Illustrator :: Eyedropper Tool Only Samples One Fill?
Nov 20, 2012
I have styled a shape with 1 solid fill colour and 2 gradient fills. I am trying to use the eyedropper tool to sample the styles onto another shape - however it's only picking up one fill; the top one in my sample shapes appearances. I want to sample ALL of the fills, but can't seem to do it
There are a shortcut key for switching from Smart Fill Tool to eyedropper for apply a color and not having to go to the color box to switch to eyedropper? That would be more faster!
I've placed an rgb image and on top of that a vector square which I wanna give the same color as the bright green one in the rgb image. So I used the eyedropper tool on that bright green color. But as you can see it give a more dull greenish color. The document is in rgb mode. I would expect this more when I was working in cmyk but I ain't. Why isn't the eyedropper tool picking the bright green color? The image is in rgb, illustrator is in rgb, in photoshop I can see the bright green color in the rgb image. So why isn't illustrator using this bright green color with it's eyedropper tool?
Turns out the eyedropper tool only works correctly (while illustrator is in rgb color mode and the image placed is also in rgb), when the image placed is embedded and not just linked. After I dragged the image on the page and go to Links to have the image embedded and then use the eyedropper tool, I get the exact same color.
I have been scrolling through this forum and google, and have not found an answer.My Illustrator CS5 has been working all day, and I went away from it momentarily to pack some boxes for moving and the eye dropper tool started picking up colors that didn't exist in the placed image i'm grabbing from.(clearly not black within that circle...)
I "found" a solution on this site where you go into your eyedropper options and make sure your appearance boxes are checked, and they weren't so I did that, and now the eyedropper tool won't pick up any color at all. I have a project deadlines that require this program, and i've tried just about everything but re-installing.
I have a black jpeg that i'm using in my illustrator document. I need to make the background the exact same black. I have a large rectangle for my background, and I used the eyedropper tool to select the black from the jpeg. The CMYK numbers are even the exact same, yet when I export the ai file as a jpg/png/pdf the blacks look different! We are going to press next week and I really need the blacks to be the exact same!
With Eyedropper Tool click unselected Source Object, (which has 1 fill and 2 stroke attributes) the Eyedropper Tool stem detects Source Object's attributes...then, pressing Option key, click on Destination Object (which contains a default fill and stroke).The Destination Object only receives the base fill and stroke of the Source Object... it should receive all the attributes of the Source Object.
NOTE: 'New Art has Basic Appearance' is unchecked in the Appearance Panel.
The background is a gradient mesh(ignore the crosses). I used eyedropper tool(shift-click/normal-click both gave the same result) on the background and it gave me a strange result. As you see the back ground is blue-to-black gradation but the color picked is green-ish from nowhere.
Is it me have I done a wrong move the eyedropper fill does not copy it only copy the outline it fail to copy the fill the properties box has been checked what should I do.
Is there a way that the background fill of a pattern can fill the whole pattern so that there aren't gaps like the above picture? So that it woudn't matter if you expanded the border there would always be a solid fill background?
I am creating a simple spider for a project. Initally I used the pen tool to make legs. It worked for a bit then all the sudden started filling in an area I didn't even draw with color. I'm not sure what I did to cause this to happen.
When I use the pen tool to make a path with a fill, the fill updates immediately and correctly, but the path highlight (which usually displays as long as I'm working on a given path) only shows up when I hover my cursor above the path itself. Also, and this is a lesser issue, Illustrator's splash screen displays "Tryout." It came with CS6 MC, and none of the other apps are in trial mode.
I want to fill the gaps on the edge of the page using the gap tool. I can see it is detecting some gaps but I was wondering what the custom gap option does? and if I could use it to close the specific gaps I want to close. I figured there would be a way using the pen tool so I drew a straight path across the edge and tried to join the paths together using command j but it didn't seem to work :/ I am quite new to illustrator
I'm using the latest Illustrator and I can't seem to select the fill. When I have selected a group of objects and try to paste it, I get the shapes outlines and not the fill. It seems like it is only selecting the stroke but the objects have no strokes.
My eyedropper tool has suddenly gone awry. Selecting the eyedropper (or alt clicking the open window while on another tool) makes the colour selected the background colour and not the foreground as it always has done. Whereas and alt-click with the eyedropper selected makes the colour the foreground one.
Not a huge problem but one that's getting increasingly annoying as I try to work and keep painting the wrong colour.
script that would sample the underlying color of anchor points in a selected gradient mesh and apply it to them? I was just thinking of ways to speed up the process of creating a vector drawing based on a picture so that all you would have to do is model your mesh and then let the script apply the colors.
I use the Curves Toolbox (I invoke this command thru the shortcut Ctrl + M) and select the grey eyedropper to color correct my image. It crashes immediately upon clicking with the eyedropper to select my source color. When I am using the Brush tool in Color mode and I hit "option" to invoke the eyedropper it will crash as soon as I choose my source color.
Here is a link to the text in the crash report:
The only other programs I have running are Finder, Firefox, Text Expander, and Bridge. Mini-Bridge is open as well. I'm going to try to work solely with Mini-Bridge to see if that works at all.
when I select a colour with the eyedropper tool, isn't the corresponding colour supposed to be set to the foreground colour? But mine sets it to the background colour so I have to switch it around when I want to use it - trust me, big hassle.
I am fairly new to Illustrator. I am trying to trace an image using the brush tool. I can get some lines in and for some reason the brush tool begins to revert to fill none effectively just making invisible lines. I have the parent image on its separate layer and the line art on another layer. Layers are unlocked. When I use the brush it will look as if it is deleting/erasing what is shown on both layers. The brush tool is effectively erasing what is there already instead of drawing.
I tried searching for a couple days now and the best I could find is this: [URL] ...
I tried everything mentioned in the thread and it still isn't working. In fact I think the OP in that thread never really solved his issue too. I can barely even get my line art down.
I am working on a some graphics that need to be completed very soon, and suddenly photoshop is freezing on the eyedropper tool. I've tried force quitting, which does not work, and then restarting multipe times, but this has not worked either. Every time I reopen my file (which is an 8.5 x 11, 350 ppi,grayscale image), and try to work with the paint bucket tool, the problem persists. I'm not able to click and change the tool, use any options under file/edit/view/etc, go to another layer, click out of the window/close photoshop. I am still able to zoom in and out with keyboard short cuts, but that is about it.
I am working with CS5 on a Mac OS X 10.6.8 , 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor.
I have the full CS Suite 3 and my issue is with the Photoshop aspect. It has worked for me beautifully for many years and, unfortunately, has come into a problem recently. When I select a color using the eyedropper tool (sample size 3 by 3 Average) it selects the color. Then, upon attempting to paint that color, it uses a color that is washed out by comparison. It selects the right color but the paint brush (I'm using the standard, 27 pixel soft brush, normal mode, 100% opacity, 100% flow) will not paint that color. It looks like it's adding more white to it or adding a muddled grey color. I'm not amused with this at all.
I'm not certain whether it is my having accidentially hit something as to make this happen or if it is the program glitching. I uninstalled and reinstalled and, unfortunately, am still finding the problem. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling again (this time deleting all the preferences) to see if that may fix it. It does this with multiple images (all .psd files, multiple layers) so I know that it's not the single file being corrupt.
by using the shortcut keys and the drop down menu for hue/saturation it connects to the eyedropper tool and locks up. Hue/saturation window never opens. Not sure what is going on. Running PS7.0 on this computer Windows 7 with no problems for about a year until today.Uninstalled and reinstalled the program twice today and still acting the same. All other commands seem to be functioning properly.
Is there a way to make a custom palette using the eyedropper tool? I've made a palette from an object, but it has too many colors. I've also made individual color swatches with the dropper, but I can't select them when using the Mesh Tool. Is there a way to make a color palette with the eyedropper tool that will work with the Mesh Tool?
I'm trying to pick up color from an image using the eyedropper tool. But it only will pick up white as a color and fill the other object with white, and not the actual pixel color I am trying to grab. This doesn't always happen but I can't figure out why it is happening in this instance.
When I use the fill tool to simply 'fill' a selection, it does not completely fill it. There is an ivisible barrier or line that prevents it from filling all the way to the edge. Do you think I have my settings wrong?
I've been able to in the past use the eyedropper tool to grab colors from browser windows and get the exact coded color if it's a css color. I'm using Photoshop cs5 on a mac with snow leopard. When I try to get any color from a browser window (both safari and firefox) photoshop will shift the color slightly.