would appear that way on the screen in RGB mode. However, when I try and do that with the same exact color on my Windows machine it appears in black. I don't have Gamut Warnings on either. However, when I switch the mode to CMYK the color appears. The problem with this is I use photoshop for GUI's and such, not print materiel so if I have it show in CMYK Mode it will give me an inacurate look at how the colors will look.
In the color picker, if I enter R255-G80-B0, the CMYK color reads M83-Y100. However, if I instead enter the M83-Y100 in CMYK first, then the RBG numbers are R240-G83-B35, and if I enter these numbers first, then the CMYK numbers change again.
Why is this happening? Shouldn't the RBG translate to to just one CMYK color and vis versa?
Photoshop 5, (not CS5, but version 5). I was using it on a Windows XP computer, but my new computer, running on Windows 7, would not run Photoshop 5. So, I bought CS6.
There's one problem. I use Photoshop primarily for coloring comics. Which means I create images in CMYK color. And I'm noticing a slight difference in certain colors in this new version. Most noticeably, in a color combo I use for coloring average "Caucasian Flesh".
My settings for this shade would normally be:
C-3 M-25 Y-25 K-0
This, in the old version of Photoshop, would produce a pretty average "beige" color. However, when I use this same color setting in the new version, the shade is noticeable pinker. Strangely, when I open documents in CS6 created in the older version, they retain the old, proper "beige" look. But the same color settiing in a new document produces this "rosey beige" color. (By the way, this isn't a "monitor issue"...... I have printed out the documents, and it's just as apparent in the printed versions.).
I suppose I could just use an altered color setting with less magenta, but I'd like to find out why this is happening, and why I can't use the same color settings I did in the old version of Photoshop.
I'm drawing cartoons in black & white for a publication. I've been told that I must make the black 100% and the CMY 0%. After I scan the image I convert it from RGB to CYMK mode but I can see in the channel's palette that it has colors mixed into the black. If clear the CMY channels it image loses detail. I've also desaturated the image but it doesn't seem to do anything.
What I'd like to do [in photoshop] is treat 4 pantone colors just like CMYK channels. What I mean by that is that I would like to replace Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black with my own colors [pantone colors] and have them mix and act exactly like those channels. As in, when I open a full color image, and my pantone [or any color] channels or color profile is active, the full color image will react to those colors [with the blending of the colors].
Instead of 45% Cyan, 55% Magenta, 83% Yellow, and 2% Black in a given spot, it would be a mix of the 4 chosen colors [example: 45% pantone A, 55% Pantone B, 83% Pantone C, 2% Pantone D].
or to put it another way, if I were to color the background in, say, a blue, I would be able to use the "Info" panel to see how much of each pantone color was mixed to create that color. Obviously there would be a limit to the colors I could create based on the pantone colors I select.
I don't want to do anything printing wise with this technique. I am looking at it solely as an on screen viewer or perhaps use it in some manner for screen printing.
When placing a .psd file with a spot channel into illustrator, and then later copying this and pasting back into Photoshop the color shifts.
Original Photoshop spot color channel (0/100/81/16) Color after pasting back into Photoshop (13/99/88/4)
We are making renders of packaging, so the designs are from illustrator. We correct this by removing the Photoshop spot channel and recreating this as a CMYK layer, but looking to avoid this step as we do many many renders. Even with assign color profile set to none this happens.
Viewing Photoshop channels you can see a difference in values between the linked image and illustrator flat tint.
My problem is that I am converting RGB native images to CMYK and my Key (Black) comes out rich, contains equal levels of CMY and K, instead of true black, only k.
Currently my way around this is to do the standard convert to profile CMYK and with my path selected to the section I would like to be true black simply turn off all CM and Y channels and re-save the image but this is a little labor intensive.
Is there a way that I can go straight from RGB to CMYK and achieve true black without alteration?
When I import an eps, or create a new object with a shape tool. The default style is a clear fill and a hairline CYMK black (0,0,0,100) outline. I think I know how to change it to true black (0,0,0,0), but when i import an eps or an illustrator file, it is coming in as CMYK black (0,0,0,100)
I have a client who asked for a SPECIFIC shade of blue which happens to be 100,70,0,0. Now I know my screen will never show the exact color, always shows lighter. This part is ok. But I go and change the values on the color picker, and then 10 minutes later when I come back to it, the values changed to 95,65,1,0. Why would this happen, it KEEPS happening and not just one one color, on ALL OF THEM, it just changes the numbers slightly fromw hat I put in.
I have a photo of an object on a black background, and during the editing process the cmyk values of the black background are c=75 m=68 y=67 k=90. As this image is to be placed on a business card, if it is possible to change the values to 100% K or 40% C 100 %.
I have a 2-color logo that is in TIFF format but was created as CMYK. It is black and Pantone 323. I am using it in a two-color job and need it to be in the 2 spot colors. I changed it to grayscale and then changed it to duotone, but the colored part shows up pretty muddy and dark looking, like it has too much black in it. I have tried changing the curves but that doesn't seem to help much. If it is duotone and the colors are specified to the printer, will it print correctly, even though it looks yucky onscreen?
I always find beautiful RGB-vectors which I want to use for a print design. But once converted via Illustrator to CMYK, the image often annoys me because of the less bright and powerful colours.
So: what is the best way to recolor a nice and colourful vector from RGB tot CMYK (possibly with finding the right alternative colors in CMYK?) in Illustrator?
I'm still using CS3. A friend sent me a document created in CS6 (I think) that he saved as a CS3 document. When I open this blank document he sent me, and then copy and paste a CMYK object from my CS3 original to his blank CS6 (saved as CS3), the object changes color quite noticeably (darker). The CMYK values are identical, but they don't look anything alike. On the left is a screen grab from my original CS3 document, and next to it a screen grab after I've copied and pasted the exact same objects into the CS6 created document. The CMYK values are identical in both, and they're being displayed on the same computer on the same monitor.
I've been having this issue with InDesign CC lately, its importing some of my pantone colors as LAB colors. I am able to change a spot to process, but as far as changing the LAB color to a CMYK color, the box is grayed out and is not giving me an option to do it. See screenshot: [URL]....
I've made the text 'CMYK black' for a pdf that needs to get printed.But when I export to a PDF using PDF/X-1a: 2001 (ISO 15930-1) it converts the black to various CMYK values.How do I export a pdf so that the CMYK black stays black? URL...
Is there anyway to convert 0/0/0/100 Black to PMS Black by replacing the cmyk swatch with the PMS swatch? I have a bunch of Illy packaging files that are using CMYK black that need to be changed to Pantone Black C and the only way it seems that I can do it is by selecting same fill and/or stroke. I tried using recolor artwork, but cant get that to work with cmyk black either.
when I select "all objects" via the menu and remove the setting "scale with object" from the object properties the color changes from CMYK to RGB. I cannot even redo. All actions are redone but not the color. The primary color of the document is CMYK. This happens only to the borders and not to the fillings.
I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:
I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.
Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.
I've recently upgraded to CS6 and also to OS 10.8... Im working in multiple Illustrator docs using a color of 100-87-32-32. When I change objects to that color by keying it in to the color pallete, it changes. If I click off, go away and come back the color shifts to 100-82-36-29 or something similar.
I have been trying to convert both Pantone Colors to CMYK and CMYK to Pantones on a few of my projects. I walk throught the steps but nothing happens. My counterpart which has CS5.5 also is able to do it both ways just fine. Is there a pre-set someplace that I need to be aware of?