Is there a reason, when working in the Library module, that I would not be able to stack? Have images in a Smart Collection that is built based on keywords and lack of "rejection". When I highlight a group of images and attempt to Stack, the all of the options are greyed out.
Not at all new to LR, have been using since ver 1.0
Using LR 5.3OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks)Mac Pro- Dual 6-core Xenons, 64GB RAM, TONS of disk space
A long time ago, when I was using Photoshop Elements I found a plug-in that made it possible to work with stacks as a unit.
If I labeled the top image in the stack that label was applied to all the images in the stack; then when I sorted the images, the stack remained in tact; instead of just the top image, with the label showing up. I could also label the top image in a stack with flaga and, for example quickly delete all the image with an "X". Otherwise is seems the only option is to open each stack, by Ctrl-clicking the number in the upper left corner, that opens the stack; with all the images selected, then click the star labels I want to apply to all the images in the stack.
A long time ago, when I was using Photoshop Elelments I found a plug-in that made it possible to work with stacks as a unit.
If I labeled the top image in the stack that lable was applied to all the images in the stack; then I could sort the the image on top and all the images in the stack would stay together, or if I deleted an image in the stack all the images in the stack were deleted. Without it I have open each stack I lable and apply the lable, so when I sort the stacked images they stay together.
Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".
I'm doing macro photopgraphy and need to do a lot of focus stacking. I'm trying to determine the best way to stack images in PS, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there. I've sucessfully stacked images using two different methods:
Way # 1
file -> scripts -> load files into stack edit->auto-align layers edit->auto-blend layers (stack images, seamless tones and colors)
I am a Mac user and have a printer that can print pictures 9 by 3 feet big, one sheet at a time. How to stack multiple images together in a 9 by 3 ft frame so that when they print out i can cut them and have a bunch of posters.
Problem :I have a large number of ex-camera jpegs of the pages of a book,photographed at an archive where scanning is prohibited. A camera stand wasused, with the book supported on foam wedges. Consequently, both pages ineach image are distorted - i.e. each page of a pair is a trapezium.It is, of course, a simple matter to crop and apply the perspective tool(twice) to an image to restore the pages to their flat state. Doing it forseveral hundred images is a non-starter, and anyway that's what the machineis for.
Proposed solution : Import an image to the Gimp. Drag and drop a number of images into the same project - as many as themachine can handle. Link the image layers. Crop. Select one page and use the Perspective Tool to pull the page 'square'.Repeat for the second page. Export each image, working down the stack.
Result :Selecting the right-hand page and correcting the perspective works, in thatthe Gimp progressively works down the layers. But, although each right-handpage is correctly 'squared up', all the left-hand pages, other than the toplayer, are enlarged and cropped.
Software used :2.6 under Debian Squeeze. 2.8.2 under Mint 14.1 2.8.6 under Windows 7 All OS 64-bit.
During an attempt to align a set of three images in a stack, photoshop crashed with the usual (for me) ati.dll indicated in the Event Viewer. The nice thing about it is after I restarted PS the project was restored, minus the base layer, a transparent layer large enough to allow manual alignment. (Auto Align didn't work in Stacks.)
I used to have CS5 on my computer, after which I used the CS6 trial, and I never had any problems when stacking images using Auto-Blend Layers -> Stack Images. However, I recently purchased a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud and after uninstalling the old PS versions and installing Cloud, Photoshop freezes every time I try to stack images.
My computer has very good specs, runs Windows 7, and both the OS and PS are up to date.
I have used Lightroom 5 before, on another machine and with success. I have recently purchased Lightroom 5 and loaded it to my main PC. It recognises new sources of images ( my camerais an EOD 40D) and shows the images. When I ask the sftware to Import it tells me that it does not recognise the images and will not import.
If I use the Develop module in LR to edit CR2(Raw) images and want to complete the editing it in CS5 there is no option to 'edit a copy with lightroom adjustments'. I get the option with Jpeg images but not Raw. If I choose Edit in CS5 I just get the original file and not the one I have been working on. How do I ask LR to edit my developed image in CS5? I am usung CS5 and LR4.
I have LR 5.3 and everything has been working fine. Now I cannot export more that 5 images even though I have checked my registration number and it is correct.I am using Windows 7, 64 bit.
I have been unable to import images into Lightroom 5.2 and 5.3 for the past several days. Worked fine before. There have been similar discussions on this topic, but none identical. When I try to import from a cf card, no images show up to import. In the import dialog, if I click on other source and navigate through directories on my hdd, all the images are greyed out. This is true even for images that are not in my catalog. I have tried creating a brand new catalog with the same results on import. I have deleted all the preferences files. I upgraded from 5.2 to 5.3 and that did not fix the problem. I do not have the original dmg for Lightroom so am unable to try a complete re-installation.
Lightroom 4 just converted all my images from LR3. The problem is that I can't look up anything in the "All Photographs" catalog. Although all photos are available in the folders below, all the collections are intact, the All Photographs catalog shows 30K images, and all other functions seem normal, clicking on it shows a blank screen with this message:Click "import..." button to beginBegin what? The import button takes you to the normal import screen with "source" as being the first step. Does it want me to pick all the photographs that are already in the catalog, so that it can... import them? The catalog already has all this information. Right now the only way I can do a search on the catalog is to do it from a folder or collection. I need to search the entire catalog!
MAc Pro, Mac OS 10.6.8, Lightroom 4.0, Photoshop CS6
I have recently downloaded the latest Lightroom 4 update to my mac, which is Lightroom 4.3 and now I am unable to import any images into my catalogues.
I am now unable to import any Raw or jpegs images into Lightroom. I have un-installed Lightroom 4 and then re-installed Lightroom 5 and still no luck. When I hit import I get a message that says "Unble to import a file to the requested location"
I have been importing and editing photos from a Canon Powershot S3-IS and never had a problem until today. This is the first time I've tried it with the latest upgrade to lightroom.
I first tried importing from my camera memory card slot. Lightroom froze. Then I tried using my card reader and inserting that in the USB slot. Lightroom froze. I tried to connect the camera directly to the computer with the USB cord. Lightroom told me that it could not import the files.
I tried importing the images to my computer and then from my hard drive copying them into Lightroom. That worked. Is the camera too old to use with the latest update from Lightroom. I would think a jpg. file would be pretty standard. how to import to Lightroom without the extra step?
Lightroom wont allow me to move or rename either single images or folders within lightroom. Keep getting an unknown error occurred message. All images are currently on an external hard drive.
I have scanned something in OS X Mavericks (10.9.0) using my Canon PIXMA MP280 and am attempting to add it to my main Lightroom catalog (LR 5.2) but am having issues. I have tried the following formats with the noted results:
.TIFF - Lightroom throws error "The file appears to be unsupported or damaged. (1)" .JPG - Lightroom does not show the file in the import dialog, thus does not even attempt to import it. .PNG - Imports ok.
The .TIFF and .JPG formats seem compeltely intact as they open without any issues in OS X Preview and Pixelmator.
I am a Canon shooter and a seasoned Lightroom user. About a month ago my Mac stopped allowing me to import images from my CF card into Lightroom. I have worked with Mac and Adobe to no avail. At this point I know that my Mac can see the card and will me allow me to download images into iPhoto. It will generate thumbnails in Lightroom, but will tell me that it's unable to read the images when I try a complete import. If I switch users on my Mac to a dummy user, I am able to import the same images off my CF card. I didn't changed any settings, at least not intentionally.
I make heavy use of image stacks. After some time I want to clean up my catalog. Therefore I'm looking for a "reduce stack" feature like in "Photoshop Elements Organizer" that keeps the top image only and deletes all other images of the stack.