Illustrator :: Curved Lines From DWG File Get Deformed When Imported
May 17, 2013Why do curved lines from a dwg file get deformed when imported into illustrator? how can I stop that form happening?
View 3 RepliesWhy do curved lines from a dwg file get deformed when imported into illustrator? how can I stop that form happening?
View 3 RepliesHow would I match up line 1 to the second line with the perfect curve towards it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy is this happening, curved lines in Illustrator CS6 are not smooth. Running Ill-CS6 on Win7 machine.No matter how much you zoom in or out lines just don't look right.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI made an artboard of 1500 x 1500 pixels with some type in it, the type was converted to outline. Then i descreased the size of the artboard to 150 x 150 pixels and the type (outline) became deformed, So I had to use Illustrator CS6 to do it. I decreased the size of the artboard and the path kept its orginal shape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedGot a part from our vendor. When I place this in an idw, some of the lines are missing.
In the model, there are no surfaces. None of the solids failed on the import. No problems appear in the model browser.
First tried turning on Tangent edges in the idw. No joy there.
When I right click on the view in the idw and select "Include All Surfaces", the edges are shown while the view is computing, but after it computes, the edges are gone again. The .step file that was sent to me is 10MB and the ipt is 32MB.
Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 3.60ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1.1 (update1)
Vault Basic 2013
I converted all my FreeHand files. Some have transparencies. Illustrator shows the transparencies, but does not recognize them in the Transparency panel. It says they have 100% opacity even though they appear transparent. I assume this is just how they got converted. Is there any fast way to make them recognize their original opacity % as set in FreeHand?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do i make curved lines?
Can i yust drag a new line with the line tool and then change the shape of the line?
How is that possible or is there another way?
I am making a paint scheme for realflight g3 rc simulator.Attached are the images
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have been trying to figure this out for a while, how would i create curved lines like this in photoshop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn cs 4 how do I draw a curved line?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a logo composed of nothing but smooth curved thin lines, no filled shapes...I've been using the pen tool and then stroking the path with the brush tool but the line isn't quite as smooth as I'd like...
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do I make a nice (coloured) curved line? (+/- 800 px with nice curve like starting high then going down hard with a long tail)
I tried using pen tool (curved pen) but still you get damn ugly lines..
Also purely need the lines not any square or something..
I have been using Photoshop since 5.0, in Photoshop the line tool is used for creating lines, the pen tool is used for creating curved shapes, so what is used for creating curved lines?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to make some lines that are dotted, but I don't want to make them all straight.
I want to have them bent and curved in some places.
I'm working on a map and need to have curved lines ending in arrows. When I use the line tool it only makes straight lines. When I use the pen tool it only makes solid shapes. I wish to use a tool that acts like the pen tool in illustrator - will give me a line that I am able to curve as I choose, at the thickness I choose, in the color I choose. I've spent an hour trying different tools to achieve this and no luck. A coworker suggested creating the lines in illustrator then importing them, however that seems counterproductive and I can't believe Photoshop can't do something as simple as making a curved line!
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhat tool would be the best to make curved lines on photoshop cs ?
rather than having to use illustraotor all the itm e for this action.
I created the following image some time ago and can't remember how I created the lines.
I know that I definitely did not use the pen tool; it was some kind of tool where I could draw a straight line, and depending how far across the image the line was, the more round it became.
Essentially, it was like a line tool that would warp into curved lines.
On 2012 and have run into a problem with curved lines...all curved lines circles etc. The intial draw properly but later when I go back to that portion of the drawing they are converted to rough lines...not a curve anymore segments of straight lines...cant seem to prevent if from happening.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a curb return that was drawn as a fillet and I added two points at the PC and PT. Is there a way to create a feature line out of this with the two points associated so that it will interperlate between those 2 points?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm new to AutoCAD and I'm having trouble in one of my designs. I've attached the photo so you can see it. The problem is, I need the line that currently defines the left edge of my curve to follow the curve of the cylinder. I want it to be flush with the surface so that the line becomes a twist.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I make curved lines in Photoshop that don't have the blocky pixelated edge?
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to create perfect curved lines:
View 4 Replies View Relatedwe have just upgraded our autocad from 2010lt to 2014lt at work. How to make curved lines appear the same as they were in the 2010?? when you select a line with a radius in it, it used to have little arrows showing the line is curved and what direction. is this possible to change .
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using a Mac, photoshop CS5
I created a path with Curves with the pen tool.filled it in with a color light blue.than I use the paint bucket to change it to dark blue.This is when the curved lines become jagged, not smooth, uneven.
I cannot produce Curved Lines (read: Arcs). I'm wondering if the capability to do this in the PSP X5 program is glitchy--perhaps requires a fix? Normally, I formulate short-cuts or 'tricks'--nothing has worked here for my purposes however.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLINE.pdf
I need to draw curved lines as per attachment.
I have an extrusion with a profile consisting of two offset arcs. This results in a curved surface.
I want to show a line in 2.5" from the top, bottom, and start and end edges of the curve. What I've done to accomplish this is to create two reference planes, one 2.5" down from the top of the extrusion, and another 2.5" from the bottom.
For the vertical lines, I then have to create a reference plane that is a chord of the arc of the surface, where the plane intersects the outer surface 2.5" from the edge on each side.
I have some other items that are being drawn on this curved surface, and to be honest, that's a bit of a pain. Am I missing some easier way to accomplish this?
If this was a project file, all sorts of options, but I'm not finding any in the family editor.
How to make curved lines, slice them into regular rectangles ?
Here is an example :
I did it with the Pen Tool. But it does not look regular at all. I would like to be able to choose the curving angle and the spaces between the small rectangles...
I'm doing a photo trace in Photoshop using the pen tool. The lines, they are gray. Some of the photo is gray. This makes it a little hard to see the adjustments when using the direction points to adjust the curves. Is there a way to change their color? I'm working in a work path in the paths box.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've recently had to export DWG files to PDF and the lines print in black whether they are angled/curved or straight. The problem I'm experiencing is that a number of objects that have been rotated at an angle or lines that are curved appear dark grey on the screen in PDF format. I'm using the DWG to PDF. pc3 with monochrome setting selected. I've checked the Plot Style Table Editor and all colours have been selected to print 'black'; greyscale is 'off' and screening is at 100%. Is this a 'bug' or is there a fix for this problem?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I draw in GIMP free handed curved interrupted lines (dotted; dot-dash-dot; dash-dash;...) ?
To create lines first with a pencil and to use then the rubber , gives uneven and so unsatisfactory results.