AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Cogo Points With Attributes?
Apr 15, 2012
Is there an easy way to export Cogo Points with attributes to a text file e.g csv file.
The attached imae shows an example of the Cogo Points I need to export and open in a spreadssheet. I need all the information (not just E,N,Z,D) of the point.
Is there a way to change the default attributes "POINT, ELEV, DESC" to a different setup/style? (E.G., the point label style from the point which the block originated from?).
AutoCad 2011 & Civil3D 2011. Product Version 3. EliteBook 8560w Intel i7 CPU 2820QM @ 2.3GHz 8 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 1000M Windows 7 Enterprise 32 Bit
I have recieved a file with many points and would like to convert them into COGO points in Civil 3D. The problem is; I would like to keep the hole ID's as I convert, I've made a few conversions and lose the hole ID every time (not showing in Name or Description). Is there a seting I am missing to keep these? My aim to to organize the COGO points in different point groups.
I was able to move Cogo points onto an existing line or polyline, and retain their existing Z value, rather than changing to 0.00 of the height of the poly line/line.
Is there a variable to change this? Thought it might be "OSNAPZ" but thats already set to 1 and this is still happening.
I am working in a .dwg that i have previously created cogo point in, but now when i try to created cogo points manually, it goes through the prompts, but will not create the point. P.S I am using Civil 3d 2011
How to set a default point description to match the point number. I need to match the point number and the point description as per below:
Point # = 1 - Description = 1Point # = 2 - Description = 2Point # = 3 - Description = 3and so on.
Is there a quick way to add this description once the points are already created?
Also, it seem I can't make the default style and label to work. I edited the Feature Setting on the Setting tab of the Toolspace and I made sure there's no child override. When I open the point creation menu, my default styles are there (grayed out), but when I create the points, they pick up another style and another label style.
When I go into 3dorbit, or orbit mode, as I am panning moving around in space I can still see the points. As soon as I press 'Esc' or 'Enter' the points dissapear, how can I get them to stay visible?
My delima is regarding cogo point readability. I'm used to LDD so this may be the issue. I set a cogo point but I want it to stay in the same orientation. if I use orbit or dview the cogo point data reorients (rotates) to line up horizontally. I would like the data to remain as set originally. I tried changing plan readabilty in label styles but when I drag the point it rotates to the current view orientation. Is there a way to control the rotation once dragged so it does not reorient if I change the orbit or dview?
I have a dwg that looks great in model space, however I created a couple paperspace layouts and then used Align Space to rotate to those views. The problem is that my point label style rotates the point labels based on the align space rotation.
I looked into the point label settings and changed the orientation reference to the World Coord. Sys., but it does not make the points rotate correctly. (world reference is the goal).
Adding a prefix to the end of a cogo point ie.(when we bring in info we have a top of curb and a face of curb shot and we add TC and FC to the text componite editor.) is there a process where i can add this at one time or set civli up to where when it processes the file to recognize them and add this automatically for minimize drafting time?
We are in the middle of upgrading from LDD2008 to Civil3D2013. This is a 2 part question. Since there are NO point labels similar to Poiint labels in LDD2008. It is making cleaning the elevations up very teadious. With point labels that are just Mtext. I would rotate 1 label and then match properties to rotate the rest and then jiust more the elevations to make them readable.
How do you all deal with cleaning up the elevations? Is there a way to match proprties as far as the rotatiion of the points? or do you Create blocks from Cogo points?
So, I starting playing with the Creating Blocks from Cogo Points. This creates a block with attributes similar to the way Softdesk treated points back in the day. I ran into a couple of issues. 1 being, it rounds the elevation to 3 decimals places.
When it creates blocks from the Cogo Points some of the blocks are giving me 0.000 elevations for points that had actual elevations.
Civil3D 2013 Dell Optiplex 9010 Intel I-7 3770 CPU @ 3.4 Ghz 16 gb RAM, 64 bit
I have an existing drawing that I have picked cogo points for survey layout about 3 weeks ago. Now when I open the drawing the points show up on the screen, but they are not in the prospector. Where did they go? What do I need to do to get them back in the prospector?
As survey data collectors now come with cameras intergrated, it would be very useful to be able to have a way of hyperlinking the imported survey points to the images. Images are normally named by the survey point number that they are associated with.
Can Civil3D import points and automatically have the hyperlink field of a COGO point populated?
Can this be achieved through the survey database? Or maybe via a point-file with UDP's?
I have a layout in my drawing (Civil 3d 2011) with multiple viewports and my point symbols (trees, manholes, etc.) won't display. I have other layouts in the same drawing that display them fine, but I need to use this specific layout for what I'm doing. This must be a setting of some sort but I can't seem to figure it out.
I have created cogo points for field staking. I'd like to share them through the survey database.Can I add the points to the Survey Database without first having to export them to a file?
I'm pretty sure I can replace my cogo point marker with a 3d tree that I can see in the object viewer using the realistic style and print out. Problem is where is that 3d block of the trees?
I have a rather odd situation. I have input a small table of survey points (we don't have access to a data collector, so it had to be manual).
I have a properly located and back-sited setup, with all of the points located in 3 dimensions.
The Northing/Easting/Elevation data is calculated and displayed for all of the points in the "observations" table accurately.
Every point has the same display/labeling properties/settings, but only 2 points properly display the elevation as calculated.
The problem seems to be that the points aren't accurately retrieving the Elevation from the table.
For some reason, in the “Properties” dialogue for the points that display properly, the “Point Elevation” field actually contains a number; whereas the points that don’t, the same field reads “*PROPERTY NOT SET*”.
This makes no sense, because in the table that defines the points, the elevation is accurate for all of the points, and I can’t find a difference in the table- or in the point properties- between the correctly displayed points, and the ones that are missing the elevation label.
I'm not finding where to change the default Description for Creating Cogo points by the Create Points-Alignments>At Alignment Geometry method
The last characters PC, PT RP etc. seem to be controlled by the Drawing Settings>Abbreviations but the Alignment name and stationing is what I'd like to eliminate from the description if possible.
Almost seems hard coded but hopefully I've been looking in the wrong places.
The descriptions are coming in like the caption whether I select Raw or Full description option.
In command settings for Point>Create Points>Points Creation>Prompt for descriptions>Automatic - Object is what I'm using.
What I'm hoping to accomplish is just PC, PT RP etc for description without the find / replace edits I'm currently doing in the exported ascii files.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I got a survey that has hundreds of cogo points. I need to bring this into a mapping dwg but not as cogo points. What's already in the map file is block reference (trees, power poles, signs, etc.). When I explode the cogo points (select all) they turn into 1/100th of the size (although the Properties scale hasn't changed). If I explode one by one, they are fine. how I can get these cogo points into the map dwg as block reference at the correctoriginal size?
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I have created COGO points from my corridor, there seems to be 2 sets of points ontop of each other along the crown of the road. They are different numbers, so its not the same point twice, why it would do this?
When I start to draw my polylines to cogo points I have inserted in my drawing it keeps wanting to hang up when I hover over the point. I have set up my point styles to bring in our points with all the attribute information so I am thinking it keeps trying to read all that info as soon as my mouse hits it..
I saw a post about rollovertips but that did not change anything. Any ides what might be causing this? Im using Civil3D 2011.
i found a way to get a report of my cogo points relative to an alignment i.e. station offset. problem is, i have thousands of points in my drawing. is there a way to get only a few, or a group of points to show up on the report instead of ALL of them?
I have projected Civil 3D COGO Points projected to a profile. I simply want to display the Civil 3D Point Number for each point in the profile.
In the Profile Projection Label Style, the only field in the text editor that displays this point number is the "Source Object Name. This shows up as "CogoPoint 124" for point 124 (see attached). How do I make this simply say the point number ONLY, i.e. "124"?
It would be nice to program the label style to display this field, yet delete the first 10 characters of "CogoPoint x", so it only says the point number, "x"
While adding a vertex to a survey figure, if I click too near (like within 0.5') a survey point, the new vertex snaps to the survey point and uses its point number as the new vertex. Is there a setting for this snap feature to turn it off or change the tolerance?
I was wondering how to develop a Selection Set Filter that will select only Cogo Points? I know I need to use Dxf.Start as the code, but then what's the string associated with Cogo Points? Can't find any documentation on this or any Civil 3D-unique entities...I know Line is just "Line" and "Arc" is just arc...but Polyline is the unintuitive "LWPolyline" and "Cogo Point" isn't working.
I have a small field (5 by 5 meters) to be set out with about 40 points. Currently i use EOV (Hungarian National Coordinate System), thus each point has a lot of digits. I want to make the implemetor's job easier, so i want to move and rotate the CS near to my field.
I tried to use UCS, but the COGO points retained the "World" coordinates.
How to carry out this without moving my whole drawing to the origin?
On opening a C3D 2013 drawing, C3D hangs for about 5 minutes. At the bottom of the screen is the message: "Upgrading COGO points". This drawing is only 974KB.
The drawing is being opened from a network . I tried saving it on a local hard drive. That had no effect.