Lightroom :: 4.1 - How To Export GPS Data To New Tracklog
Jun 26, 2012
Just updated to LR4.1 Win and working on GPS features.
There is that cool GPS tracklog import, but I am really missing a GPS data export! I would like to have the opportunity to mark some pictures and export a track list from that information to file.
After every start of a catalog in LR 4, I have to load a particular tracklog in the GPS module again. It looks like it doesn't seem to be stored with the photos. Is there a way to save a tracklog with a collection of photos?
Opening my tracklog in LR4 Map (on a PC) plots it with a -5 hr offset, evidently UTC time (I'm on Central Daylight), so the images I shot on the outing won't load to the map. The points on the map in LR show the UTC time, whereas the same track opened in Google Maps shows the correct, local times. On October 3, b_gossweiler looked at ImageDesign704's tracklog and responded "I've removed the timezone inidications on the trackpoints and loaded the tracklog successfully into LR." how to get into a .gpx file and remove those timezone indicationst? My tracklog won't open in Windows.
I am trying to append GPS data to my photo's using a track log which I have converted from KLM to GPX. The information loads onto the map just fine, but after selecting the option 'Auto-tag xxx selected photos' the process bar does appear in the top-left corner, but never progresses.
I have a number of wildlife photographs that I would like to make available to staff for field identifications. They do not have access of LightRoom or CS5. Is there a plug-in or other software that can capture the key words and EXIF data and make it available thru MS Access or Excell?
I've just uploaded a picture to my Flickr photostream from within Lightroom 4 release version (Win 7 64 bit). I geotagged the picture in Lightroom's new Maps module and the image shows GPS co-ordinates in the Metadata panel in the Library module.
The photo on flickr has no GPS data and does not appear on the map in Flickr. I've downloaded the original version of the picture from Flickr and opened in the GeoSetter tool, which confirms that no GPS data is embedded in the JPEG file.
In Lightroom 4's "Publish Services" section Flickr does not have the "Remove Location Info" setting ticked under metadata.
EDIT: I've just tried to export a picture using the normal export button in the Library module. In this dialog box "Remove Location Info" was ticked. I unticked it and exported and can confirm that GPS data is successfully stored in this image. It just doesn't seem to get to Flickr using the built-in publishing service for some reason.
I shoot pictures in RAW (Pentax PEF format) which includes gps data. As the pictures are being imported the Lightroom prompts for reverse geo mapping and detects the data and locates it on the map from map module. However, when exported in JPG, the GPS is missing in the Exif. It was working in 4.1. Again, it did not work sometimes in 4.1.
Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 cameras. Im recording GPS data with a Nikon GP1. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE 6016 x 4000; 24.1M. I need to be able to batch and individual edit the images which Im able to do but after exporting them my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest software and LR 5.
Since today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
I would like to export my Corel files and parse them myself with C# code for display in Microsoft’s WPF. I've tried this with SVG files with mixed success. Any resource that explains the coordinate system of Corel's SVG export data?
After parsing corel SVG paths, I've noticed some odd behavior. Here are a few things:
The position of a Corel graphic on a page prior to exportation affects the size of the graphic in the SVG file?
I get negative numbers (x y points) in the SVG file when corel numbers are all pos. The x,y values seem to be flipped to y,x values.
I have a large volume of our own clip art that I need to put on line via Microsoft's WPF (windows presentation foundation) all of which is saved in CDR files .
I use Xara for design work and am also a professional SW developer who has been developing in WPF for 5 years. It would be so good if Xara could export data directly to XAML, rather than having to go via an intermediate format. Searching in the forum reveals that this has come up several times and there have been a few hints that it might be about to be supported, but then nothing.
I have been asked to write a module that will export layer data from AutoCAD and put it in an Excel spreadsheet. The user wants to have this done through a macro. I am assuming that I need to create a dll that is called from inside AutoCAD but I am not sure.
They want to start with AutoCAD 2008 and once we get it working there we will convert it to 2011 or 2012.
First of all, I can not find the 2008 API and second of all I'm not sure where to start. I am very experienced at programming. We are going to use VB.NET.
I have questions about exporting data for drawings.We make use of spaces to create a list with room numbers, room use and the area.
we also create plans with office furniture.we have blocks with attributes to extract data like workstation numbers, department, roomnumbers etc.for the info from the spaces we use export property data to create an database file.for the export of the attributes we use dataextraction to crete an .xls file
Is there a way to combine the work so that we can export the attribute data with the export property data?Is there a way to link the blocks (who are within a closed pline) to the pline (space)? Can it be done with lisp or VBA?
I setting up constraint parametric drawing and store data in parametric manager table, but I don't know how to export & import this data to excel sheet or use data for input the program.
I was trying to export my alignment, at certain intervals, to excel (or text) as xyz data. I tried searching and found... Alignment to xyz
But it didn't really work. I can export the XY but not the Z in the report manager.
So my questions are.... How can I create a new report to incorporate the Z? Or is there another way to do it?
I should add I also tried the "Incremental Stationing Reporting" from the Profiles Report... However it doesn't recognize the profiles I've created? I get the "No FG profiles in....." even though there are?
I just had to rebuild a large toolbar after upgrading to Autocad 2011. I had to scroll through the old version's MNU file to locate and extract the information. Then I had to copy/paste the information from the text to the new toolbar. Luckily I had the Icon bitmaps saved and didn't have to recreate them.
Is there a way to export the code from a custom toolbar that can then be imported into another version or copy of Autocad?
I'm looking for a solution to export surface finishes into Excel. We built an assembly and parts and their faces has different colors. Is that possible to read colored faces, merged them by color, read the total surface area and then export into Excel. That is for estimating purposes. I read the thread "Extracting Surface Finish Data" but I didn't find the piece of code that I need.
I need to find a way to export my BOM data to an Excel spreadhseet. Some of my BOM's are in tables, most are not. I found a lisp routine that will export this data to a csv file, but it's clunky at best. I don't want to use the "ole" method, I don't feel like fighting that battle.
So outside of plotting to a "png", and pasting that into Excel, are there any other options that are feasible?
I have a object data table attached to many polygon. In this table i have 2 line of data. I want to export in a tabloid like microsoft excel. I know autocad have a command to do this...
I need to export out of Map into MapInfo. My problem is I need the object data to export out into a specific order. At the moment I can only get it to export in alphabetic order which is no good for me. Is there any way I can reorder the object data into the order I want?