Lightroom :: 4.2 Convert Or Embed Color Profiles?

Nov 20, 2012

Costco print services use Dry Creek Photo profiles.  They ask that files be converted to color profiles  in PS and say that embedded profiles will be ignored by their digital printers. I wonder if I can do this in LR4.2 without going to PS CS6.
In Lightroom 4.2, we can choose color profiles in the print module or in the export dialog.   Do you know whether specifying a color profile in these will result in a converting or embedding of those files?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Embed Color Profiles - How To Turn It Off

Jun 14, 2013

I work 99% in RGB, how can I turn off the save color profile.

Under default color management:

Color Profiles: RGB= adobe RGB
cmyk use less than 1%
Primary color mode = RGB

Color Management polices:

RGB = assign default color profile
CYMK = convert to default color profile
grayscale = assign default color profile

import & paste:

RGB = assign default color profile
CYMK = convert to default color profile
grayscale = assign default color profile

Almost  every time it wants to default to cymk , which i don't want as I use RGB

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GIMP :: Convert Other Embedded Color Profiles To RGB Built It?

Dec 19, 2013

is it really necessary to convert other embedded color profiles to RGB built it? Gimp asks me from time to time if I want to convert Adobe RGB 1998 or Camera RGB Profile or CYMK to built in RGB. is this necessary to do or can I keep the profile? I usually convert...

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Lightroom :: Embed Color Profile In Untagged Picture That Is Displayed Incorrectly As SRGB?

Jan 18, 2014

I have a set of JPEGs that have been stripped of their color profiles (AdobeRGB). Lightroom assumes that they are sRGB images and displays them incorrectly. Is there any function in the program that will let me embed the correct (AdobeRGB) profile to the photos, preferably without re-compressing them?

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Lightroom :: Where Is Color Sync Located (not Color Utility) Required To Download ICC Profiles

Jul 15, 2013

Where is color sync located (not color utility)?  I am downloading an icc profile from Ilford paper and the instructions say to first download into downloads, then move to Library.  This I did.  But I cannot find Color Sync to move the profile into.  When I did the "search" the list that turned up was not applicable. After that it needs to go to Profiles inorder that Lightroom 4 paper profiles list can receive it and be able to print according to the profile.  How will I find Profiles? I have successfully downloaded profiles before.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Custom Color Profiles?

Dec 27, 2012

I just updated to LR 4.3 from 4.2 and my custom color profiles are not being recognized. Is there a new folder or bread crumb trail I need to be following? I am running on OSX.

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Lightroom :: Files With Embedded Color Profiles?

Mar 2, 2014

The color workspace of Lr is linear ProPhoto. If we have a TIFF file with the embedded color profile, like ProPhoto 1.8, does Lr use embedded color space (Prophoto 1.8 in this case) as workspace instead of its standard workspace?

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Lightroom :: Discard Custom Color Profiles?

Jul 24, 2013

What happens to a dng file's appearance if you delete the custom color profile it was using?

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Extra Profiles From Color Management In Print Module

Jan 29, 2014

How do I remove extra profiles from color mangement in Print Module?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Color Management - Embed Profile When Saved

Feb 10, 2012

But I have and EP3 and am using Olympus Viewer 2 to manipulate the RAW images, I then edit the TIFFs in PaintShopPro 4. I have also calibrated my Dell 2410 with SpyderPro4.

My challenge is that the image edited in OV2 looks very different when viewed in PSP 4. I think the issue is that OV 2 is embedding a color space of "sRGB IEC61966" not the profile I set up using Spyder (as shown in the information screen of the resulting TIFF). when I open PSP it then says it is converting the "sRGB IEC61966" color space to my Spyder profile.

I have set OV2 to use Color Management and to "embed profile when saved". The monitor profile selected is my Spyder profile. Is this a bug? Is there a setting I should use in PSP4? Or si the problem on OV2?

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Lightroom :: Convert Image To Lab Color Space

Sep 13, 2013

Suppose I have an image in Lightroom. I export it to Photoshop for editing. During the editing process I convert the image to Lab color space. I complete the edit and then save the file. It goes back to Lightroom. Is it converted back into RGB at that point? Is there a problem with doing this? I'd rather not do any more color space shifting than I absolutely need to.

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Lightroom :: Convert Black And White To Color When Importing?

Jun 10, 2013

Why does Lightroom convert black and white to color when importing? How can I get it back in orginal form without the automatic conversion?

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Lightroom :: 4 Convert Black And White Images To Color Upon Import?

Jun 16, 2012

How do I turn off this feature and reverse the images back to the way I shot them?

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Photoshop :: How To Convert SRGB Images To CMYK Retaining Icc Profiles

Aug 7, 2013

I was given the follwoing info. but not sure it answers fully - it still doesn't resolve the problem of converting to CMYK with the icc profile. I think this might be an option if the profile is loaded into the colour setting (colour settings under edit menu as oposed to convert to profile and its convert to profile I have been trying to action. Am I missing something straightforward?
you can do batch process in Photoshop

-There is a fast and easy method to batch convert many RGB photographs to CMYK files by using Photoshop

-Please open an image, then open the Action Tab (Window > Actions)

-Please click 'Create new action' button, name the action in the text field and click the 'Record' button.

-Now it is recording, so select 'Image > Mode > CMYK Color', then hit the 'Stop' button in the Action Tab.

-The action is now created ready for the next step.

-To batch convert a folder of images, just select 'File > Automate > Batch' and the following window opens.

-Choose the 'Convert RGB to CMYK' action from the drop-down list, choose the source folder where your images are stored, then choose a destination folder where Photoshop will save the converted images.

-Click the 'OK' button and the batch process will start. How fast will depend on the number of images that need converting.

-The action you created will be stored, so you only need to perform a new batch process the next time you need to convert a batch of images.

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Lightroom :: Apply Color Shift To Image For Local Adjustment - Convert Into B&W

Sep 11, 2012

1) Take a color image and apply a color-shift local adjustment to a portion of the image.

2) Convert the image to B&W.
Result -- The main image is converted to B&W, but the local adjustment doesn't change, i.e. it's still colored. Here's a trivial (and not-realistic) example of what happens:

My goal is to adjust the colors and the apply the B&W conversion to the entire processed image, not just the original piece. Is there a way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something small and easy.

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Lightroom :: DNG - Embed Medium JPG Preview Corrupted?

May 25, 2012

When I select embed medium JPEG, the preview image is corrupted (folded over itself parallel to the long edge) when I view the preview in other programs like irfanview.
Two examples: http:[url]......

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Lightroom :: Embed Photos In Outlook Email?

Oct 9, 2013

I previously used Elements and liked the ability to create a "photo mail."  The photos would be embedded (in line) in the email rather than as attached files. 
It appears this is not possible with Lightroom.  I have version 4.

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Lightroom :: Embed Keywords Assigned In 4 Into DNG Files?

Apr 27, 2013

Keywords I assign to photos in Lightroom do not show up as "tags" when I view the photo's properties in Windows Live Photo Gallery. Is it possible to embed keywords assigned in Lightroom to the properties of the photo file?

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Lightroom :: How To Embed Gallery Into Existing Website

Oct 5, 2012

I have an existing website and I would like to embed a Lightroom gallery into that website. I am not sure how to get it on my web page since the code from the gallery puts out an index.html page. The program has everything I want but only if I can put into existing web pages.
I can upload the page and get it to run on its own but that is not what I want. I want it embedded into my existing website.

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Lightroom :: Can Automatically Embed Exif Data In DNG Files

May 2, 2012

For years I have been using Bridge and ACR for my raw workflow. I use only DNG files and have the database turned off so the EXIF data is embedded right into the original DNG file. This means my files are 100% portable without and sidecar.
Can I work with lightroom 4 without having a database? OR can I assure that each DNG file has all it's setting automatically embedded as it does in Bridge?

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Lightroom :: Adding Keywords Embed To Photo File?

Nov 25, 2013

Does adding keywords in Lightroom embed to the photo file, so if it is uploaded to another program or website like flickr, the keywords will show up?

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Lightroom :: Embed Long Text Strings To Image Metadata?

Mar 20, 2012

I would like to embed long text strings to image metadata, in order to copy and paste memories written and related to these images. As an example, I'm keeping a sailing logbook and I would like to add the daily entries to pictures but I have run into problems when sharing images elsewhere. The string length exceeds the metadata standard lengths.
Which standard metadata fields allow longest text strings that I could use for my logbook entries without the fear of losing them when exporting or sharing them elsewhere?

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Lightroom :: How To Embed Airtight Auto-viewer Web Gallery Into Own Homepage

Feb 16, 2012

How do I embed an Airtight AutoViewer web gallery into my own homepage? I have the viewer-file, gallery-file, swfobject-file and the index-file ready but I dont know how to embed the gallery into my own homepage - with my own banners, other text etc.

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles

Sep 2, 2007

I'm having some trouble with colour profiles in OSX. Basically i use a Mac laptop and Apple display. When i work in photoshop, and then save an image for web use, the colour profile difference means that the saved image looks quite a lot different to the photoshop version (this happens on both the laptop screen, and external display.

All i want is the colours in photoshop to display how they would look in my browser. So if i set a page background on a webpage to be #c5c1ba and then open up photoshop and start colouring with #c5c1ba, they look the same shade.

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles

Apr 28, 2007

If I open a document using a color profile and I save it as a JPEG, will everyone else see the color profile?

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles

Oct 21, 2008

When I save to web, I get a lot of color loss and my images fade.

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Photoshop :: Profiles For Color Etc

Jul 14, 2009

when working in Photoshop to get accurate colors?

Also how can one change profile on the fly in Photoshop without having to convert?

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Photoshop :: Basic Color Profiles

Oct 11, 2012

I've tried saving images with sRGB color profile, Adobe RGB, and even NO color profile.
While each test has yielded various saturation levels (sRGB seems more saturated than Adobe RGB), the one single constant in all of them is that IE displays more (too?) colorful images than FF.
I understand that IE doesn't color manage while FF does, but that hardly explains the results I'm getting. If I don't color manage a document, shouldn't it display the same way in IE and FF? And how to explain that the sRGB profile documents are more saturated in IE than the Adobe RGB ones, if IE cannot read color profiles? And why does FF display *both* sRGB and Adobe RGB as less saturated than these same images in IE?

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Photoshop :: How To Fix Messed Up Color Profiles

May 28, 2012

I've somehow managed to completely mess up my color profiles in Photoshop CS5. What a total Gormlops I am.
1 - ACR displays colours from RAW files as lifeless and dull compared to JPEG. I've searched countless forums and I'm lead to understand that RAW files don't include the 'in-camera' processing that we see on the JPEGS. What I don't understand is that ACR used to display the colors on my RAW files exactly like it did with JPEG files so although I understand the difference in the way ACR handles RAW vs JPEG why has this only become noticeable in the last few months? I've had this installation of CS5 for almost 2 years and the problem crept in only recently.
2 - Proof Colors Confusion
I mostly work on the web and rarely need to print. Round about the same time the above problem reared it's ugly head I also started having issues with how many graphics colours looked in CS5. I realized that half of the time I was working with 'Proof Colours' switched off which made my colours really intense (something to do with gamma).
I checked my 'Proof Setup' and switched it to Internet sRGB seeing as I mostly work with web graphics and photos. I then hit Ctrl+Y to switch on Proof Colours and now I see the colours as they really are.
My question for this is twofold - Am I correct to be working in sRGB and is there ar way to have 'Proof Colours' always switched on so that I only EVER see the 'actual' colours that others will see when I publish my files to the web?

These two issues arose at the same time and are linked. I tried installing a demo of CS6 in the hopes it would set me back to where I used to be but alas nothing changed.

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Photoshop :: Uninstall ICC Color Profiles

Oct 28, 2008

How do you uninstall ICC color profiles?

I can install ICC color profiles by right clicking on the profile and selecting "Install" but there seems to be no way to uninstall a profile.

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles - Not Working?

Jun 10, 2007

I was saving a picture into JPG format, and I made sure that i converted it to SRGP (that long name thing) but when I put it in dreamweaver, the color profile wasnt working, and the colors of the picture were dull. I was sure that it had an Adobe 1998 profile when I designed it, and I converted it at the end to sRGP IEC61966-2.1, and it still was dull. I used to be able to see color profiles in dreamweaver..

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