Illustrator :: Difference Between The Smooth And Simplify Tools?

Oct 23, 2012

What is the difference between the Smooth and Simplify tools? Is the Smooth tool the same as Simplify but without the dialog window to set the parameters?

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Photoshop :: Smooth Almost Painted Skin Using Tools

Oct 11, 2005

I been trying to work with stock photo's and make smooth almost a painted looking is a example from a very talented lady.

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Illustrator :: Too Many Anchor Points - How To Simplify Picture

Feb 8, 2013

I'm making a picture and I have a problem - I need a maximum of 2000 anchor points, and I have about 11k.
Seems like I have a lot of unnecessary points, but when I try to simplify the picture gets all messed up. Any other way to fix this?
Here's part of the picture, you can clearly see that a lot of the points don't have to be there..

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Illustrator :: How To Outline / Simplify A Transformed Object

Sep 7, 2012

Using CS5.  I have a solid shape with a hollowed center (see far left image). I applied a transform effect to make it look "3D" by offsetting it slightly 32 times (see middle image.  see far right image to see what it looks like selected).  I want to simply have the middle image, but without all the paths and lines - I just I want it outlined. I tried to expand it, group it, pathfinder-add - nothing seems to work.

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Illustrator :: Simplify Adding An Anchor And A Loop?

Feb 5, 2014

When I use the simplify tool I get a small loop added to some corners of closed paths. It's such a great tool for what I do but it's basically useless like this.
The original
After applying simplify:

And zoomed in to a few of the corners:

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Illustrator :: Isolate Part Of Shape Path To Simplify It?

Jan 15, 2014

I want to simplify part of a complex shape.  Is it possible to isolate part of a shape path and simplify it, leaving the rest of the shape with the original number of anchor points?

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Illustrator :: How To Simplify Complex File - Multiple Embedded Live Traces

May 15, 2013

I have created a piece of artwork in illustrator which is to be printed 4x3m for a wall mural. Therefore the file I am working with must either be a vecor or a large enough raster to be printed at such as size. I have set it up at 1 to 10 so its currently A3ish size. Each component of the collage is a separate ai file and contains many points as they are all live traces. It was no problem linking in all these initially but I now need to embed them so as I can give the printers a complete file. I have succeeded embedding every image apart from one last complex one which is crashing the whole thing. Are there any settings I may be able to change to reduce the file size or simplify the graphic (whilst remaining vectors.) Below is the file with the linked images and also the outline of the embedded version so far. The problem I am having is basically because of the final output size required.

The only thing I can think of doing is opening each separate component and saving as a raster then relinking these - but will this be even more problematic for illustrator that thousands of vector points? I can do it in photoshop if needs be but as the final image is to be printed 4x3m will this be too large to handle? The ai file with all images linked was 25MB but now 500MB with the sky still to embed.

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Illustrator :: How To Rearrange Or Remove Tools In Tools Panel

Apr 15, 2012

There seems to be way too many tools in the tools panel for me. Many of them I will rarely, if ever use. Is there any way I can rearrange or remove some of them? It would unclutter the screen immensely.

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Illustrator SDK :: Mapping Hardware Tools Into Existing AI Tools?

Feb 1, 2012

I have an interactive board with tools (such as pen or eraser) which I want to integrate with the AI. The typical scenario woulld be as follows: the user lifts the pen from the tray, the pen event will me mapped into selecting Pencil Tool from AI toolbar after which the user can add freehand annotations to the AI document.
Is there an API which would allow me to map abailable hardware tools with relevant AI tools? Is there an example which would demonstrate such integration?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between CS6 Fireworks And Illustrator?

Feb 26, 2013

am a Front-End Web Developer using Photoshop CS6. explain the salient differences between:Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator ??

If I use Photoshop, I can't see the point in learning these other products, surely I can do it all in Photoshop? Are there features in Fireworks and Illustrator that don't exist in Photoshop?

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Illustrator :: Difference Between Live And Trim Size?

Sep 19, 2013

I was given these  instructions :

The booking is for a full page and the dimensions are as under: height 262mm x width 191mm, trim size height 278 x width 216 & add 5mm bleed on all sides.
When I create a new illustrator doc which dimensions should I enter? 262mmx191mm with 5mm bleed? or 278mmx216mm with 5mm bleed?

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Photoshop :: (Illustrator) Smooth Borders

Nov 22, 2007

I am having a horrible time with illustrator .. however I believe it is for the lack of experiance I have with it.

Anyways, I have converted some text into a logo, however is there anyway how I can smooth the text so that it looks less pixilated?

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Illustrator :: How To Disable Auto-smooth

Dec 19, 2012

Whenever I make a stroke with my brush tool, it smooths out. I have checked everywhere to try and find a place where you can "disable" the autosmooth on your brushes, and have found nothing.

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Illustrator :: Smooth Stroke When Using Pen Tool?

Apr 5, 2013

I have a piece of artwork with loads of curves and I'd like to smooth out a few areas that appear a little "wobbly".  Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator CS6 (other than adjusting with handles)?

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Smooth Line

Mar 21, 2013

having an issue lining up letters to create a smooth line.

Using Myriad Pro text. The letters in question are 'n' and 'h' - both lowercase. Also working in CS6.

Hopefully these pictures will explain the issue:
When viewed actual size (100x)

When viewed zoomed (400x)

So my question is: is there a way to align them perfectly? or a is this known to be impossible in illustrator? Is there a workaround?

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Illustrator :: Small Circles Not Smooth?

Dec 15, 2013

I have a problem with drawing small circles in Illustrator, because when I export them they are not "smooth". The edges seem like truncated. Have a look here with "Pixel preview" turned on:
And now, setting an offset of +0.5px for X and Y, the circle is how I want it to be:
Why? Is there a way to "smooth" the circle?

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Illustrator :: Curved Lines Are Not Smooth?

Jun 4, 2013

why is this happening, curved lines in Illustrator CS6 are not smooth. Running Ill-CS6 on Win7 machine.No matter how much you zoom in or out lines just don't look right.

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Illustrator :: Inside Of Stoke Isn't Smooth

Feb 23, 2013

The outside of the stroke curve is smooth, but the inside is really bumpy and rough, even though there are only three anchor points. It prints that way too; it's not just the monitor.

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GIMP :: How To Simplify Paths

Mar 6, 2013

I just downloaded Gimp yesterday and it is way different than the version I had on my last computer. I have things figured out for the most part, the main function I can't seem to find is how to "Simplify" paths. It seems like I used to use CTRL L or something like that and it would smooth out my lines a bit.

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Illustrator :: Difference Between Straight And Curved Anchor Points?

Sep 25, 2012

Using the pen tool and plotting anchor points, what is the difference between a straight and a curved anchor point, and how do you know which they are? I know you can drag out curves when drawing with the pen tool, though I am unclear on actual straight and curved anchors.

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Illustrator :: Making Image Lines Smooth

Dec 15, 2013

How to make the lines on this image smooth. You will see in the picture that there is some really choppy lines on the headphones and how to properly fix it. I've tried so many times and can't do it.

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Illustrator :: Drawing Smooth Curves With Pen Tool

Mar 4, 2013

Having just entered the world of illustrator (cs6) I'm finding trying to get smooth curves to do what you want is a highly confusing operation.Being a fairly competant user of Photoshop the same task can be acheived relatively easily by way drawing paths with the pen tool and simply adding anchor points to drag out the desired shape.This buisness of dragging out handles in order to create curves in illustrator is crazy, I just can't seem to get the curves to behave how I want them to, I've watched probably 20 tutorials on this now and all demonstrate the same technique for creating curves, is there a more straight forward, simple way to achieve precise smooth curves similar to PS?

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Illustrator :: Smooth Curves With Gradient Mesh?

Oct 13, 2013

For a school project I was to render an everyday object and I chose a pepper. I created the pepper with the mesh tool and also rendered it with the gradient mesh, now my instructor says that I need to have really smooth curves but I have way too many anchor points so I don't know how to fix the curves.

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AutoCad 2D :: Simplify Text / Lines

Dec 19, 2012

I have a long text (using special true type fonts) exploded using the express tools. Problem is that, for example, an "O" became made by a lot of straight lines. So my file becomes heavy weight, and that file has tube cut using a laser. So how can I simplify that text/lines?

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Illustrator :: Beveled Compound Path - Smooth And Unite

Aug 24, 2013

I have this compound path (green in the print screens below) which I would like to apply a bevel effect on.
It seems as if the compound path is fine but when I apply the bevel effect, the result is as image 2. How can I solve this so that all of the beveled effect is smoothly and unite instead of rectangles popping out etc... ?

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Illustrator :: Real Jagged Outline - Can Auto-smooth It Out?

Sep 3, 2013

I have an outline of a graphic that was extreemly jagged.  Im using a plotter to cut it out and its just way complex and tiny of a cut for the machine to do.  Is there a way to have Illustrator maybe smooth those out by removing every other point or something?

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Illustrator :: Force A Smooth Join And Change Shortcut?

Nov 5, 2013

I work on a Mac so the shortcuts and menus are for Mac, what it will be on a Windows computer
I was having trouble in Illustrator CS6 joining two points smooth. I read this article ...[URL]... about joining in Illustrator CS5 (which seems to be the same in CS6) ... and noticed it says "A Smooth join is possible only when the end-points are smooth" ... now who came up with this asshat rule (pardon my french)??? I used to be able to force a joining to be smooth no matter what kind of points I had, however, not anymore it seems
This is what I had trouble with:
Smooth joins

Step 1.As you can see in the image below I have two points both with an arm ... they should qualify as smooth end-points, right?
Step 2.So after moving the two paths together I went ahead and selected the two points with my Direct Selection Tool (the white arrow). Notice how only one arm sticks out all of a sudden (this was actually a clue to why I had trouble in the first place but more on this later).
Step 3.I tried to force the two points to join smoothly by using the cmd+opt+shift+J shortcut to get the Average & Join dialog box up and select Smooth ... to no avail.

Step 4.It stil ends up doing this weird joining (this is after I tried to move the point with my Direct Selection Tool).
Step 5.So I used cmd+Z until I was back to square one and then I discovered if I moved one of the end-points there was another one beneath it. Notice that it is the point that was missing an arm in step 2, when I had selected what I thought was only two points, which should have clued me in.
Removing the extra point and placing the two smooth end-points on top of each other again made it possible to make the smooth joining, I had tried to do countless times.
What I wonder about now is the fact that I could get the Average & Join dialog box without having Illustrator complain up a storm about me having selected more than two points? Illustrator used to be very picky about this, which would have made me discover the extra point way sooner.
Shortcuts In the article I also noticed people complaining about the four keys shortcut for the Average & Join dialog box (cmd+opt+shift+J). You can just go ahead and change that in Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts... (cmd+opt+shift+K). Here is how:
Step 1.In the dropdown change Tools to Menu Commands.

Step 2.Go to Other Objects ... there you will find Average & Join. Go ahead and clear the shortcut and press whichever shortcut you wish for. I chose cmd+J, because I wish to use this method more often than Join. After this you get the option to Go To Conflict ... I did that and gave Join the shortcut shift+cmd+J and ended up giving Justify Text Left the shortcut cmd+opt+shift+J ... yeah, I seldom use the shortcut for Justify Text Left anyway.

Step 3.I saved my new custom shortcut set with the name "Adobe Illustrator CS6 Shortcuts" ... that way I can search for the file and take it with me in case I need it on another computer and the name tells me which version it is for.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Simplify Multiple Envelopes

Dec 19, 2013

Did the ability to add multiple envelopes to a single part not make it to 2014? In the demo video from Autodesk it shows you can do that but I don't see that button in 2014? 

Running 2014 Product Design Suite Ultimate
Windows 7 64 bit
90G OCZ SATA 3 SSD (My SSD is faster than your HDD)
Core I7 920 processor, ATI HD6970 graphics card, 12G Corsair RAM

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Photoshop :: Simplify + Add Textures To Aerial Photo?

Sep 25, 2006

I have aerial photos that I'm going to be using in a map project. Basically, I want to take out all the distracting detail of the aerial photos. The end product should be have a very nuetral color for default, a tree textured light green (forests) and a rock textured gray for rock out croppings ....

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Photoshop :: Will Upgrade Simplify Color Management

Aug 12, 2008

I am using PS 8 on a Powerbook G4, with other apps such as InDesign CS and i-photo, sometimes printing from a B/W laser printer and doing color with an Epson Stylus Photo RX 600, also scanning from the Epson and photos from two different brands of digital cameras (Casio pocket camera and Olympus standard size).

Color management is a PAIN in the patoot. Every different project demands figuring out a different workflow for color management.

Is color management improved by (easier with) later versions of PhotoShop and/or InDesign? That would be my only reason to upgrade, but if it works I would do it. The printer does fantastic work WHEN I GET THE WORKFLOW RIGHT for the particular project.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Simplify Surface View?

May 21, 2013

where is the option to modify the quality of a surface tham I'm displaying?

For instance if I zoom out, it looks with less polygons, if  I zoom in it looks with more polygons.

I've downloaded today some DEM Surfaces with an area of an entire city, and the civil 3d is simplifing automatically the surface... I gave a friend the same surface and on his civil 3d it works very bad without simplifing the surface at all.

I guess there has to be a switch somehere? Civil Engineer / Infrastructure of metropolitan transports [URL]

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