Illustrator :: Colors Change In Objects In Both RGB And CMYK Formats
Apr 26, 2013
I've recently upgraded to CS6 and also to OS 10.8... Im working in multiple Illustrator docs using a color of 100-87-32-32. When I change objects to that color by keying it in to the color pallete, it changes. If I click off, go away and come back the color shifts to 100-82-36-29 or something similar.
Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
when I select "all objects" via the menu and remove the setting "scale with object" from the object properties the color changes from CMYK to RGB. I cannot even redo. All actions are redone but not the color. The primary color of the document is CMYK. This happens only to the borders and not to the fillings.
I always find beautiful RGB-vectors which I want to use for a print design. But once converted via Illustrator to CMYK, the image often annoys me because of the less bright and powerful colours.
So: what is the best way to recolor a nice and colourful vector from RGB tot CMYK (possibly with finding the right alternative colors in CMYK?) in Illustrator?
I'm still using CS3. A friend sent me a document created in CS6 (I think) that he saved as a CS3 document. When I open this blank document he sent me, and then copy and paste a CMYK object from my CS3 original to his blank CS6 (saved as CS3), the object changes color quite noticeably (darker). The CMYK values are identical, but they don't look anything alike. On the left is a screen grab from my original CS3 document, and next to it a screen grab after I've copied and pasted the exact same objects into the CS6 created document. The CMYK values are identical in both, and they're being displayed on the same computer on the same monitor.
I have been trying to convert both Pantone Colors to CMYK and CMYK to Pantones on a few of my projects. I walk throught the steps but nothing happens. My counterpart which has CS5.5 also is able to do it both ways just fine. Is there a pre-set someplace that I need to be aware of?
I work in prepress. I have an Illustrator CS6 file that is made up of 3 Pantone Spot colors. I save the file as an eps from Illustrator and rip the file with our prepress software. When previewing the ripped file with our prepress software it shows me that I have process colors (CMYK) somewhere in the file. I can not see these colors visually in the ripped file so I go back to Illustrator to see if I can edit them out of the file. I use the Preview Separations tool but can't find those process colors anywhere. There are no placed images, everything is vector art. I double check any white color and make sure it doesn't have any tiny percentage of process color in it. I make sure my spot colors are indeed spot colors and not process colors. I add used colors, I delete unused colors. I can't find the CMYK being used anywhere in my Illustrator file. How to clean up these "hidden" colors? This was also a problem in CS3. I'm using an iMac 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X, Version 10.7.5
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
My goal is to change all of the objects colors in an xref drawing to gray to use as a background to my work. All changes to the xref drawing were made in the drawing itself, none of this was done in the base drawing.
The quickest way I could find was to change set by layer mode to color only and use set by layer to change all of the objects (select all). This seemed to work fine, until I noticed that certain text would move slightly when the color changed. Long story short this text (single line) moves slightly when the color is changed, even if I select one text and change the color in its properties.
My question is why would text move or change in some way when you only change the color. It doesn't seem to happen to mtext, only dtext.
Okay so I've just realised that my documents are CMYK and have changed the settings to RGB (File > Document color mode > RGB and from the colour fly out menu) although I notice that when I hover my mouse over the colors in the swatches panel that it shows me the CMYK values.
I am trying to change a CMYK vector file to grayscale in CS4. I went to Edit/Edit Colors/ Change to Grayscale. The .AI vector art now looks gray on screen, but the title says " (CMYK/Preview)". It still reproduces as a CMYK file and not Grayscale. I can't place this into a 2 spot colour document. What am I missing?
Can I have a lisp to select all objects in the layer "Defpoints" (including model and paper space, and including objects inside blocks) and change the color of those objects to color 30?
Is there any way to make multiple objects with various colors set their respective stroke color as their respective fill color and vice versa(so their fill and stroke color will be the same in result)? or do I need a special script for this?
I've had this problem before, and it randomly popped up again today.
This time restarting Ai fixed the issue the first time. I just don't know if this was human-error/setting on my end, or a minor bug to report.
So I create a CMYK Ai doc. Create some black text and/or shapes. Then decide to change color to rich black by manually entering CMYK values (in this case, 60, 40, 40, 90), select ok. However, the colors revert back to original percentages (75, 68, 67, 90).
In past versions, it's happened once or twice, and restarting Ai didn't solve the first time.
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?
I bought this vector graphic on istockphoto and i cant figure out how to change the colors! When i attempt to change the colors of the end circles it just makes it a solid color...
I'm using illustrator cs6 and I can't change the color of some individual objects when grouped using the direct select tool or isolation mode. Only when the objects are ungrouped can I make the change.
I'm trying to create an action to change two specific colors in ~300 different logo files (.ai and .eps). I'm coming from Photoshop so I assume there is a way to create a droplet from an Illustrator Action but that's a different topic.
The colors are Pantone 143 and 287 which need to be changed to 143 U and 287 U, respectively.
Here are the steps that I think I need to record for my action: Unlock all layersAdd new colors to swatch boardSelect all layersRecolor Artwork... (Edit -> Edit Colors -> Recolor Artwork... This step is not recorded?)Save file The problem is that the Recolor Artwork step is not recorded.
I've been told that I need to change my spot colors (illustrator CS6) to Process colors, but for some reason, sometimes this feature won't work and is greyed out.
I am trying to change the color of all the windows on a picture but some of the windows have a reflection of the trees and light posts. How do I change those window colors without covering up the reflections?
When I set C to 40% and MYK to 0% the program automatically change to other values in all four columns. Is it some kind of default settings? If so, how can I change it?
I'm trying to change the colors of a pathItem corresponding to the string value of several text fields in my document. I've been successful in changing the fill and stroke color of the pathItem, but I can not find any reference in the Illustrator Javascript Guide for accessing additional strokes and/or fills that have been applied to the object in the Appearance panel.
Under the edit tab I can click on the link option and change the colors together at the same time, though this does not work when on the Assign tab.
1. Is there a way to get it to change the colors of different shapes at the same time in the Assign tab?
2. The blue circle in the color wheel is clearly changing the hue of the blue, though with the other two arms, the circle with the black ring around it, when I drag it to darker hues it changes both the star and the polygon while the other circle only changes hues sometimes if I drag it somewhere completely different. How does this process work?.
So I've been having this issue with Photoshop ever since I started using it on my Windows machine. On my Mac. I could set something to any color and it would appear that way on the screen in RGB mode. However, when I try and do that with the same exact color on my Windows machine it appears in black. I don't have Gamut Warnings on either. However, when I switch the mode to CMYK the color appears. The problem with this is I use photoshop for GUI's and such, not print materiel so if I have it show in CMYK Mode it will give me an inacurate look at how the colors will look.
In the color picker, if I enter R255-G80-B0, the CMYK color reads M83-Y100. However, if I instead enter the M83-Y100 in CMYK first, then the RBG numbers are R240-G83-B35, and if I enter these numbers first, then the CMYK numbers change again.
Why is this happening? Shouldn't the RBG translate to to just one CMYK color and vis versa?
I'm not an expert on Photoshop but i do what i can, so i made an image to my cousin and she wants to print that image in a big size but the place were she wants to print it told me that i had to change the image to CMYK and then change black to 50-50-50-100 and blue to 100-60-0-10, cause they use CorelDraw but i don't know how to do that in photoshop. i mean i went to image-->mode-->CMYK color.