Photoshop :: Difference Between CS6 Fireworks And Illustrator?
Feb 26, 2013
am a Front-End Web Developer using Photoshop CS6. explain the salient differences between:Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator ??
If I use Photoshop, I can't see the point in learning these other products, surely I can do it all in Photoshop? Are there features in Fireworks and Illustrator that don't exist in Photoshop?
After having updated to Illustrator CC I can no longer open illustrator files or rather, some files open and others do not. I get the following error: Â How can I fix this error so that I can open Illustrator CC files in Fireworks CS6?
I've been having an issue with Adobe CC Fireworks. Every time I try to copy a vector shape or an image from illustrator and paste it to fireworks, I get this error: "Alert can't open the illustration". I am running OS 10.8.4 and I've tried installing it on a newly purchsed MacBookPro and on an iMac but I still get the same error.
What is the difference between the Smooth and Simplify tools? Is the Smooth tool the same as Simplify but without the dialog window to set the parameters?
The booking is for a full page and the dimensions are as under: height 262mm x width 191mm, trim size height 278 x width 216 & add 5mm bleed on all sides. Â When I create a new illustrator doc which dimensions should I enter? 262mmx191mm with 5mm bleed? or 278mmx216mm with 5mm bleed?
The way i see it that photoshop is a great program and so if fireworks, i have used fireworks since the days of Macromedia Fireworks MX and i have just started to use photoshop within the past year or so. when i got Photoshop CS3 and Fireworks CS3 I found that fireworks has a wider selection of styles for fonts and what not than photoshop has. so for me Fireworks is a bit better.
im trying to do a simple 1 color fireworks effect ( like outline of fireworks ) but im having trouble finding a tutorial on doing something like this, every time i serach i just get tuts for macromedia fireworks.
Using the pen tool and plotting anchor points, what is the difference between a straight and a curved anchor point, and how do you know which they are? I know you can drag out curves when drawing with the pen tool, though I am unclear on actual straight and curved anchors.
I have noticed some annoying things about initial interaction with PS that I wanted some quick feedback on:
* I know PS can not use layered PNG. Is there any tool out there that can convert these to PSD with layers intact? I have a ton of old work that is in that format and will cry if I have to recreate everything.
* I noticed that the select tool is very picky in PS. If I am working on a layer or object, I can not select out of that object to activate another layer or object. I have to confirm changes (annoying pop up) and select the object or layer from the layer panel....EVERY TIME. Is there a way to change this behavior?
* The text tool is defaulted to show in PT. Is there a way to change this to default in pixels? I am using Photoshop for the web in most cases, not print.
* The status bar (bottom left in Mac) can show document dimensions, but it is always in inches. Can I change this to pixels?
I switched from Photoshop to Fireworks back in 1999 - because of its mix of Vector & Raster editing, slice/export and GIF animation capabilities. But... my command of Photoshop and Illustrator has suffered. I feel there's so much I could do with those tools not only for for print, but also for websites. I tried going back to Photoshop a few times over the years but just couldn't manage its drawing tools - maddening!---------------------However, I'm now seriously considering switching if PS does what I need... and more. PS pros Most web design job ads specify PS and AI not FWsI need to be adept with PS and AI for print etc. I'm fossilizing!Assets and Artwork are often PS and AI files, it'd be good to share files with others in the company without probsIt'd be good to use the same app and sometimes the same files for web and printRaster Image editing is more advancedMore 'painterly' in its capabilities.Feels like I need to move on and upskill as a designer PS cons Can I draw in PS as easily as FWs? - or will I need to awkwardly integrate Illustrator into the workflow?Is it as easy to make animated gifs? (perhaps I should do it in Flash)Learning curve So here it is: Why should I make the switch to Photoshop?
I'm just curious why Bridge would default to Fireworks for PNG files? I pretty much use PS exclusively for my image work and I'm not up to speed on FW at all. Is there something FW offers that I'm missing out on?
Is it possible to export the different states of a Fireworks .PNG file (Gif animation) into a Photoshop PSD-animation, so that they are still editable?
Fireworks has so many horrible bugs, I am making the switch to Photoshop cs5.5 --- I have used Fireworks exclusively since 2001.Here's my question: {URL}....
I'm currently using Photoshop CS6. Currently I have my Grid set up for every 10 pixels and 1 subdivision for each. I know how to use the "Control + ' " shortcut to toggle the Grid on and off. When I have the Grid turned on, items will snap to it. However, when I have the Grid off, items won't.
This was one thing I really liked about Fireworks, was that it would continue to snap to a Grid even if it wasn't visible. Any way to accomplish this in Photoshop?
why can't I directly import an illustrator cs2 file into macromedia fireworks mx or macromedia fireworks 8, or save the document as a illustrator 8 file and import that? (which is what fireworks says to do) It frustrates me that I can;t import them as a vector unless I import/place the file in phtoshop cs2 as a smart image then save that as a new document, them importing that into fireworks.Is there something I am doing wrong? Or is there a special way to import other vector ....
How to create fireworks. Â New Year is coming in less than 2 days and I want to create a greeting card for the holiday. Wanna celebrate the New Year, with a big colorful splash of colors on the virtual sky. Â So far, I have not yet found a way to create the classic firework explosion
I have 10 years worth of .pngs with layers that I created using Fireworks. I recently rebuilt my system and really really didn't want to install/reinstall any Macromedia software in the new system so I got Photo & Graphics Designer 6.
It looks great for editing photos, however I still need to get to the individual layers of some graphics that are in Fireworks .png format.
Is there some conversion/import in any Xara software that accesses the layers? Any other raster program other than Photoshop or Fireworks.
I'm trying to create a fireworks display in VS4. I downloaded BluffTitler DEMO and have tried it there, but wonder if there is a way to create them in VS instead? To be precise, the "fireworks" display I'm trying to create is actually made of ice cubes. I've downloaded a great ice cube photo, one cube, which I'll have to duplicate numerous times, yes? Will VS4 animation be able to do this?
I'm also attempting to create a burning edge effect for some photos, like each one is burning up. I've tried the "burn" transition and it's not what I'm looking for. I'm trying to make the photos look like the edges are on fire.