Illustrator :: Fill Gaps On The Edge Of Page Using Gap Tool

Jul 30, 2013

I want to fill the gaps on the edge of the page using the gap tool. I can see it is detecting some gaps but I was wondering what the custom gap option does? and if I could use it to close the specific gaps I want to close. I figured there would be a way using the pen tool so I drew a straight path across the edge and tried to join the paths together using command j but it didn't seem to work :/ I am quite new to illustrator

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Illustrator :: Knife Tool Leave Gaps In The Shape (CS6)

Jun 11, 2013

When I use the knife tool on an shapeit leaves a gap where I slice. First I thought it was just an illusion in the program but it stays even after I've exported the image (both by "save as" in illustrator and "export" in inDesign). I've been careful not to move the shapeafter I used the tool so I don't think that should be a reason.
I've tried on different types of shapes like normal circles and more complex shapes. I've also attempted to start a new file from scratch but with the same result  What could the reason be? Is there a setting I should be aware of?
This is what I see in Illustrator:

And this is what the image looks like when saved as pdf (in illustrator):

It also looks the same if I place it in inDesign and then export to pdf.
EDIT: I don't know if it is important but the size of the shape is about an A4 or there about.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Read Swatch Used For Fill Color Of A Page Item

Mar 21, 2012

Is there a way to read the swatch used for fill color of a page item?
I can read the fill color but I can't read if the color is a global swatch.

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Illustrator :: Print With Black Border To Show Page Edge?

Nov 8, 2012

I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)

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Illustrator :: Pattern Tool Background Fill

Jul 30, 2013

Is there a way that the background fill of a pattern can fill the whole pattern so that there aren't gaps like the above picture? So that it woudn't matter if you expanded the border there would always be a solid fill background?

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Illustrator :: Pen Tool Creating A Fill When Only Want Stroke

Feb 9, 2013

I am creating a simple spider for a project. Initally I used the pen tool to make legs. It worked for a bit then all the sudden started filling in an area I didn't even draw with color. I'm not sure what I did to cause this to happen.

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Illustrator :: Eyedropper Tool Only Samples One Fill?

Nov 20, 2012

I have styled a shape with 1 solid fill colour and 2 gradient fills. I am trying to use the eyedropper tool to sample the styles onto another shape - however it's only picking up one fill; the top one in my sample shapes appearances. I want to sample ALL of the fills, but can't seem to do it

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Illustrator :: Use Pen Tool To Make A Path With A Fill

May 29, 2012

When I use the pen tool to make a path with a fill, the fill updates immediately and correctly, but the path highlight (which usually displays as long as I'm working on a given path) only shows up when I hover my cursor above the path itself. Also, and this is a lesser issue, Illustrator's splash screen displays "Tryout." It came with CS6 MC, and none of the other apps are in trial mode.

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Edge Animate CC :: Two Edge Animations On HTML Page?

Apr 4, 2013

I followed the adobe tutorial to manually create an html page in order to have two edge animations on a page but it doesn't work well. The second animation starts but not the first one (I can see the first frame only).

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Illustrator :: Lasso Tool Doesn't Copy Fill?

Nov 23, 2013

I'm using the latest Illustrator and I can't seem to select the fill. When I have selected a group of objects and try to paste it, I get the shapes outlines and not the fill. It seems like it is only selecting the stroke but the objects have no strokes.

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Illustrator :: Paintbrush Tool Reverts To Color / Fill None - Cannot Draw / Trace Anything

Jan 14, 2014

I am fairly new to Illustrator. I am trying to trace an image using the brush tool. I can get some lines in and for some reason the brush tool begins to revert to fill none effectively just making invisible lines. I have the parent image on its separate layer and the line art on another layer. Layers are unlocked. When I use the brush it will look as if it is deleting/erasing what is shown on both layers. The brush tool is effectively erasing what is there already instead of drawing.
I tried searching for a couple days now and the best I could find is this: [URL] ...
I tried everything mentioned in the thread and it still isn't working. In fact I think the OP in that thread never really solved his issue too. I can barely even get my line art down.

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Illustrator :: AI Bevel Tool Causing Pixelated Edge?

Dec 2, 2013

Why does the color look strange, is it only because it's green? I have it set to custom color>green because no color/black was only grey. This is still desaturated & very grey. Playing with the settings didn't seem to work.

What's with the pixelated edging? It's an inner bevel & appears on the rounded parts.

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Illustrator :: Gaps Are Visible Between The Steps?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a problem, gaps are visible between the steps when using 3D bevel on text in illustrator CS6, even after expanding appearance. It looks bad in illustrator and rasterized in photoshop, which is where I want it.

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Illustrator :: Unwanted Gaps Between Exactly Fitting Shapes?

Nov 3, 2013

With shapes that are intended to fit exactly with one another, such as shapes created with pathfinder>divide I find often that there are very small cracks between the shapes and that these will show up if the shapes are exported to Photoshop in a more pronounced way.
What's the workaround to 'seal' one shape to another and rid the result of these gaps?
Joining the shapes is not an option as they are different colours.

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Illustrator :: Pattern Brush With Image Without Gaps?

Aug 20, 2013

I try to create a patternbrush using an image. Image is created in PS and lines up nice horizontaly. Droping it into Illustrator. From there I drag and drop it onto the brush panel and create a patterbrush. I also include an empty rectangle to control the spacing ( suggested elsewhere ? ). If I apply that brush to a curved path there are always little gaps between the segments. How can I construct the brush without the gaps? There is a denimseam brush within Illustrator that does exactly what I try to achieve except I can not.

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Illustrator :: Gaps In-between Livepaint Shapes When Saving To PDF?

Apr 22, 2013

Im using CS6 and when saving to PDF my live paint objects have a slight gap inbetween the shapes in the live paint object. They do not appeare in the illustrator file or when saved as jpeg, png, etc only PDFs. I have been using Illustrator for a couple years now and this has not happened in previous versions I've worked with (CS3, 4, and 5)

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Illustrator :: 3D Extrude And Bevel Showing Gaps

Sep 20, 2012

I am trying to use the 3D 'Extrude and bevel' tool on a complex shape (a map of the UK)The vector is a compound path, when i apply the effect when its quite small it works, however when i increase the size of the shape the outline fails to render properly and hence is not filled as it should be, there are gaps in the image.
I have scale stroke and effects turned on.If i try to apply the effect on a version that is already the size i want it i get the same problem.

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Illustrator :: White Gaps In The Stroke Of Path?

Aug 12, 2013

Drew a path in Illustrator - made it a compound path.  Made a clipping mask with another object inside it.  When saved as a pdf, there are these strange white gaps in the stroke of the path.....

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Photoshop :: Fill Tool Doesn't Completely (fill)?

Jul 16, 2013

When I use the fill tool to simply 'fill' a selection, it does not completely fill it. There is an ivisible barrier or line that prevents it from filling all the way to the edge. Do you think I have my settings wrong?

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Illustrator :: Cannot Get Words To Break Causing Gaps In Text

Nov 15, 2013

I have a brochure that was supplied by a client that I have to re edit to fit more text.I cannot get words to break causing gaps in text.I switched hyphenation on and of, word break on and of without any change in text.

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Illustrator :: Uneven Gaps In Path (stroked 2 Pt Black)

Dec 27, 2013

I have a  path that is stroked 2 pt  black. The full path is there but the stroke is random along the path. I do not have a dashed line selected.

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Illustrator :: 3D Ruined Artwork - Small Gaps In Between The Blends?

Feb 21, 2013

I started to use Illustrator since CS2 and done heaps of shapes using the 3d feature.ever since cs5 and beyond, ive encountered a problem when ever I import or copy paiste from illustrator into Photoshop my 3d shape tends to have missing blend steps. I'm setting it to 256 blend steps to get a smooth transition but when i import my Ai into ps or copy paiste it notice that it leaves some small gaps in between the blends. Now does this happen to any other users?

On the left is illustrator using 3d and on the right is the copy paisted/imported Ai file,ive put a red shape behind the yellow ace of spade to make it clear that the red is noticeable.

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Xara :: How To Fill Page With Hexagons

Aug 16, 2011

I just tried to fill a page with black-filled hexagons so that they are all aligned perfectly vertically and horizontally. I duplicated and positioned as best I could by hand. Then, I used Alignment>equispace on horiz row selections then vert selections. No matter what I do, it will never be perfect with hand placement, obviously.

Is there a way to fill a page with the hexagons so that it looks like the attachment (ie everything perfectly squared in respect to the page)? I would need perfectly uniform spaces between the shapes so that it comes out perfectly squared with the page. This would be the first step I need to do in making a seamlessly tiled alpha for ZBrush.

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GIMP :: Document To Fill Page Entirely When Printed?

Oct 25, 2011

I have created a document, and when I printed it out to see how it turned out, I noticed that I left margins on all four sides. I need the document to fill the page in its entirety, as it is going to be one of those "tear off the phone number at the bottom" type of advertisements.

Is there some way that I can "zoom in" everything that I've created, so it fills an entire 8.5x11 piece of paper?

I'll keep digging while I wait for the wisdom of the forums. Here is a link to the .xcf: [URL] .....

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Illustrator :: Fill Section But Using Fill / Stroke Only Changes Line Color

Feb 17, 2013

I traced an image earlier, expanded it then wanted to change the line colour. For some reason I couldn't get this to work even though I've done it in the past. So, I used the magic wand to select the line then dragged it into my new document and changed the line colour.
Now, I want to change the fill on certain sections, however when I change the stroke it changes the colour of the line and when I change the fill it changes the color of the line.

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Illustrator :: Auto Switch Between Stroke Fill And Fill

Nov 20, 2012

I spend 12 hours a day in illustrator and some functionality seems to simplistic and ultimately annoying.I'm using Windows 7 64bit. Adobe Illustrator CS6
1. Please auto switch between Stroke fill and fill when I select text. 99% of my time is spent only using fill on text. I would rather manually switch to Stroke when I want to add a fill to it rather having to switch to fill each time.
2. Same for Stroke, from point 1.
3. Add an auto layer for Guides. When I am using the Scissors tool, the majority of the time I don't want to cut my guides up, I would rather instead cut up the shape below it. Again manually changing the layer to select the guide would be preferable.
4. I personally never use the Eraser tool and I switch to the Scissors Tool. Without fail every time I launch Illustrator I have to switch from the Eraser Tool too the Scissors tool. Please add cookies or something so I don't have to always switch to the Scissors Tool.
5. Move "Align to Pixel" toggle somewhere outside a file menu.

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Xara :: Selector Tool Becomes Page-size Change Tool

Aug 6, 2011

In Xara Designer Pro 7, when I have selector tool active and want to drag over a number of elements to select them the selector tool will change the size of the canvas (page). Is that not a bug? I used this way of selecting elements often, and it is not good for me with this new behaviour.

Is it a bug or is it a new setting which I then need to change?

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Illustrator :: Save Page-tiled Document As Multi-page PDF In CS6?

Apr 4, 2013

This was very easy to do in earlier versions of Illustrator, but now it seems like the only option is to make a separate artboard for each page tile!

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Illustrator Scripting :: Getting Page Count For A Multi-Page PDF File?

Jun 25, 2009

how to get the page count of a multi page PDF file?  I know you can then open each page using the PDFFileOptions (pagetoopen).  But I need to know up front how many pages there are to loop thru to open each page and process each page.

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Photoshop :: Choose Colour To Fill The Path With But It Fills Whole Page

Nov 12, 2013

When i use the pen tool to make a shape and then select fill path, i choose a colour to fill the path with, but it fills the whole page accept the shape. Is there a setting that needs turning off or anything like that!?

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Illustrator :: Second Page Of Two-page PDFs Printing Upside-down?

May 8, 2013

In the past two days, two-page PDFs that I save out of CS6 are printing with the second page upside down. I have tried resaving the documents—didn't work. Tried saving the documents as individual PDFs and combining the PDFs in Acrobat—didn't work. I have had my colleagues print them, and the second page is upside-down too. When I print two-page PDFs that I saved last week or longer ago, I have no problem at all. It just seems to be happening with recently saved PDFs. I didn't update any software on my computer between saving the PDFs that are printing correctly and when this problem began.

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