I make heavy use of image stacks. After some time I want to clean up my catalog. Therefore I'm looking for a "reduce stack" feature like in "Photoshop Elements Organizer" that keeps the top image only and deletes all other images of the stack.
I use Aperture but am taking a look at Lightroom. In Aperture, if I have a stack of photos in a project and drag it to an album (similar to a Lightroom collection), the entire stack goes into the album. But in Lightroom, if I drag a stack to a collection, only the top photo goes into the collection. If I expand the stack, select all the photos, and drag them to the collection, then of course they are all in the collection but they become unstacked.
Is there a way to drag a stack to a collection in Lightroom, have the entire stack go into the collection, and have the photos remain stacked? I have tried modifier keys such as Option and Command while dragging the stack but that seems to ahve no effect.
Is there a reason, when working in the Library module, that I would not be able to stack? Have images in a Smart Collection that is built based on keywords and lack of "rejection". When I highlight a group of images and attempt to Stack, the all of the options are greyed out.
Not at all new to LR, have been using since ver 1.0
Using LR 5.3OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks)Mac Pro- Dual 6-core Xenons, 64GB RAM, TONS of disk space
Is it simply a way to condense screen real estate to manage a lot of images -- especially ones shot for HDR, for example, which are varying exposures of the same view? I would love to see an analysis of the meta data to create smart stacks suitable for panoramic merging or HDR depending on how they were shot. Then the next logical request would be for a Process the Stacks in Photoshop, thus automating this process.
I have a large catalog of images I have touched up to prepare for use.
Today when I loaded the catalog, every image has a 'reset' at the top of this History stack. This is undoing all my modifications, but all the operations I did perform are still listed under that.I want to remove the 'reset' from the top of History of every image in this catalog so I get back to what I had already done.
A long time ago, when I was using Photoshop Elements I found a plug-in that made it possible to work with stacks as a unit.
If I labeled the top image in the stack that label was applied to all the images in the stack; then when I sorted the images, the stack remained in tact; instead of just the top image, with the label showing up. I could also label the top image in a stack with flaga and, for example quickly delete all the image with an "X". Otherwise is seems the only option is to open each stack, by Ctrl-clicking the number in the upper left corner, that opens the stack; with all the images selected, then click the star labels I want to apply to all the images in the stack.
After deleting the top thumbnail in a stack, the entire stack disappears. The remaining stack-thumbnails reappear after Lightroom is restarted. I use Win7 and Lightroom 4.2. Donno if this issued occurred with v4.1. This issue does not occur with all stacks.
I'm using Lightroom 5, and was wondering if there's a quick way to display all items in a stack in Survey View.Expanding the stackSelecting all items in the stack.Switching to survey view.I was wondering if there was a quick way to click on the stack and get it to open in Survey View.
Failing that I was wondering if I could automatically select all the items in a stack.
I have 28 photographs taken sequentialy but not at same intervals; they are part of a collection. I proceed to select all of them and choose "Stacking-Auto stack by capture time..." from the context menu and choose time between stacks as 0:01:00 (one minute)
However I find the capture time of photos in any one stack exceed 1 minute!! For instance, these are the capture times of photos in a single stack:
I prerfer to use my Wacom pen/tablet (wide A5 size; almost A4 in landscape mode) when working in LR4 but I find it far too sensitive when working in the Develop module. For example the smallest movement I am able to make with the pen can change exposure by 0.2 (EV, I assume). which can make a very big difference to the image. Even the action of lifting the pen off the tablet, having 'set' a value, causes the value to change by an unacceptable amount.
Surely this is not how it should work, is it? I am having to use keyboard input to enter values to get what I want.
I have an image that I took in RAW with a Canon 5D. I then masked a large portion of the image using the adjustments brush. The result was what I wanted but the image is now very large. I exported the image to a DNG to retain editability. The resulting DNG is 53,679 kb. If I export the image to a JPG at 25% quality limiting the size to 2000 pixels on the longest edge I still get a 7,795 kb image.
I have had this problem with masking before. Is there any way to get rid of the bloat that the masking caused?
I would like to e-mail about 50 photos to someone. I can reduce the size of the photos in "Export," but even if I compress them into an archive file, the file is too big to send. I tried compressing just 10 photos at a time... the archive file is still too large to e-mail. Is there another way to e-mail large groups of photos from Lightroom? I have Lightroom 3.
For the D700, LR has several "extraneous" camera profiles that I don't care about: a half-dozen or so D2X profiles(?), and both pre-v4 and v4 versions of the five standard ones (standard, landscape, etc.)
I would like to get rid of the extras, i.e. take them off the list, to make choosing the profile I want easier. IOW, I would like there to just be the five v4 profiles on the list.
For LR3.6, the profiles were in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Camera Raw/Camera Profiles/Camera. I zipped up the profiles I didn't want, then deleted the individual files, and everything worked great, i.e. LR only showed the five remaining profiles.
However, 4.1 apparently doesn't use that location, because it still shows the entire list. I poked around a bit and found the profiles apparently embedded in the app directory, i.e. LR.app/Contents/Resources/Camera Profiles/Camera. That seems … odd. (Do both Photoshop CS6 and LR4 have them embedded in the respective apps, thus duplicating all of those files?) In addition, it makes it harder to do what I'm trying to do, because OSX complains that LR.app can't be changed.
Is there an ability to archive photos from Lightroom 5 to reduce the size of your catalog? For example, if I have a wedding I shot where I have several hundred photos but I've delivered the final pictures to my client, should I/can I archive these photos out of Lightroom as I'll probably never look at them again but don't want to delete them just in case.
I'm running Win 7 on an 64 bit OS machine. LR 4 doesn't display the App control buttons in the upper right hand corner controlling CLOSE, REDUCE and MINMIZE the App. Clickingblindly in their location does nothing either. I can find no way to get them to be functional.
I have 279,94 GB in pictures files and my lightroom catalog backup file is about 272. I tried deleting older backups but had to put them back because Lightroom crashed and had to recover. I moved the Backup folder to an external disk, but seems that I cannot do anything about the files that are in the fomer folder in my computer.
I have only 15 GB left in my 1TB Hard disk iMac !!
Can I reduce the palette width in LR 5 down to the width of LR 4? I am able to enlarge their width from the standard width – but how to reduce them? I am missing 100 pixels (2x50) for image view.
best way to stack 2d and 3d items together in the same document, and maximize the editibility...
I'm working on a digital room setting, and I have part of the room in 3d and part in 2d. So, for example, the walls, ceiling, floor, table, chairs and corner hutch are 3d, but the regular hutch and buffet server are in 2d.
- The table and chairs need to be in the foreground
- The regular hutch and server are behind the table and chairs
- The corner hutch needs to be behind all other pieces of furniture
So, you may be catching on by now to my little dilemna... I want all the 3D items to have the same lighting and reflect off one another, however, I need the 2d layers to somehow fit "inbetween" the 3d objects. The simple question is, how can this be done? Is there a way to mask the foreground 3D objects so that they appear to be in from of the 2D objects? My only current solution is this:
- Move the whole 3D layer (the scene layer) all the way to the back
- Make the final decision on the position of the table and chairs
- Hide all other meshes in the scene besides the table and chairs
- Render, so the edges are clean
- Load the newly rendered 3D layer as a selection (which loads the table and chairs only)
- Either create a new layer from the selection of the rendered 3D layer, or mask the 3D layer so that the table and chairs appear to be in the foreground
The method above means I can no longer edit/reposition/scale the 3D at all.
I'm doing macro photopgraphy and need to do a lot of focus stacking. I'm trying to determine the best way to stack images in PS, but there seems to be a lot of conflicting information out there. I've sucessfully stacked images using two different methods:
Way # 1
file -> scripts -> load files into stack edit->auto-align layers edit->auto-blend layers (stack images, seamless tones and colors)
how to stack gif files one on top of another if possible. I have 3 gifs that I want to stack in an L shape so I can have the bottom of the L for two of the files so as to compare them side by side.
I make GIFs as a hobby. But what happen was that 3 days ago, I opened my Photoshop CS5.1 Extended version 12.1 (x64) and did the usual thing.
I went to Scripts and to Load Files into Stacks. I loaded my files and pressed OK. So here's the funny part, usually, the pictures will load by itself and eveyrthing will be in order. But what happen was that the layers load to around 6 to 7 layers and everything just disappear. Literally disappear. Like I didn't even load anything. No canvas, no images, nothing. I thought it was a bug or something so I reinstalled my CS5 but the problem remains.
So I try with my CS6 Extended version 13.0 x64. (That I barely use because I'm still more comfortable with CS5.) And the same thing happens.
I decided to Google it and nothing comes up. I do not know whether is it my laptop or something went wrong somewhere. This has never happen before for the amount of time I have CS5.
I even change my scratch disc space. Last time it was on (C) with around 20GB space and nothing happens. So I changed it to my D drive and it has atleast 150GB space. I even tried closing every applications I have to test whether is it something related to my ram. But nothing happens. The problem remains.
Here's my system information:
Window 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU B970 @ 2.30GHZ 6.00 GB Ram Running on 64-bit OS Graphics: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
I have two photos that were taken at two different times during the day. Now the problem is, that these two photos do not equal 100% in their angle and therefore perspective. I wanted to know if there is a way to let photoshop put them on top of each other like it would do when creating a HDR, just without actually creating the HDR but do the "deghosting" and ideally also a geometric correction?