Photoshop :: Simplify + Add Textures To Aerial Photo?
Sep 25, 2006
I have aerial photos that I'm going to be using in a map project. Basically, I want to take out all the distracting detail of the aerial photos. The end product should be have a very nuetral color for default, a tree textured light green (forests) and a rock textured gray for rock out croppings ....
I have been using the Web Mapping Server for inserting aerial photography for quite some time now. I recently upgraded to Civil 3d 2010, and now when I attempt to insert an aerial photo I get a message box that says "There was a problem adding data to Map." and the image does not show up. When tried on a machine with full administrator privileges it works just fine.
This is a new problem that does not happen in Civil 3d 2009. Here is a link to the WMS site that I have been using, it is through the Land Management Information Center with the State of Minnesota.
I am printing some drawings with points over an aerial photo. I want the points to print bold but when I increase the lineweight of the layer, they don't print any heavier. They are just AutoCad points and I have pdmode set to 3. What can I do to make these points print bold?
I am looking for an inexpensive website that offers USGS maps with aerial photo and CAD linework overlays. I used to be able to purchase these files from Topo Depot but they closed their site down at the end of 2012.
I've been using photoshop for about a month now and i'm developing a pretty good basic knowledge of it. One thing that i dont understand are textures. I understand that you can create textures in photoshop using tools such as filters and that you can use the texturiser. Ive tried using the preset texturiser setting and ive loaded my own ( ive takenb pics of textures in the real world) and used them on objects but it just doesnt look right- the texture always seems 'behind' the colour of the object, if u know what i mean - and looks dead tacky ...
I am calibrating a new plotter in the office. I often work with color aerial imagery. How do plotters interpret the colors in an image? Does it work pixel by pixel, and if so, does it use an RGB, HSV, CMWK, hexidecimal value? Does the plotter MACHINE just "scan" the image is one "object" or does it work in batches, or "tiles"? I don't want to alter the image in Photoshop just yet, but I am curious as how the plotter MACHINE is determining the color and how bright, vivid, dull, the IMAGE is plotting at?
The other issue is that the newer plotter plots in more vivid colors than our older machines, but the difference between the 255 AutoCAD colors is less pronounced. I am concerned that adjusting the individual RGB values for each of the 255 colors won't make any difference if the NEW plotter is factory-calibrated to produce vivid colors with little difference between brightness, contrast, etc.
On a side note, I do oil painting as a hobby and I run into tinting strengths, brightness, luminosity all the time when mixing various oils, pigments, and binders
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
I am using PS 8 on a Powerbook G4, with other apps such as InDesign CS and i-photo, sometimes printing from a B/W laser printer and doing color with an Epson Stylus Photo RX 600, also scanning from the Epson and photos from two different brands of digital cameras (Casio pocket camera and Olympus standard size).
Color management is a PAIN in the patoot. Every different project demands figuring out a different workflow for color management.
Is color management improved by (easier with) later versions of PhotoShop and/or InDesign? That would be my only reason to upgrade, but if it works I would do it. The printer does fantastic work WHEN I GET THE WORKFLOW RIGHT for the particular project.
I use Photoshop Cs3 to tile aerial photos together. I have done up to a hundred images from an 19 mp camera and Photoshop has done them in one batch in about an hour to 90 minutes. I have a job to do that involves 200 images from a 36 mp camera and it just ain't happening.
I try to break the job up by tiling a section together and then doing another section but when I go to put the sections together (or add new photo's to a section)...the large block has been resized so I'm trying to put big images into a small hole.
I just downloaded Gimp yesterday and it is way different than the version I had on my last computer. I have things figured out for the most part, the main function I can't seem to find is how to "Simplify" paths. It seems like I used to use CTRL L or something like that and it would smooth out my lines a bit.
I have a long text (using special true type fonts) exploded using the express tools. Problem is that, for example, an "O" became made by a lot of straight lines. So my file becomes heavy weight, and that file has tube cut using a laser. So how can I simplify that text/lines?
Did the ability to add multiple envelopes to a single part not make it to 2014? In the demo video from Autodesk it shows you can do that but I don't see that button in 2014?
Running 2014 Product Design Suite Ultimate Windows 7 64 bit 90G OCZ SATA 3 SSD (My SSD is faster than your HDD) Core I7 920 processor, ATI HD6970 graphics card, 12G Corsair RAM
where is the option to modify the quality of a surface tham I'm displaying?
For instance if I zoom out, it looks with less polygons, if I zoom in it looks with more polygons.
I've downloaded today some DEM Surfaces with an area of an entire city, and the civil 3d is simplifing automatically the surface... I gave a friend the same surface and on his civil 3d it works very bad without simplifing the surface at all.
I guess there has to be a switch somehere? Civil Engineer / Infrastructure of metropolitan transports [URL]
Using CS5. I have a solid shape with a hollowed center (see far left image). I applied a transform effect to make it look "3D" by offsetting it slightly 32 times (see middle image. see far right image to see what it looks like selected). I want to simply have the middle image, but without all the paths and lines - I just I want it outlined. I tried to expand it, group it, pathfinder-add - nothing seems to work.
When I use the simplify tool I get a small loop added to some corners of closed paths. It's such a great tool for what I do but it's basically useless like this.
What is the difference between the Smooth and Simplify tools? Is the Smooth tool the same as Simplify but without the dialog window to set the parameters?
I am trying to simplify find tool as filter in AutoCAD in Inventor(please find attachment img1) as shown in img3 creating a user form and selecting entities with category property straight away.
I want to simplify part of a complex shape. Is it possible to isolate part of a shape path and simplify it, leaving the rest of the shape with the original number of anchor points?
I've been trying to use symmetry to simplify a finite element model. Why I see different stress results in these two instances.
Simulation 1: Rectangular Hollow Section, capped at both ends, subject to internal pressure Simulation 2: Half model i.e. RHS split down the middle lengthwise, with a frictionless constraint applied to the split plane.
Actual problem I want to analyze is a bit more complicated and I was hoping to use symmetry to reduce the processing time?
I'm using gimp 2.6 on ubuntu. i have some pictures i would like to enhance.
There's that image image 1 and i would like to make it look like image 2
As you can see the second image uses only about 7 or 8 different colors and the outer lines are nice and smooth not stuttering.
Is there a way how i can change the first image to something like the second one, maybe something like replace 10 different colors which are similar to each other with only 1?
I tried and played with the options (bucketfill, posterise, or the cartoon option from artistic menu, increase contrast, brightness etc...
Is there an option to smoth the outer lines etc? i just want the dog, the rest of the background is not so important.
I am working on an alignment sheet for a gas line. I am showing an aerial in my main viewport in plan view. I am only showing line work between match lines nothing pass that except the aerial. However I have two more viewports aside from the main one. I have one to each of the sides of the main viewport to show the aerial image only pass the match lines. My viewports are locked all three of them, yet my image on the viewports to each of the sides of the match lines keep acting up and won't show correctly every time I zoom out or in. They'll be a time that they will but if I zoom out or in after that they will move and not match my main viewport were the line work is at. I only copied the main viewport and resized it to fit in the template pass the match lines. Created a reference point to zoom into my aerial after the match line and it all works until I'm ready to plot and zoom out then it messes up.
I have created a piece of artwork in illustrator which is to be printed 4x3m for a wall mural. Therefore the file I am working with must either be a vecor or a large enough raster to be printed at such as size. I have set it up at 1 to 10 so its currently A3ish size. Each component of the collage is a separate ai file and contains many points as they are all live traces. It was no problem linking in all these initially but I now need to embed them so as I can give the printers a complete file. I have succeeded embedding every image apart from one last complex one which is crashing the whole thing. Are there any settings I may be able to change to reduce the file size or simplify the graphic (whilst remaining vectors.) Below is the file with the linked images and also the outline of the embedded version so far. The problem I am having is basically because of the final output size required.
The only thing I can think of doing is opening each separate component and saving as a raster then relinking these - but will this be even more problematic for illustrator that thousands of vector points? I can do it in photoshop if needs be but as the final image is to be printed 4x3m will this be too large to handle? The ai file with all images linked was 25MB but now 500MB with the sky still to embed.
Is it possible to washout an image with civil 3d 2013? We have a black and white printer and i need to fade an aerial out so that the text will be visable.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
I have inserted aerial photos into a drawing. When I go to layout view and print preview either to my plotter or my pdf writer I can see the aerial image just fine within the viewport. But once it actually makes a pdf or prints it to the plotter the aerial photos are not there, just the polylines and objects within the drawing.
I am creating a large base map and the county is supplying me with a bunch of jpeg files to use. Each map seems to come with 5 different to put these images in correctly using AutoCAD 2010.
I've been working on drawings (originally last year done in Civil 2013 with Geographic locations included) in 2014 and have found that when switching the Map Aerial on the location is very incorrect.
By using the Remove Location tool and assigning the Coordinate system via the Drawing Properties, the aerial Map is located perfectly...
Why it does this and haven't tried with other drawings in a different project to the one I'm workling on.
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
Set up the perspective grid tool on a birdseye (oblique) aerial? I'm starting to understand how to create a basic perspective drawing on a blank canvas, but aligning the grid to an existing image is completely escaping me.