Question 1: Is it possible to change a Survey COGO point to a regular COGO point so you can edit the datum?
If not:
Question 2: Is it possible to transfer the survey database from one office to another so the end office can make datum changes to the survey COGO points. Will the link between the file and the database still apply?
I am trying to speak 'surveyor' without the background in the data collectors. We have a new surveyor who uses Terramodel. I have an LDD parcel database that the surveyor is requesting to be translated to points for stakeout.
I can export the parcels to xml and Terramodel will import them, but it seems to import them as lines. The Surveyor wants points to be able to do a map check in Terra Model and program the data collector. I am not seeing a create points from parcel function anywhere from 2004 to 2012.
image there a way to get rid of the hover information that pops up for cogo points? while im looking at the points in a list there is a box thats pops up with the information i am looking at blocking the information i need to look at. if there is a way.
I've this file.It's containing survey block point ..I can't convert it to cogo point ..Also no body can do it cuz it's coming from civil 3D by exporting the file.......
Start with a new drawing Drawn a rectangle. Place a block which has an attribute with a number at each corner. ie. 1-4. Convert all objects into one single block. (the attributes become nested). If you use data extraction and retrieve the attribute number, position X and position Y, and output to a table the information displayed is correct. HOWEVER, if you rotate the block and update the link the coordinates become incorrect? This seems to be an issue with nested blocks?
I would like to rotate my Cogo point label so that i will be able to see it from a set view or a different UCS. Example I would like to see the label in the "LEFT" view.
I have a large number of cogo points that I have set. I would like to move, as a group, the label portion only and leave the coordinate value as is. This would be a time saver as I am seeing that I am going to have to move every point individually. I used to be able to do this in LDD along with changing the rotation. I've tried locking the points and then moving them but the values change. Not too happy with the lack of control with the leader either.
any way to make a cogo point label become freely movable. Just now I can move it somewhat freely to the left or to the right of the original location, but if I want to move it just up or down it doesn't work very well. It flips around the (invisible) leader.
I am a surveyor doing an asbuilt of some ponds. I am working in the engineer's dwg. In PS, he does not scale down his drawing sheet block to 1"=1', he keeps it the same scale as model space, i.e. 1"=50'.
He has a viewport in the layout, and my Cogo Points seemed to be scaled at 1"=1', which makes them much to small, but everthing else is scaled correctly.
How can I make my Cogo Points appear bigger in PS?
I tried dbl-clicking in the viewport to be in MS, and the viewport says it's scale is 1'0" = 1'0". When I change it to 1"=50', the model view shrinks way down (the viewed area is bigger), and when I scroll to make the model view bigger, the Cogo Points are still small.
When I read the Properties of the viewport, it says:
Anno scale: 1"=50 Standard scale= 1"=50 Custom scale= 0.02
How I can get this viewport to make my Cogo Points big as they should be?
I'm seeing weird behavior in C3D 2011 that I never saw in previous versions.Sometimes when I select a Cogo Point and attempt to edit the Raw Description from the Properties window, C3D changes the description to all lower-case letters, and it will not let me key in any upper-case letters. If I select the point -> Edit Points, I can edit the description in Panorama without problems. It's only in the Properties window that it refuses to accept anything other than uppercase letters.
This issue only happens sometimes. Sometimes, I'm able to edit descriptions from the Properties window with no problem. Other times, C3D changes the existing description to all lowercase letters, and refuses to allow me to enter anything but lowercase letters.what causes it, and ideally some way to get C3D 2011 to stop behaving like this?
It's taking a long time to move cogo points. About 2 minutes for a single point move. Other commands affecting points are taking longer too. Would it just be a function of file size.
Sample point:
AECC_COGO_POINT Layer: "V-NODE-P-CURB-FACE" Space: Model space Handle = daf3e Primary point group : Pro Face Curb Point Number : 5198
I'm trying to determine if it's possible to take a 09 LDD Companion drawing in which the elevations for many points have been moved AND/OR rotated (to align with roadway), and not only convert these to C3D, but also have them transferred along with the move/rotate information. We're talking about a mile long stretch of roadway and the project is 6 years old (i.e. no C3D when it was originally done).
The problem is that there are a ton of ground shots that need only be shown to 0.1 precision but are shown to 0.01 precision. LDD was not able to assign an elevation precision to groups of points, only all cogo points together, which meant we had to explode certain groups of "soft shot" points once they had been inserted at the desired precision.
If there's no way to do what I'm asking, it's no big deal for this case since the higher precision can be easily rounded to the lower by the viewer (better than the other way around). But as I am the only one on C3D and have been for the past 2 and a half years, we will likely face this monster again several times over with other drafters' projects and I'd like to have a best practice in place if we need to go the other way (extracting 0.01 precision from 0.1 precision).
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
How I would replace the Elevation label on a point with Alphanumeric text on certain points in a point group (or if it can be done at all)
Some background info:
I work with site diagrams that have monitoring wells and each one has a groundwater elevation value that gets updated every year according to field data. Our current setup is that the monitor well name and elevation values are displayed using point labels and looks like:
x 12-1 (Monitoring well name)
788.432 (Groundwater elevation value)
However, sometimes the monitoring well is dry and we need to display 'DRY' instead of a numeric elevation value. Autocad won't let me put 'DRY' as an elevation because it's not a number. Is there a way to override this, or somehow make the label display 'DRY' if elevation of 0 is entered?
Another use to overriding point label elevation is that sometimes the groundwater elevation that we get from the monitoring well is so far off from the general contour pattern that we will put the elevation value of that well in brackets such as (788.432) and indicate that this means the elevation was not included in the groundwater contour flow map.
Is there a way to do this override, or is there another method I should be using to label my monitoring well elevations? I know I could just MTEXT everything, but that's double the time to update the point elevations for the contours and then updating the mtext to display the numerical elevation values.
I am using Description Keys for all my points that I bring in from surveying in the field. Any point that does not have a specific descriptor key ends up on a specific layer with a specific style that I cannot figure where to set. I have gone through my point default settings as stated in other postings but all seem to be set correctly mostly to <none>. I have gone through my Point Group settings without finding the culprit either. I can easily change the settings as I only have a few points that do this but I want to find the issue.
I've been generally having trouble with Civil 3D 2012 taking a long time to do tasks. One that takes quite a while is if I drag a Cogo Point Label. As stated it takes about 75 seconds. It will move to where I drag it immediately but then the program is unresponsive for a minute and 15 seconds.
In the past 4 days I've repaired C3D, tried 4 or 5 different versions of the display driver and did a windows update. A lot of commands, specifically Civil 3D commands, are very slow. Does this ring any bells?
Civil 3D 2012 with SP (Update) 1 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 768MB GDDR3 (Tune log reports 2530 MB) Driver 8.17.0012.9670
I have a plugin that creates cogo points, and for some users it seems to crash every time, but for others it works just fine (as for myself, I have zero problems with it). The subroutine is simple:
Using civLock As DocumentLock = acadDoc.LockDocument Using trans As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Try Dim Location As New Point3d(PointX, PointY, PointZ) Dim CogoPoints As CogoPointCollection = civilDoc.CogoPoints
[Code] ..... The fatal error occurs when the point is added, prior to the attempt to assign a raw description. What is boggling me is that, like I said, it works flawlessly for me (and others) but not at all for some users.
So I have a survey of a roadway that was created 15 years ago and was converted into autocad civil 3d 2012. No problems there, however, I am going through the survey and rotating the COGO points (ie Traffic Signs, Utility Poles) and the text to be parallel to the roadway. I am in UCS World and have no problems rotating the points and text to what I want. THe problem starts when I rotate the drawing using UCS 3P so that I am looking at a portion of the roadway that is parallel to my computer screen. Now the text and orientation of the signs etc are no longer parallel to the roadway and did not rotate when I rotated the entire project.
Now I was under the impression the points were to rotate automatically to what I set them as, ie parallel to the roadway. I'm sure this is an easy fix or I am not understanding something.
I need to update the user defined property values using C# code,I can see information on how to ge the values of UDP but cannot see any information on how to modify, edit, update or add information to the UDP of a point.Basically in the attached image i want to add "Street light" to the Type UDP.
I think this issue started with SP2. I don't remember having these issues in SP1 and earlier.
Create some COGO points at varying elevations.Start a new feature line.Use "node" object snap and pick your first cogo pointIt does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now draw feature line segments to a few more cogo points entering the elevation each time.It does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now switch to Arc mode and snap to a few more cogo points.It does correctly picks up the elevation of the cogo points (like it used to)R.K. McSwain | CADpanacea | twitter | Cadalyst tips/code
We have survey files that we xref into our design files. In the survey files themselves, the points don't change color. When we xref them in, the point markers (only the circular node on the actual point, not the line coming off of it) take on the color of whatever the current layer is in the drawing, only fixable by changing the current letter and regenerating.
Is there an easy way to export Cogo Points with attributes to a text file e.g csv file.
The attached imae shows an example of the Cogo Points I need to export and open in a spreadssheet. I need all the information (not just E,N,Z,D) of the point.
Just switched to 2012 from 2010. When I try to edit the description format field in the properties window of a selected cogo point, I can't type in caps, it's all lower case. If I right click and edit the point, I can use capital letters, however. (running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
I have a database of points I am trying to import, and the point data for each point includes a hyperlink. I've created a set of custom User-Defined Property Classifications for all the data types in the point database, and I've created a point file format to use to import the points.
It's a database of existing curb ramps, the data includes things like widths, slopes, some text, and a hyperlink to the Google Streetview at each ramp. I've created a custom point label that will show the data I need to see at each ramp.
All goes great except that the import fails because of the hyperlinks. I've tested it by removing the hyperlinks from a small test portion of the data set, and the test points are then successfully imported. I suppose I can delete the hyperlinks from the entire database, but if there is a way to include the hyperlinks in the point import I would prefer that.
how to import point data that has Map Object Data also attached to it? "import it by attaching to a data source".
Example: I have a bunch of manholes. Each MH has X,Y,Z, but also Type, Invert Elevs., Pipe Sizes, Pipe Materials, Pipe Directions, Structure Type/Material, etc. etc. etc. I may have point data representing MH's, airport runway ends, trees, anything you can imagine, with all kinds of data imaginable.
I want to import this data directly into Autocad/Civil 3D as either Autocad points, lines, or closed polylines (I also have utility lines, parking lots, etc.- all with data associated with it), all with the data attached as object data. I know that anything more complex than points might be hard to explain here, so I am hoping at least for a solution on how to import points - I have 99,999 MH's and obviously I don't want to have to type all that data in one by one.
I basically suck at using sql server. I can get around using the Map workspace and the different tabs. I have never used FDO, and I am not even sure what it is.
I fooled it today by creating 99,999 Autocad points at the correct XYZ, attaching the correct object data to them, then exporting as a shp file. I went into the shp_name.dbf file and edited it to add the data I wanted by cutting & pasting from Excel. then I re-imported the shp file. but, this is a workaround at best.
Surely Map can import objects and their associated data fields, all populated with valid data! all I need is to know how to do it. I mean, if this is not something I can do directly using Map commands should I take the money I earned by surveying 99,999 MH's with my GIS data collector that allows me to assign 101data fields to each object I survey, and buy something better?
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M LDT/C3D user since release 12
I'm wanting to use a diffuse colour to alter the iterations in the mesh smooth modifier. I'm using the wire parameters dialogue but am unsure of how to turn the 3 point value of the diffuse (rgb) into linear (1 point) data.
Work Computer - Max 2012, Core i7 3.6, 6GB RAM, ATI FireGL V7700 512MB, Windows 7 64bit Home Computer -BBC Electron with tape player and a copy of creepy cave
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
I have collected point data for the positions of trees using PocketGIS software. The software produces a csv. file with the Northings and eastings of each point surveyed to which are attached a number of other attributes (e.g. tree tag number, height, species etc.).
Is it possible to import and plot these points directly into AutoCAD?
Can some or all of the attributes be included (i.e. it would be very useful if the positions could be plotted together with the tag number)?
Is there a way to "data shortcut" information imported from a data file into multiple drawings? If so, is there a way to lock the data points "in place" and not be able to adjust the point location/elevation, but allow the movement the text information around within the drawing.
The goal is to have multiple drawings with these data points and be able to move the text information from the style, but not (in a million years) be able to move the data point itself. There may be multiple drawings with these points located within them.