I have this object that has a pattern around it with spikes:
I want to take this pattern from this shape and wrap it around this ellipse:
Obviously I know that the pattern will be too short and won't fit around the full ellipipse, but wondering if there is an easy to way to accomplish this (ie a built in function)?
I want to engrave the text 'TEST' all the way around this clonal object. When I use the emboss tool, selecting the option 'wrap to face,' it gives me an error message that the "face selected is not tangent to the profile plane."
I am using a work plane that is offset from the XY plane. I included a screen shot and the file that I am using (Inv. 2014)
when I create a pattern using the new pattern maker and I apply it to say a rectangle, how can I make sure that the pattern is centred? For example I have a chevron pattern that I want to fill a rectangle, but I want to make sure that the chevron pattern is dead centre.
How can a pattern be fixated in a shape? I have a large pattern which I want to use in a shape. Pattern only partial visible, that's ok. When I move the shape around the way the filling looks changes because the pattern doesn't move.
How to wrap a shape from one edge of my canvas to the other? In other words I want to draw off the edge of one side and see it also appear on the opposite side.
Attached is a simple drawing of a round tube sitting on an imaginary level grade. I'm needing to develop a pattern to cut the bottom angle. I'm making a scale model and this is one of the elements. The scale is 1"= 10.66" so this round tube will be 4.5" in diameter. The angle is too gentle to cut in my horizontal band saw; can't fit it between the guides. Years ago, we used to grid out from a base line and develop a continuous curved line on flexible linoleum that when wrapped around the tube, would allow a line to be drawn on what would be my grade level line.
We would then cut the steel tube with a torch on said line. Did this for 24" to 90" diameter pipes. I need to do this for this one cut; I think I can get all the rest of the angles for the project on the saw. I'm hoping that the printable (can be done on more than one sheet if needed and taped together or something) paper pattern can be rendered easily, such as a sheet metal shop might develop a flat pattern for rolling or bending. I'm limited to legal size paper, 8.5 x 17". I'm using AC LT 2011 so I'm limited in my abilities.
How can I get it so that the photograph wraps into the custom shape and also looks like a bubble? So really, it becomes the background of the custom shape.
I need to create a gold bar in the shape of the map of Texas that looks 3D. I need it to look real. I have a pic of a gold bar with the embossed 999.9 and the serial number. I have taken an outline of the map and extruded it so it looks 3D. I cannot figure out how to fill the extrusion with the bitmap. I want to wrap it so it looks like real gold on the front and sides with embossing undistorted. I am using Draw X4.
I played with the feature a bit and understand how to create the patterns. Problem is when I go to fill in my 12x12 space there are seams. I have chosen different sizes in the pattern window but all show up with seams when I fill the larger space. Am I doing something wrong or is the largest size you can create with this tool seamlessly only 9x9?
I love the new Pattern Maker in CS6, but I keep running into a problem:
When I create a pattern that is NOT tiled in Grid (i.e. Brick), it usually works without any problem. But once I save and re-open the file, opening the pattern in PM again will show this message:
A clipping mask was created around the pattern tile bounds to preserve legacy pattern appearance. For best results, release the clipping mask when changing the tile size or editing art that overlaps the tile edge. I would then find that, instead of a single motif layed out in a Brick tile, I would have one complete motif in the center and four quartered motifs on the corners of one clipping box. This is tiled in a Grid pattern to emulate a Brick appearance.
So long story short, what's supposed to be a Brick tile turns into a Grid tile that's faking a Brick tile.
this is not a hard one, but it is hard for me to figure out. i would like to find out how to fill a shape with some patterns exactly like how it looks in the below picture. As you can see, the filled pattern pictures(those small hearts) are not overlayed and the sizes are random. And the edge of the shape(that's the big heart) is just smooth. how to do it?
I have a an image and i want to wrap text around it to form a love heart shape similar to this image: URL....Is it possible to do this in bespoke/manual way, or is it a case of using various degrees of the arc functionality?
I am attempting to do a text wrap in Illustrator. Everything is on one layer. Both items I wish to wrap text around are above the text itself. The text is actually the bottom component in the layer. Each of the two items is a graphic with text and each is grouped prior to asking it to wrap text. The text wraps just fine around one item, but will not wrap around the second item. I earlier had created a very similar file and the text wrapped fine around both items, so I know it can. But it doesn't want to in this instance.
For some reason, a text wrap wont work. I've placed the object above the text. but every time i try creating it I just get this odd looking outline around text (see image below).
I outlined my text and subtracted it (and the tree image) from the black background. When I did this both appear thinner - particularly the tree.
If I then take the original version and the new subtracted version, and view them both overlayed one on top of the other in wire frame (outline) mode, there is no difference in the actual lines.
It seems to be a problem with the way illustrator previews the images. This wouldn't concern me, but when I export the file as a jpeg, the lines also appear thinner in the export.
I can create a manual solution by offsetting the path before subtracting, but this isn't ideal.
What does it mean when Illustrator v.15.1.0 ceases to contract a shape using offset paths and will only expand a shape? Seems like only yesterday I could render both ways. Wait a minute, it was only yesterday! Why would it suddenly stop funtioning?
I am attempting to wrap some 2D text around an object, which has perspective. See example below:
The above is my attempt at wrapping the word "NEIGHBORHOOD" around the object. What I did was Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Mesh... and just approximated how it should look by using a combination of guides. There has got to be a better, more precise way of doing this in illustrator.
I have a created a spiral path and added type to it. This spiral circles a planet-like object. This object is not completely circular, therefore overlaps some of the spiral. I would like the type on the spiral to wrap these protrusions. And I have tried the usual way of applying a text wrap (object > text wrap > make). The type on path doesn't seem to recognize the text wrap.
If I draw a rectangle and use Extrude&Bevel to create a 3D "box" shape, how do I wrap a single line of text around three of the sides? I've created a Symbol from the text, and it shows up in the "Map Art" dialog window's "Symbols" selection, but only one face of the 3D box is shown at a time. I was hoping to see a flattened box shape showing all six faces so I could accurately place the line of text. Similar to what you see when you revolve a path to get a 3D object.
It's even worse if I apply a bevelled edge to the extrusion -- then there are 40 separate "faces" to deal with.
I want to create a text wrap - or drop cap - for a giant letter B. But I can't figure out how to do it, and every tutorial I see for drop caps refers to InDesign, and those steps do not work in Illustrator.