Illustrator :: How To Get Object On Specific Place
Nov 5, 2013
If I want to place an object in illustrator cs6 on a specific place (for example rectangle, left above corner on X=14mm) and I fill this value in the transform field and I tap the enter button, illustrator places the object on X=14,033.
Why does illustrator do this and how can I avoid that illustrator adjusts my specific X / Y values?
I need a way for Photoshop to place an object like Illustrator does. Sure, Smart Objects are nice but I need a method where I have a PS file and 1 or more layers in it are referenced. When these references are updated the PS file should update automatically (yes, I will have to have the file open and save ...). Illustrator does this ... page layout apps do this. I need for PS to do this or find a work method that will help do this. Any thoughts? The specific details:We have several hundred images of our app's interface. The images are composites of generic interface and language-specific interface. To make things easier when updating or translating docs we snag the local parts of the interface.We would then place and align the separate images in FrameMaker. We're moving to a new tool and output and we need to put all of the images together in a single image file but want to retain the ability to only update the localized sections. Smart Objects are not smart when trying to do this as they require you to either (essentially) re-import the object (using Replace) or edit the object from the composite image. This obviates the ability to simply replace the target image and have the composite update. So ...
know if there is a tool like "Ofset" in AutoCAD for Adobe illustrator CS6? I need to repeat an object(let say a Rectangle) 100 times with a distance of 1 cm. I already find the "Transform Effect" function from Effect --> Distort & Transform but this function create a None- Editable copy of the selected object. What I need intact is a independent object which can be edited in future!
I am trying to color a part of an object in specific form. (see the picture below) So, I have a restangular and a circle in different color. What I am trying to achieve is only the part of the circle that is over the restangular to be visible (example with photoshop- restangular on layer 1, circle on another layer above it, alt+click to create a clipping mask and it will produce the effect im looking for). However, when creating clipping mask here (from object-clipping mask-make) it seems that either the circle or the restangular will disappear. Are there other ways to achieve this, or I'm looking into the wrong one?
Let say I have a pot of flower I drew in Illustrator and I want to place it on a Perspective grid so that I will have half of the drawing snap on Left Grid in the perspective and another half snap to Right Grid? Â Is there any easy way to do this without first slicing the artwork in half and place them individually?
In older versions of elements I could assign a specific place tag. With elements 12 place tags appear to be referencing a MAP site. I do not want to do this, I does not flow with how I used place tags in the past.
At center line I want to place a small perpendicular line in specific length and put their coordinate to excel sheet(export coordinates).
I have already two programs for this, one for placing objects on curve with specific length and 2nd for pick & export coordinates to excel or other type of file. but this is very lengthy process & need too big time. but I think it cab be done in a single command written in lisp.
I am trying to setup a a system that allows me to rotate Point 1 and 2 joints to place downstream spheres into specific locations such that the distance and angles between the spheres don't change.
Everything works the way I want (so far), but Sphere04 goes the opposite direction of its IK chain.
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
How can you use a template file from your personal files to use it in an already existing .dwg file.
I knwo how to do it if I start the drawing from scratch and I select that template, but I want to put this existing drawing into my personal template file from my documents.
I'm having a strange reoccurring issue with 3D items in CS6. Lately, it's been involving 3D postcards. Whenever I merge them with another 3D layer, hide then unhide them, they reappear in a completely different position and get "stuck". When I try to move or scale them, they snap back to the previous location.
Any alternative way to increment an objects specific R, G or B color value? What I am trying to accomplish is to take a group of objects and increment the red, green or blue value by 5 without effecting the other values.
This has to be an increment on all existing values of each individual object. So if 3 objects have 3 different RGB's but I want to increase the RED on all of them by 5.
EXAMPLE Object 1 : R-35 G-35 B-35 Changed to R-40 G-35 B-35
I know this sounds specific but I am trying to create an RGB table the easiest way possible. In this example I`m referring to RGB but it could be for CMYK as well.
I have a big complicated mesh surface and under every mesh edge there is a line (I have imported it from another software). Now I want to delete lines but I cant select them one by one because it take too long.
On Photoshop CS4 - I want to place a 2d image onto a curved 3d object so that the object rotates with the picture curved right onto it. How do you achieve this?Â
This is my original drawing in Photoshop CS5 for Windows:My goal is to quickly center two objects while keeping one of them (blue rectangle in my example) in place: Â If I follow the standard procedure (select both objects, align vertical and horizontal centers), both objects are moved to the center of the drawing:So the blue square has lost it's original position which is not good.
3. Begin tweaking the square's properties--stroke width and color, fill, pattern, etc.
So how do you select the object you just drew? All I'm seeing is 'select an area' tools, which of course won't work for adjusting a specific drawing object.
I need to export out of Map into MapInfo. My problem is I need the object data to export out into a specific order. At the moment I can only get it to export in alphabetic order which is no good for me. Is there any way I can reorder the object data into the order I want?
I am trying to place/ import a .psd as a smart object into a composite and have Photoshop keep referenceing that same psd witout it creating a local tmp file.
It is my understanding that in Photoshop Elements I am able to place a circle around a moving object or person and have that circle stay with/track the moving object or person as the video plays? Is this correct??
How do I draw perpendicular from a line or object at a specific point? I know by holding shift and osnap perpendicular I can draw the line but I can not osnap to the exact point!
I've never worked with 3D effect before (not even in the earlier versions), until now when I finally need it. I've therefore searched the Internet and the Adobe Forums in order to get to know how to wrap a text/image around a glass bottle in Photoshop CS6. I've found several answers and tutorials, but none of them regards CS6 or they are simply too primitive, whereby the effect is too fake. But when I try follow the instructions in the explanations/tutorials I've found so far for earlier versions of Photoshop (especially regarding 3D effects), I can't find the right buttons, commands, etc. - I can't make it work. how to do wrap a text/image around a bottle/cylinder/object in Photoshop CS6?
Every time I re-open a file containing a 3D object placed in the document, if I do a minor change (texture, color or position) the 3d object jump to his imported place in the document and lost the position and direction I placed it.