I'm new to AutoCAD and I'm having trouble in one of my designs. I've attached the photo so you can see it. The problem is, I need the line that currently defines the left edge of my curve to follow the curve of the cylinder. I want it to be flush with the surface so that the line becomes a twist.
I designed an upholstered furniture with curved surfaces. When I generate sections or elevation I'll see the invisible edges on curved surfaces! Is there a way to get the same result as the object viewer hidden line (or shaded with edges)?
2nd question. is there a way to control how many steps the surfaces are tessellated? The outline is not very smooth!
I guess the title pretty much says it all Dashed lines in my drawing turn solid when i switch to the layout area, and when i try to plot. I've tried fiddling with line type scale, but it hasn't solved the problem. I've attached one of the drawings i'm having trouble with.
I think i might have figured it out, when i set lts to 0.05 the show up fine in the layout area, but in the drawing are it looks like the line type scale is way too low. why the dashed lines don't show up the same in the drawing and layout areas?
A coworker is trying to publish a bunch of drawings to dwf and is having problems with the linetypes. Essentially, after publishing, the hidden lines are showing up dashed in some drawings and solid in others. We've tried setting the ltscale to 1 and the psltscale to 0. We are using AutoCAD 2007. Additionally, when we look at one tab in paperspace, the lines look correct, on another, the dashes look smaller. I'm at a loss as to what to do.
I've been trying to convert 3D dwg models to 3D dgn models without success, using AutoCAD 2012.
The DGN either displays the solid, which isn't visible in a Microstation extraction or it just exports the centrelines/linework and not the solids.
Is this possible in newer version ? i.e. 2013/2014.
I've tried the export to ACIS .sat file and that works fine, but it moves everything to the same lavel/layer which defeats to object of seperatng the items in the first place.
In previous autocad version that supported Lofting, i was always able to create a solid loft.
With 2013 the loft command seems to divide its abilities depending on what type of profiles are selected.
When selecting a closed polyline profile, loft produces a solid. Works fine.
When selecting a region or solid face loft produces only a surface.
The work i am trying to do at the moment involves irregular sections and/created from existing solids.
I could trace the profile and make a polyline, but each profile contains an ellipse, and you cant trace an ellipse.
Where i used to be able to select the ends of the existing solids and create a solid loft,
I now have to produce a section twice (gives you a region), loft the regions, convert the regions to surfaces (because the produced surface doesn't have and faces), union the surface and then convert to solids
Instead of 1 command there are now 6.
I tried turning of the assiciativity (surfaceassociativity 0) hoping that it had some sort of influence but to no avail.
There was no issue with 2010 and 2012 and i have just installed all 2013 products.
I have a lot of work to do and have to produce 3dsolids.
I have received a model in which the solids all appear "rendered" in model space. For example, if I extrude a circle or a rectangle, it immediately appears rendered. I am used to (and require) the solids as wire frames. Is there some setting that makes solids in this drawing appear rendered while mine (in a new drawing) appear as wire frames?
The problem is when I select a solid, autocad freezes for about a minute. After that minute, I can execute a command. During that minute of inactivity, I can use anyother program or part of windows normally with no apparent degradation. If I click in an autocad window, toolbar,etc, all the open autocad windows cloud over and the cursor turns to a spinning cursor. Outside of an autocad window the cursor is normal. This is how it works in the noun/verb process, grip editing. However, if a command is issued first, then the selection of solids is instantaneous. The solid(s) are appropriately highlighted and everything proceeds normally in the verb noun approach.
I have played with a variety of suggested performance settings in windows and in autocad. I have updated the graphics drivers so I always have the latest version. I have a quadro fx 3700, 16gb ram, and 2.5 tb of disc space.
I have noticed that some pdf files seem to be 3D solids and I have also seem to recall having had the experience of running one through Adobe Illustrator and then exporting it as a dxf file, opening it in AutoCAD and having it still be at least a 3D wireframe if not a solid.
On 2012 and have run into a problem with curved lines...all curved lines circles etc. The intial draw properly but later when I go back to that portion of the drawing they are converted to rough lines...not a curve anymore segments of straight lines...cant seem to prevent if from happening.
I have a curb return that was drawn as a fillet and I added two points at the PC and PT. Is there a way to create a feature line out of this with the two points associated so that it will interperlate between those 2 points?
we have just upgraded our autocad from 2010lt to 2014lt at work. How to make curved lines appear the same as they were in the 2010?? when you select a line with a radius in it, it used to have little arrows showing the line is curved and what direction. is this possible to change .
First one is a screengrab of the drawing I want to print
Second image is of the 'Print Preview' screen.
The printed A1 page reflects the 'Print Preview' image.Objects are 3D solids, with clipped images positioned on the front of them.It was quicker that way, rather than ripping my hair out after trying to tile in a program without any UVW modifiers.It's like the printed viewport reverts to parallel projection, while I want it to be in perspective projection instead.
I've recently had to export DWG files to PDF and the lines print in black whether they are angled/curved or straight. The problem I'm experiencing is that a number of objects that have been rotated at an angle or lines that are curved appear dark grey on the screen in PDF format. I'm using the DWG to PDF. pc3 with monochrome setting selected. I've checked the Plot Style Table Editor and all colours have been selected to print 'black'; greyscale is 'off' and screening is at 100%. Is this a 'bug' or is there a fix for this problem?
I've recently had to export DWG files to PDF and the lines print in black whether they are angled/curved or straight. The problem I'm experiencing is that a number of objects that have been rotated at an angle or lines that are curved appear dark grey on the screen in PDF format. I'm using the DWG to PDF. pc3 with monochrome setting selected. I've checked the Plot Style Table Editor and all colours have been selected to print 'black'; greyscale is 'off' and screening is at 100%.
I have a series of curved feature lines in Civil 3D where the elevation varies along the length of the curve. When I export the file in AutoCAD the feature line elevations are 0. In my previous version of 2010 civil 3D this did not happen but now I am running 2012 version and I can't find a way around it.
Why does 2012 Civil 3D not export feature lines the way it did in previous versions and retain the elevations?
I'm trying to make a logo composed of nothing but smooth curved thin lines, no filled shapes...I've been using the pen tool and then stroking the path with the brush tool but the line isn't quite as smooth as I'd like...
I have been using Photoshop since 5.0, in Photoshop the line tool is used for creating lines, the pen tool is used for creating curved shapes, so what is used for creating curved lines?
I'm working on a map and need to have curved lines ending in arrows. When I use the line tool it only makes straight lines. When I use the pen tool it only makes solid shapes. I wish to use a tool that acts like the pen tool in illustrator - will give me a line that I am able to curve as I choose, at the thickness I choose, in the color I choose. I've spent an hour trying different tools to achieve this and no luck. A coworker suggested creating the lines in illustrator then importing them, however that seems counterproductive and I can't believe Photoshop can't do something as simple as making a curved line!
why is this happening, curved lines in Illustrator CS6 are not smooth. Running Ill-CS6 on Win7 machine.No matter how much you zoom in or out lines just don't look right.
Is it possible to extrude a curved 2D surface to give it thickness? For example, if you were to draw a loop the loop shape but it was just flat, could you extrude it out to give it thickness?