Illustrator :: Transparency From Imported FreeHand File

Aug 13, 2012

I converted all my FreeHand files. Some have transparencies. Illustrator shows the transparencies, but does not recognize them in the Transparency panel. It says they have 100% opacity even though they appear transparent. I assume this is just how they got converted. Is there any fast way to make them recognize their original opacity % as set in FreeHand?

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Illustrator :: Freehand MX File - Converting To AI

Jan 7, 2014

I have 14000 Freehand mx file and need to be able to open them in Illustrator cs6.... how can I convert them to ai files ... I do not have CS4 or CS5....

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Illustrator :: Open Old Freehand 9.0 File Into New Version?

Feb 12, 2014

How can I open an old Freehand 9.0 file into the new Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: CS6 Open Freehand 11 Files?

Feb 24, 2013

I've used Illustrator for several years and it did it until..CS6... and now it notifies me that it is an unknown format... in both the Finder and Bridge. In Bridge I've set FH11 filetype preferences to CS6 and in the Findera FH11 file was selected and in teh Information Panel, Illustrator 6 was chosen as well as 'Open with...Change All'
I have plenty of Freehand files that I convert on as needed and I don't want to install CS5 just for that purpose.

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Illustrator :: How To Open Freehand 8 Files In CS6

Jun 18, 2013

You used to be able to open Freehand 8 files in Illustrator CS4 by changing their extension to .eps, but that trick appears to no longer work with CS6. Any trick with CS6 to get them to open?

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Illustrator :: Convert Freehand Files In CC?

Feb 28, 2014

I have a new IMac on OS X Mavericks.  I am to to the CC level.  I have 25 years of Freehand files that I need access to.  How can I convert these files to get them open in CC. 

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Illustrator :: Curved Lines From DWG File Get Deformed When Imported

May 17, 2013

Why do curved lines from a dwg file get deformed when imported into illustrator? how can I stop that form happening?

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Illustrator :: Placing A PNG File With Transparency?

May 6, 2008

If I have a psd / Png file on Photoshop that has text with no background (transparent), and I do a Place of that file into Illustrator, I get a white background in additiotion to the Text.

How do I stop the white background from placing withing the Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3

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Illustrator :: Freehand Import Of CS5 Broken After Installing CS6

Aug 19, 2012

on my windows 7 machine my freehand import of Illustrator CS5 and CS4 is broken after installing cs6 creative cloud.
I can still select a freehand file to open and the dialog box appears, but after choosing OK nothing happens. No file opens and no error appears. It doesn´t depend on the freehand file because my other machine with CS3 can still open these files.
What can i do  to repair illustrator? - it´s part of a master collection install.

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Illustrator :: Text Along Path Conversion From Freehand

Oct 24, 2008

Any workaround for text along path conversion from freehand to illustrator?The problem is text along path in freehand which is slightly moved along path.The result after conversion to illustrator is an invissible (exept a red+ where the text should be)text. Sometimes you can't even correct the problemtext so you had to place hundreds/thousends of text (streetmaps) again after conversion.

Exporting the Freehand file as illustrator 7 gives a much better result for the text part. (the art works is in this case seperated into lines and fills)The message I get opening the illustrator file in CS3 is that legacy text should be updated, clicking the update button and text is looking way better and there is less text to replace.Opening the Feehand file in CS3 doesn't give me this method.

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Illustrator :: CS5 No Longer Importing Freehand Files?

Sep 9, 2010

I've been using CS5 for a few months and have been able to import Freehand 10 files without any problems.  About a week ago, I tried importing a Freehand file, and it won't open in Illustrator.  I still get the "Freehand Import Options" pop up window, can still click the OK button, but nothing happens.  I've tried re-installing Illustrator, but it hasn't changed anything with the issue. 

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Illustrator :: Retaining Numbers In Freehand Graphs

Jan 9, 2014

I have several Freehand bar graphs and line graphs that I need to convert to Illustrator.So far, I have saved the files to Illustrator 7 and then opened them in Illustrator CS2.
But the numbers underlying the graphs don't seem to come through.How can I keep those numbers intact, bringing them in from Illustrator so that I can go back into them and update numbers to generate the bar graphs and line graphs in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: How To Manage Or Convert Old FreeHand Files

Nov 19, 2008

Any possibility to manage or convert old FreeHand files (from 1.0 version and above) in Adobe Illustrator format?

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Illustrator :: Saving EPS File Without Flattening Transparency

Jan 17, 2013

Is there a way to save an .eps file from illustrator without flattening transparency? If not then is there a way around this while still saving as an .eps format?

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Illustrator :: Text Editor Window Similar To Freehand

Jul 25, 2012

Is there a text editor window in Illustrator similar to Freehand? I want to be able to edit text  without constantly having to zoom in so that I can see the text, then zoom out again to see the whole page.
In Freehand, you could select a Preference that would open a Text Editor window that was consistant in size no matter what the zoom level was. You could opt to show the text in 12pt Helvetica or in the actual font and size. This was enormously useful in organizing and shaping the size of the text.

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After Effects :: Transparency / Alpha Great Mystery (IMPORTED PNG Sequence)

Mar 28, 2013

The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again. 

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Photoshop :: Project Doesn't Retain Transparency When Imported Into Another Project

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having issues with importing an image I created in photoshop that has a background transparency into another photoshop project. The part of the image that should be invisible, is not.

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Lightroom :: Correcting Imported File Names (way To Bulk Rename Back To Original File Names)

Dec 18, 2011

I accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:

IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF

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3ds Max :: Cannot Edit Imported FBX File

Aug 3, 2013

I've imported fbx file into max but now I cannot edit it, nor can I collapse any modifiers from the stack. I believe it is because the fbx file is linked and I'd like to breake this connection so I can edit my model.

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Revit :: How To Dimension Imported 3D File

Jun 26, 2013

 I'm designing a piece of furniture in Rhino using Grasshopper.  I would like to create my measured drawings of this piece in Revit (as a way of learning the software).  I have linked the 5 components of the piece to my Revit project file (as SAT files but I could export them as something else if that would work).  All I want to do is create a single sheet showing 1 plan view, 2 elevations, 1 section and an exploded axon.  However, I cannot seem to dimension the components.  I need overall dimensions as well as the size of radii at curved corners in elevation and filleted corners in plan, and also thickness of the material used.
Is there something I need to do to get the dimensions to 'see' this set of objects?

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Revit :: CAD File Fails To Be Imported

Oct 11, 2012

CAD file fails to be imported,As I attempted to import dwg file, I got the message below.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Imported STP File For FEA

Nov 26, 2012

I have been given several drawings to perform FEA analysis.  These files are solidworks files, but my school does not have the FEA package so I had to export the files to a .stp file to import it into Inventor.  

On top of that, the SolidWorks file I need to analyze is an assembly, so I 'saved as' the assembly in Solidworks as a part to have one solid part.

The file seems to import fine at first, I can create sketches onto faces.  But when I go to create an analysis, and try to set a fixed point or force load, I cannot select a face.  I tried to "cheat" and add some material to the faces I wanted to use.  When I run the analysis, it just doesn't recognize the initial material in the 'mesh'.

I CANNOT include full screenshots of the system, due to the nature of the project.  I can show small clipped shots of the software status, but not the drawing itself.  If seeing the "model" box on the left would work, I can supply that with the drawing names blacked out.

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Lightroom :: GIF File Doesn't Want To Be Imported

Sep 2, 2010

I have added an image file to a folder that had been previously imported into Lightroom.

When I tried synchronizing the folder after adding the file, LR does not even see this new file.

The file was created in Photoshop Elements using the Save for Web command (GIF format).

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Photoshop :: Freehand & PS Interaction

Feb 1, 2004

What method do you guys use for exporting Freehand(MX) files into Photoshop (CS)?
I've tried exporting as editable eps, psd(v. 4 I think it is) and simply to cut and paste, but everything comes out terrible when transformed from vector to pixel.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Blank Display For Imported DWG File

Aug 15, 2013

We have imported a .dwg file from our engineer into CorelDraw 5 under Windows Vista (64-bit).  The file appears to import all elements since the layers and objects all appear in the 'Object Manager' docker.  We can also select ALL objects and a rectangular marquee or extent shows up on the screen, which is presumably the bounding box for the imported drawing.  Unfortunately, there is nothing displayed there (no topo, no streets, no buildings, not anything).  We even tried selecting all objects and changing the color to black, but there are so many elements it appears the system will never stop processing or is locked up.

Why our imported .DWG file appears to be there, but displays nothing?

There was a small dot on our screen near the side of the page, just a small spec on the monitor.  When we selected the dot and resized it to a full page, there was our complete drawing.  However, we do not know why the drawing was imported as just a spec, nor why we had a larger edit marquee that appeared as wide as the page, yet appeared blank.

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VideoStudio :: No Sound From Imported Audio File (WAV)

Jun 6, 2011

VS11+,Firefox,XP Home.I have imported a WAV file from my hard drive ,it is 705bps and 99.7 kb, it plays in Windows Media Player but there is no sound when played in the music track.Initially I raised the vol to 200(it was to play with a file in the other sound track) as I could not hear it.It played once.Then, VS "encountered a prob and had to close" and the file has remained silent ever since.The wav file still plays in WMP.

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Lightroom :: How To Get Imported File Names For The Photos

Dec 30, 2012

How do I get the file names for the photos I imported into Lightroom 4 to show up.

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After Effects :: Add New Layers To Photoshop File Already Imported?

Oct 28, 2009

for a .psd with say 10 layers imported into After Effects I'd like to add an 11th layer.  How do I import this 11th layer into After Effects?  

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Imported Google Earth Image Size Not Match With Imported Surface

Mar 7, 2013

Previously i`m using version 2009 and importing Google earth image and surface works fine. However, recently i tried with version 2010 and i`m having some problem here (imported surface / contour seems ok but the image is too large like 3x or 4x). How to solve that?

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Illustrator :: Ungrouping Imported PDF Into Version 6

May 5, 2013

Is there a way to ungroup the elements of an imported pdf in Illustrator 6? Do you have to change the settings in Adobe Acrobat first to allow the elements to import individually rather than a group?

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Illustrator :: Cannot Move Imported And Embedded PDF

Oct 12, 2012

I have the following pdf what was created with Wolfram Mathematica 8: [URL] ....

When I import it in Adobe Illustrator (CS5.5 on mac), embed it, and tren try to move it,  I get the following error message:

"Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large".

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